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Flowing Into Awareness (audio)

Author: YHTV | YogaHub.TV

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Being in a constant state of flow enables the ultimate expression of each of us as a human being. Are you sometimes tangled up in a loop that prevents the awareness that would set you in motion? Let’s open our senses so that we are not held back. Flow into the ultimate awareness of how you fit into your life, and the world around you.
99 Episodes
There are so many shades of consciousness that we experience regularly. We can be wide awake feeling every nuance that our senses feed us. We can be dreamily drifting in what we call a semi-awake state, where our awareness is … Continue reading → The post 112: Altered States of Consciousness first appeared on YHTV.
Are you invested in certainties? Do you count on specific outcomes to the extent that it is unsettling if it doesn’t come to pass? Being certain about something can mean that you become inflexible and that you miss the beautiful … Continue reading → The post 111: Certainty – Is This Helpful? first appeared on YHTV.
What can your senses do for you? Give you moment to moment information about your environment for one thing. We rely on them to provide feedback on the present moment, the physical sensations of living … can it be that … Continue reading → The post 110: Tune Up Your Senses They Will Serve You first appeared on YHTV.
Here’s a ‘big’ one … Identity … who do you think you are? Are you your body, your thoughts, your feelings, or your spirit? If you are all of these elements of self, do you know how to blend them … Continue reading → The post 109: Let’s Talk About Formless Spiritual “Identity” first appeared on YHTV.
There are times when being alone feels like the solution to your pain. When you are alone you don’t have to face the myriad questions, suggestions, opinions and judgments of others …. and yet you are still in presence with … Continue reading → The post 108: Being Alone, is it a Blossoming or Isolation? first appeared on YHTV.
Here we are once again evaluating if what we call failure really is that? Did you fail to meet your own or someone else’s expectations? Did you fail to be the person that you want to be? Did you fail … Continue reading → The post 107: Did you Fail, or Did You Learn? first appeared on YHTV.
Lets Look at Love again … at how it feels to let yourself Love, or be Loved … you would likely say that it feels wonderful to be feeling Love. That it brings you alive, that you enjoy everything more, … Continue reading → The post 106: Holding Back Love Denies So Much first appeared on YHTV.
Who am I? What is my purpose? What will I do next? These are what we call the BIG questions. These questions demonstrate that you want to be more than what you are by default. It’s easy to focus on … Continue reading → The post 105: Create Space to Ask the Big Questions first appeared on YHTV.
Does it feel as if there is little in sync around you? Or that there is one major part of your life that doesn’t seem to line up with everything else? You want this to change, You’ve tried everything that … Continue reading → The post 104: Look Out Harmony Is Coming! first appeared on YHTV.
Is there anything which you consider to be of fathomless beauty? Does fathomless mean that we can not imagine the depth of, the value of, or the wonder of something? If you apply this idea to the Love that you … Continue reading → The post 103: The Fathomless Beauty of Self Love first appeared on YHTV.
Seemingly, there is so much to forgive ourselves and others for … and it sometimes seems that we must ignore what we really feel in order to forgive another. Can you imagine being so sure of yourself that you can … Continue reading → The post 102: What Is Forgiveness? first appeared on YHTV.
How often we have thoughts about an event or an action we have just taken with another, after the fact. We analyze and revisit whether we were ’Right” or not. Whether or not our intention was understood. If we think … Continue reading → The post 101: Taking a Fresh Look at Karma first appeared on YHTV.
We have been Flowing together for quite a while! Searching for answers as to how and why we are not always at ease and moving gracefully through life. We have celebrated our profound human and spiritual awarenesses, and here we … Continue reading → The post 100: Flowing Turns 100! first appeared on YHTV.
The Value in your Life can be observed and monitored in many ways. But how do you evaluate whether or not your life has value. Value to whom? Is your life of value to you, to others, or to your … Continue reading → The post 99: Culture as Treatment first appeared on YHTV.
98: Why Pain?

98: Why Pain?


We have talked of suffering, of pain, and how to ease and live with it. Now we go one step further. Why do we have pain? (Emotional, physical, planetary) How do we come so close to pain, sometimes for long … Continue reading → The post 98: Why Pain? first appeared on YHTV.
Freedom from what? Freedom from the mind, from the rigours of ‘work’ and conflict? There are so many things that we could think we need to be liberated from. And yet I think that if we simply realize that we … Continue reading → The post 97: Liberation Is Knowing Your Worthiness to Succeed first appeared on YHTV.
Your job here on earth is to be here as spirit. Every time you let Spirit flow through you, you raise and enhance the vibration of earth, you also raise the vibration of the human collective. We have all stepped … Continue reading → The post 96: What Did Your Spirit Come Here to Do? first appeared on YHTV.
Do you know that you are not only your thoughts? That you are simply a representation, an experience of source in your human form? If this is so then you don’t have to work at convincing yourself or others that … Continue reading → The post 95: Who Are You Trying to Convince? first appeared on YHTV.
There is a supercharged light reverberating through the dimensions and densities of earth. As Gaia’s crystalline core expands we in turn experience expansion in our consciousness. This is why the lower timelines have been dropping away, as purer frequencies are … Continue reading → The post 94: A Universal Rewrite is Underway! first appeared on YHTV.
Is there something, that when you do it, seems to directly pull you into engagement with a peace within? What automatically helps you forget your mind and deeply connect with what’s around you? What “meditates’ you? Do you lose track … Continue reading → The post 93: What Meditates You? first appeared on YHTV.