Fluid Labs

Hosted by Mia Jafari founder of Fluid Labs and with guest speakers from the world of entrepreneurship and corporate innovation, this podcast series is about unlocking creativity, building purpose-led products and services, investing wisely and impactful technology solutions that can change our world for the better.

Empathy in Action: Building Impactful Teams through Diversity

In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Anthony Giannoumis, a motivational speaker and the founder of Inclusive Leadership, to discuss how inclusivity and diversity can be integrated into who we are, what we create, and how we work. We explore the business value of incorporating inclusivity and diversity within the technologies, products, and services we build. Through hearing Anthony stories and real life examples we will discuss: 1. Diversity from Within - Internal diversity is about how much influence we allow into our life, and how the practice of inclusivity plays an Internal role in generating more inspired ideas and dynamic solutions. 2. Inclusive Design - Exploring the practical aspects of inclusive design and how designing with inclusivity at the core, including designing for extreme users, enhances our solutions for all users. 3. Rethinking Hiring Models - In practice, how do we reconsider hiring models by placing diversity at the centre of our approach, and the business sense of building with diversity and inclusion 4. Empathy as a Key Enabler for Meaningful Impact - The importance of enhancing our ability to empathize with users and building more impactful teams by fostering diversity and inclusion. 5. Swapping Validation for Vulnerability - Exploring how vulnerability improves our well-being by allowing us to be our authentic selves and enabling our teams to validate our authentic selves which in turn build trust among the people around us. ____________________________ About Dr. Anthony Giannoumis Dr. Anthony is a motivational speaker on inclusive leadership. His keynotes showcase his signature methodology - the sins and wins of inclusivity. He is American by birth, Norwegian by choice, and the world’s only computer programmer turned opera singer turned professor turned comedian turned co-founder of Inclusive Creation. He co-created the Inclusion Game and the mind behind the 4 Fundamental Principles of Universal Design. He is a lifetime diversity and inclusion advocate, a beloved mentor and reverse mentor, and the winner of numerous awards, including from the United Nations, for his inclusive innovations. He is the author of 50 scientific articles and the founder of the EQUALS-EU network for gender-inclusive innovation, which represents over 24 countries. He has received over 13 million euros worth of research and innovation grants, and as you can imagine, he was the last picked for gym class. Website: https://inclusiveleadership.solutions


Ahead of the Curve: Lead, Listen, Grow

This podcast session with Paul Littlejohn, Founder of Wingman Executive, will explore and discuss how, as a startup, once you secure funding to scale, you face a crucial decision—do you want to continue innovating, developing your business, and thriving in what you love doing, or be burdened by the challenges of managing your team and making the wrong hires? Who you hire, how they align with your vision, and how you infuse your values, purpose, mission, and well-being ethos into your team play pivotal roles in ensuring your startup's success during the scaling phase.   Podcast overview: [55 sec] How Paul has merged his learnings from being a fighter pilot in the Royal Marines into his work heading operations in a large multinational organization and into launching Wingman Executive. [7:30] What Paul learned from the military about inspired leadership and how you incorporate this into your role in a startup. [8:30] Building agility and momentum into startups and early-stage companies as they grow. [17:00] How to embed decentralized leadership into your culture so people come to you with solutions rather than challenges. [21:20] The role of diversity in leadership and how it plays in creating dynamic teams that can innovate and thrive. How to unleash the potential of every team member and give them the power to influence what we do. [25:15] How to inspire and motivate diversity to flourish by building a culture that encourages diverse people to work for and stay with you.. [31:42] What books, podcasts, films inspire Paul’s current thinking. _____ Dynamic and transformative leader with over a decade of diverse operational excellence, I combine high-stakes military acumen with corporate innovation to drive growth across global markets. My journey from being a fighter pilot to a C-suite executive has instilled in me resilience, agility, and a distinct approach to navigating complex business landscapes.At the core of my leadership philosophy is the empowerment of teams to achieve remarkable results. I believe in fostering collaborative environments and leveraging strategic insights to solve unique challenges. My track record speaks volumes about my commitment to operational efficiencies, cost savings, and turning visions into actionable strategies.My roles have always encompassed an internal consultancy element, allowing me to thrive in environments where I lead and shape high-performing teams to deliver business objectives. Whether optimizing sales at Meeting Point International or transforming operations at Emirates Group, my focus has always been on creating value and unlocking opportunities.In 2023, I founded Wingman Executive Consulting, leveraging my blend of military and corporate experience to transform leadership practices. My approach is centered on empowering leaders to inspire proactive, engaged, and solution-driven teams, ultimately fostering organizational excellence.I'm also a passionate mentor, transforming struggling teams into high achievers, and a management consultant, guiding leaders towards operational brilliance. My diverse training and experience in startups and AI sectors have enriched my perspective, allowing me to offer tailored solutions to unique challenges. Connect with Wingman Executive on Linkedin Here Connect with Wingman Executive on Instagram Here.


Innovation As A Inner Journey

To spark innovation and challenge the norm, we must, as suggested by ⁠⁠Vijay Raju⁠⁠, co-founder of The Propel Labs, pose the question: "What am I Designed For?" During this podcast, we will discuss this and more and cover: [2:15] What inspired Vijay to embark on his journey towards driving responsible growth and innovation. [4:29] How innovation and industry can thrive when we tap into our creativity, and how to nurture and let go of the fear of judgment and failure that hinders the innovation process. [10:56] Letting go of the external image and the fear of failure that hampers the innovation process. [15:31] Balancing the messy creative innovation process and leaping into emergence, taking inspired action. [21:20] How innovation happens outside of frameworks and creating a safe space to allow people to feel safe to adopt this messy mindset, along with the business value of this approach. [21:20] Moving into democratic leadership and leveraging collective intelligence to accelerate innovation and growth. [30:01] Asking what intelligence is in the context of artificial intelligence and how this will prompt us to explore new depths and unlock new dimensions of intelligence. [36:30] The books and podcasts that are currently inspire Vijay’s thinking.  ___ About Our Guest Speaker: Vijay Raju - Leading Growth through Responsible Innovation at Propel Labs Vijay partners with leading businesses, foundations and philanthropies to drive growth and impact through responsible innovations. Vijay is also the author of an upcoming book on entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs who are moving the planet towards #NetZero.Previously, Vijay was the Head of Strategy for the global #growth companies at WEF where he worked with CXOs of 300+ hypergrowth companies and unicorns on topics of sustainability #transformation and responsible use of advanced new technologies. He designed & launched a climate innovation challenge for Statkraft of Norway and led 5 editions of the 'Shaping the Better Future' social innovation challenge in partnership with Coca Cola. Several award winning ventures such as Kabaddiwalla Connect were created as an outcome of these innovation challenges.Vijay was also the Deputy Head of the Global Shapers Community where he led Shape #Sustainability, a movement launched in collaboration with UN to take the #SDG narrative from the country to the community level through a social media campaign and local actions in more than 100 cities. Vijay also designed Shaping Davos, an innovative format to bring in city level local voices into #Davos conversations.Prior to that, Vijay was a Venture Director at Innosight, an innovation strategy consultancy co-founded by Clay Christensen, the world's most influential management thinker. Vijay incubated Razor Rave, funded by P&G and was part of the core incubation team that launched several ventures including the Edison award winning 'Healthy Heart for All' for Medtronic. His innovation & venture work have been featured in books like Lean #Startup, First Mile & Little Black Book of #Innovation. Earlier, Vijay led Pet Alien, India's first Disney style animation series that aired in Cartoon Network. Vijay led a team of 120 artists and engineers to successfully deliver 52 episodes in 14 months and laid the foundation for the successful indian animation industry. His work has won several awards including national awards and daytime animation Emmy nominations.Vijay holds a Masters in Global #Leadership offered by WEF along with INSEAD, Wharton, Columbia, London Business School & CEIBS, China. Vijay also holds an MBA from the International University of Japan with a prestigious Monbukagakhusho scholarship from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Govt of Japan. Vijay holds a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering. Vijay has spoken at WEF Davos, Cannes Lions, TEDx and has written for WEF Agenda, Al Arabiya, Huffpost and Forbes.


Well-being for Inspired Action

Welcome to the inaugural podcast of Fluid Labs' "Visionary Founders Mindset Mastery" series where we will be joined by Marjan Najafi, so-founder of QYRO as we delve into the interconnectedness between well-being and building successful, purpose-driven companies through our ability to take inspired action. We dissect 13th-century Persian poet Rumi's teachings to identify three key themes that are critical for us to take inspired action: Embracing the Flow of Life 🌊 Cultivating Positive Thoughts and Emotions 😊 Practicing Patience and Reflective Listening 👂   Episode Highlights: - Defining Well-being: We'll dive into the meaning of well-being and why it's a vital component of our entrepreneurial journey. Discover how inner peace and balance fuel creativity and innovation. - Prioritizing Founders' Well-being: As founders, innovators and changemakers nurturing our well-being is essential. We'll unveil the tools and mindset required to lead ourselves and our teams effectively.   We explore the significance of well-being and its crucial role in developing these skills, influencing our entrepreneurial and innovation journey. Key Takeaways: 1. Well-Being Practices: Gain a deeper understanding of well-being practices, from stress management to relaxation techniques. 2. Shifting from Survival to a Creative Mindset: Equip yourself to navigate challenges with clarity and composure by adopting tools and practices that enhance your clarity, creativity, ease, and flow. 3. Holistic Well-Being: Discover the interconnectedness of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.   By listening you'll again a practical toolkit, enhance self-awareness, and connect with a supportive community. These resources will empower you to prioritise and boost your well-being, positively impacting both your personal life and your business. Meet Our Guest Speaker Marjan Najafi, CEO & Co-founder of QYRO Ltd With over 14 years of hands-on experience in the financial industry as a private banker and wealth manager, I've honed a unique approach to business success for sales professionals. My mission? Empower sales professionals with the right tools and techniques to fuel their journey to excellence. I help my clients increase their customer´s wallet share and outperform in the market. Having weathered the financial world's stormy seas, I've realized that consistent growth in both business and life hinges on a growth mindset – especially during turbulent times. Today, I collaborate with leading experts to deliver cutting-edge training solutions to high-performing sales executives worldwide. Combining my expertise with the latest research and techniques has helped many achieve transformative personal and professional growth. As a certified executive, agile coach, and ICF member, I'm a lifelong learner who loves working with people and teams. I'm dedicated to offering multidisciplinary and holistic guidance to help clarify goals, create strategies for growth, unlock potential, and enhance resilience - no matter what challenges life throws at you. Connect With Marjan on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marjan-najafi/ Connect with QYRO ltd on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/qyro/


Unlocking Brand Purpose to Fuel Growth & Well-Being

In the realm of marketing, "purpose" is often tossed around, yet it's frequently misunderstood. Many brands misuse it as an empty promise to boost sales, while others mistakenly think it means trying to cater to everyone. These misconceptions hold numerous brands back from making a genuinely positive impact in the world.   True purpose possesses the transformative ability to foster love, trust, and connection. It serves as the linchpin for elevating a brand's value, expanding its reach, and magnifying its influence. However, the opposite holds true as well. When brands lack authenticity in their actions, consumers are quick to call out their "purpose-washing" attempts, resulting in a loss of trust from their loyal followers. Purpose isn't merely about CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) or ESG (Environmental & Social Governance). Instead, it's rooted in the solutions a brand can offer to its community. Purpose drives positive change, contributes to the well-being of all stakeholders, and propels society forward by challenging the status quo, leading the way for others to follow suit. In this conversation cafe, we welcome Christina Bouglass, the founder of The Butterfly Movements, as we delve into the intricacies of embedding purpose into the brands and businesses we create!   Talking Points: 🌍 How brands can prioritize the well-being of people and the planet alongside profits in practical terms. 🤝 How brands can authentically create purpose in today's world, fostering trust and connection with their customers. 🚀 How solepreneurs and startups, even with limited resources, can embark on the journey of becoming purpose-driven brands. 📊 How to measure the success of purpose-driven brands and quantify their positive change and societal impact, moving beyond traditional ROI metrics.   Learn more about Christina Bouglass, founder of The Butterfly Movements Christina Bouglass is a brand building expert and founder of The Butterfly Movements. She is passionate about the opportunity and responsibility of marketing in creating the wellbeing economy in which the measure of success is the long-term wellbeing of all people and planet. She has over 20 years’ experience as a marketing executive in big multinationals (P&G, Coty, The Wella Company) and has worked across both big global brands as well as small challenger brands that are looking to break through the clutter and make an impact. She left the corporate world with the desire to contribute her skills towards creating a better world and has since studied Sustainable Marketing with the Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership (CISL) as well as trained as a B Leader with B Lab Switzerland. She is also a marketing lecturer at the Haute Ecole de Gestion (HEG) in Geneva. Beyond marketing, she loves reading and writing and is currently writing a book about her ”pivot to purpose” experience when leaving the corporate world and how it shifted her vision of marketing. Christina's References from the Podcast:   Book: "Reinventing Organizations" – Probably one of the few management books I actually completed! It delves into how organizations can evolve with purpose at their core and explores the role of the CEO in these organizations as "the guardian of the company purpose."   Documentary: "Century of Self" (BBC) – Reveals how marketing taps into our unconscious desires to sell more products. It's fascinating, given that it was Freud's nephew who first employed these techniques!   Podcast: "Can Marketing Save the Planet?" Featuring some excellent guests who are already working on purpose-led brands or rethinking marketing approaches.  Learn more about Christina's work at www.thebutterflymovements.com  


Navigating the Uncharted: Succeeding in the Next Tectonic Shift of the Tech Landscape

In this episode of the Fluid Labs podcast, we will delve into the world of AI and explore how to cultivate the mindset and resilience needed to thrive amidst the upcoming tectonic shift. Our guest speaker, , Daniel Kozlov, Partner at Global Innovation Catalyst  and Co-founder at Innovera, will share his insights on the future of technology and navigating the unpredictable and unprecedented changes our world is set to face. The world of technology is in a constant state of evolution, with unpredictable and unprecedented changes. With the exponential growth of AI, the future is uncertain. Whether you are an individual, entrepreneur, innovation leader, or working for a government organization, it is crucial to develop awareness and resilience to effectively handle these challenges. In this thought-provoking session, we will delve into the next tectonic shift in the Tech Landscape and uncover strategies to navigate uncharted territory with confidence. Key Topics Explored in this Podcast: Emerging Technologies: Explore the advancements in AI that are shaping the future of technology and their potential impact on businesses and humanity. Disruption and Innovation: Learn how to embrace disruption and the unknown, and develop mental resilience to stay competitive in a rapidly changing landscape. Strategies for Success: Gain practical strategies for embracing change, fostering innovation, and positioning yourself as a leader in the evolving tech landscape. The AI tools Daniel Kozlov mentioned:   Transcription/meeting notes – otter.ai, fireflies.ai Building courses in minutes – contentbuilder.ai   Connect with Fluid Labs on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fluid_labs/ Connect with Fluid Labs on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fluid-labs-consultancy/    _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Meet Your Speaker: Daniel Kozlov, Partner at Global Innovation Catalyst and Co-founder at Innovera Daniel is an internationally renowned expert in entrepreneurship, corporate digital transformation, education, and startup acceleration/incubation. He has worked with over 600 startups from 16 different countries and has spearheaded 42 acceleration and incubation programs, including more than 20 for large corporate clients such as IKEA, PepsiCo, IBM, Leroy Merlin, and the Department of Science and Technology of India, among others. Under Daniel's leadership, GVA has emerged as one of the leading global companies in acceleration and other innovation programs. In 2019, UBI Global ranked GVA as the World's #1 Private Accelerator, and in 2021, it received a Triumph of Innovation Award for its achievements during the pandemic. Based in the Bay Area (San Francisco), Daniel collaborates with experts from the world's leading startup ecosystems, including scholars from Stanford and Berkeley. Apart from the US, he has lived and worked in Europe, India, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe. Daniel has also spearheaded several social impact initiatives in the field of education, including TeenStart, Impact Futures, and Sapiens Impact. Prior to founding his own companies, Daniel worked on projects for large corporations at the Boston Consulting Group and in the Digital Entertainment Industry at Streamline Studios. Connect with Daniel on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dakozlov/


The Pioneer's Quest: Unleashing Purpose-Led Innovation

Welcome to another episode of the Fluid Labs podcast with your host, Mia Jafari and guest speakers from the world of entrepreneurship and corporate innovation. This podcast series is about unlocking creativity, building purpose-led products and services, investing wisely and impactful technology solutions that can change our world for the better. This session we are joined by Oliver Durrer, the founder of SwissLEAP as we discover how to take a leap into the next level innovation and focus on holistic growth and the human element in innovation. Some of the key themes we will explore in this episode: The connection between personal and organizational leadership and its impact on innovation. We'll delve into the concept of "starting with the human in the mirror" and understand how it influences the innovation process. Balancing faith and letting go as a leader. We'll discuss practical approaches to finding equilibrium in leadership, allowing for growth and innovation within teams and organizations. Evidence-based Lean Startup and Effectuation. Navigating uncertainty is a crucial aspect of innovation. We'll explore how to create shared value through empathy and experimentation, drawing from lean startup principles and the concept of effectuation. "Creating shared value" vs. "capturing value" vs. "building value." We'll examine these three approaches and delve into the question of who benefits from each strategy.   Join us and Oliver Durrer, a Swiss global citizen and epicurean explorer, as he shares his passion for personal and organizational development, technology, innovation, and social impact. With over 20 years of experience as an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, working with renowned enterprises such as Nestlé and Migros, Oliver brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. His mission is to empower purpose-driven pioneers to unleash their full potential in creating sustainable shared value. Connect with Oliver Durrer on ⁠LinkedIn⁠ or ⁠Twitter⁠ and continue the conversation. ______________________________________________ During the episode, Oliver will reference several resources that have influenced his thinking. Below are some of the references he mentioned: Books: "Letting go. The pathway of surrender" by David Hawkins "Das kollegial geführte Unternehmen" by Claudia Schröder and Bernd Österreich (available in German) "Nonviolent Communication" by Marshall Rosenberg Movie: "The Wisdom of Trauma" featuring Gabor Maté TedTalk: "The Power of Vulnerability" by Brené Brown Podcast: Andrew Huberman's Huberman Lab Podcast, featuring Stanford Professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology, Andrew Huberman.   Connect with Fluid Labs on Linkedin and Instagram and continue the conversation.


Episode 15: Marjan Najafi - From Surviving To Thriving

In this episode of the Yogipreneurs podcast we will be meeting Marjan Najafi, CEO and Co-founder of Qyro and discussing what lead her to quit a successful career in private banking to launch  Qyro, an award-winning company based in Switzerland offering well-being solutions to professionals plus: What are the main challenges facing employees in developing and maintaining their mental health wellbeing? What can companies do more to nurture the mental wellbeing of their employees? In an ideal world what would the perfect mental wellbeing support offering provided by companies to their employees be? What techniques has Marjan tried and tested to help cultivate and sustain her own mental wellbeing? Marjan Najafi Biography With over 14 years of international experience in private banking, financial services, and wealth management catering to high and ultra-high net worth clients in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, Marjan has merged her lifelong passion for mental well-being and business success by co-founding Qyro, an award-winning company based in Switzerland offering well-being solutions to professionals. For more info on Qyro: Visit Qyro’s website: Qyro.io ✅ Find them on Twitter: https://twitter.com/qyrosolutions ✅ And make sure you follow them on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/qyro ✅


Episode 12: Sadiq Gillani - The Art of Jungian Psychology for Decision Making

“Patience is not sitting and waiting, it is foreseeing. It is looking at the thorn and seeing the rose, looking at the night and seeing the day. Lovers are patient and know that the moon needs time to become full.” Rumi We invite you to join us with your favourite cup of tea to hear and share insights, openings and discoveries on how decision making is influenced by a myriad of Jungian psychological factors and how to protect our decision-making from negative influence. The Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung's ideas have become such an integral part of business that many don't realise they were his in the first place. From branding to psychometric testing, to the meaning of work, Jung was there first. In this conversation café with Sadiq Gillani, Senior Vice President at Emirates and Lecturer at Stanford University we will discuss the art of Jungian psychology for the workplace: Elements of our conversation include: Inviting Synchronicity Into Our Decision Making  [8:05] Cultivating Patience and Foreseeing Change [10:20] Using Dreams to Access Messages From Our Subconscious [13:30] Interpreting Metaphors Within Our Hero’s Journey [16:10] Learning to Pivot / Being Prepared for Turbulence / Reinvention [20:00] ___________________________________________________________ Sadiq Gillani Senior Vice President at Emirates | Lecturer at Stanford University Sadiq heads the in-house consulting team of Emirates Group, reporting to Sir Tim Clark and was formerly the Chief Strategy & Innovation officer of Lufthansa Group. Sadiq is also a Lecturer in Management at Stanford and sits on the World Economic Forum's Global Future Council for Travel. He is a thought leader on the Future of Air Travel, Sustainability, Career Development and Diversity. He has visited 124 countries and made his passion his profession. Follow him on Instagram for tips on taking your career to cruising altitude and insights into the future of air travel @sadiq.gillani Check out this wonderful FREE booklet recommended from Sadiq on The Interpretation of your dreams:  https://lnkd.in/dzdA65C


Episode 11: Louise Le Gat - Art of Alignment

On aligning to our purpose and staying resilient and inspired so that we can make our visions real: What being told she could never walk again taught Louise about living in alignment.  Louise's framework for creating alignment with her purpose through her work and business.  Why the road towards living our purpose can be filled with setbacks. How to create a life that aligns to our personal purpose which fires our passions as well as contributes towards global change and transformation. _______________________________  Quotes mentioned: 'One of the things we absolutely know about energy is that when higher/faster energy comes in contact with lower vibrations. they're converted into higher energy. Thus, light introduced into a dark room not only eliminates the darkness, but converts that darkness into light also.   Page 125 -  'Living an Inspired Life' by Dr Wayne Dyer 'Ramakristina, a great saint who lived in India and inspired millions of others with his God-realised perspective, once offered this observation: 'Saints are like big steamships, which not only cross the ocean themselves but carry many passengers to the other shore'. May you too be like those big steamships - but if you are not, then by all means allow yourself to be one of the lucky passengers'  Page 141 - 'Living an Inspired Life' by Dr Wayne Dyer  _______________________________  Louise Le Gat Biography  Louise is the Founder and CEO of Positive Energy Leaders and works with leaders who are called to contribute to the transition to the sustainable world of tomorrow where we can all flourish.    With 20 years experience in Career And Leadership Development, Louise's supports mission driven Visionaries, Intrapreneurs, Pioneers, Change makers and Social Entrepreneurs. to align to their unique purpose, mission and impact. And staying resilient, inspired and on purpose as changemakers. So that they can make their visions real. Louise does this through The Positive Energy Leaders' Academy - a next generation leadership school for changemakers to create fulfilling meaningful work and become the inspiring leaders of positive transformation they are meant to be. Louise is also a Retreat Leader and Facilitator on Acceleration Programmes for High Potential Corporate Leaders, Internal Change Agents, Intrapreneurs and Social Entrepreneurs.  Louise bridges a mix of worlds - multinational corporations, humanitarian organisations and social enterprises. This has included clients like Nestle, Nespresso, Allen & Overy LLP, Adobe, SAP, General Mills and also working with the Global Fund and UNICEF.  Learn more about Louise:  Website: www.louiselegat.com   Linkedin: @louiselegat  Instagram: @louise_legat


Episode 10: Gustavo Carriconde - Making Decisions of Value

On making decisions of value, following your intuition and seeing the challenges that turn our lives upside down as the catalyst to solve real world problems: How chaos and the pandemic created the opportunity to initiates change and transformation. [1:34] How to start with creating the seed of the future we are standing for, rather than attempting to fix the past. [3:36] Training for unprecedented situations and how we can be prepared for uncertainties by improving our ability to make better decisions. [6:23] Balancing processes of migrating risks and strategic thinking with trusting our intuition. [7:21] Identifying weak problems when the situation is not clear and solve them through creativity, leadership and synergy. [9:51] How to build trust with our relationship with ourselves and how we analyse and react to our feelings through whole body decision making.  [14:15] Learning to identify the difference between our intuition and our ego, fear and laziness etc. [16:15] Why is building a resilient mindset important for entrepreneurs -  COVID has disrupted old systems and the need of the hour is to have leaders who can lead the future and it starts with leading ourselves.  [23:10] The challenges young entrepreneurs in Brazil face in solving real world problems. [24:11] Solving real problems related to mental, spiritual and physical well-being [27:54] More capital, more investors and more innovations - Gustavo’s visions and hopes for the Brazilian start-up ecosystem. [33:21] Gustavo’s legacy to support entrepreneurs to find their internal inner flame and build inner resilience regardless of external challenges. [35:40] _______________________________________ Quotes: “Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.” Carl Sagan _______________________________________ Gustavo's startups and projects: ▸ Founder and host of ResumoCast, a PodCast for Brazilian entrepreneurs. www.resumocast.com.br ▸ Founder and manager at StartupSpace.io accelerator for marketplaces and multi-sided platforms ▸ Startup investor, mentor, and consultant. Areas of expertise and experience: → Platforms and marketplaces → Go-to-market strategy → HR recruiting and selection → Virtual assistants and remote teams management → Entrepreneurship education → Aviation and education → Marketing and customer/user acquisition → Pitching training Connect with Gustavo on Linkedin @gustavocarriconde Connect with Gustavo on Instagram @gustavocarriconde


Episode 9: Kalojan Georgiev - The Call To Action

On building humility and instead of seeking external success focusing on building inner harmony and getting ready for our call to action: How a global crisis such as COVID is the best time for smaller companies and start-ups to create their start-ups [1:24] Build self-confidence to create action as an entrepreneur [9:08] Let go of fear by building trust in ourselves to know that if we lose everything we can build again [12:40] How to sell our vision to employees, partners and investors [16:31] Being humble and know your place in the system and focus on building inner harmony to allow life to happen with us [25:35] Realising that life is bigger than us and to create with life from a place of co-creation [30:58] The Nest - Importance of being part of ecosystems that feed our body, mind and soul [35:06] ____________________________ Episode Notes Kalojan Georgiev is the founding partner of K-Pharm Global Group (KPGG), а $100mln+ group of pharma-trading companies. The company is a one-stop-shop, offering services such as logistics, distribution, marketing and regulatory support for pharmaceutical manufacturers, covering over 50 countries in Africa, Europe and Asia. He has 20+ years of experience in building huge companies from scratch - including a low-cost airline carrier and a telecom, acquired by Deutsche Telekom. Since 2018 he is the CEO and Founder of Colibra which offers a unified flying experience by combining all elements of the flight process - including booking flight tickets with no upfront cost, providing auto check-in, incorporating boarding pass wallet, securing instant compensations by flight disruptions, and receiving real-time data about flight changes. Since the beginning of 2020, Kalojan is building a vacation resort in Zanzibar, Tanzania, which includes a hotel base with a residential part, kitesurfing school, coworking spot, yoga and various sports activities. Don't forget to follow and message us on these platforms: Instagram: @yogipreneurs / @mia_jafari Linkedin: @yogipreneurs.


Episode 8: Dagmar Spremberg - Shine Your Light

On building inner trust and following through with our intentions by taking everyday steps that allow us to step into and shine our light. Overcoming self-limiting beliefs. [2:45] Moving out of our comfort zone. [5:52] Self-actualising through our work & creating a our lives in our own terms.  [9:52] Service over ego.  [14:30] Using yoga to re-connect to each moment & our intentions & intuition. [20:48] Building Inner integrity and personal trust. [22:25] Aligning our masculine & feminine energy to create action. [25:00] Creating financial abundance by cultivating inner trust. [30:25] __________________________ Episode Notes In this episode we meet Dagmar Spremberg the founder of Montezuma Yoga in Costa Rica. While growing up in Germany all Dagmar could envision for herself was a life in the sunshine and under palm trees. After 20 years of soul searching and many detours that let her explore city life in Los Angeles and New York, she found her dream life by the beach in the lush tropical nature of Costa Rica. Through her own experiences she learned and believes that everybody can live their dreams and that our work is to become clear and open to receive the gifts we all deserve so we can shine our light. Jungle Meditation: Dagmar has created this beautiful jungle meditation for a strong belly and soft heart to help us with the process of shining our light: https://youtu.be/-03l3o1JsIg Getting to know Dagmar: To learn more about Dagmar please visit her personal website: www.dagmarspremberg.com To learn more about everything Dagmar offers in Costa Rica please check out her company website www.montezumayoga.com Don't forget to follow and message us these platforms: Instagram: @yogipreneurs / @mia_jafari Linkedin: @yogipreneurs


Episode 7: Roberto Croci - Resilience for Entrepreneurs

In this episode we meet Roberto Croci , the Managing Director of Microsoft for Startups in the Middle East and Africa Region and explore how entrepreneurs can become the best version of themselves. To Transform. To Succeed. To Create Impact. We talk to Roberto about his own inspiration and what gives him a sense of purpose and what he feels about this new generation of entrepreneurs who are not only looking to create financial success but also align with their authentic purpose to create success on their own terms. We deep-delve into resilience for entrepreneurs and why cultivating strong mental and wellbeing is crucial for entrepreneurs to succeed and create their visions and what the future of entrepreneurship in the middle east will look like. Connect with Roberto Croci here: LinkedIn: Robertocroci Twitter: RobertoCroci Instagram: Robertocroci


Episode 6: Sequin Kay - Healing & Growing Through Experiences

In this episode we meet Sequin Kay, the British artist whose multifaceted artworks explore a higher sense of perception, metaphysics and quantum reality.  Her signature artworks offer a window into the power of unseen energy, exploring transformative power and the nature of healing, destruction, personal chaos. We discuss the nature of such healing, growing and learning from these experiences and how this is a journey of transformation, in which we have to let go of the old structures we hold, and we have to step into and grow into something new and what support systems we need to put into place to allow for this transformation to take shape. Sequin shares how she nurtures herself to allow the birth of her new ideas and how as an artist who puts so much of herself into her creative practice how this is an constant evolution and she shares what she has learnt about cultivating emotional, physical, financial and spiritual wellbeing. Visit Sequin Kat's artwork on Instagram @sequinkayart


Episode 5: Peter Harper - Rising Through Challenges

In this episode with Peter Harper, the co-founder of the Drunken Monk we explore the challenges Peter has personally faced over the last 12 months as an entrepreneur and how he has built a vibrant virtual sanctuary that supports it's members to stay centred, focused, positive and connected to creating their destinies. We discuss how Peter’s own spiritual work has enabled him to not only survive but thrive as an entrepreneur and by cultivating trust and courageously manoeuvring uncertainties we can all create our lives in a way that far super exceeds our own expectations.


Episode 4: Aya Sadder - Act Your Truth

In this episode we will be talking to Aya Sadder, Founder of BOLT – A Dubai based company for start-up hackathons, workshops and programmes. Aya defines “entrepreneurship” as turning challenging circumstances into creative solutions and through BOLT Aya wants to help the next generation of entrepreneurs find their inner superhero. In this episode we will explore how by building our capacity to self-reflect and through developing consistent daily rituals we can engage with people in a more meaningful and authentic way – the superpower all entrepreneurs need to succeed.


Episode 3: Chikky Sirish - Being in Flow

In this episode, we meet Chikky Siresh, a transformation engineer, energy healer and life coach based in Dubai. We explore how we all have the potential to change, to be better, to be amazing; and, all we need are the tools to help discover the possibilities within us. We identify the energy balancing tools that are available to us to help us allow more flow into our lives and have the right opportunities’ come to us.  We will map out how coaching NLP and hypnotherapy have the potential to be the best version of ourselves as well as how we can utilize sound, movements, creativity and energy healing to tap into our feminine energy.  Follow Chikky Siresh:  LinkedIn: https://ae.linkedin.com/in/chikky-sirish-bb093549  Twitter: https://twitter.com/chikkysirish?lang=en  Get the playbook to live your life with clarity, purpose, inspiration, joy, and creativity:  https://www.yogipreneurs.co/art-of-yogipreneurship  https://www.yogipreneurs.co/creative-awakening  https://www.yogipreneurs.co/art-of-self-starting  https://www.yogipreneurs.co/art-of-flow


Episode 2: Cornell Thomas - Be Your Purpose

In this episode, we meet Cornell Thomas, speaker, author and social entrepreneur from New Jersey, USA. Two weeks away from playing professional basketball in Europe, Cornell suffered a career-ending injury that derailed his dream and left him questioning his purpose. In this interview with Cornell we explore how to make your setback into opportunities for growth and how to be ready for them and how to get past “Why Me” to “What Now”. Follow Cornell Thomas: Website: http://cornell-thomas.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/CornellThomas Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cornellthomas34 Get the playbook to live your life with clarity, purpose, inspiration, joy, and creativity: https://www.yogipreneurs.co/art-of-yogipreneurship https://www.yogipreneurs.co/creative-awakening https://www.yogipreneurs.co/art-of-self-starting https://www.yogipreneurs.co/art-of-flow


Episode 1 : Meet the Best Version of You

Welcome to our inspirational talks with creatives, entrepreneurs and leaders on how to develop spiritual tenacity to support you to build humanity+ businesses whilst falling in love with your life and seeing it like you have never seen it before. Get the playbook to live your life with clarity, purpose, inspiration, joy, and creativity: https://www.yogipreneurs.co/art-of-yogipreneurship https://www.yogipreneurs.co/creative-awakening https://www.yogipreneurs.co/art-of-self-starting https://www.yogipreneurs.co/art-of-flow


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