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Focal Tangent: Perspectives That Shift

Author: Nathalie Amlani

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Welcome to the Focal Tangent: Perspectives That Shift podcast. Hosted by Nathalie Amlani founder of Pictonat Photography, a brand strategist, photographer, soulful entrepreneur, and visual storyteller.   This is a show all about connecting the power of storytelling, mindset, and brand strategy to bring to light the abundance of possibilities for creating the business of your dreams. Each week, Nathalie brings you thought leadership and impactful conversations in all areas of business, branding, and mindset growth.   Be inspired by unique stories of experience and grit that led to unexpected paths to success. Gain insight and knowledge on how the magic happens, with clear takeaways and ideas. So hit that subscribe button and join Nathalie for a conversation that will truly shift your perspective.

54 Episodes
Business coach Lianne Kim joined the Focal Tangent Podcast to discuss using individual uniqueness as an asset for attracting desired clients. Lianne explains how her sales and marketing background led her to found Mamas & Co. and become a successful entrepreneur. She offers tips on personal branding and the importance of recognizing one's own 'special sauce'. She emphasizes the power of video on social media, and the need for authenticity, challenge, and expertise in engaging content...
In this discussion, Kari Russell, a leadership and self-expression business coach, speaks about the importance of self-expression, defining it as an individual's method of expressing feelings, thoughts, or ideas, whether it's through art, music, writing, or even their own personal style. Kari emphasizes the importance of authenticity, and the challenges between balancing self-expression and societal expectations. She also offers thought-provoking questions for self-reflection and encourages l...
In this conversation, Nathalie Amlani speaks with Michelle Whyte about the topic of connecting and networking more effectively. They discuss personal strategies to combat the stress of networking events, the importance of intentionality and genuine connections, and the value of understanding oneself in order to navigate networking opportunities more authentically. Michelle emphasizes that networking is relational rather than transactional, and states that being prepared with specific question...
Cultivating a Growth Mindset and Authentic Sales Techniques with Gazzy AminIn this episode, Gazzy Amin, a sales consultant for entrepreneurs, shares her journey from the political field to entrepreneurship. She emphasizes the importance of adopting a 'growth mindset' to overcome obstacles and limitations in both personal and professional life. A key focus in the discussion is her approach to authentic selling, which entails letting go of perfectionism and traditional methods, and finding what...
In this discussion, the guest Nadine Moffatt, a mystic, lightworker, channel, healer, guide, Nordic witch, and empath, demystifies energy healing, intuition and awakening feminine energy. Nadine explains the importance of becoming 'still', listening to one's inner wisdom, and understanding how the feminine energy works. She emphasizes the importance of aligning one's energy, and how clearing negative emotions and limiting beliefs can clear the 'static' from one's 'antenna' and improve th...
Maximizing Engagement with Hooks on InstagramThe episode discusses the rising trend of using engaging 'hooks' at the start of Instagram reels and other social media content to immediately captivate viewers. The speaker explains that the hook can be presented as a caption or as overlay text on videos. After the hook, the content should provide insights and include a call to action. Several examples of trending hooks are provided, such as 'unpopular opinion', 'point of view', 'how my client wen...
In this episode, the podcast host Nathalie Amlani discusses a year-long hiatus from her podcast, 'The Focal Tangent: Perspectives That Shift.’' A retreat in Costa Rica provided a profound emotional shift that led her to take an intentional pause from her work to concentrate on personal matters. During this time, she experienced various emotions like grief, vulnerability, sadness, renewal, and inner strength. She discusses how her pause resulted in positive outcomes for her business...
When you think of doing a video for your business, how does it feel? Good? Uncomfortable? Initially, for me, I was super uncomfortable and tried to make it perfect. The reality is, it’s never perfect, and the more imperfect it is, the more engagement I got. Whaattt? A recent study by Wyzowl reported that people share videos at twice the rate than any other form of content. It also found that 84% of people were convinced to buy a product or service based on the brand’s video. ...
One of the key ways to grow your business and expand your reach is through partnerships and collaboration. Yes, a lot of it has to do with relationship building but time is precious. We want to take on the right opportunities and make it a fruitful relationship. One of my key values is community and connection and I'm so happy to dive deeper into this space with today’s topic ‘Prepared to partner - being ready for YES moments with Amelia Roberts, Business Development Advisor, and&...
One day… I dream of having my own business, with flexibility in my schedule, making my desired income… having a team, and becoming well known and big! The reality is… anything is possible. The bumps in the road are lessons and tests to help us continuously expand. What you imagine now may look a lot different later… today we’re going to dive into high performance leadership for Sustainable Scaling and Business Growth with Dinah Hampson, founder, and CEO of Pivot Sport Medicine and Ortho...
If you’re wondering how to generate LEADS for your business so that you can hit the ground running in your business, today’s topic on ‘Lead Generation Strategies That Work’ will be sure to provide tangible action steps that you can start implementing right after this episode. I am excited to welcome special guest Jennie Wright, Business Growth Strategist & List Build Expert.About Jennie:​​Jennie Wright has been helping business owners grow their email lists & generate leads for ...
What are you passionate about? What is your purpose? At the onset of hearing these questions, it really made me think and ponder… do I answer this as it relates to my mission and vision through my business? Or as a person? Is there a difference? What if we could live life by design… and not by default and really tap into our inner knowing and know how to truly lead oneself? Guess what? It’s possible and I’m so excited to dive into this topic! I’m exci...
When the pandemic started, there was a shift in habits, a rise in learning new things online while we were inside. I personally have always been one to take on many things and yes it can become crazy however for multipassionate people, it’s a lifestyle that helps them thrive. How do we manage it all? I am excited to have Jessica Tudos on to chat about exactly this, leading a Multipassionate Portfolio Lifestyle - how to manage it without going crazy!About Jessica:Jessica Tudo...
Visibility is defined as the state of being able to see or be seen. What it has meant for me in the last few years is how do I show up on social media all the time to showcase my brand and business… and it’s been a huge learning curve especially for someone who wasn’t born on the internet and it’s also shifted my energy and focus to trying to be learn how to show up in a way that sells… however there’s so much more strategy and depth to showing up and a lot of it starts within and honou...
When it comes to your personal brand, how does one truly show up as their authentic selves and boldly ask for what they want? What happens when imposter syndrome kicks in and the comparison trap? There setbacks can really play a number on the ego and I’ve been there many times over. When I started my business, the only way i knew how to grow was through comparison… and only through multiple mindset shifts, coaching programs, facing fears overtime did I lean into showing up w...
For all the business owners and entrepreneurs, you know you gotta show up but the thought of being in front of the camera makes you want to run for the hills. In this episode I help you find ease and confidence in showing up your authentic self with five secrets to rocking your brand photoshoot. These top secrets tips were shared in the Done in a Day Secrets showcase and I'm excited to give podcast listeners the inside scoop on it too.Episode highlights of the secrets shared:Strik...
One of the most effective ways to connect, learn, and expand your network is through attending virtual summits. A virtual summit brings together industry experts, business leaders, and speakers together online. All these experts talk on or discuss a specific topic. Attendees also register online to attend these summits. These events have become wildly popular and can connect people from all over the world! As an entrepreneur, speaking at a summit can bring incredible growth opportunities. In ...
The number one question I get asked before any photoshoot is what should I wear? I myself wondered the same thing when I had a promotional video filmed for Pictonat.... wardrobe was a huge concern for me, I've been there! And with the right guidance and help, it is truly a fun process. Personal style is a HUGE factor in how we show up and appear on camera, in real life... everywhere. When your image shows that you invest in yourself, others will invest in you. I am soooo excited to welcome sp...
Growing up as an introvert, I was often called shy and quiet... and during my corporate career, I remember one of my performance reviews I was told I have a quiet leadership style. I had no idea what it all meant however I know how it made me feel... that I should strive to be more outspoken, upfront, step out of my comfort zone. And I tried, many times over and still do today however now, in a more aligned way... the introvert way... without the anxiety or going against who I am. Embrace who...
On today’s show, I am excited to dive into the topic of getting personal with your customers to attract the right people and generate more sales. We welcome special guest Karen Lamont, founder and chief designer of CITRUS - an e-commerce jeweller creating bespoke mementos that celebrate life’s bespoke moments.Karen has crafted more than 30,000 designs in silver, rose and yellow gold coins and other precious materials so that the moments you’ve crafted are always close at hand. Karen liv...