Footsteps to Heaven

Life's a journey full of challenges. When we walk with Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit to the destination that God the Father designed for us, the results are better than we could ask for or imagine.

Rosary podcast: When Disaster Hits, Find God

 When a disaster hits us, or when we witness destruction hitting the lives of other people, it’s normal to wonder: “Where is God? Why didn’t he prevent this?” More than just the recitation of the Rosary, which you can join in with Ralph and Terry Modica (founders of Good News Ministries), this Rosary podcast weaves an uplifting message through it. The message came from a WordBytes article @ Download it as a PDF. Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! For more faith-builders, visit us at


Sit With Mary: A Marian Meditation – Footsteps to Heaven

 Episode 102: Pray with me in a meditation about the challenging times in the life of the Blessed Mother Mary when she trusted God. In this video, we ask Mary for the grace that we need for trusting God in our difficulties. The meditation can be downloaded from To get the book mentioned in this episode (30 DAYS TO THE FATHER'S HEART) visit Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website:   Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! For more faith-builders, visit us at


Secrets to Success with Young Adults – Footsteps to Heaven

Episode 101: How did Will Deatherage, a young entrepreneur, avoid the traps that so many young people are falling into today? Terry Modica of Good News Ministries interviews him about his company, Catholics for Hire, and they discuss the keys to keeping young adults active in the Church, steadfast in their faith. Catholics for Hire can be found at The video is available at where you can sign up for notifications of future episodes. Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! For more faith-builders, visit us at


100th Episode Blast! The Top 10 Episodes! – Footsteps to Heaven

 We’ve reached a milestone! 100 episodes of Footsteps to Heaven! To celebrate, we’ve compiled snippets from the top 10 episodes of all time. This 100th episode contains the best of the best according to how often they’ve been viewed and shared. The video is available at Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! For more faith-builders, visit us at


Evangelize your loved ones with the Shroud of Turin – Footsteps to Heaven

 Episode #99: Think of someone you know who's rejecting  Christ and Church, someone who likes taking selfies. "Who Do You Say I Am?" is an important new documentary about the Shroud of Turin. It shows scientifically and from the Catholic perspective why we can be sure that the Shroud of Turin is a selfie Jesus made of himself 1800 years before the invention of cameras. In this episode of Footsteps to Heaven, Terry Modica interviews producer Bill Snyder. Summing up the purpose for making this film, he points out its effect on non-believers and doubters: "Does that make a difference in your belief? Does that change your perspective on this?" The video available at Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! For more faith-builders, visit us at


2 Secrets to Praying When You Don't Feel Like Praying – Footsteps to Heaven

 Episode #98: How is your prayer life through the difficult times? Have you found that it’s less than it used to be? Maybe you’ve even said, “God’s not answering my prayers, so I might as well quit praying.” If you’ve reached the point where you feel like you can’t pray anymore, this message is for you. I'll share with you two secrets to praying when you feel discouraged and tired. If you feel like you can’t pray anymore because it doesn’t make a difference – you’re tired, you’re drained, you’re exhausted from putting in so much prayer effort, and so much effort into emotionally dealing with all the trials that are going on today in your life and in the world — if you find yourself in that situation: Just surrender. You don’t need words. That’s the first of two secrets to praying when you don’t feel like praying, which I explain how to do based on my own personal experiences. To get my book, "30 Days to the Father's Heart", go to To get the prayer book recommended in this episode, go to The video and transcript are available at Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! For more faith-builders, visit us at


Wielding the Sword of the Spirit – Footsteps to Heaven

 Episode #97: In this podcast episode I explain how we can be sure that God the Father never gives up trying to turn unbelievers to Jesus their Savior. He never abandons anyone until the point of death when they make their final choice. We can see this in Hebrews 4:12-16 (which tells us about the sword of the Spirit), in Job 36:5,8-12 (which reassures us, “He makes them listen to correction and commands them to repent of their evil,” and from Saint Alphonsus de Liguori (who tells us about the “veil” of deception getting lifted). Who are you praying for because you’re worried about their salvation? Imagine that person with nothing on their mind, nothing in their vision, nothing in their field of vision but the Holy Spirit and the truth and Jesus Christ presenting it to them, wielding the Spirit as a sword (a two-edged sword), would that person want to spend eternity with Jesus? That’s what the Holy Spirit does. That’s what the sword of the Spirit does…. The video and transcript are available at Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website:   Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! For more faith-builders, visit us at


Take the 1 John 5:14 Prayer Challenge – Footsteps to Heaven

 Episode #96: When I looked at 1 John 5:14, it shocked me: “We have this confidence in God that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And we know that if he hears us in regard to whatever we ask, then of course what we have asked for is ours.” Do I still believe it? The year that I’ve just had (2022) was the worst year of my life. So I said, “Lord, I need to understand this verse better.” That’s the challenge: To understand it better requires experience. When we read scripture and someone teaches it to us, we can hear it again and again but it doesn’t sink in to our heart unless we experience it. We don’t understand until it becomes real to us. I’m inviting you to join me in a prayer challenge that will help you experience the manifestation of the answers to your prayers in this crazy, horrible world. Today, at the start of the new year, choose one special prayer request. What yearning of your heart will bring you joy when God fulfills it so much that it becomes stable in your life? The video and transcript are available at Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! For more faith-builders, visit us at


Do you know how much the Father loves you? – Footsteps to Heaven

 Episode #95: Do you know how much your Father God loves you? Really, really, really loves you? Usually we don’t know that, because we project onto God the way human fathers have been, the way authority figures have been, the human failings that we’ve witnessed. Do you think God is disapproving of your sins? Do you think he is accusing you? The truth might surprise you.  A video of this and the transcript are available at Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! To keep this ministry going by sponsoring future episodes, go to  For more faith-builders, visit us at  


Stressed Out? Make a Treasure Box of Blessings – Footsteps to Heaven

 Do you feel this way? The writer of Psalm 77 laments, "I pray to God and yet I still feel troubled. I keep watching: My eyes are watchful for the Lord to do something, to bring an end to this misery, to answer my prayers, to intervene. And I am troubled and cannot speak." The next verse is key. This is the cure. This is the antidote for all this misery that the Psalmist just described: "I consider the days of old; the years long past I remember." We need to remember the past times when the Lord has come to our rescue. That's what the Treasure Box of Blessings is all about. I'll explain how to make one and show you what's in my box. A video of this and the transcript are available at The "Faith Muscles Boot Camp" is available on the Udemy educational platform @  Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! To keep this ministry going by sponsoring future episodes, go to  For more faith-builders, visit us at


Feel the Father’s Love This Lent – Footsteps to Heaven

 Lent is meant for growing in holiness by repenting of our sins, but many of us are reluctant to face our sins because we simply don’t know that God the Father is cheering us on, like a Doting Daddy who sees the best in us. This Lent, take a journey that leads to a wonderfully close relationship with God the Father. Learn to see him as he really is. Know the joy that he feels for you. This episode is an edited recording of a live presentation to the Hearts on Fire prayer group, Springfield, Virginia, on March 1, 2022. A video of this and the transcript are available at Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! To keep this ministry going by sponsoring future episodes, go to  For more faith-builders, visit us at


What’s been happening – A miracle in caregiving (Footsteps to Heaven)

 It’s been a while since I recorded a new episode of the Footsteps to Heaven podcast show. Here’s why. A lot has been happening! (Hint: Two big projects and a miracle in the stress of caregiving.) The transcript is available at Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! To keep this ministry going by sponsoring future episodes, go to  For more faith-builders, visit us at 


Repost: What is Heaven really like? (Footsteps to Heaven)

 When my husband Ralph and I went to the funeral of a neighbor who was a Jehovah’s Witness, the description of Heaven that we heard from the leader of the congregation was not one that we want to believe in. Ralph joins me in this episode to explain why and to give a much better description of the afterlife based on the teachings of the Catholic Faith and the Bible. Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! To keep this ministry going by sponsoring future episodes, go to  For more faith-builders, visit us at


The Incredible Truth About Your Guardian Angel (Footsteps to Heaven)

 Do you know that you have a guardian angel, one that was specially chosen for you by God, and that your angel wants to have a better relationship with you? Your angel is delighted to help you. The more you ask for your guardian angel’s help, the more your friendship grows. Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! To keep this ministry going by sponsoring future episodes, go to  For more faith-builders, visit us at


Pray for the Glory of God to fill you (Footsteps to Heaven)

 Need an antidote to stress, worry, and fear? Using Psalm 146 as a prayer and adapting it to your own situation, Terry Modica reveals the supernatural power that’s available when we glorify the Lord with our praises. It makes demons flee. It fills us with hope, peace and joy. Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! To keep this ministry going by sponsoring future episodes, go to For more faith-builders, visit us at


Hide in the Father's Arms (Footsteps to Heaven)

Episode #88: Have you ever been in this kind of a situation? You've got a plan. You've prayed about it. God has called you to it. You feel anointed to do it. You feel gifted to do it. You feel like God is putting things into place for you to do it -- and then things go wrong. That's what I want to talk to you about in this podcast. Learn how to prevent things from going wrong, or when they do go wrong, how to handle it by hiding from evil in the shelter of the Father's arms. Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! Please keep this ministry going by sponsoring future episodes: For more faith-builders, visit us at


Be Bold and Courageous (Footsteps to Heaven)

Episode #87: Be bold and courageous! Ralph and Terry Modica share personal stories based on the message of Joshua 1:6-9, to empower you in whatever positions of authority and responsibility you have. Ralph describes the time he risked his job by speaking up in the corporate world, successfully influencing upper management to relinquish their control to Ralph. And he ties it in with Jesus’ message of servanthood in Matthew 20:20-28. Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! To keep this ministry going by sponsoring future episodes, go to For more faith-builders, visit us at


When you feel foolish, God hugs you (Footsteps to Heaven)

Episode #85: When you do something foolish, do you feel embarrassed or do you feel Father God hugging you and comforting you? Do you feel stupid when you make a mistake or can you hear Father God reassure you that, "You're awesome", reassuring you that everything's going to be okay. Maybe you have a hard time forgiving yourself when you sin, even after going to Confession. Instead of beating yourself up, learn how to turn to God for self-confidence. The book mentioned in this episode is "30 Days to the Father's Heart" @ Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! To keep this ministry going by sponsoring future episodes, go to For more faith-builders, visit us at


Footsteps to Heaven - Don't worry, God is with you now

Episode #84: What are you worried about regarding the future? What about the past is still haunting you? In this episode of Footsteps to Heaven, I want to share with you the secret to having faith that transforms the future, transforms the past, and -- more than that -- transcends it.  It's the secret to having such a profound relationship with God in order to have the joy that he wants for you right now. No matter what's going on in the world, and not matter what's going on in your life, you can have joy. Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! To keep this ministry going by sponsoring future episodes, go to For more faith-builders, visit us at


Footsteps to Heaven - Keep Christ in the Center for a Joyful Life

Episode #82: Joy is a gift Jesus wants to give us as the antidote for the craziness of life. No matter how stressful or difficult life gets, and even in the best of times, putting Christ into the center of it always makes it much better. We can rejoice when we learn how to conquer the distractions of worry, fear, weariness, pain, and heartbreak by seeing Jesus smiling at you in the middle of it all. You too can have a joyful life no matter what’s going on around you or in politics or in the world! Remember, the key to having a joyful life is to see that Jesus is in the middle of everything. And if we can’t see him or if we know he’s there but we still feel anxious or fearful or depressed, we need to humble ourselves before him, repent and go to Confession for everything that distracts us from Jesus. And we need to spend more time praising him and worshiping him, which is most effective when done in person in front of the Tabernacle at church, during Mass, and in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Subscribe to our Footsteps to Heaven website: Who else should hear this episode? Please share it! To keep this ministry going by sponsoring future episodes, go to For more faith-builders, visit us at .


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