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For Real Estate

Author: Nova Tower

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The For Real Estate podcast is for buyers, sellers, investors, and industry professionals in the Southern Maine real estate market. I'm Nova Tower, your host and realtor at Waypoint Brokers Collective. I am a licensed realtor in Maine and I specialize in residential real estate including single family homes, condos, and multi-unit properties. I've also been investing in Maine real estate a decade. I love my clients. And I love talking about real estate. For Real Estate Podcast is my outlet to share everything I know and care about in real estate in the Greater Portland Maine area. I will also be interviewing a wide variety of other voices on the show. This podcast is intended to be educational and holistic. Please get in touch with me if you have thoughts to contribute, if you would like to be interviewed, or if you're a buyer, seller, or investor in the Greater Portland area and you have real estate questions! Email me at To track what I'm up to or to send me an easy message, find me on instagram @ForRealEstatePodcast. For a fuller bio, find me on the Waypoint Brokers Collective website. And of course don't forget to subscribe where ever you listen to podcasts! Thanks for listening!

13 Episodes
Thoughts about the recent real estate commission lawsuits. In real estate transactions, there's a lot of adversarial language. It's buyer versus seller and agents negotiating against each other and winning and losing, etc. No wonder we've come to a place where sellers come out and say, "wait a minute, why am I paying a commission for the other side to have representation?" I get that frustration. So, let's talk about it. In today's episode I present a viewpoint that illustrates why sayin...
Brian Robinson, VP at Evergreen Home Performance and I chat about what home performance is all about. Importantly we identify the order of operations to improving it and why it matters. Do not go straight for the big shiny improvements like heat pumps and solar. You might regret it if you do! Brian talks about common misconceptions, especially how comfort in your home is not simply determined by air temperature. And he gives us a look at what costs locals can expect and how to offset those co...
Tess O'Brien, VP of Partnerships at EnergySage, and I sit down to discuss the challenges of shopping for rooftop and ground mounted solar, community solar supplied energy, heat pumps, and more. EnergySage is a user friendly platform helping homeowners AND renters beat those challenges with educational resources, and creating an apples to apples comparison between services. Users can collect competitive bids, check for financial incentives and rebates, and purchase their project with verified ...
What's not to like??? Removing plastic from the ocean. Check. Innovating building materials and bringing the manufacturing home to Maine. Check. Building affordable. Check check. Ben Davis and team at OpBox design and manufacture their own building material called EDURA. It's an insulated and structural composite panel system made from recycled PET plastics-- water bottles! I was taken by OpBox from the moment I held a sample of their innovative EDURA material in my hands. Ben offered m...
In today's episode I will be sharing some very BIG news: I've moved over to Waypoint Brokers Collective as broker and partner! I can't say enough about this shift. That aside, I'll be diving into a beast of a topic today-- let's call it a micro economic / macro market mashup. We're talking market bubble and beyond.
In times of rate hikes, lenders adapt with promotions and incentives to make mortgages more attractive and accessible. Lately I've been seeing a lot of creativity in lending. And before you get any ideas, I'm not talking about the predatory creativity of the early oughts. With today's regulations, creative lending means opportunity. On this episode I talk with lender Cyndi Veroneau at Caliber Home Loans to learn about some of the creative mortgage hacks available to buyers and sellers to get ...
Today we review market stats of the Greater Portland market and discuss some thoughts on buyer strategy for offering on properties when there is no defined offer timeline. We talk about what constitutes a good deal in this market and strategies around offering below asking, at asking, and above asking. We also talk other terms that are negotiable like closing costs and points.
Today we talk about pricing strategies for sellers in this new market where supply and demand are coming into better equilibrium. In these shifting times, sellers need experience and wisdom to maximize their sale outcome. I'll share my thoughts, as well as some ideas from my fellow brokers at the Portside Midyear Meeting last month.
This is Part 1 of a two-part episode recapping the recent Portside Midyear Event. This episode focuses on a presentation given by Amanda Rector on the condition of the Maine Economy. You’ll hear trends about pandemic fueled demographic changes, what’s up with employment, forecasting for inflation, Maine’s plan and emergency fund for recession protection, and more.
Realtor, Investor, and Property Manager Kaili Moore tells us her story of how she went from renter to owner to investor in just 5 years. She shares her wisdom and advice for buyers, sellers, and industry professionals.
Is the market shifting? What's the shift? Why is it happening? And what does it mean? Today I share my thoughts on the real estate market shift in the Greater Portland, Maine area and what sellers and buyers should be thinking about.
Hello from Portland, Maine and welcome to the first episode of the For Real Estate podcast, a new series with Portside broker Nova Tower. In this episode Nova teases the series to come, which will provide local real estate insights, trends, market knowledge as well as common misinformation and avoidable mistakes. Join Nova as she dives deep into the local real estate market in the Greater Portland, Maine area, and stay tuned for new episodes as they drop this summer!
Hi. I’m Nova. If you already know that, please think of this as a bit of a reintroduction. A lot has changed in the past ~12 months, and I can't wait to catch you up! I have so much in the works this season and I plan to cover it all-- from sustainability in real estate to the wild ride that has been interest rates to affordable housing here in Greater Portland. So follow along and hey, thanks for listening! Follow me on instagram @forrealestatepodcast