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Foreign Language Roadmap
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Foreign Language Roadmap

Author: Elena Hebert

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Here we talk about how busy adults learn a foreign language. You know when you move abroad and its tough to fit in, get the hang of the language quickly and make friends? Well, here you learn everything you need to know and do to make that process easier. In fact, you get my approach that let me learn 3 languages (Italian, French, and Spanish) in the last 5 years, all on my own while juggling everything else in my life. Welcome!
16 Episodes
Recently I received an interesting message on Instagram with a really good point to discuss - desire Vs fear of moving abroad. What to do if you really want to try living abroad but you are afraid of the complications that it brings. It made me realize how many people might be in a similar position and that it might be helpful to dedicate an episode to this topic.  Learn more about my method to learn a foreign language as a busy adult - How to always have enough time -  
Today, I am sharing yet another language learning gem with you. The person and the resource I am going to introduce goes perfectly with stage 3 where you learn to overcome your speaking blocks and fears, your listening comprehension and start building more confidence in your ability to communicate in this new language. Over the years, I have discovered that there is no mystery and its quite a logical process to acquire a foreign language step by step. If you are someone who works better in an organized and structured environment, this is very helpful to know. I have compiled this process into a course that you can purchase and go through to structurize your learning as well. If you are already familiar with my method, you know that it goes through 4 stages starting from the introduction to a new language, all the way to making it a part of your life. Today, we are talking about a super useful resource during your stage 3.  Please help me welcome Manon and her French coffee club You can find Manon here - Get a dicounted price on French Coffee Club with the code - GIFT-7EC3F3 My comprehensive approach, FLR here - Time Management Mini Course -  
Ever struggled to stay motivated or consistent in your language learning journey? Understanding the Beckhard-Harris Change Equation can be a game-changer! It reveals how dissatisfaction with your current situations, in our case, language skills, a clear vision of our goals, practical steps to get there, and overcoming challenges can propel you forward. Join me as we explore how embracing change can keep you inspired and on track to mastering a new language! FLR -   Formula, as promised to those who are interested: C = (ABD) > X  C = Change that we need  A = Dissatisfaction with the current situation  B = The vision of the desired outcome D = Practical steps needed to get there X = Cost of change 
Today is another one of those episodes where I have a guest to share with you yet another useful tool or technique. Let’s meet Francesca. Her approach has been attracting me for a long time because not only she is an amazing person and she teaches italian but she also uses unique abilities of our brain through neurolanguage methods to make sure that everyone gets results while working with her. Francesca is an Italian native speaker, (born and raised in Italy), certified Neurolanguage Coach, and an practitioner of EFT (emotional freedom techniques), who specializes in helping English speakers to become FLUENT in Italian through her unique ITALIAN FLUENCY EXPANSION METHOD, which combines Nervous system regulation and mindset work, language learning strategies and a brain friendly approach to learning Italian based on Neuroscience. Francesca doesn’t only help you to learn the language, but also how to support and regulate your nervous system through mindset work and EFT tapping so you can speak Italian with ease, without any fear of making mistakes or embarrassment. You can find Francesca here - FLR - Elena's Instagram -
Welcome to today's episode where we're diving into a topic that affects us all: multitasking. In today's fast-paced world, we're often told that multitasking is the key to getting more done in less time. But is it really? Today, we're going to explore the truth behind the myth of multitasking and why it's not as effective as we might think. FLR - Instagram - Time Management Mini Course -  
Have you ever spent hours studying vocabulary or grammar rules, only to forget them soon after? You're not alone! Join in as we explore the science behind the forgetting curve and how it applies to language learning. Let's dive in FLR - Instagram Elena -
Today we have a little bit of a different format from my usual one because I want to start introducing to you language learning resources that i find useful and applicable for your language journey. As you might know, I have my own methodology for language learning for busy adults to help you learn faster and easier. Throughout my own journey, I have found a lot of incredible resources for all the stages of the process and if you know my method, you know that there are 4 stages, each of them focuses on a specific language aspect. Today, I am introducing to you something super useful during stage 3 of your journey, it focuses on speaking and listening skills. I have a gem of an opportunity for you to learn about a speaking group that my friend, Marie, created. Elena's method, FLR - Marie's page -  
Today, we're diving into a topic that many of us can relate to – feeling like we have no talent for languages. But fear not! In this episode, we'll explore the importance of finding your own learning style. Whether you've struggled with languages in the past or are just getting started, understanding how you learn best can make all the difference. So, grab your headphones and join me as we discover the power of personalized learning approaches for unlocking your language learning potential! FLR - Connect with me on Instagram -
If you keep going on the swings of giving up your target language and starting over and if you are tired of it, listen to today’s episode carefully because I am going to share a simple 2-part method that will help you get off this swing and start making a difference in your target language. You can get my method to discover how to study a foreign language efficiently and effectively by dedicating just 45 mins a day here:  FLR - or join me on Instagram to see more of my expat life here -  See you in the next episode! 
10,000 hrs is a full time job for 5 years! Does this mean I will never be able to learn Italian or any other foreign language? Am i doomed now? But wait, I have learned English to a pretty fluent level and I don’t think I spent 10,000 hours before I was able to have conversations and be reasonably good at it. I felt like there is something funky going on, something didn’t add up. I started to dig into it, partially to help with my motivation, partially out of pure curiosity. Here is what I found - listen to the episode to hear it all  If you want to find out more about my method of learning a language effectively as a busy adult, that’s called FLR - My Instagram page -
 Kids are like sponges, its comes easy to them, they just absorb new info naturally, etc Have you heard or said these things before? While kids may pick up languages intuitively, adults bring a treasure trove of experience, cognitive skills, and determination to the table. You're not too late; you're right on time!  Listen today's episode to get my point of view on this!  FLR - Instagram -  
In today's episode, we'll discuss the importance of embracing mistakes as invaluable learning opportunities in your language acquisition journey. You see, when it comes to learning a foreign language, especially as an adult, mistakes are not setbacks but stepping stones to success! Let's shift our mindset together and celebrate the power of mistakes, tune into today's episode!  FLR - Instagram -
When you don’t think of language learning as a time guzzler, being consistent becomes a lot easier. Consistency is the magic pill for language learning – it might look simple, but it packs a powerful punch! In this episode, we talk about how to make it happen and you get real practical strategies to implement in your life.  FLR - Instagram -
Find your own Fire

Find your own Fire


Last week we started on the power of prioritization and I wanted to expand on that a bit and offer you tools to find your own, personal fire that will help you make learning your target language a priority because your personal WHY is the one thing that will make a difference whether you learn the language and integrate into the new culture or not. FLR - Instagram -    
In today’s episode, I want to focus more on the power of prioritization because let’s be honest - don’t we all feel like we never have enough time for the major tasks, let alone doing anything extra, like learning a foreign language? I used to be like that too, quite frankly, I still feel like that sometimes but now I have the tools to not get stuck in that place and I am sharing one of the major tools with you in today's episode. Share your thoughts in the comments or send me a message on instagram  As promised in the episode, here are the links:  FLR - Instagram -  
Intro to who and why

Intro to who and why


Introduction to who I am and what this podcast is going to be about. My personal story with languages, issues, obstacles and how I got where I am at now. Welcome!  FLR - Instagram -
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