
Explore the largest forest research organization in the world alongside scientists studying, questioning, and solving some of today's most compelling forest issues. Through stories, interviews, and special series, learn what’s happening in your forests, and where those forest ecosystems might be headed. Season 4: Afire A 360-degree introduction to fire from a scientific standpoint. The story of how fire research shapes our landscapes and our lives. Season 3: Women of Research Highlighting women’s perspectives in research over the past 50 years, scientists share stories of mentors and mentorship, motherhood, rural and urban stewardship, passions for science, leadership, and beyond. Season 2: Backcross As non-native insects and diseases threaten ash, elm, and chestnut trees, chemicals and biological controls only offer temporary protection. Dive into the double-stranded story of tree species restoration and resistance breeding alongside the scientists working towards a long-term solution, a long-term resistance. Season 1: Balance & Barrier More than 450 non-native insects have invaded our forests and urban trees since European settlement. Come explore stories of the Asian longhorned beetle, emerald ash borer, spongy moth, and hemlock woolly adelgid, as well as the scientists studying and combating these pests. EXTRA: A Window of Resurgence for Red Spruce: In the 1970s, red spruce was the forest equivalent of a canary in the coal mine, signaling that acid rain was damaging forests and that some species—especially red spruce—ere particularly sensitive to this human induced damage. In the course of studying the lingering effects of acid rain, scientists came up with a surprising result—decades later, the canary is feeling much better. EXTRA: The Two-Sided Story of Periodical Cicadas: Two scientists—one who’s tracked the aboveground movements of cicadas, and another who’s unearthed the belowground impact of these insects—take you inside the many mysteries and forgotten elements of these evolutionary enigmas. EXTRA: Flying the Nuthatch Home: Once spanning nearly 6 million acres in Missouri's Ozarks, the shortleaf pine and oak woodland ecosystem has dwindled to 100,000 acres today. Along with the loss of this habitat, a bird—the brown-headed nuthatch—disappeared as well. However, after decades of woodland restoration, the brown-headed nuthatch has returned to Missouri—by plane. Discover more at What started as a podcast produced by the Northern Research Station focusing on the Northeast and Midwest has now expanded to cover a wide range of forest topics from across USDA Forest Service Research and Development. Forestcast is an official USDA Forest Service podcast. Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at

A Window of Resurgence for Red Spruce

In the 1970s, red spruce was the forest equivalent of a canary in the coal mine, signaling that acid rain was damaging forests and that some species – especially red spruce – were particularly sensitive to this human induced damage. In the course of studying the lingering effects of acid rain, scientists came up with a surprising result – decades later, the canary is feeling much better. Related Research: “The Surprising Recovery of Red Spruce Growth Shows Links to Decreased Acid Deposition and Elevated Temperature” (2018) “Quantifying the Legacy of Foliar Winter Injury on Woody Aboveground Carbon Sequestration of Red Spruce Trees” (2013) “Calcium Addition at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest Increases the Capacity for Stress Tolerance and Carbon Capture in Red Spruce (Picea rubens) Trees During the Cold Season” (2011) “The Isolated Red Spruce Communities of Virginia and West Virginia” (2010) “Acid Rain Impacts on Calcium Nutrition and Forest Health” (1999) "Ecology and Decline of Red Spruce in the Eastern United States" (1992) Scientists: Mary Beth Adams, Research Soil Scientist, Morgantown, West Virginia Paul Schaberg, Research Plant Physiologist, Burlington, Vermont Produced by the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Want more information? Visit us at Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at:


The Two-Sided Story of Periodical Cicadas

Any day now, periodical cicadas will emerge across 15 states stretching from Illinois to New York and northern Georgia. Two scientists, one who’s tracked the aboveground movements of these cicadas, and another who’s unearthed the belowground impact of these insects, take you inside the many mysteries and forgotten elements of these evolutionary enigmas. Related Research: Sharp boundary formation and invasion between spatially adjacent periodical cicada broods (2021) Periodical cicada emergence resource pulse tracks forest expansion in a tallgrass prairie landscape (2019) Competition and Stragglers as Mediators of Developmental Synchrony in Periodical Cicadas (2018) Avian predation pressure as a potential driver of periodical cicada cycle length (2013) Effects of periodical cicada emergences on abundance and synchrony of avian populations (2005) Emergence of Periodical Cicadas (Magicicada cassini) From a Kansas Riparian Forest: Densities, Biomass and Nitrogen Flux (2001) Feeding ecology and emergence production of annual cicadas (Homoptera: Cicadidae) in tallgrass prairie (2001) The legacy of Charles Marlatt and efforts to limit plant pest invasions (2016) The Periodical Cicada (1907) Scientists: Sandy Liebhold, Research Entomologist, Northern Research Station, Morgantown, West Virginia Mac Callaham, Research Ecologist, Southern Research Station, Athens, Georgia Hey listeners! We're looking for cicada recordings! To be a part of an upcoming episode of Forestcast, record cicadas chorusing around you. In the recording, tell us where you are and who you are. Just record the cicadas on your phone and send the recording to Produced by the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Want more information? Visit us at Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at:


Searching for Cicadas in the Chattahoochee

Mac Callaham, a research ecologist, goes searching alone in Georgia’s Chattahoochee National Forest for one of Brood X’s most-southern cicada emergences. Scientist: Mac Callaham, Research Ecologist, Southern Research Station, Athens, Georgia Produced by the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at:


Flying the Nuthatch Home

Once spanning nearly 6 million acres in Missouri's Ozarks, the shortleaf pine and oak woodland ecosystem has dwindled to 100,000 acres today. Along with the loss of this habitat, a bird—the brown-headed nuthatch—disappeared as well. However, after decades of woodland restoration, the brown-headed nuthatch has returned to Missouri—by plane. Over two summers in 2020 and 2021, a team of scientists successfully captured and flew 102 birds from Arkansas to Missouri, marking the bird’s return to the state after being locally extinct since 1907. Weighing in at a mere one-third of an ounce, approximately the combined weight of a nickel and a quarter, the return of the brown-headed nuthatch is nevertheless a weighty event. Related Research: Effects of Pine-oak Woodland Restoration on Breeding Bird Densities in the Ozark-Ouachita Interior Highlands (2019) Site Occupancy of Brown-headed Nuthatches Varies with Habitat Restoration and Range-limit Context (2015) Resource Configuration and Abundance Affect Space use of a Cooperatively Breeding Resident Bird (2014) Scientists: Frank Thompson, Research Wildlife Biologist, Northern Research Station, Columbia, Missouri Jody Eberly, Wildlife Biologist/Fire Mgmt. Officer (Retired), Mark Twain National Forest, Rolla, Missouri Angelina Trombley, Wildlife Biologist, Mark Twain National Forest, Doniphan, Missouri We used the following recordings from the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: ML180391131 (Milton Hobbs, Georgia, USA), ML225986 (Bob McGuire, Florida, USA) & ML unknown (Andrew Spencer, Florida, USA) Produced by the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Want more information? Visit us at Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at:


Welcome to “Forestcast”

The Northern Research Station invites you inside the largest forest research organization in the world — the USDA's Forest Service — for conversations with scientists at the forefront of forest research. Forestcast brings you stories, interviews, and special in-depth anthologies of the science that's examining and explaining how forests affect our lives, and how we affect our forests. To kick things off, a special six-part series on one of the most significant environmental threat to our forests, and the scientists studying and combating these threats. Coming soon! Produced by the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Want more information? Visit us at Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at:


Balance & Barrier: A Slow Explosion of Damaging Forest Insects

A biological invasion is an enormous increase in population of some kind of living organism. It happens when an organism — like an insect — arrives somewhere beyond its previous range, when it breaks out past its natural barrier, unbalancing the biological order. More than 450 non-native insects have invaded our forests and urban trees since European settlement. In this series, we'll explore four of these insects, and the scientists studying and combating these pests. In 1957, a British ecologist, Charles S. Elton, gave three radio presentations entitled “Balance and Barrier.” Within a year, he had expanded these ideas into what was to become a bible for practitioners of a burgeoning new science: invasion biology. In a tribute to those broadcasts, this six-part series will explore biological invasions — and their repercussions — in the Midwest and the Northeast. Related Research: “Ecology of Forest Insect Invasions” (2017) “A Highly Aggregated Geographical Distribution of Forest Pest Invasions in the USA” (2013) “Historical Accumulation of Nonindigenous Forest Pests in the Continental United States” (2011) “Economic Impacts of Non-Native Forest Insects in the Continental United States” (2011) “The Ecology of Invasions by Animals and Plants” (1958) Scientists: Therese Poland, Project Leader/Research Entomologist, Northern Research Station, Lansing, Michigan Sandy Liebhold, Research Entomologist, Northern Research Station, Morgantown, West Virginia Robert Haight, Research Forester, Northern Research Station, St. Paul, Minnesota Produced by the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Want more information? Visit us at Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at:


Balance & Barrier: Wasps vs. Emerald Ash Borer Beetle

With global trade and travel, organisms are moved around easily and abruptly, causing biological invasions. What’s our best hope to combat these rapidly spreading pests? Sometimes, it’s to do the exact same thing, to start moving around organisms — on purpose — to attack unwanted pests. This is called ‘biological control.’ It is one of the most cost-efficient and environmentally acceptable long-term approaches for managing invasive species. And, it’s been a crucial component to managing the damage caused by the most destructive forest insect in U.S. history — the emerald ash borer beetle. Related Research: Emerald Ash Borer Biocontrol in Ash Saplings: The Potential for Early Stage Recovery of North American Ash Trees (2017) Progress and Challenges of Protecting North American Ash Trees from the Emerald Ash Borer Using Biological Control (2018) Progress in the Classical Biological Control of Agrilus Planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in North America (2015) Buying Time: Preliminary Assessment of Biocontrol in the Recovery of Native Forest Vegetation in the Aftermath of the Invasive Emerald Ash Borer (2017) The Role of Biocontrol of Emerald Ash Borer in Protecting Ash Regeneration After Invasion (2017) EAB County Detections Scientists: Leah Bauer, Research Entomologist, Northern Research Station, Lansing, Michigan (retired) Roy Von Driesche, Entomologist / Conservation Biologist, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts (retired) Jian Duan, Research Entomologist, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Newark, Delaware Produced by the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Want more information? Visit us at Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at:


Balance & Barrier: Slowing the Spongy Moth's Spread

Insect biological control comes in all shapes and sizes — parasitoids, predators, or pathogens. So, what happens when neither a parasitoid nor a predator are feasible? Well, sometimes we have to turn away from using insects to attack insect pests, and turn to using an even smaller organism, something microscopic: a pathogen — in this case a fungus. Related Research: “Introduction and Establishment of Entomophaga maimaiga, a Fungal Pathogen of Gypsy Moth in Michigan” (1995) “Discovery of Entomophaga maimaiga in North American gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar” (1990) Scientists: Andrew "Sandy" Liebhold, Research Entomologist, Northern Research Station, Morgantown, West Virginia David Smitley, Professor, Michigan State University, Department of Entomology, East Lansing, Michigan Produced by the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Want more information? Visit us at Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at:


Balance & Barrier: When A Single Clone Caused An Invasion

With no parasitic wasps — like we have for emerald ash borer — and no miracle fungal pathogen — as with gypsy moth — our control options for the nonnative insect threatening Eastern hemlock forests, the hemlock woolly adelgid, have been tricky. Hemlock forests, and the hemlocks in your yard, are paying the price. Related Research: “Hemlock Woolly Adelgid: A Non-Native Pest of Hemlocks in Eastern North America” (2018) “Mitochondrial DNA from Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Suggests Cryptic Speciation and Pinpoints the Source of the Introduction to Eastern North America” (2006) “Vegetation and Invertebrate Community Response to Eastern Hemlock Decline in Southern New England” (2012) “Hemlock Canopy Arthropods Biodiversity On A Threatened Host” (2009) “Spring Bird Migration as a Dispersal Mechanism for the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid” (2019) Scientists: Nathan Havill, Research Entomologist, Northern Research Station, Hamden, Connecticut Talbot Trotter, Research Ecologist, Northern Research Station, Hamden, Connecticut Produced by the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Want more information? Visit us at Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at:


Balance & Barrier: The Hornless Asian Longhorned Beetle

The Asian longhorned beetle has the makings of a disaster pest poster — a wide possible geographic and climatic range, a number of host trees, and few control options. Lucky for us, it just doesn’t seem to spread far on its own. There are biocontrol and predator options, but nothing is ideal, or especially effective. At this time, there isn’t much we can do other than chop down and chip infested trees. Related Research: “New York's Battle with the Asian Longhorned Beetle” (1997) “Mapping of the Asian Longhorned Beetle’s Time to Maturity and Risk to Invasion at Contiguous United States Extent” (2017) National ALB Program Overview (2018) Scientists: Melody Keena, Research Entomologist, Northern Research Station, Hamden, Connecticut Talbot Trotter, Research Ecologist, Northern Research Station, Hamden, Connecticut Produced by the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Want more information? Visit us at Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at:


Balance & Barrier: The Future of Forest Threats

In addition to studying and monitoring the non-native insects already here, scientists are monitoring pests that have potential to become problems if they ever do arrive, whether from overseas or from other parts of North America. Related Research: “The Challenge of Modeling and Mapping the Future Distribution and Impact of Invasive Alien Species” (2015) “Reproduction and potential range expansion of walnut twig beetle across the Juglandaceae” (2018) “Enhanced Mitigation and Rapid Response to Reduce Spread and Impact of Spotted Lanternfly in the United States” (2019) Scientists: Robert Venette, Research Biologist, Northern Research Station, St. Paul, Minnesota Melody Keena, Research Entomologist, Northern Research Station, Hamden, Connecticut Produced by the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Want more information? Visit us at Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at:


Backcross: Tree Species Restoration & Resistance Breeding

In season one of Forestcast, entomologists showed us the ways we slow insects from attacking and killing trees. This season, we’ll meet another set of scientists, scientists who have been attacking the issue of non-native invasive insects and pathogens from a different angle. Chemicals and biological control can buy trees time, but they cannot completely control the non-native insects that are attacking trees that have never experienced these insects before. We need something on top of those controls, and these scientists, they’ve been working towards a solution — a long-term resistance. What is it? Well, it’s simple. At least, a simple idea: use trees. Related Research: “Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on the Genetics of Host-Parasite Interactions in Forestry—Tree Resistance to Insects and Diseases: Putting Promise into Practice” (2020) Scientists: Jennifer Koch, Research Biologist, Northern Research Station, Delaware, Ohio Kathleen Knight, Research Ecologist, Northern Research Station, Delaware, Ohio Leila Pinchot, Research Ecologist, Northern Research Station, Delaware, Ohio Charlie Flower, Research Ecologist, Northern Research Station, Delaware, Ohio Produced by the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Want more information? Visit us at Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at:


Backcross: How Do You Breed Better Trees?

Tree species restoration—especially with species that are threatened with extinction—isn't even on the table unless you have resistant planting stock. But, trees live on another timescale than humans—a much longer one. And, to be a geneticist, to breed, your job is to infiltrate that timeline, and to understand it. By understanding that timeline, you can begin to fiddle with it, fiddle with time, and with the future. The future of that plant, but also the future of our planet. Genetics allow us to make better trees, make a better world, and do it all by fooling our forests. Related Research: "The Evolution of Forest Genetics and Tree Improvement Research in the United States” (2015) “Institute of Forest Tree Breeding: Improvement and Gene Conservation of Iconic Tree Species in the 21st Century” (2017) “Breeding Trees Resistant to Insects and Diseases: Putting Theory into Application” (2017) “Common Misconceptions About Forest Tree Breeding, A Valuable Tool For Addressing Forest Health Issues” (2020) “Breeding for Resistance to Tree Pests: Successes, Challenges, and a Guide to the Future” (2021) “Restoration of Landscapes and Habitats Affected by Established Invasive Species” (2021) Scientists: Jennifer Koch, Research Biologist, Northern Research Station, Delaware, Ohio Produced by the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Want more information? Visit us at Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at:


Backcross: The Past, Present and Future of American Chestnut

A hundred years ago, the American chestnut was the redwood of the East. It was big, and it was everywhere, especially in the southern Appalachians. But, today, it’s just a shrub and is, functionally, extinct. With chestnuts having gone through such a dramatic decline, restoration has been a priority, and it’s been a restoration effort unlike many others. It’s been one of the most passionate efforts an American tree has ever seen. Related Research: American Chestnut Oral History Project (2009) American Chestnut Restoration (NRS) “Reintroduction of American Chestnut in the National Forest System” (2014) “American Chestnut: A Test Case for Genetic Engineering?” (2014) “Growth, Survival, and Competitive Ability of Chestnut Seedlings Planted Across a Gradient of Light Levels” (2017) “Restoration of the American Chestnut Will Require More Than a Blight-Resistant Tree” (2020) Scientists: Leila Pinchot, Research Ecologist, Northern Research Station, Delaware, Ohio Bethany Baxter, American Chestnut Oral History Project, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Ella Preston, American Chestnut Oral History Project, Letcher County, Kentucky Harding Ison, American Chestnut Oral History Project, Letcher County, Kentucky James Mullins, American Chestnut Oral History Project, Dickenson County, Virginia Produced by the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Want more information? Visit us at Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at:


Backcross: A Return to Elm Street

Dutch elm disease (DED) is one of the most commonly known and destructive tree diseases in the world. The disease was first observed in Ohio in 1930, and by 1976, only 34 million of the estimated 77 million elms present in U.S. urban locations remained. Research on American elm from the 1970s to the present has focused in large part on the identification of American elm individuals that can withstand the DED pathogen. To increase American elm’s long-term recovery as a canopy tree, it is crucial to increase the genetic variation of tolerant elms available for planting in urban and rural settings. Related Research: “New American Elms Restore Stately Trees” (1996) “Evaluation of 19 American Elm Clones for Tolerance to Dutch Elm Disease” (2005) “Proceedings of the American Elm Restoration Workshop” (2016) “Development of New Dutch Elm Disease-Tolerant Selections for Restoration of the American Elm in Urban and Forested Landscapes” (2017) Scientists:  Jennifer Koch, Research Biologist, Northern Research Station, Delaware, Ohio Kathleen Knight, Research Ecologist, Northern Research Station, Delaware, Ohio Denny Townsend, Research Geneticist (Retired), USDA ARS, ​​U.S. National Arboretum, Washington, D.C. Dale Lesser, Farmer, Lesser Farms and Orchard, Dexter, Michigan  Produced by the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Want more information? Visit us at Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at:


Backcross: Will Ash be the Blueprint for Tree Restoration?

The number one way you can stop an insect invasion or pathogen from spreading is by stopping it from ever starting. Who says geneticists and ecologists can’t act in the same way—taking action before a tree is ever in danger? With ash, proactive and collaborative breeding is already taking place, and it could be a roadmap for the future of combating tree species restorations. Related Research: Green Ash Trees That Survive Beetle Infestation Pass on Their Resistance Through Propagation and Planting (NRS) The Key to Rescuing Green Ash from Emerald Ash Borer is in the Genes (NRS) “Saving Green Ash” (2017) “Restoring Green Ash: Breeding for Resistance to the Emerald Ash Borer” (2020) “Convergent molecular evolution among ash species resistant to the emerald ash borer” (2020) Saving Oregon Ash (2022) [Oregon Dept. of Forestry] Scientists: Jennifer Koch, Research Biologist, Northern Research Station, Delaware, Ohio Kathleen Knight, Research Ecologist, Northern Research Station, Delaware, Ohio Richard Sniezko, Center Geneticist, Dorena Genetic Resource Center, Cottage Grove, Oregon Produced by the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Want more information? Visit us at Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at:


Backcross: How A Bird Influences Beech Resistance Patterns (BONUS)

Beech bark disease has been killing American beech trees in eastern North America since the late 1890s. In northern New England, New York, and the Maritimes where the disease is most severe, groups of disease resistant trees occasionally occur. Genetic studies reveal that trees in groups are families, and distribution patterns suggest that they were “planted” by blue jays. Related Research: American Beech Resistance to Cryptococcus fagisuga (1983) Forest Insect & Disease Leaflet 75 (1983) Dispersal of Beech Nuts by Blue Jays in Fragmented Landscapes (1985) Spatial and Temporal Development of Beech Bark Disease in the Northeastern United States (2005) Beech Bark Disease: The Oldest "New" Threat to American Beech in the United States (2010) The Emergence of Beech Leaf Disease in Ohio: Probing Plant Microbiome in Search of the Cause (2020) Beech Leaf Disease Symptoms Caused by Newly Recognized Nematode Subspecies Litylenchus crenatae mccannii (Anguinata) Described From Fagus grandifolia in North America (2020) Scientists: Jennifer Koch, Research Biologist, Northern Research Station, Delaware, Ohio Laura Kenefic, Research Forester, Northern Research Station, Bradley, Maine Dave Houston, Principal Plant Pathologist (Retired), Northern Research Station, Hamden, Connecticut In this episode, we used the following recording from the Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: ML526793201 (Kendrick DeBoer, Alberta, Canada) Produced by the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Want more information? Visit us at Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at:


Women of Research: Twenty-Five Years of Mentorship with Laura Kenefic & Susan Stout

To celebrate the immeasurable impact of women in our nation’s history, and to honor the scientists who have inspired others to dream, work, study, serve and succeed, Forecast is kicking off a special 10-episode series highlighting women’s perspectives in research over the past 50 years. Eleven scientists from the Northern Research Station and Rocky Mountain Research Station will share their experiences from before, during and after careers with the USDA Forest Service. Stories of mentors and mentorship, motherhood, rural and urban stewardship, passions for science, leadership, and beyond. To kick things off, a conversation between a mentor and mentee about how they met, the evolution and value of their relationship, their shared diversity research, and where to go from here. Related Research: USDA Forest Service Employee Diversity During a Period of Workforce Contraction (2022) Strategies for Increasing Diversity and Inclusion at SAF Meetings (2017) Bridging the Gender Gap: The Demographics of Scientists in the USDA Forest Service and Academia (2015) Scientists: Laura Kenefic, Research Forester, Northern Research Station, Bradley, Maine Susan Stout, Emeritus Research Forester, Northern Research Station, Irvine, Pennsylvania If you're interested in hearing more women in the Forest Service, visit the National Forest Service Library and their HerStory oral history project. Produced by the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Want more information? Visit us at Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at:


Women of Research: An Ode to Mentors by Sara Brown

Ecologist Sara Brown takes us through eight chapters of her career and the 10 mentors that made her, from wildland firefighting, to smokejumping, to teaching in New Mexico, to directing the Missoula Fire Science Lab. Sara is a classically trained ecologist, with a focus on fire ecology. Before her return to the Forest Service in 2015, she was an Assistant Professor of Forestry at New Mexico Highlands University. She taught wildfire science and ecology courses, and enjoyed working on research problems in the field with students. Her applied research program provided graduate and undergraduate students with opportunities to work on questions relating to fire effects, fire intensity, fuel treatment effects and understanding fire history as it applies to reintroducing appropriate fire return intervals to a variety of ecosystems. Today, she is the Fire, Fuel & Smoke Program Manager at the Rocky Mountain Research Station in Missoula, Montana. Related Research: On the Need for Inclusivity and Diversity in the Wildland Fire Professions (2020) Diversity: Just Gender and Race... or a Diversity of Perspectives (2018) Bridging the Divide Between Fire Safety Research and Fighting Fire Safely (2017) Scientist: Sara Brown, Fire, Fuel & Smoke Program Manager, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Missoula, Montana If you're interested in hearing more women in the Forest Service, visit the National Forest Service Library and their HerStory oral history project. Produced by the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Want more information? Visit us at Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at:


Women of Research: Watershed Moments & Moms with Chelcy Miniat

Ecologist Chelcy Miniat shares watershed moments of her career and life, from a spark of science in sixth grade, to her time at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, to her decisions about if and when to have children. Chelcy is the program manager of the Rocky Mountain Research Station Maintaining Resilient Dryland Ecosystems (MRDE) program, a group of scientists that investigates the biology, use, management, and restoration of grasslands, shrublands, and deserts. Her own research is centered on developing a mechanistic understanding of watershed ecosystem function by studying how abiotic and biotic factors (species, environmental variables, disturbances) regulate carbon, nutrient, and water cycling processes. Related Research: The Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory and the Coweeta Long‐Term Ecological Research Project (2021) Scientist: Chelcy Miniat, Maintaining Resilient Dryland Ecosystems Program Manager, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Albuquerque, New Mexico If you're interested in hearing from more women in the Forest Service, visit the National Forest Service Library and their HerStory oral history project. Produced by the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. Want more information? Visit us at Questions or ideas for the show? Connect with Jon at:


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