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Free Speech Debate

Author: Oxford University

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Free Speech Debate ( is a global, multilingual website for the discussion of free speech in the age of mass migration and the internet. Ten draft principles for global free speech are laid out, together with explanations and case studies - all for debate. Prominent figures from diverse cultures, faiths and political tendencies are interviewed and asked to comment through video, audio and text. Individual users from across the world are strongly encouraged to take part in the online discussion. They can propose new case studies and suggest revised or entirely new principles.

The project is programmatically dedicated to taking the free speech debate beyond the west and global north, into the east and south. The entire editorial content is carefully translated into 13 languages, covering more than 80% of the world's internet users, by native-speakers of those languages (mainly graduate students at Oxford University). Anyone can then contribute to the online discussion in these or any other widely used languages, and there is a facility to give a rough translation of every user-generated comment into most languages using machine translation.

The website is actively moderated by, and the original content generated by, an international team at Oxford University, working under the leadership of Timothy Garton Ash. Free Speech Debate is a research project of the Dahrendorf Programme for the Study of Freedom at St Antony's College.
10 Episodes
In this interview with Timothy Garton Ash, Susan Benesch, senior fellow at the World Policy Institute, makes a distinction between hate speech and dangerous speech.
Confucianism’s defence of political speech does not necessarily apply to other forms of expression, says Bell
Legal philosopher Martha Nussbaum gave the 2013 Dahrendorf Lecture, exploring how to live with religious diversity.
Jillian York (Electronic Frontier Foundation) discusses the ethics and motivations behind hacktivism, and Lauren Wolfe talks about her new project Women Under Siege, a website that crowdsources instances of rape and sexual violence in war zones.
This month's podcast focuses on the sometimes fine line between artistic expression and free speech. It features interviews with filmmaker Nick Sturdee on the Russian art collective Voina, and stand-up comedian Tom Greeves on the UK's parody laws. The podcast also contains snippets of some of the best content on the Free Speech Debate website including a discussion on Islam with Irshad Manji, author of Allah, Liberty and Love, as well as with Rebecca MacKinnon, author of Consent of the Networked, on the need for netizens to take back control of the internet.
Facebook, Privacy and You

Facebook, Privacy and You


Is the age of privacy over? Lord (Richard) Allan from Facebook and Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, author of Delete, go head to head on privacy and the right to be forgotten in the internet era.
This month's podcast looks at Facebook's dominance and internet censorship in China. It features interviews with Mark Thompson, director general of the BBC, and Professor Tim Wu, author of the Master Switch.
Free Speech Debate's monthly podcast features a round-up of interviews on the site including Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales, former Formula One boss Max Mosley and Chinese scholar Yan Xuetong. Hosts Brian Pellot and Katie Engelhart speak to Viktor Mayer-Schönberger about his new book Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age and discuss Aids denialism with FSD team member Casey Selwyn.
Professor Timothy Garton Ash (Director of Free Speech Debate) interviews Jimmy Wales (Founder of Wikipedia) on the topic of global free speech and the internet. This was the launch event of Free Speech Debate and took place in Oxford on 19 Jan 2012.
In this short introductory video, the director of Free Speech Debate, talks about the objectives of this Oxford University research project.