Freeform Spiritual Wisdom

<p>My desire in creating this podcast is to share with you the enhanced awareness and understanding about life that I have experienced in the twenty-eight years that I have immersed myself in the exploration, study and practice of metaphysical and spiritual knowledge and wisdom philosophies.</p><p>There are usually two reasons why an individual begins to explore beyond what many people consider the only reality of human life. One is that they are looking for a way to make their life more satisfying and enjoyable to live, and the other is to become familiar with those deeper parts of who and what they are. Here, we will explore how these are actually one goal.</p><p>One of the things that I discovered on my journey is that many times certain concepts within a philosophy will actually act as a barrier to experiencing our unlimited nature and our ability to express that in our human experience. The problem here is that if you are unaware of the barrier that is being presented, you will not know that it needs to be moved beyond to allow your understanding and experience of the true you, to move into the forefront of your life and have the effects that are there to be embraced.</p><p>This is what I intend to share with all of you here. We will explore the limits that you may have placed upon yourself, including those that may be part of the philosophies or practices you are presently associated with.</p><p>I will help you to move into a different understanding of who and what you actually are, and from that place access the ability that lies within this expanded model of yourself, and apply it to the type of experience you desire to have in your life. I will also share with you the tools that will make this process one that does not need to take years before you begin to see results in your day to day experience of your life.</p><p>We will explore how the ideas, concepts and beliefs you hold result in how your life is experienced. We will explore the phenomenon of choice and how your life is actually an expression of the choices you make, many of which you are unaware you are making.</p><p>We will explore dreams, the integral part they play in who and what you are, and how to utilize them to more quickly move beyond the things that are blocking your progress. Meditation will also be explored, though a more engaging version, than what many typically think of when they consider this modality and the benefits it can add to the entire exploration.</p><p>We will explore how feelings, emotion, and the imagination are an integral aspect of the creative process we experience each moment of our life, and why an association with the natural world is so beneficial to this journey. We will explore all of these and more.</p><p>The limitless nature of who we really are will be brought into the light.</p><p>We will look at why keeping your focus on you and the thoughts and feelings that you are experiencing is key to seeing changes in your experience of life; all parts of your life. As we progress, so too will the way you will be able to understand the information and ideas presented. You will also experience the ability to more effectively fold them into the choices you make that then show up as your experience of life.</p>

Freeform Spiritual Wisdom-Moving Beyond Fear and Worry.

In today's episode we'll discuss why so many people still utilize fear and worry, as two of the most common default ways of coloring the experiences of their lives.I'll talk about some very powerful ways to alter that type of focus in our life, and how an expanding awareness of how we express consciousness and energy to create our experience of our existence, can result in a powerful ability to redirect the energy of your life, to redirect consciousness. We'll talk about free will or choice, ...


Exploring Allowance-A Powerful Key to Bringing Change to Your Experience.

As you walk the metaphysical and spiritual journey you are choosing to explore, there will be many moments when the shifts in how your reality shows up for you, may bring you experiences that are quite different to what you are used to.Understanding the power of combining a deep understanding of the mechanisms of consciousness with a variety of experiences, can be incredibly helpful in nurturing the type of trust in yourself, in all layers of yourself, that then open the door for you, to allo...


Understanding process, and how deeply impactful it is to our journey and exploration.

In today's episode we'll explore the idea of process, the difference in how it is viewed by the wider/deeper us-the soul, and how adopting a more expansive approach to how we perceive and interact with process, can shift the way our reality shows up for us.Process, in an experience of time, can frequently be seen as, perhaps we can say, a necessary evil on the way to our goals. If, however, we more into a deeper level of trust with the guidance of those deeper aspects of who and what we are, ...


Expanding your awareness of what 2024 and beyond will mean for our planet and for you..

In today's episode my intent in the information I will share, is to provide some context within which to perceive all the various posts and messages that are being presented, through social media and all other forms of information, about the type of changes to our planet and to our personal experience, that we can expect, which will be beginning in 2024 and expanding, as we move forward.This episode is meant to give a framework of understanding and reference, both for those who are very early...


An expression of my process of a deep connection with nature, how you can do it, the incredible benefits and a number of examples of my enhanced experience in my journey.

In this episode I want to introduce you to the benefits of creating a much deeper connection to nature than you may presently have. I will explain the process that I experienced as I first began to explore nature in an aware way, and a number of the mystical events I had as that experience deepened. I will describe the benefits you can experience not only while you are exploring nature, but those that will carry over into and effect you everyday life. Benefits that will allow you to live your...


Suggestions and wisdom for those newer in their exploration, from an explorer of thirty years.

In today's episode, I thought I would focus on those who are newer in their exploration of this journey. After almost thirty years of deeply embracing my exploration of self, I have become familiar with many of the experiences that show up as we move to a deeper understanding of who and what we are. In today's episode I want to share some of that. It's not an instruction manual or a set of rigid guidelines, but rather a collection of suggestions and examples of many of the experiences you are...


Your "Environments" part in the reality you experience and how attempting to fill the emptiness we feel with the things of the world is a no-win scenario.

Today's episode is the companion of the video podcast I recently released on YouTube. In it I will explore the idea of the way your environment effects the way you shape consciousness to have the experience you are having. Though the environment we will explore, is maybe different than what you may suppose.We will also explore that empty feeling that so many experience within themselves, to whatever degree they do, as they live their life from day to day. We'll explore the various ways ...


When and how do we co-create, and a deeper exploration of building a connection with nature.

Hello everyone, in today's episode I'll going to talk about the difference between the reality that you in collaboration with the wider you is creating and the times that we are cocreating. As we are experiencing our seemingly physical reality, what is the mix regarding what is cocreated and what is our expression of energy, or our configuration of consciousness?This is an area that there seem to be many questions about, as I become aware of the various interactions, individuals are having in...


The common place of challenge that depression, substance abuse and addition, come from.

In today's episode we'll talk about two of the more challenging experiences within our reality: depression and substance abuse, as well as addiction.From the perspective of how a deep understanding of self allows an individual mental and emotional strength in life, a life whose influences have led to a lack of belief and caring about yourself, as well as the feeling that you do not have the ability to make the choices you would like to make in life, can act to separate us from an easier acces...


Upcoming planetary changes and who you want to be in these times.

In today's episode I have decided to talk about the changes our civilization is going through, in response to the widening of our understanding and experience of self.In these times it is increasingly important to keep your focus on you, who you actually want to be and what type of world you want to exist in.And the key here is to be able to focus on your preferences, while also being able to accept the preferences of others.We'll talk about the importance of that, the type of shifts we will ...


The Mechanisms of Consciousness-A comprehensive explanation of how our reality comes about.

In this episode I share the most comprehensive explanation in the podcast to date, of how consciousness forms itself into the experience of life we are having. If you desire to live a life that is much fuller, satisfying and exciting, a life that feels much different than what you currently experience, or if you want to experience more of self- the way you as the self, create your experience of reality, is a large step toward that. and so much more.If you would like to contact me you can e-ma...


Getting Healthy and Staying Healthy

In today's episode I'll talk about a deeper understanding of why we are challenged with poor health and disease. How the model of life we have accepted surrounds us with beliefs that need to lead to that outcome, and the approach we can choose to take to leave all of that behind. If you would like to contact me you can e-mail me at, freeformspiritualwisdom@gmail.comDonating is a very nice way to help with the creation and the production of the information I provide here. Please consider using...


Why and How This Exploration Positively Effects and Changes All of Your Life.

In this episode, I'll discuss the incredibly powerful effect this exploration and journey has on an individual's life. How becoming increasingly aware of who and what you are, will move you beyond any of the troubling circumstances and situations that you are involved with in your life.We'll look at some of the more common areas that people struggle with in their lives and explain how moving in to a wider and deeper awareness of self, and the experiences that come from that choice, lead to a ...


Three unique expressions of consciousness that are foundational to why you are you.

In today's episode I'm going to expand our understanding of the various aspects of consciousness that are involved in the way we see ourselves, the way we experience ourselves and the world we live in.There are three unique forms of expression, three filters of consciousness we could say, that are foundational to why you see yourself the way you do and why you see life and others around you the way you do. They are quite different from each other, and each of them is like speaking a whole dif...


Life only contains the meaning that you give it.

In today's episode I'll discuss the idea that life, at its foundation is essentially neutral. That any meaning that anything in your experience of life has, is there because you choose that meaning. In this we move a step closer to a deeper understanding of the true power you have in the type of experience of life you encounter.This is a continuation of the mechanisms that are foundational, to how the life you live each day, each moment, shows up for you.If you would like to contact...


Not getting overly caught up in the outer expression as you create your reality.

In this episode we'll dive deeper into the idea that you are the one that is creating your experience of reality. We'll discuss the pitfalls that we can fall into on occasion as we become familiar with the idea that we are creating our reality, and not to pull our focus off of our inner experience. Why that is so powerful and how helpful it can be to not NEED your outer reality to look a certain way, to prove to you that you have made progress.If you know someone that you think or feel may be...


The Illusion of Time and How That Experience Comes About

In today's episode I intend to move deeper into the exploration of the mechanisms that are associated with our experience of physical reality.I will expand the concept of the moment and describe how those moments are so very integral to the experience we seem to be having of time.I'll talk about the variety of ways the phenomenon of the moment and the idea of time collaborate to bring you the experience that we have of time within our life.This will be somewhat challenging information, especi...


A Deeper Dive Into Beliefs and How We Use Them In Our Relationships

In this episode I'll discuss the three primary ways to recognize when you are using a limiting belief to bring your experience about. We'll also discuss relationships and how important it is to understand the dynamics of us expressing our beliefs within them, as well as how to address that, to experience the type of relationships we prefer.If you know someone that you think or feel may be interested in what is shared here or that you feel may benefit from it, please share this podcast with th...


Your Inner State-It's what it's all about

Today I'll talk about the most important understanding you can have when it comes to having the type of experience of life that truly brings you excitement, fulfillment and joy.I'll discuss the nature of our inner state, what it is that it is comprised of, and how it is that paying attention to that aspect of our self, yields the type of results we have always been looking for.If you would like to contact me you can e-mail me at, freeformspiritualwisdom@gmail.comIf you have would like to part...


Discovering the sticking points of a stalled process

In today's episode, I'll touch on a number of places where you may not be aware that you are utilizing certain limiting ideas, or not allowing certain perspectives to be a part of your process, and that in overlooking them, or forgetting about them, bring the effect of slowing your progress or perhaps making it feel like it has stopped all together.If you would like to contact me you can e-mail me at, freeformspiritualwisdom@gmail.comIf you have the desire to support the podcast you can contr...


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