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Fresh Air Releases

Author: The Back Burner

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This podcast is a tributary of Fresh Oil Releases for 2016 - 19 (for new podcasts for 2020/2021, see my new podcast Here I share prophetic insights, audio messages of my website articles and exhortations for the bride of Christ. For those interested, my website is   .My podcast for 2022/2023 is found here: 
17 Episodes
I would like to share an unfolding vision I was shown today. I saw a highway out of a city; it had huge heaps of earth piled onto the road so that people could not leave the city...
As I did the cleaning of all the silver objects in my household a little while ago, the Lord also began to speak to me concerning marriages which He was working intensely with, in preparation for a sending out on specific missions... For those whose marriages have been through intense attack, this message will bring light and hope!
Trump, the Touchstone

Trump, the Touchstone


There has been a wealth of prophetic words sent out before and after the American Election concerning both the predicted outcome and its meaning.Personally, I do not believe Trump coming to power has anything to do with making America great again. Only Jesus, the Son of the Living God can do that. Yet the Church still looks to the arm of flesh and rejoices in its upliftment. Here is a small soundbyte of what has been shown me by the Spirit of Truth in the midst of being made a very uncomfortable prophetic sign (a process which is as yet incomplete). It is in our weakness that His strength is perfected... but how slow we are to learn this principle...
more on the washing of the Bride with the best wine and the story of the silver locket... TAKE A LOOK AT MY WEBSITE FOR MORE ARTICLES:
On the 9th May, the Holy Spirit began to teach me concerning the cleaning and polishing of His silver vessels, described as vessels of honor in 2 Timothy 2:20. It came about in this manner...
In the rolling darkness that is blanketing the nations of the earth, its important to build an ark for your family. This Passover, how do we do that? Find out and hear about events on the world stage during April
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but just how deep does this attribute go when we are not before the eyes of man? Sometimes a look in the mirror using the light of the Refiner's fire can be sobering!!
Thoughts From the Crucible

Thoughts From the Crucible


The Spirit of Judgment and Burning is visiting those who have sought the Lord for His presence and the experience is both purifying and painful but yields the fruit of righteousness for those who co-operate. We are honored with His visit in preparation for the outpouring of His glory.This message brings understanding of the process.
Perfect in One

Perfect in One


Jesus prayed a prayer over us which is in the process of being fulfilled. Add your voice to His, come into union and full agreement with His voice over you and see the fullness of His will be brought forth in and through you.
I recently heard a repeated warning from the Lord concerning stepping out and crossing over the threshold into a new season. Many voices in the church are urging His set-apart ones to arise and step out boldly right now. Yet, it is possible to prophesy from the currents of earth instead of the winds of Heaven.WE need an increased level of discernment to pick up the still small voice in these hours of the dawn watch.Be aware that the enemy also masquerades as an angel of light and not all light received in the morning watch is authentic.
The Transition Bridge

The Transition Bridge


The church is moving from one era to another and the one to come is quite unlike the time we have all got to know so well. Leaving one chapter and entering a new one does not just take one step. There is a period of transition involved. Here I share some principles that will help you identify and understand what part of the process you are in and what God is busy achieving at each point.
The Bride of Christ is in the worldly church but not of the worldly church. She is in Sodom but not of Sodom and messengers are being sent to urge her into separation, preparation and transition out of this place, in order that she may not share in the plagues appointed those who call evil good and who masquerade as messengers of righteousness.God is separating light from darkness and children of light from those who carry His Name on their lips but their hearts are far from Him.
Set Apart Within

Set Apart Within


As more and more ungodly judgments in various cases are passed at an amazing pace, and it seems like the last vestiges of morality in the world we live in are falling like dominoes, it is difficult as the people of God, to know how the Lord wishes us to respond. As I look further into the story of Lot, we see there is hidden wisdom and understanding of the times for Believers; in order that we may know what to do at this juncture in world history.
In the beginning, God separated light from darkness and once again in this day, He is carrying the same process using His two-edged sword of Truth.We are sons of the light and sons of the day and the distinction is becoming clearer and clearer...The Spirit of Elijah is busy in the earth before the great and terrible day of the Lord, calling the people of God to choose whom they will serve.
What color light comes from your house? Is it white light - or all the colors of the rainbow? How will you be known in the coming a house of light or a house filled with darkness? When darkness covered the land of Egypt, there was light in the houses of God's people.Make sure that the light in you is not actually darkness masquerading as light.God is LIGHT and there is NO darkness in Him at all. Luk 11:34 Your eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye (your conscience) is sound and fulfilling its office, your whole body is full of light; but when it is not sound and is not fulfilling its office, your body is full of darkness. Be careful, therefore, that the light that is in you is not darkness.
this is the second part of the message on Noah and the prophetic depiction of the victorious end-time Bride during the flood from the dragon's mouth, described in Rev 12.
Continuing with the thread on the shoes of the gospel of peace, I look at how Noah prophetically depicts those wearing the shoes of the gospel of peace in a time when a flood of darkness is released on the earth. (the previous message is no longer available here due to space constraints. email me at for a dropbox link)