Friday! Nite! Lite!

‘People you may know’ but don’t actually know but would like to get to know. Let’s shoot the shit. Send. Accept. Connect.

Flipping a Switch

Meet Ice. A multifaceted drummer living his best life after flipping a switch in his every day choices, both professionally and personally. A native of Ohio thriving as a dad, a husband and a rockstar in Nashville.


Hashtag Evolution

Meet me. Meet Kate. Two single moms who’ve been through some shit, wading through more Shit that is the ‘dating’ scene. Find out how life in the world of being single includes judgement, being called a MILF and learning to navigate what dating actually means in the 21st century during a pandemic. Unfiltered. Raw. Real. Sheesh.



Meet Amber. A wife, a mom, a twin and a daughter. Find out how one excruciatingly devastating night in 1994 has taught her the frailty of life and encouraged her to come forward to tell both her side and her dad’s side of the story instead of the media. Learn how after 27 years she lives her life constantly asking what the lesson in that night was and ultimately choosing the desire of finding it out over fear.


“Are You Good?”

Meet Curtis. A wandering soul who loves to wonder. A well rounded intelligent adult honoring his inner child by skateboarding and connecting with those around him. A nor’easter living in Georgia living a totally different path than the Air Force and learning how not to cheat himself by appreciating every moment of life...because he WANTS to. “Are You Good?” drops tonight at midnight!


Keep My Wheels On.

Meet Kate. We’re circling back about how life has come full circle with a lot of good going on for her after years of trauma and constant change. We talk about her moves, dating life, and what it means to feel relief within the ‘roots’ of just being.


Ricochets and Reinvention

Aannnnd we’re back. Reintroducing my podcast by shooting the shit with Amy. Remember her? She’s still living her duck yes life (quack) even among loss and a pandemic. Hear how tiny steps to her big picture keep her molting and manifesting her best days with every intentional thought and coffee cup she chooses.


It’s a Rush!

Meet Mike. A dope soul and talented artist cruising through life on the slopes of Denver while capturing people’s spirits with his caricatures. Find out how being an artist who owns his own business can be both painful and exciting. We talk about how the pandemic brought him back to his roots of family, friends and the necessary need for consistency for deep flow states of survival.


Hair. Boobs. Smile.

Meet Mary. Find out how ‘Miss Weston’ has become the ambassador of all things important in this world. Like baseball, wine, ska music, punching nazis, court conundrums, knowing your body and the ‘beauty’ of breast cancer.


Creating Space

Meet Lovern. A spunky well-versed soul from Trinidad whose childhood inadvertently shaped her into the resilient person she is today. Find out how playing a lawyer on the playground set the stage for her burgeoning foundation, free spirit and faith in every day life and love.


Shake It Off!

.Find out why #DVAwareness is important to me, how speaking my truth about shady cops, soldiers, and lawyers never gets old but probably effects my dating life, and how loving myself has been the hardest and best thing I’ve ever done.


Forcing Functions

Meet Jenn. A military brat who set the foundation for an open, adventurous and curious life at the brave age of fifteen. Find out how she lives her life as a mom, a poet, a CrossFitter and a lover of living relentlessly.


All Parts Equal A Whole

Meet Tiffane. An insightful and educated healer bringing unity and safe spaces for the people of Kansas City. Her art, spiritual creativity, and trauma informed activism are helping pave the way to helping communities find accountable and stay connected.


Unique Sense of Soul

Meet Mitchell. A wildly intelligent soul paving his way through life with a strong sense of identity after being classified as hopeless. His clear distinctions about who he is, who he used to be and who people might think he is are set in his intentions as a dad, a Christian and as a philosopher.


Symbolic language

Meet Austin. Meet Austin. A brilliant artist, leather craftsman, and an advocate for human decency. Find out how he’s a master of so many trades and taking his talents to the East Coast to imprint his creativity on the youth of America.


Mother Fucking Proud.

Another episode of Friday!Nite!Lite! drops tonight at midnight. It’s about me, myself and I. It’s basically me blabbing, sometimes crying, maybe kinda being funny and definitely cussing about life and the growth I’ve gone through over the last ten years. Keeping it real.



Another episode of Friday!Nite!Lite! drops at midnight tonight. Meet Amy. A badass warrior aligning her life with healthy addictions and getting comfortable with the uncomfortable. Find out how she’s taking back her life with toning and atonement.


Supreme Being

Meet Blake. A father, a cosmetologist, and a multitalented and self taught musician. Find out how he lives his life as a daily rockstar by making everyday choices that benefit who he has worked very hard to become.


Mental Brut

Meet Chase. A dynamic and wildly talented young man giving no fucks about life but simultaneously giving the most. Find out how words are home to him and how being a rapper keeps him ‘clean’ and out of trouble.


Due Diligence

Chatting with Crystal Neal about truth, justice and the American way...and also OUR way. Find out how we met, how she’s navigating life in the healthcare field during ‘covis’ and raising three boys during a heightened time of racism and prejudice.



Opinions are mine and mine only.


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