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Friends From A to Z

Author: Adele and Zoe

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Join Adele and Zoe discussing possibly the best TV programme ever made in Friends From A to Z. Episode by episode they dig into the detail, laugh at the best bits and call out what’s unusual or just plain weird twenty something years on in Friends Thru A Lens - plus they have condensed each episode into a limerick! Could a Friends podcast BE any better?
104 Episodes
**Note that this episode was recorded before the untimely death of Matthew Perry** This is an easy favourite, with lots to love. There is also, though, a lot to forgive with several plot holes revealed through the discussion, but that doesn’t prevent this from being a classic. There’s surprise at Adele’s favourite joke, Friends-thru-a-lens makes an appearance with the OTT jokes about Monica being overweight and Zoe might just blow Adele’s mind with what she notices about why Monica would...
There’s a surprise in store for Zoe with a very special Epidimerick. There’s a lot of debate about possible explanations for very curious behaviour from Rachel, Zoe learns a new social hack and an iconic hand gesture takes the conversation from sitcom to psychology.
FFAtoZ S5 Ep6 The Yeti

FFAtoZ S5 Ep6 The Yeti


Does Phoebe have any way of justifying wearing the fur coat? There's a discussion about a possible flaw in the Danny storyline - is Rachel really ready for this yet(i)? And Zoe blows Adele’s mind by spotting that Emily and Ross are Ross and Rachel in reverse.
FFAtoZ S5 Ep5 The Kips

FFAtoZ S5 Ep5 The Kips


We're off to a racing start in this one with a cracking cold open and, despite it having a title that Zoe really (really!) doesn't like, it's jam packed full of fantastic laughs and stuff to discuss; Does Monica have the wrong idea of what a perfect weekend away should be like? Even though the weekend went a bit wrong, are they in a better situation because of it afterwards? Does Ross actually have any other option but to freeze Rachel out? And how on earth did clean-freak Monica fail to find...
Apologies to any US listeners who will cringe at our lack of knowledge about PBS, but hopefully that doesn't distract from the discussion too much! Adele wonders what the plan was for Emily if the actress hadn't got pregnant when she did (meaning Emily is not only written out but also filmed only from the neck up). Zoe on the other hand isn't sure it's credible that Ross's love for Emily could be stronger than his lifelong devotion to Rachel. Elsewhere, after a very short debate about the phi...
It's The One Hundredth and that's not the only landmark thing about this episode. Elsewhere, Zoe reveals an improvised moment by Lisa Kudrow that never made it to air (understandably, when you know what it is!), we discuss why a tiny bump in the road for Chandler and Monica is so significant and we marvel at how an actor can make repeatedly delivering one line so memorable!
Important turning points here when another Rachel and Ross chapter closes, Monica and Chandler's story develops and Phoebe's life is about to change. We discuss why it's the right decision for Rachel to tell Ross she loves him, we find out what prompted Zoe's three smiles in the margin of her notes and we as why Monica and Chandler decide to have a romantic bath with Joey in the same room, when there's a perfectly Rachel-free apartment across the hall?
We’re back for Season Five and what an opening episode - the resolution to one of the greatest end-of-season cliffhangers in television history. So much here to discuss including of course the big question of just what it *did* mean that Ross said Rachel at his wedding, what to make of Emily’s reaction and just why it is that we’re so happy to ship Monica and Chandler when everything about their relationship has been totally platonic up to this point.
Christmas is a time for giving and, to round off the year, we’ve got an extended episode to cover off both parts of Ross’ wedding and two episodes means two epidimericks! We break down why these episodes are so beloved, which celebrity cameo is the best, how our knowledge of what comes next for Monica and Chandler shapes our response to the big twist and whether this episode gave us the biggest cliffhanger in television history. Note that due to ongoing Coronavirus restrictions in the UK this...
Two episodes (well, one and a half) for the price of one here because we’ve wrapped up TOW The Invitation with TOW The Worst Best Man Ever, because The Invitation has very little original content. However, this does mean we’re double-epidimericking! There is a brief but interesting discussion about the Invitation episode, including Zoe inventing the perfect word to describe what it’s composed of and the answer to something that has remained unexplained to us for twenty years. In other d...
It’s (another) one with the lockdown, which means we’re back on Zoom for our recording of this discussion (and the sound quality is a teeny bit affected by that). There’s a debate about whether the wedding dress storyline stands up to 2020 scrutiny and whether it retains its humour with multiple viewing. Questions are raised about what’s going on in Ross’ unconscious and whether the writers are planting clues to exactly that. Zoe mirrors Chandler by learning that the way she pronounces a word...
This episode’s easy to love for so many reasons: echoes of TOW The Embryos, Joey and Chandler solid bromance moments and significant storyline progress. Despite that, it does raise many question: Is Rachel counter-intuitively the reason why Ross proposes to Emily so quickly? How long does it take to pack up and move an entire apartment? And has Zoe spotted a sinister plan that Chandler plots from this moment until he moves in with Monica?
There is one standout storyline in this episode which is undeniably great for a number of different reasons. Beyond that, there’s plenty of debate about ‘that’ dress - not just the dress itself but several questions about the set up and the outcome of that storyline. Elsewhere, how do we feel about Ross’ paranoia 20 years on and why did no one have such a psychological insight into Ross when it could have saved his and Rachel’s relationship?
Interesting trivia right off the bat with this one and its main storyline, which also leads to a mass debate trying to make sense of a group of friends sitting around watching this particular type of TV channel. What does this tell us about how TV has changed in the intervening years? Elsewhere, which is better, Relaxitaxi or Relaxicab? Is there a candidate for an iconic line and is Ross the Hugh Grant of this episode?
This one might contain a fake party, but it’s the real deal when it comes to Friends episodes. There’s a lot of appreciation for the quick-fire funny lines and for Jennifer Aniston’s tour-de-force performance. There are also lots of questions to debate: why does the public at large not feel the same way about this episode? Just how many times has Phoebe kissed the other male Friends? And why on earth does Joshua ever agree to come to this lame party?
There’s plenty to discuss about why this one gets the IMDB rating it has. Is it because 15 Yemen Road, Yemen is so iconic? Is it because Janice is back? Is it the shape-shifting accents that Emily’s rugby pals seem to have? In Friends Thru a Lens, we ask who would have thought that Toxic Masculinity would be so prolific in 22 minutes of television from 23 years ago? Why is the Yemen Road joke so funny and what does Phoebe’s mistake with the switch and the television tell us about the contempo...
It’s fair to say this isn’t a favourite episode of Season 4 for Adele or Zoe or indeed the audience at large. That said, this is a really important one because we meet for the first time one of the most disruptive and memorable characters of all ten seasons. It does raise a number of questions though: why does Emily sound like she has a fake British accent, even though the actress playing her his actually British? Why is her character still so hated twenty years on? How on earth did Charlton ...
Not the most popular episode of Season 4, but given the real life trivia around this one, there’s a great deal to discuss. There’s an in-depth exploration of Joshua’s background and a hypothesis that Joey might have unwittingly helped us understand the chemistry (or lack of) between him and Rachel. That’s not the only storyline that doesn’t really feel like it hangs together credibly: Why does the Chandler/Kathy situation end so abruptly? Was Kathy’s character treated fairly? Were we as an au...
Is there such a thing as 22 perfect minutes of television? Not only do we think so, but, arguably, THIS IS IT! This is not just a good episode of Friends, this is one of if not THE best episodes of Friends ever made. All of the many (many) features that earn it this mantle are explored, but how can we possibly pick a favourite joke? Well we have to! Is there anything we don’t like? Doubtful! And perhaps the most important question of all is answered: who *actually* won the quiz?
Another one where the rankings differ between the people at large and the hosts - this time totally inexplicably because this is a great episode! All three storylines are not just funny but play a role in raising issues into mainstream culture that were interesting and brave, so we get our Friends Thru A Lens all over that. There’s an interesting discussion around how the writers might have decided to work out the Phoebe storyline in the way they did when there were so many other options and ...
Comments (3)

sRah saneE

But Ross told Rachelle that he had a crush on her in ep1.

Jan 11th
Reply (1)


great podcast, thanks

Dec 14th
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