Friends talk

What do friends talk about? Do they talk about work, about Star Wars, about pink elements, or about nothing? Best friends always have random talks, that is the golden rule. In this podcast, we promise you that you will hear a lot of random talks by two besties who know each other around 7 or 8 years (We don't really remember). Take your coffee, and enjoy some random talks.

Personal style

We all have our unique style, and we create it based on different influences. In this episode, we talk about our personal style and its evaluation. 


Getting kicked out of the house

Living in Armenia is getting more complicated and expensive. Many people are forced to go and find new rent as owners increase the prices and rent to Russians who arrived here because of the war—a short story of one of the many cases. 



Every single one of us at least once hits burnout. We will be exhausted physically and mentally; everything loses its meaning. Things we used to enjoy don't bring the same motivation to us. We talk about how to handle burnout and what to do to avoid it. 


Leaving alone

What are the struggles and benefits of living alone? How to prepare for it and how to feel less lonely. 


Why we don't eat healthy

There comes a time in your life when you finally decide to start eating healthy. We all had that; we all go through those periods, but why we don't stick to it? In this episode, we discuss what mistakes we made when we decided to start eating healthy. How we failed and what tips can help us to stay healthy. 


Long distance friendship 101

Me and Lian discuss the struggles of being friends and being far from each other. We talk about how we met and how our friendship started 7 or 8 years ago; we really don't remember. We try to share our experiences what were the most difficult parts and what are some of the good things that came out of this journey. 


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