From A to Arbitration

<p>A Union Representative's in-depth Guide to the Dispute Resolution Process</p>

Barbara Woodke

Sadly, he got away with everything.

08-08 Reply

Barbara Woodke

this reminds me of the time my husband was IN A FUCKING COMA and I was at home with the kids, waiting to see if he was gonna live or die, and I was told I needed, "to make work a priority." It was during the summer in the peak of COVID. No daycare centers were open. My husband was a stay at home Dad. I had no one to watch my kids and was literally waiting to see if my husband would wake up. And management literally gave me shit for missing work for literally the FIRST TIME EVER. They don't care.

03-01 Reply

Barbara Woodke

This was incredibly important to hear. Thank you so very much.

11-07 Reply

Barbara Woodke

management: If you're ONE minute late, you're fired. also management: We can be as late as we want when providing documentation.

10-18 Reply

Kaleb Mock

I have 20 completions on my HERO training and just heard about it right now. One of them is HIPP

04-21 Reply




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