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From AM To PM
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From AM To PM

Author: From AM To PM

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Sharing the challenges, problems, and victories of marriage, parenting, teenagers, and special needs.
34 Episodes
Your Talking Points

Your Talking Points


We had you guys decide what we talked about. Season 1 Episode 7
Falling Out Of Love

Falling Out Of Love


Marriage is wonderful, marriage is rewarding, marriage is WORK. Your relationship is a hot water heater.
We were a handful as kids! It's story time.
Stay Hustlin'

Stay Hustlin'


What's your side hustle? We've had a few lol. 
The Spicy Adult Stuff

The Spicy Adult Stuff


Grown folk podcast episode. It's a spicy one! The word of the day is "compartmentalize". 
Stop Comparing

Stop Comparing


Do you compare yourself to what you see on the internet? It always looks like everyone else is traveling more, doing more, being more awesome, and doing the most while living their best life.
Our Kids Hate Us?

Our Kids Hate Us?


It took some evaluation of the situation to understand why this part of parenting and this phase was so challenging. By "challenging" I mean, our kids friggin hate us sometimes! Kids are jerks, parents are jerks...we are all just a bunch of jerks loving each other and trying really hard to like each other. 
Stuff we might not talk about on the daily vlog or on other social media platforms. It's a tough subject. It's real, it's valid, and it shouldn't be judged. 
Welcome BACK to the podcast! We didn't sit down with a plan of what to talk about but we really explored some stuff we've been dealing with lately...when I say lately I mean our entire marriage. Fun times. 
You guys really give us some great talking points. Being fat, romance, our adult son being home, disciplining children...we could do a separate podcast on each of these topics.
This is the kind of thing that happens to Priscilla all too often...makes for a good story though!
We have been chatting a lot between the two of us about changes that have happened and progression so we wanted to chat about it on the podcast. 
Our Plan Is Working!

Our Plan Is Working!


Sometimes just sitting down and having a conversation can be pretty productive. I think we have a good plan for giving a little back, putting some smiles on faces, and inspiring others.
We're Fighting Again

We're Fighting Again


In light of a recent fight we ended up with some words of wisdom about how to work through things and each of us actually improve as a result. Ain't marriage fun?!
Family/Work Balance

Family/Work Balance


We are really busy! We got the question how we balance work and family. Here's our answer (as well as a few other tangents we went off on).
A Q&A style podcast about marriage and relationships. How did we make it through the challenging times and create such a strong marriage?  -
I'm Controlling

I'm Controlling


Yeah, so we said we'd talk about we go. 
Quarantine and cocktails...that's the theme for season 3 of the podcast. We are surviving this homeschool, quarantine, parenting, children never sleep thing...right? We're fine, it's fine.
We've Been Arguing

We've Been Arguing


So the idea was to talk about leaving the kids at home for a few days and how we felt about didn't stay on track.
I'm sure every parent has stories of major changes they made in life to accommodate their's ours. How many of you can relate?
Comments (8)

Beth Uner

is all the podcasts on here?! why does it jump from season 2 to season 7?! where can I get all of them?

Mar 23rd

Leasa Kirkham

I just listened to your newest podcast and I loved it, so now I'm starting at the beginning and kinda "binge listening" lol...

Aug 17th

Leasa Kirkham

I use Castbox to listen to your podcast 🤗

Aug 17th

Leasa Kirkham

I'd like to get your advice on how to get my husband to actually talk to me about his feelings. He was just diagnosed with PTSD, I'm disabled and unfortunately getting worse and his sister was just in a horrible motorcycle accident she has a traumatic brain injury. So I know he has alot on his mind I just can't get him to talk to me.

Aug 17th

Lissa White

will you start your podcast again?

May 20th
Reply (2)

Lisa T

I feel the struggle Asa. YT channel 'HowToADHD' helped me find understanding, learned strategies to manage and identified coping mechanisms. I use a Bujo (bullet journal) yet, I still have about 100+GB of video game footage to edit. xD Love that y'all have a podcast because my signal doesn't always load videos.

Sep 27th