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From His Heart on

Author: Dr. Jeff Schreve

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From His Heart Ministries is the TV, Radio and Internet broadcast outreach of Dr. Jeff Schreve who believes that no matter how badly you have messed up in life, God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. We’re on mission to help a new generation discover their creator through the preaching of the compassionate, relevant, yet uncompromised truth of the Gospel. Pastor Jeff speaks the truth in love with clear biblical content combined with engaging, personal stories. His messages are filled with life-giving principles for everyday living and eternal assurance.On Television:From His Heart is seen each week on Lightsource and also around the world on The Hillsong Channel, NRBTV, The Walk TV, and hundreds of TV stations across America and around the world. Go toClick Hereto find the station near you.On Radio:Click Hereto listen to the daily radio broadcast available on as well as 720+ outlets across America.
3159 Episodes
The people of God make up God’s church. And the church has a mission to fulfill to reach the world with the good news. But what forces can create barriers to the fulfillment of this mandate from God? What causes the church to be hindered from our responsibility? In this encouraging message, Pastor Jeff shares real truth about the foundation of God’s church and the power and protection He has placed upon her. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Government is a good thing because government is a God thing, created by Him to provide protection for the people. And He gave mankind the job and the responsibility of rulership using a government that would be underneath God’s direction. What responsibility do we have to that foundational truth? Learn the purpose and relationship between God, Government and Christians in this inspiring message from Pastor Jeff Schreve. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Government is a good thing because government is a God thing, created by Him to provide protection for the people. And He gave mankind the job and the responsibility of rulership using a government that would be underneath God’s direction. What responsibility do we have to that foundational truth? Learn the purpose and relationship between God, Government and Christians in this inspiring message from Pastor Jeff Schreve. To support this ministry financially, visit:
The institutions of marriage and family are the bedrock of every society. But are these critical relationships free to be changed by society’s wavering whims? Is there a definite model ordained by God? In this fundamental message for all families, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares the truth about God’s design for marriage and family and how they are intended to give a clear and healthy picture of our relationship with Him. To support this ministry financially, visit:
The institutions of marriage and family are the bedrock of every society. But are these critical relationships free to be changed by society’s wavering whims? Is there a definite model ordained by God? In this fundamental message for all families, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares the truth about God’s design for marriage and family and how they are intended to give a clear and healthy picture of our relationship with Him. To support this ministry financially, visit:
If you want to lose weight, just knowing that a healthy diet and proper exercise are what is required is worthless to your goal unless you put them into practice. The same is true of God’s Word, you will be blessed when you DO it! In this wonderful message, Pastor Jeff Schreve reminds us that as we do what God says, we will see blessing and growth in our lives. To support this ministry financially, visit:
If you want to lose weight, just knowing that a healthy diet and proper exercise are what is required is worthless to your goal unless you put them into practice. The same is true of God’s Word, you will be blessed when you DO it! In this wonderful message, Pastor Jeff Schreve reminds us that as we do what God says, we will see blessing and growth in our lives. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Your worldview is the intellectual and emotional lens through which you experience, interpret, and respond to the world. Believers in Christ can drift along viewing the world through the lens of culture rather than through the lens of God’s Word. How is your worldview focus? In this powerful message, Pastor Jeff Schreve encourages believers through Scripture to view the world God’s way and share with others, especially with our children, the truth of His Word. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Pass the Salt

Pass the Salt


Jesus called believers the salt of the earth. But what does that really mean? In this practical message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares the particular qualities of salt that directly relate to how believers should interact in the real world. This is an inspiring and convicting message that is crucial for an effective Christian walk with God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Focus on the Family

Focus on the Family


The key to a successful team is for each member to know their specific role, and fulfill it to the best of their ability. For example, in American football, a quarterback is rarely good at being a defensive lineman, and vice versa. The same is true for families. In this helpful message, Pastor Jeff Schreve explains the importance of each family member understanding their specific God-given role to fulfill his or her purpose and bring glory to God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Are you ready to defend your faith? How can you be prepared when the enemy comes against you? Is it even possible to be fully prepared for whatever lie the devil will throw at you? In this encouraging message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares the truth believers should know to defend and share their faith to the glory of God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Are you ready to defend your faith? How can you be prepared when the enemy comes against you? Is it even possible to be fully prepared for whatever lie the devil will throw at you? In this encouraging message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares the truth believers should know to defend and share their faith to the glory of God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
In today’s society, truth is subjective. It is whatever you think it is, even if that conflicts with what God has proclaimed. The real truth is that the devil is at work deceiving the world and slowly convincing many that anything is acceptable as long as it makes us happy. What a lie! And in this eye-opening message, Pastor Jeff Schreve uncovers the lies that the devil is spreading about the true gospel and about salvation. To support this ministry financially, visit:
In today’s society, truth is subjective. It is whatever you think it is, even if that conflicts with what God has proclaimed. The real truth is that the devil is at work deceiving the world and slowly convincing many that anything is acceptable as long as it makes us happy. What a lie! And in this eye-opening message, Pastor Jeff Schreve uncovers the lies that the devil is spreading about the true gospel and about salvation. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Has something other than love for Jesus taken priority in your life? Maybe your job, money, ministry, church or even your family has superseded your love for Jesus. Knowing and loving Him should be our top priority. And in this convicting message, Pastor Jeff Schreve visits the church at Ephesus who was in danger of missing out on the greatest blessings of God. God had a word of warning for them that speaks directly to us today. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Has something other than love for Jesus taken priority in your life? Maybe your job, money, ministry, church or even your family has superseded your love for Jesus. Knowing and loving Him should be our top priority. And in this convicting message, Pastor Jeff Schreve visits the church at Ephesus who was in danger of missing out on the greatest blessings of God. God had a word of warning for them that speaks directly to us today. To support this ministry financially, visit:
The old hymn describes the grace of God as being greater than all our sin. What a wonderful truth! And it is this grace that calls all sinners who will listen to turn from their wicked ways and receive God’s forgiveness. That is so amazing. In this convicting message, Pastor Jeff Schreve explores the heart of God’s Grace for those who answer the call. To support this ministry financially, visit:
The old hymn describes the grace of God as being greater than all our sin. What a wonderful truth! And it is this grace that calls all sinners who will listen to turn from their wicked ways and receive God’s forgiveness. That is so amazing. In this convicting message, Pastor Jeff Schreve explores the heart of God’s Grace for those who answer the call. To support this ministry financially, visit:
It is becoming more and more evident that we are living in the last of the last days here on earth. So, what would God have believers do as we watch for and wait on Him? In this inspiring message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares key desires the Lord has for His people as they learn to walk with and serve Him more effectively until Jesus comes again. To support this ministry financially, visit:
It is becoming more and more evident that we are living in the last of the last days here on earth. So, what would God have believers do as we watch for and wait on Him? In this inspiring message, Pastor Jeff Schreve shares key desires the Lord has for His people as they learn to walk with and serve Him more effectively until Jesus comes again. To support this ministry financially, visit: