From my Shelf to Yours

This is a podcast about the books I have been reading and loving. I love sharing good books with anyone who wants to listen. Thanks for stopping by!

1.14 - The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern [SPOILERS]

Hey guys! Today I am talking about The Night Circus by Erin Morgernstern. This is a spoilery version of the review! If you haven't read the book and don't want to be spoiled, turn back and go listen to the spoiler-free review that is already on this podcast channel. Either way, enjoy! This podcast is going through changes and you will see them soon! Thank you so much for your patience and for tuning in. I appreciate you listening and hope you keep coming back as I figure this podcasting thing out. If you would like to support this podcast, please rate and review on iTunes and tell your friends about it. You can listen on Soundcloud, iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, and anywhere you get your podcast fix. If you want to read this book, click on the links below to purchase. These are NOT sponsored links and I get no commissions or any kickback from you clicking on them. Just thought I would leave them here to make it easier for you to grab the book. Paperback: Amazon: B&N: E-Book: Nook: Kindle: Audible:


1.13 - The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern [NO SPOILERS]

Hey guys! Today I am talking about The Night Circus by Erin Morgernstern. This is a non-spoiler version of the review with a spoilery, more detailed review coming very soon. I hope you all enjoy! This podcast is going through changes and you will see them soon! Thank you so much for your patience and for tuning in. I appreciate you listening and hope you keep coming back as I figure this podcasting thing out. If you would like to support this podcast, please rate and review on iTunes and tell your friends about it. You can listen on Soundcloud, iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, and anywhere you get your podcast fix. If you want to read this book, click on the links below to purchase. These are not sponsored links and I get no commissions or any kickback from you clicking on them. Just thought I would leave them here to make it easier for you to grab the book. Paperback: Amazon: B&N: E-Book: Nook: Kindle: Audible:


1.12 - Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett [Spoilers]

Heyo! Here is the spoiler-filled review for Good Omens. Sorry this one does not have reaction audio, I seem to have misplaced my files! But this is a good one and I hope you guys enjoy. Follow me on social media, I am The Bookie Corner on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I have a Patreon page now, if you feel generous and would like to help me keep this podcast going. Please rate and review, I really appreciate it, and tell your friends about it. I will talk to you all next time! ~C


1.11 - Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett [No Spoilers]

Hey! Today I wanted to review a book that became an instant favorite for me, and that is Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. I love this book and I wanted to do it justice, so I read it twice before I reviewed it. This review DOES NOT contain any spoilers, so if you haven't read this piece of art yet, you are safe to listen! If you have read it, an additional episode with spoilers will be going up soon. Thanks for listening! I have a Patreon page, if you feel like you want to support this podcast. Also, follow me on social media, I am The Bookie Corner on everything. Thanks for stopping by; I'll talk to you all next time. ~C


1.10 - Spelled by Betsy Schow [SPOILERS]

Hey there, bookworms. This is part two of today's episode, and it has all the spoilers! I got some comments from a listener that said she sometimes didn't listen because certain books were on her list and she didn't want to be spoiled, so here we are. This book was cute and interesting, but I did have a few things to say about the structure and the pacing. If you would like to learn how to support my podcast, find me on Patreon, it is now live! At the end of the general review, I added some audio clips of me reacting to the story in real time. Let me know if you like that! If you or anyone you know have a short story you'd like read on air, send it to me at -3500 words maximum -Word document, 12pt Times New Roman. -Refrain from putting your name in the original file please, I would like to read it blind. -Keep it PG. No erotica and no explicit sexual content. -Stories with a strong female lead preferred. I am not a fan of stories where the female characters are victimized for shock value. -Please have your story edited and as perfect as you can possibly get it before it reaches me. -I reserve the right to reject your story if it has something I do not wish to read on air, or if it has not been edited for content and grammar. Find me on IG, Twitter, and Facebook @thebookiecorner. Let's connect! Thanks for listening and I will catch you next time!


1.09 - Spelled by Betsy Schow [No Spoilers]

Hey there, bookworms. Today I am trying a couple of different things. First of all, I will have a part 1 and a part 2 to this episode, so that one can be a non-spoiler review. I got some comments from a listener that said she sometimes didn't listen because certain books were on her list and she didn't want to be spoiled, so here we are. This book was cute and interesting, but I did have a few things to say about the structure and the pacing. If you would like to learn how to support my podcast, find me on Patreon, it is now live! If you or anyone you know have a short story you'd like read on air, send it to me at -3500 words maximum -Word document, 12pt Times New Roman. -Refrain from putting your name in the original file please, I would like to read it blind. -Keep it PG. No erotica and no explicit sexual content. -Stories with a strong female lead preferred. I am not a fan of stories where the female characters are victimized for shock value. -Please have your story edited and as perfect as you can possibly get it before it reaches me. -I reserve the right to reject your story if it has something I do not wish to read on air, or if it has not been edited for content and grammar. Find me on IG, Twitter, and Facebook @thebookiecorner. Let's connect!


1.08 - Vision in White by Nora Roberts

Welcome back, bookworms! Thanks for joining in this week's episode. Today I am talking about Nora Roberts' Vision in White, the first novel in the Bridal Quartet series. I love Nora. Also, I have a special couple of announcements inside, one being the new feature in The Bookie Corner for all you writers out there who want to get featured in the podcast with your own stories! I would love to read your story, so email me at with your short story. RULES: - Limit: 3500 words - Send in a Word document as an attachment. DO NOT paste the story into the body of the email, I will immediately reject it. - 12 pt, Times New Roman, 1.5 or 2.0 spaced - No erotica and no sexually explicit content; keep it PG. - Stories with strong female leads preferred. Meaning that I prefer stories where women aren't being victimized, especially if the victimization is there for shock value. - Well-written, edited for content and grammar. - I reserve the right to reject your piece if it is about something I do not agree with or has content I prefer not to read on air. - There will be no monetary compensation for you submitting and getting your story read on air. Your reward is getting your story heard, which is amazing. Tell your friends about this feature of The Bookie Corner! And if you would like to get featured, make sure you follow the above rules and send them to me! I would love to read your short stories. Also, I will soon have a Patreon! I will announce it when it is live. Thanks for listening. I am The Bookie Corner on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Come follow me and let's have a conversation about books! Until next time.


1.07 - The Last Mrs. Parrish by Liv Constantine

Today I come to you with this book that made the rounds last year when it made Reese's Book Club. I think as far as reviews go, this is by far the most negative I'll ever get. I did like parts of this book, I just had issues with some of the themes, and I have to be honest and transparent. Thank you for joining. If you like this podcast, please make sure to review and rate, and please tell a friend about it. Follow me on social media, I am The Bookie Corner on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, and you can listen on Spotify, iTunes, SoundCloud, and Google Play.


1.06 Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty

Special guests, Kelsey Fausett and Erin Perry join me in discussing this awesome book. Join the conversation and let me know what you thought about this book, if you read it. I am on Instagram and Twitter, @thebookiecorner, even though IG keeps deactivating me for no apparent reason. Come follow and join the conversation! Thanks for joining us in today's discussion and I'll talk to you all next week. Remember to subscribe to my podcast, I am available on iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, and Google Play. Please rate and review, and tell someone about it!


1.05 - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by JK Rowling

Today I'm talking about a book beloved by many: the first book in the Harry Potter series. I love this series and I am happy to be talking about the first one here. Thanks for listening and if you would like to support this podcast, rate and review, it really helps. Also, tell your bookie friends! Follow me on Instagram @thebookiecorner for reminders when episodes go up!


1.04 - The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon

This review contains spoilers! In this episode I talk about this YA contemporary romance about a couple of young kids who are having to grow up a bit fast, and who want much more than what the universe is trying to give them. Thank you for joining me as I talk about it and don't forget to comment, rate, and review. I am on Instagram and Twitter, come join the conversation and tell me what you thought about this book, if you've read it. Thank for listening!


1.03 - Nine Perfect Strangers by Liane Moriarty

This review contains spoilers! In this third episode, I talk about a book about nine people entering a health spa to learn to deal with different things going on in their lives. It is an interesting tale that weaves the story of nine people and slowly reveals what is really going on in their lives. I'm on Instagram and Twitter! Come say hi and tell me what you thought about the episode, or if you agreed or disagreed with something I had to say! Thanks for listening!


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