Fuel to Thrive Podcast

Join Emma as she discusses topics related to all things nutrition, fitness, health and wellbeing and shares her own stories and experiences on fuelling to thrive in all areas of life! New episodes every week! Follow Emma on Instagram @emmaclarke_nutrition for more insights, advice and education!

episode #50: navigating nutrition content on social media

we are all bombarded with so much information nowadays. images of what everyone eats, people telling you to do this new diet, so many workout routine, body images. no wonder we all get confused on what to believe and what to take with a grain of salt. in this episode, i give you all some tips and tricks to help you navigate all the information out there on social media in regards to nutrition. with these key concepts kept in mind when you are confronted with a piece of information you're unsure about, you are guaranteed to keep your healthy relationship with food in tact and will strenghten your intuition! follow @fueltothrivepodcast and @emmaclarke_nutrition for more! SUBSCRIBE TO MY EMAIL LIST WHERE TO FIND ME WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @emmaclarke_nutrition TIKTOK: @emmaclarkenutrition


episode #49: it's a 75 hard pass for me

we're diving into one of the most popular health challenges today; the 75 hard challenge! the challenge originally blew up on tiktok with many partaking in this extremely rigid program. but is it really all that it's cracked up to be? i take you through the challenge, the rules involved and explain my hot take on this trend. i discuss the harm surrounding the challenge, in hopes to educate you all on why restrictive challenges such as the 75 hard challenge don't help you in developing better eating & exercise habits. it's a big fat 75 hard pass from me! follow @fueltothrivepodcast and @emmaclarke_nutrition for more! SUBSCRIBE TO MY EMAIL LIST WHERE TO FIND ME WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @emmaclarke_nutrition TIKTOK: @emmaclarkenutrition


episode #48: grieving your ideal body

a big part of healing your relationship with food, exercise & your body is grieving your ideal body. letting go of the need to achieve that body and all of the old beliefs and disordered behaviours attached to that. the grieving process can be challenging & hard as many strong emotions can come up throughout the process. in this episode, i discuss some of the emotions you may feel when you're grieving your ideal body, things like denial, anger, sadness. in order for you to heal & be at acceptance with your body, it's time for your vision of that ideal body you have carried for years to come to an end. follow @fueltothrivepodcast and @emmaclarke_nutrition for more! SUBSCRIBE TO MY EMAIL LIST WHERE TO FIND ME WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @emmaclarke_nutrition TIKTOK: @emmaclarkenutrition


episode #47: normal eating behaviours that diet culture has demonised

inspired by one of my viral tiktok videos, in this episode i discuss all the normal eating behaviours that diet culture has demonised. i clear up the confusion around some of these eating behaviours and why they are in fact normal and shouldn't be avoided out of fear. i hope you leave this episode knowing that these behaviours are all apart of normal eating and you aren't doing anything wrong by engaging in them. prove to diet culture that nothing bad can happen!!!! follow @fueltothrivepodcast and @emmaclarke_nutrition for more! SUBSCRIBE TO MY EMAIL LIST WHERE TO FIND ME WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @emmaclarke_nutrition TIKTOK: @emmaclarkenutrition


episode #46: i'm going back to university!!!

i have massive, exciting, out of the blue news for all you besties in this episode! I'M GOING BACK TO UNIVERSITY! i have recently got accepted to do my Masters in Nutrition & Dietetic Practice, something i have always wanted to do and in just 2 short weeks i have applied & got accepted! find out the entire process, exactly where i'm going to study and what's going to happen with the podcast & more! i hope you're excited as i am! follow @fueltothrivepodcast and @emmaclarke_nutrition for more! SUBSCRIBE TO MY EMAIL LIST WHERE TO FIND ME WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @emmaclarke_nutrition TIKTOK: @emmaclarkenutrition


episode #45: why you feel extra productive when you're undereating

have you ever felt that buzz, that surge of energy or the feeling of being so productive when you aren't eating enough? well in today's episode, i'm going to be diving deep into this idea and explaining the science behind why you feel so energised when you're body is so energy deprived. this is something i have experienced firsthand & i share how living in survival mode impacted my health & daily life. i hope you learn something interesting from today's episode and can work towards reducing your stress in all areas of your life! follow @fueltothrivepodcast and @emmaclarke_nutrition for more! SUBSCRIBE TO MY EMAIL LIST WHERE TO FIND ME WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @emmaclarke_nutrition TIKTOK: @emmaclarkenutrition


episode #44: things people don't talk about in recovery

today i'm going to have a discussion on all the things people just don't seem to talk about in ed recovery. while i love to focus on the positives of healing your relationship with food, i'm not going to ignore the hardships and challenges that come about throughout this journey. i touch on my own personal dealings with these challenges and how they came up in my own journey. i hope after listening to this episode that you feel less alone. these are things so many people deal with but nobody has brought attention to them. well, that's what i'm doing today! follow @fueltothrivepodcast and @emmaclarke_nutrition for more! SUBSCRIBE TO MY EMAIL LIST WHERE TO FIND ME WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @emmaclarke_nutrition TIKTOK: @emmaclarkenutrition


episode #43: my diet culture & wellness icks

this is a fun one ahahah. in this episode, i basically talk about what has been grinding my gears within the diet culture, wellness space. these are things that i wish would just fade away and put to an end. from turning towards a fitness obsession in eating disorder recovery to bodybuilding to greens powder to body checking. i hope you learn something from this episode and i hope you steer clear from engaging in these diet culture behaviours. follow @fueltothrivepodcast and @emmaclarke_nutrition for more! SUBSCRIBE TO MY EMAIL LIST WHERE TO FIND ME WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @emmaclarke_nutrition TIKTOK: @emmaclarkenutrition


episode #42: responding to food & body shaming comments

if you've ever been on the receiving end of a food or body shaming comment, you just know how uncomfortable it feels & the impact it leaves. well, in this episode, i'm going to give you all a toolbox filled with ways in which you can respond to these unnecessary comments around your food choices and body. there is no right way to respond so experiment with these tactics and methods to find a response that makes you feel good! follow @fueltothrivepodcast and @emmaclarke_nutrition for more! SUBSCRIBE TO MY EMAIL LIST WHERE TO FIND ME WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @emmaclarke_nutrition TIKTOK: @emmaclarkenutrition 


episode #41: answering your questions pt.4, let's catch up & chat

let's sit down & catch up besties! in this episode, i chat with you all on what's currently going on in my life, how i've been feeling, what i'm working on and answer a bunch of your questions! some light-hearted, fun questions but also questions surrounding body image, weight gain, eating out and recovery. follow @fueltothrivepodcast and @emmaclarke_nutrition for more! QUESTIONS How are you? Favourite colour? Are you in a relationship or have you ever been in a relationship? Dream travel destination? Where do you live & where do you want to move next? Tips for growth/brand deals as a content creator? Favourite books to read? Top 3 favourite tv shows? How to accept weight gain from building muscle & eating more? Advice on how to deal with eating out due to lifestyle at uni? How do you learn to love your body? Did you feel like you overshot your weight gain? How do you know if you're eating enough? Advice on dealing with not looking like an "athletic" person? SUBSCRIBE TO MY EMAIL LIST WHERE TO FIND ME WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @emmaclarke_nutrition TIKTOK: @emmaclarkenutrition


episode #40: hypothalamic amenorrhea recovery

okay this may have to be one of the most highly requested podcast episodes and well, here we are! i finally delivered! in this episode, i take you through what needs to be addressed and implemented in order for you to regain your period. a lot of these things are challenging & scary to implement, but are truely necessary if you want to recover from hypothalamic amenorrhea. i also debunk some common myths surrounding hypothalamic amenorrhea and the recovery process to help you gather the confidence and clarity to gain your period back! i believe in you! follow @fueltothrivepodcast and @emmaclarke_nutrition for more! SUBSCRIBE TO MY EMAIL LIST WORK WITH ME FUEL TO PERFORM 1:1 Nutrition Coaching BOOK A ONCE OFF CONSULT WHERE TO FIND ME WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @emmaclarke_nutrition TIKTOK: @emmaclarkenutrition


episode #39: finding food freedom

welcome back besties. in this episode, i explore food freedom and provide you with some helpful tips to begin finding food freedom within your life again or for the very first time. having food freedom is a key component of having a healthy, positive relationship with food and it's all about having that unconditional permission to eat all foods without feelings of guilt, anxiety or fear being present. if you think food freedom is out of reach for you, i want to remind you that it is possible for you! you are worthy, you are deserving of having food freedom. you get to choose differently, you don't have to live a life filled with restriction & food rules anymore! it's time to find food freedom! follow @fueltothrivepodcast and @emmaclarke_nutrition for more! SUBSCRIBE TO MY EMAIL LIST WORK WITH ME FUEL TO PERFORM 1:1 Nutrition Coaching BOOK A ONCE OFF CONSULT WHERE TO FIND ME WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @emmaclarke_nutrition TIKTOK: @emmaclarkenutrition


episode #38: overcoming negative body image

in this episode, i talk about body image. this topic is sparked by a recent experience of mine where i was faced with a negative body image experience, seeing a very unflattering photo of myself. but the way i handled & overcame the negative commentary was different in how i handled it in the past. so many factors can play into negative body image and there are many ways we can handle it, either in an unhealthy way through dieting & overexercising. or we can learn how to overcome our negative body image in a healthy, positive manner. i share some useful ways in which you can reframe your negative body image to get to a place where you can accept yout body for all that it can do. because your body is quite literally the interesting thing about you. follow @fueltothrivepodcast and @emmaclarke_nutrition for more! SUBSCRIBE TO MY EMAIL LIST WORK WITH ME FUEL TO PERFORM 1:1 Nutrition Coaching BOOK A ONCE OFF CONSULT WHERE TO FIND ME WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @emmaclarke_nutrition TIKTOK: @emmaclarkenutrition


episode #37: disordered eating vs normal eating

in today's episode, i explain the differences between what is disordered eating and what is normal eating. a lot of what is normalised today with how we approach food, exercise & our body is actually disordered (thanks society, thanks diet culture). hence why there is so much confusion around what is healthy, normal eating and what is actually is disordered. that's why i created this episode!!! to help you clear up the confusion and become clear on disordered eating behaviours around food, exercise & your body so you can work towards acting in accordance to normal eating! follow @fueltothrivepodcast and @emmaclarke_nutrition for more! WORK WITH ME FUEL TO PERFORM 1:1 Nutrition Coaching BOOK A ONCE OFF CONSULT WHERE TO FIND ME WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @emmaclarke_nutrition TIKTOK: @emmaclarkenutrition


episode #36: the fit & healthy identity

for many years now i've been identified as the "fit & healthy" one. people close to me know me to be the one always at the gym or eating "healthy." but a lot of what shaped that identity was what i thought was healthy at the time, but in reality i was potraying a disordered unhealthy lifestyle. now, i'm losing the "fit & healthy" identity. i no longer want to be known as that, to be so closely associated with my past self. in this episode, i take you through how i'm navigating this change in identity and how it's currently impacting the people close to me & people online. i talk about the emma i'm now becoming & i cannot wait for you all to watch that unfold. follow @fueltothrivepodcast and @emmaclarke_nutrition for more! WORK WITH ME FUEL TO PERFORM 1:1 Nutrition Coaching BOOK A ONCE OFF CONSULT WHERE TO FIND ME WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @emmaclarke_nutrition TIKTOK: @emmaclarkenutrition


episode #35: leaning into discomfort is a good thing

when we embark on any change in our life, those feelings of discomfort, fear & resilience tend to scream at us incredibly loudly & truly hold us back. but what if we actually fully embraced this feeling & leaned into it? what if leaning into discomfort during healing our relationship with food is going to propell us close to having peace & freedom with food again? to have a joyful life again? in this episode, i discuss why leaning into discomfort, fear & resistance is a necessary thing in order for us to heal & recover from a disordered relationship with food and tips on fully embracing these feelings as a part of the journey. oh & good news, the Fuel to Thrive Podcast instagram page is NOW LIVE! go check it out @fueltothrivepodcast !!! much love, emma xoxo WORK WITH ME FUEL TO PERFORM 1:1 Nutrition Coaching BOOK A ONCE OFF CONSULT WHERE TO FIND ME WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @emmaclarke_nutrition TIKTOK: @emmaclarkenutrition 


episode #34: rest is just as productive

for so long, i have been fuelled with the idea that more is better, to never take a day off, to be productive as possible. but i have found that everytime i do more, i only put myself in a burnt out, exhaustive state. this year, i'm making the conscious effort to slow the heck down. the less i do, the more success i'll have. the less i'll do, the more i'll feel good. in today's episode i unpack my topsy turvy relationship with rest & productivity and how i'm now approaching this in 2023, which brings me to open up about some big life changes happening right now. i have never felt more aligned & more myself! follow me on instagram @emmaclarke_nutrition and tiktok @emmaclarkenutrition for more! much love, emma xoxo WORK WITH ME FUEL TO PERFORM 1:1 Nutrition Coaching BOOK A ONCE OFF CONSULT WHERE TO FIND ME WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @emmaclarke_nutrition TIKTOK: @emmaclarkenutrition


episode #33: your body is not a resolution

happy new year legends. i have a strong gut feeling 2023 is going to treat us really, really well. today i dive deep into new year's resolutions. many of the resolutions people set out for themselves are heavily centred around losing weight, dieting, extreme exercise routines. but if you're a friendly face around here, you know that these such behaviours won't make us feel "happier & healthier" even though diet culture persuades us to believe that it will. so how can we make healthier resolutions (or intentions) for the new year that aren't centred around changing our body size & appearance? that's what i dive into in this episode. from the language we use to focusing on how we want to feel. say goodbye to diet culture in 2023! follow me on instagram @emmaclarke_nutrition for more! much love, emma xoxo WORK WITH ME FUEL TO PERFORM 1:1 Nutrition Coaching BOOK A ONCE OFF CONSULT WHERE TO FIND ME WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @emmaclarke_nutrition TIKTOK: @emmaclarkenutrition


episode #32: my 2022 year in review

LAST EPISODE FOR 2022 WOOHOO! and today it's a real personal one. it's time to go back & review 2022, the year that it was which for me started off quite bad for me. but the last 6 months were an absolute blessing. i am grateful for all that has happened this year, otherwise i wouldn't be where i am right now. i highly recommend you all to take the time to reflect on the year that was. you will be amazed at how much growth & change happens in the span of a year! wishing you all a vibrant 2023! i have a feeling this is going to be the greatest year YET! follow me on instagram @emmaclarke_nutrition for more! much love, emma xoxo WORK WITH ME FUEL TO PERFORM 1:1 Nutrition Coaching BOOK A ONCE OFF CONSULT WHERE TO FIND ME WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @emmaclarke_nutrition TIKTOK: @emmaclarkenutrition


episode 31: managing food guilt during the festive season

this is the last festive themed episode for the year to prep & prime you all the have the most funfilled, relaxing & comfortable christmas! in today's episode i dive deep into a common feeling experienced after the festive season: food guilt. i help you guys by providing you practical tips & ways to reduce food guilt after the festove season is over so you aren't diving head first into diets & rigid rules in the new year. follow me on instagram @emmaclarke_nutrition for more! much love, emma xoxo WORK WITH ME FUEL TO PERFORM 1:1 Nutrition Coaching BOOK A ONCE OFF CONSULT WHERE TO FIND ME WEBSITE INSTAGRAM: @emmaclarke_nutrition TIKTOK: @emmaclarkenutrition


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