Full of Heart

Welcome to the Full of Heart Podcast with Able Heart ("You are Able to do anything your Heart desires") Miami based-singer, songwriter and producer Able Heart was lost in life after his Amateur US Olympic snowboarding career came to an abrupt halt due to an injury. For years, he questioned his life and struggled with depression and addiction in his hometown of Philadelphia until he found a deep connection and purpose with music. Creating music became his therapy and healthy outlet to express himself. Able hopes his music and the convos on this podcast can now inspire and help others.

Episode 1 with Matt Rosa

sooo Hype for this FIRST ever episode of The Full of Heart Podcast with Able Heart. Episode 1 was an incredible convo with Matt Rosa (@mattrosa). Matt's Spotify bio: "When I was young, the world became a dark place for me quickly. Family with drug issues, my father was killed at an early age, depressed out of my mind, and on my own by the time I was 17 years old. Nothing made sense to me except playing shows and screaming into mics about what kept me up at night. Then I stepped away from it all.. But like every story that is made of a series of moments those same tests became my testimony and those moments eventually passed. Essentially this is my story, or maybe it's yours? Either way, I wrote these songs to tell it right."


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