
Welcome to a page provided for people of all ages to help explore their passions and listen to others talk about their jobs in order to spark interests for you. There will be interviews with people of different jobs and career paths. Check out my Instagram page @futur_ists for information regarding who I will be interviewing. I hope you guys are able to explore and understand your passions in life.

Episode 2: Shayma Kazmi

Hello Everyone! Welcome back to the podcast, Futurists. Today we are meeting with an oncologist, Shayma Kazmi. She has been on multiple shows and won multiple awards. She also was a pharamacist with a master's from Rutgers University. Hope you enjoy this episode and hope this helps you guys figure out what you want to do in the future. 


Episode 1: Parth Patel

Parth Patel works for Amazon Web Services and has worked there for 3 years currently. He has a degree from Purdue University in Computer Engineering. Listen to the episode to learn more information about his job, his struggles, and his advice to you. 


Welcome Futurists

Welcome Futurists. Here is the trailer for my podcast. I created this page to help others find their passions and spark their interests by learning about jobs and career paths. I will be interviewing people of different jobs and in doing so, everyone is allowed to ask questions to my guest and learn more about that certain job. I hope this helps everyone figure out and understand their passions. Hope you enjoy this page and check out my Instagram page @futur_ists for more information. 


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