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GET WET SOON · Dive into Surfing, Yoga and Creativity
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GET WET SOON · Dive into Surfing, Yoga and Creativity

Author: Thomas Zielinski

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Discover stories about Surfing, Spirituality and Creativity. Listen to inspiring People, who do what they love - and maybe get a little bit closer to your own core by doing this. Find out more on - share some karma by subscribing to the podcast and leave a little review on itunes. (German) Entdecke jede Menge Wissenswertes und Inspirierendes über das Surfen, Yoga sowie Kreatives. Höre inspirierende Geschichten über Menschen, die genau das tun, was Sie lieben - und rücke so mit jeder Folge vieleicht auch ein Stück weiter zu Dir selbst, um von dort Deine weitere Reise anzutreten. Mehr Infos auf - abonniere jetzt den Podcast und hinterlasse gerne eine Bewertung bei iTunes.  Folge uns auf www.
58 Episodes
Raghunath, formerly known as Ray Cappo, was the frontman of the influential hardcore band Youth of Today, a band whose music and message advocated for a lifestyle free of drugs and alcohol, which resonated deeply with a generation seeking meaning and integrity. He quit the band at the height of its success to travel in India and live the life of a Brhamachari. Later he formed the band Shelter, where they infused punk rock with spirituality - again inspiring a huge audience to live a more conscious life. Today Raghunath shares his love for ancient wisdom and inspires a big audience worldwide how to apply it in our modern lives - no matter if its during his Yoga Classes, Trainings, Satsangs or on the daily podcast „wisdom of the sages“ which he is doing with his companion Kausthuba das. He just published his biography „From punk to monk“ where he shares his whole Story In this episode we talked about: – his process of writing "From Punk to Monk" – how he discovered the path of Bhakti – Victomhood and how to give up on blaiming and complaining – how he met Radhanath Swami for the first time – how to log in into a more spiritual life – the importance of enthusiasm – the two kinds of pleasure – the importance of daily habits – the 6 Pillars of Bhakti and more... Shownotes: Raghunath on Instagram Raghunaths offerings (Retreats, Trainings, Pilgrimages) His Book: "From Punk to Monk" Wisdom of the Sages Raghus Course on VANISCHOOL GET WET SOON on Instagram Make plans regarding your True Self with The TRUE NORTH Planner GET WET SOON Surf & Yoga Immersions
Amir Kassaeis Geschichte startet in den Minenfeldern des Irak-Iran-Kriegs: Nach 18 Monaten an der Front macht sich der 15-jährige ganz allein auf den Weg über die Türkei nach Österreich. Mit viel Einsatz und – wie er selbst sagt – „deutschen“ Tugenden lernt er innerhalb von vier Monaten Deutsch, macht sein Abitur und geht zum BWL-Studium nach Frankreich. Es folgt eine Bilderbuchkarriere in der Werbewelt in der er auch zum Enfant terrible wird. Über drei Jahrzehnte in der Branche wird er nicht nur Chief Creative Officer und Associate Partner bei DBB Deutschland und DBB Worldwide mit über 14.000 Mitarbeitern, sondern räumt auch mehr als 2.000 nationale und internationale Werbepreise ab und verwaltet die richtig großen Budgets. In seiner Autobiographie "Vom Unsinn des Lebens" blickt er nun auf diese Zeit zurück und inspiriert uns Leser zu einem selbstbestimmten Leben entgegen aller äußeren Umstände. In dieser Folge sprachen wir unter anderem über: • einen sehr prägenden Moment während der Zivildienszeit • Amirs unglaublichen Weg vom Kindersoldaten bis hin zum Kreativchef von DDB Worldwide • warum wir Risiken in Kauf nehmen sollten, wenn wir an uns / unsere Ideen glauben • warum es ihm immer egal war, was andere von ihm denken • Sicherheit versus Risiko • seine Kritik an der Werbebranche • was er über den Trend von Nachhaltigkeits-Labels bei Agenturen denkt • wie es für ihn war, die Reissleine zu ziehen und aus der Branche auszusteigen • seinen Weg der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung • warum wir jeden Tag aus der Perspektive eines Kindes leben sollten • die Entwicklung, dass Personen des öffentlichen Lebens kaum noch anecken • über den Mythos des Self-Made Man und vieles mehr... Shownotes: Amir Kassaei auf Instagram Amir Kassaei LinkedIn Amir Kassaei "X" Amir Kassaei Facebook Das Buch "Vom Unsinn des Lebens" Wir freuen uns über Deine Bewertung auf itunes. GET WET SOON Instagram Bringe mit dem The TRUE NORTH Planner Arbeit und Leben ins Gleichgewicht.
Nach der Schule arbeitete Mayla Wedkind auf Bali als Surf-, Fitness- und Yogalehrerin, wo sie sich einen Namen in der Surfszene machte, bevor sie als Mentorin und Motivatorin jungen Frauen das Selbstvertrauen gab, ihren Weg in der von Männern dominierten Welt des Surfens zu finden. Und doch stellte sie sich immer wieder die Fragen: Bin ich gut genug? Was, wenn ich versage? Doch Welle um Welle lernte Mayla sich freizumachen: von Anspruchsdenken und Ängsten. Von dem Wunsch, alles kontrollieren zu wollen, und von Perfektionismus. In ihrer Autobiografie "Das Meer, die Welle und Ich", die voller Erkenntnisse steckt, zeigt Mayla, was auch wir vom Meer lernen können – über Mut, Vertrauen und den richtigen Flow im Leben. In der heutigen Folge sprachen wir unter anderem über: – wie man lernt, auf die eigene, innere Stimme zu hören – warum der eigene Tribe so wichtig ist – warum Loslassen oft besser ist, als sich an Dinge zu klammern – warum Erwartungen uns nicht unbedingt glücklich machen – wie das Mama-Dasein ihren Alltag verändert hat – Bali vs rauhe Nordsee – das Ego als Teil des Beginner-Mindset Shownotes: Mayla Wedekind auf Instagram Das Buch "Das Meer, die Welle und Ich" Join GET WET SOON on Instagram > Join us on our Jivamukti Yoga & Surf Retreats The best Month for best waves: Surfing Worldwide Map Meld Dich für den GET WET SOON Newsletter an.
Jules Febre is an Advanced Jivamukti Yoga teacher and is considered one of the leading teachers of the Jivamukti Yoga method, teaching the method worldwide as well as facilitating the very highly regarded teacher training programs. With his devotion, passion, personality and depth of wisdom, he inspires countless students around the globe. “Much of our time is spent in a virtual world of computers, phones and many other automated transactions. We are always choosing how to spend our time, which shapes our lives. The power of coming together, of sharing ideas, insights and practicing asana lends one to become more receptive. As we undertake this journey, we may do so together and thus together we come to realize the vastness of our existence.”—Jules Febre In this episode we talked about (among other subjects): • his experience of meeting Swami Nirmalananda, K. Pattabhi Jois and Shyam Das • his personal adventurous Yoga Journey • how Mantras help us to protect the mind • Personality as a Teacher • what does inspire him • the change of his practice since being a dad and husband • the intention behind the "Liberation Lab" • the link between hip hop and yoga • what makes a good Yogateacher • Death Shownotes: Jules Febre on Instagram Jules Febre Homepage (with all Events) Liberation Laboratory on Instagram Liberation Lab GET WET SOON on Instagram Subscribe to the GET WET SOON NEWSLETTER Make plans regarding your True Self with The TRUE NORTH Planner
Für die heutige Folge traf ich die wunderbare Christine Schmid (fast zufällig) am Meer in Portugal. Christine Schmidt is einer der bekanntesten Namen in der Breathwork Szene Deutschlands, deren Breathwork Kurse eine wirklich transformierende Erfahrung bieten. Sie ist ausgebildete Transfromational Breath Trainerin, Holistc Life Coach und Künstlerin und bietet inzwischen mit ihrer Partnerin Connie Biesalski Ausbildungen zum/zur Breathworker/in an.   In dieser Episode sprachen wir über: Christine Schmids Weg vom Verlagswegen zum Breathwork wie wir frühkindliche Prägungen bis ins Erwachsenen-Alter übernehmen wie eine Atemanalyse vonstatten geht verschiedenste Übungen für verschiedene Atemtypen wie wir durch den Atem wieder zu uns selbst gelangen der entscheidene Spielraum zwischen Reiz und Reaktion der Schreibprozess zu ihrem Buch "Atme. Jetzt." wie wir im Alltag mehr auf unseren Atem achten können der Atem als permanenter Begleiter der uns Halt gibt Kunst und schreiben die Erlaubnis an vielseitig Interessierte mehrere Passionen zu verfolgen wie man kreativ und gleichzeitig bei sich bleibt (ohne an Ergebnissen im Außen zu haften) warum Kreativität im jungen Alter durch Bewertungen im Aussen zerstört werden kann und viel viel mehr Shownotes: Christine Schmid WEBSITE  BREATHWORK AUSBILDUNG  BUCH ATME.JETZT.  INTESOMA PODCAST  INTESOMA VIDEO PODCAST  INSTAGRAM    Da es im Interview Sound technisch nicht deutlich hörbar war: hier der wichtige Hinweis der Redaktion: Egal bei welcher körperlichen Tätigkeit - Nasenatmung. Mundatmung am besten nur bei intensiver, körperlicher Anstrengung. GET WET SOON Instagram > Join us on our Jivamukti Yoga & Surf Retreat Subscribe to the GET WET SOON monthly Inspirations The best Month for best waves: Surfing Worldwide Map
In this Podcast-Episode I am talking to Juan Sierra, an Advanced Jivamukti Yogateacher from New York (now living in Berlin) who teaches classes, workshops and trainings in Berlin, Paris, New York and Hamburg (among other places). Known and loved for his natural style of teaching, for using the basics of the Jivamukti Method as an element in the more challenging Open Classes he offers a practice that strives to inspire and empower, giving students tools to consciousness development and maintain undisrupted when faced with the calamities of everyday life. In this episode we talked about: • how the practice of Yoga came into his life • the beauty of the yoga bubble • the effect of chanting • the importance of the practice of letting go • nature as our biggest teacher • the magic of the basic elements • why Jivamukti Yoga attracted him • the challenges and learnings regarding ones own practice while being a father • time and experience as biggest inspiration • an advice for men regarding Yoga practice • and lots of more... Shownotes: Wild Child Retreats Juan Sierra´s Instagram JIVAMUKTI YOGA 300HR TEACHERTRAINING GET WET SOON Instagram > Join us on our Jivamukti Yoga & Surf Retreat Subscribe to the GET WET SOON NEWSLETTER The best Month for best waves: Surfing Worldwide Map
To be honest, this is the conversation I was dreaming of for so long, since I started this podcast. So it´s still unreal for me to have had the honor to talk with the legend himself, Mr. Gerry Lopez, Mr. Pipeline - the shaper and face behind "Lighting bolt" and also a lifeong practitioner of Yoga. This man is a role model who inspired generations of Surfers and will continue to inspire generations to come not only for his approach to surfing but also his connection with nature and Spirituality. His impact on the surfing world, both as an athlete and a shaper, has made him an influential figure and an iconic legend in the sport. Thanks to Gerry, Lenni from Patagonia and Andi from the Blue Surfmagazine for having made this possible 🙏 In this episode we talked about: • how yoga (and surfing) and came into his life • the Yin & Yang aspects in our life and how to find the balance • the state of Meditation • advice for landlocked Surfers who long for the sea • his near death experience • the effect of water on us as human beings • how to connect to a deeper sense of life • the development of the surfing scene • the power of observing ones own thoughts • Yoga Philosophy and why it´s so relevant • his morning routine • a recommendation for men who still don´t practice Yoga • and lots of more... Shownotes: More about Gerry Gerry Lopez on Instagram Something about Waves Clip Get the Blue Magazine here Follow GET WET SOON on Instagram > Join us on our Jivamukti Yoga & Surf Retreat Subscribe to the GET WET SOON NEWSLETTER Always know when you would go: Surfing Worldwide Map
Mark Huebner ist ein deutscher Künstler und Surfer, den es zu Beginn seiner Schaffenszeit von Frankfurt nach München zog, wo er sich inmitten eines illustren Umfeldes auf der sagenumwobenen Praterinsel voll und ganz seiner visionären Kunst mittels Malerei und opulenten Installationen aus Stahl widmete. Seine Liebe zum Surfen brachte ihn parallel immer wieder in die abgelegensten Winkel auf dem Globus, bis er sich 2020 entschloss komplett nach Costa Rica auszuwandern. Hier, auf der Halbinsel Osa beschäftigte er sich neben der Kunst außerdem dem Bau von Lodges mit Bambus, wobei er ein einzigartiges Verfahren entwickelte, um hier nachhaltige und stabile Konstruktionen zum Leben zu erwecken, womit er ein Pionier auf diesem Gebiet werden sollte. So ist seine Retreat-Lodge OJO DEL MAR ein Musterbeispiel, des Bauens mit ausschließlich natürlichen Materialien, die sich perfekt in die Umgebung einfügt. In diesem inspirierenden Gespräch unterhielten wir uns unter anderem über: • seine Zeit auf der Praterinsel in München • wie wichtig ein inspirierendes Umfeld ist • der Mut ins Unbekannte zu gehen, ohne große Pläne • wie man als Künstler bei sich und seiner Intuition bleiben kann • wie er zum Bau mit Bambus kam und auf dem Gebiet zum Pionier wurde • was das Surfen über das Leben lehrt • wie man an einem freieren Mindset arbeitet und bewußter durchs Leben geht • seine Lodge OJO DEL MAR • das Leben in Costa Rica • uvm. Shownotes: Mark Huebner Homepage Mark Huebner Instagram EcoLodge Ojo del Mar 👉 Hier das Blue Magazin kaufen ___ Immer wissen, wann und wo die besten Wellen sind: Mit der Surfing Worldwide Map ✈️🪧 🌊 Join our Surf & Yoga Retreats 🪷 GET WET SOON on Instagram Mehr Achtsamkeit für Deinen Alltag (Kostenloser Online-Workshop)
Prasad Rangnekar is an E-RYT500 Yoga Educator based in India who teaches in over 15 countries for the past 28 years who gained a lot of attention from yoga practitioners worldwide for his thought provoking posts on social media. He practices Yoga for the last 38 years, studying both, in traditional lineages, as well as academically, with a Master’s degree in Philosophy. He is the Founder-Director of Yogaprasad Institute & conducts Yoga and Meditation Teacher Trainings, mentorship sessions, retreats, and workshops to spread the wisdom of traditional Yoga in its traditional. Being a transformation guide using Yogic methods he is regularly invited to speak at Indian Embassies, The European Commission, Yoga conventions, Schools, Corporate  bodies and Charity organizations. He has established multiple close-knit student communities and self-help groups globally and is engaged in various social initiatives, primarily through his ‘Women Yogis of India’ seminars that raise funds for women-focused charities. In this episode we talked about... • His view on the worldwide Yogascene from India • The development of the Yoga Industrie • Cultural Appropriation • What makes someone a good Yogateacher • The trap of spiritual bypassing • Practical advice on how to avoid it • The relevance of the Scriptures • The importance of Ishvarah Pranidhana (Surrender to God / something higher) • and a lot more Shownotes: Yogaprasad Institute Website Yogaprasad Institute Instagram Yogaprasad Institute YOUTUBE Channel ➡️ Follow GET WET SOON on Instagram 🧘 Join us for our Jivamukti Surf & Yoga Retreat Portugal (October 17-23) 🌊
In todays episode I talk to Max Strom, one of the pioneers in the Breathwork-World, who is teaching the method since a time before it was even a big trend. Before that he used to practice Qui Gong and also started Yoga (after his Girlfriend pushed him into a class) and after a while he found out, for himself and a lot of other people, that the key to inner peace was in the breath itself.  So he dove deeper into the wisdom of how to transform lifes by using the breath. He is sharing his knowledge for 26 years as a speaker in three inspiring Ted talks, as an author with his two  books „A life worth breathing“ and „There is no app for happiness“ and last but not least as a teacher in workshops, immersions and retreats worldwide and as well as several online courses and classes.   In our conversation we touched these subjects: • How to find / recalibrate your purpose • His own Journey from being a screenplay writer, a musician to becoming a yoga- and breathwork-teacher • The role of breath for our personal transformatioin • Why crying is supports processing trauma • How we created a world / society that we actually can’t live in • How social problems get „fixed“ with chemicals • Why abandoning our lifestyle as a tribe isn´t a good thing • The symptoms of panic attacks and anxiety and how to process them • Why recreating emotional intimacy helps in our relationships  • Why it´s still difficult for men to show their emotions • Why suppressing emotions leads to the inability to feel  • What each of us can do in our daily life to stay connected • How to learn to listen to our intuition Shownotes: Max Strom Official (for his Workshops, Retreats, Trainings, Coaching and more) Max Strom Instagram Max Strom TED TALK "Breathe to heal" Max Strom TED TALK "There is no app for happiness" ____ Follow GET WET SOON on Instagram Join us for our Jivamukti Surf & Yoga Retreat in Sri Lanka 2023 (March 19-26)
Valeska Schneider gehört zu Deutschlands erfolgreichsten Surferinnen. Obwohl sie erst nach dem Abitur ihre Liebe zum Surfen entdeckt hat, ist sie "All In" gegangen und hat sich mit Ausdauer, Diszpiplin und verschiedensten Coaches an die Spitze des deutschen Nationalteams gesurft. Mittlerweile liegt ihr Fokus auf dem River-Surfen, was aber viele weitere Surftrips ans Meer samt Wettbewerben überhaupt nicht ausschließt. Nach einem 6jährigem Sponsorship bei Rip Curl ist sie nun bei Deeply unter Vertrag, wo sie außerdem auch im Marketing agiert. Remote natürlich. Wir unterhielten uns unter anderem über: • die Anfänge ihrer Surfkarriere • das richtige Mindset, das einen voranbringt • wie wichtig Coaches sind und welche Kriterien sie mitbringen sollten • der Unterschied zwischen Meeres- und Flußwellen • Lokalism, vor allem in Portugal • ihre eigene Brand Rivverboards • Sponsoring und Marketingtätigkeit bei Deeply • über den Rollenwechsel nun selbst als Coachin zu agieren • wie Valeska sich fit für die Trips ans Meer hält • uvm. Shownotes: Rivverboards Valeska Schneider Homepage Valeska Schneider Instagram Rivverboards Instagram ___ GET WET SOON on Instagram Reise den perfekten Wellen hinterher: mit der Surfing Worldwide Map Join our Surf & Yoga Retreats Mehr Achtsamkeit für Deinen Alltag (Kostenloser Online-Workshop)
Jules Ahoi ist mittlerweile eine bekannte Größe in der deutschen Musiklandschaft. Und das zu recht - 2016 wanderte er zunächst nach Frankreich aus, um sich auf das Surfen und seine Musik zu konzentrieren. Nach einiger Zeit kam er zurück nach Deutschland, um hier noch intensiver an seiner Musik zu arbeiten. Mit Melancholic Dreamwave erschien in diesem Jahr sein mittlerweile fünftes Album und es ist ihm wahrlich anzusehen, wie groß die Freude ist, endlich wieder auf Tournee und damit nah bei seinen Fans zu sein. Wir trafen ihn während der "Saltwater Session" vor seinem ausverkauften Konzert im Knust im Hamburger Saltwater Shop und unterhielten uns unter anderem über: • das Gefühl nach zwei Jahren wieder live spielen zu können • die Inspiration für "Melancholic Dreamwave" • die Suche nach sich selbst vs. dem Ankommen • die Melancholie als Kraft um Kunst zu schaffen • seinen Kreativ-Prozess beim Kreieren neuer Songs • seine musikalischen Vorbilder • die Produktivität in Deutschland vs der Zeit am Meer • wie er den Sprung wagte, seinem Traum zu folgen uvm.... Shownotes: Jules Ahoi Official Jules Ahoi on Instagram Rebel Fins Saltwater-Shop (erhalte 15% Discount mit dem Code "getsaltysoon") ___ Folge GET WET SOON auf Instagram Join our Surf & Yoga Retreats Mehr Achtsamkeit für Deinen Alltag (Kostenloser Online-Workshop)
Michael Matthiass ist Storycoach, Texter, Musiker, Jung von Matt-Veteran, ADC-Mitglied und vor allem aber leidenschaftlicher Lehrer & Lerner, der seine Erfahrungen zum Thema Kreativität und Intuition in unzähligen Workshops, Coachings und Vorträgen teilt. Wie schön für alle Kreativen, dass er seine geballte Expertise in dem wunderbaren Buch "Echtzeit - die Kunst, intuitiv zu denken" niedergeschrieben hat. Ich hatte das Vergnügen, ihn in Hamburg zu treffen und während des inspirierenden Gespräches viel dazulernen dürfen.  Habt viel Spaß beim Hören und an alle Kreativen dort draussen: Wundert Euch nicht, wenn ihr im Anschluss das Gefühl habt, von der Muse geküsst worden zu sein. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist sehr hoch! :)  Neben dem Hauptthema Intuition & Kreativität sprachen wir außerdem über: • Seinen Weg vom Studium der Kirchenmusik in die Werbung • Intuitiver Geist versus rationalem Denken • Warum gute Ideen oft kaputt geredet werden • Die Message als Voraussetzung für gute Kreation • Wie man der inneren Stimme wieder vertraut • Wie Du mit Kreativblockaden umgehst • Die Angst vor dem weißen Blatt • Das Loslassen vom Ego während des Kreativprozesses • Was macht gute Kreation eigentlich aus? • Woran erkennen wir herausragende Kreation? • Kreativ sein unter Druck Shownotes: Michael Matthiass Homepage (hier findet ihr sein komplettes Angebot) Das Buch "Echtzeit. Die Kunst, intuitiv zu denken" Michael Matthias auf LinkedIn ___ Folge GET WET SOON auf Instagram Mehr Achtsamkeit für Deinen Alltag (Kostenloser Online-Workshop) Begleite uns zum Jivamukti Surf & Yoga Retreat in Portugal (Oct. 23.-30.22)
Yogeswari is a world renowned Senior Jivamukti Yoga teacher and one of the most senior teachers in this method. She travels and teaches yoga all around the world and is featured as one of the 100 most influential yoga teachers in the US. Her trademark is her vigorous, seamless Vinyasa Sequencing and her thought provoking philosophical teachings. Her whole live is dedicated to inspire other human beings - no matter if its during her classes, workshops or the Jivamukti teachertrainings which she is leading as a facilitator. I had the honor to have her as a teacher during my Jivamukti Yoga teachertraining this spring and am even more honored to have her as a guest in todays show. In this inspiring conversation we talked about: • how her spiritual journey started • how she experienced her first Jivamukti-Yoga-Class • what makes Jivamukti Yoga so special • what influence Yoga had on her life • the vision she had for her life at a young age • how to get closer to your own purpose • how to show up as a teacher • her advice to anybody that wants to become a Yogateacher • what drives her to teach and travel so much • the change of the meat and diary industrie • her non profit organisation AZAHAR • her favorite sutra (among lots of others) and how to apply it to our lifes Shownotes: Yogewaris Homepage (where you find her upcoming Retreats and Workshops) Yogeswari on Instagram Yogeswari on Facebook The AZAHAR Foundation AZAHAR on Instagram Jivamukti Yoga Homepage ___ Follow GET WET SOON on Instagram Join us for the Jivamukti Surf & Yoga Retreat in Portugal (Oct. 23.-30.)
Cat Alip-Douglas her Journey began in the fashion world of New York, where she worked at Condé Nast - a time when also Yoga came into her life and showed her a path she wanted to follow with her whole heart. She became a Jivamukti-Teacher and went to London where she founded the Sangyé Yoga School (formerly known as Jivamukti London) in 2005. Cat Alip found her most inspiration in the buddhist teachings - and inspires yoga students worldwide to live a more conscious and fullfilled life. In our Talk we spoke about: • about her Journey • the spark that lit up her path of yoga • her Jivamukti path • how she found inspiration in the buddhist teachings • the four elements of buddhism • what her sadhana looks like • lots of more inspiring insights from Cat Shownotes: Sangyé Yoga School Cat Alip-Douglas Website Cat Alip-Douglas on FB Cat Alip-Douglas on Instagram Follow GET WET SOON on Instagram Learn how to integrate spiritual Routines and uplift your life in our free webinar "Ride the conscious wave of life" (in German) Check out our upcoming Yoga-Retreats and Workshops
Eddie Stern is a worldly renowned yoga teacher who grew up in New York City. He studied Ashtanga Yoga, chanting, philosophy and ritual under Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, from Mysore, from 1991 - 2009. He is the founder of the Broome Street Ganesha Temple in NYC and runs the Urban Yogis project that brings yoga and meditation to young adults and youth in disadvantaged and at-risk-to-violence communities in NYC, with his collaborator, Deepak Chopra. Last year Eddie Stern published the beautiful gem of a Book called "One simple thing" - A new look at the Science of Yoga and how it can transform your life which received a great deal of recognition since then. In our conversation we talked about: • how Eddie Stern would explain Yoga to a total newbie • his first contact with spirituality (spoiler alert: it was a book) • if Yoga could change the world if we all get introduced to it at an early age? • The Yamas and the Niyamas or setting boundaries to gain freedom • The 5 Kleshas • spiritual bypassing vs confronting with ones own Traumas • the Polyvagal Theory • the difference between Pranayama and Breathwork • the beauty of Kirtan and Chanting • and lots of more...  Shownotes:  Eddie Stern Website (For Classes and Workshops) Eddie Stern on Instagram The Book: One simple thing The Magazine NAMARUPA 5 Books that Eddie recommended: The end of Sorrow by Eknath Easwaran 7 Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra Yoga Philosophy of Patañjali by Swami Hariharananda Aranya The Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton Learn how to integrate spiritual Routines to uplift your daily life in our free webinar "Ride the conscious wave of life" (in German) Follow GET WET SOON on Instagram
João Macedo grew up surfing the rough waves of Praia Grande in Portugal and therefore got used to conditions one needs for surfing bigger waves at an early age. So maybe it was some kind of inevitable that he would make his way to surf the biggest waves of the world as a Pro Surfer at the WSL Big Wave World Tour.  As varied as the conditions in the waters are also his interests on land, which is why he is engaged in lots of different projects: As an engaged Environmentalist he was one of the founders of what World Surfing Reserve, that helped to protect different coastlines, as well as Save the waves. He coaches different Surfers at his homespot Praia Grande with his school SurfAcademia and took part in several short films and documentaries.  In this episode we talked about: • how his Surfing Journey started • what changed when he became a father • what it feels like coaching talents like Nic van Rupp from an early age on • his most scariest moments when surfing big waves • his passion to make an impact as an environmentalist • his projects World Surfing Reserve and Save the Wave • how to prepare for surfing big waves • Spirituality and Surfing • and lots of more...  Shownotes:  Joao Macedo Homepage Joao Macedo on Instagram Save the Waves Save the Waves on Instagram Surf Academia Joao Macedo Patagonia Europe Magic Quiver Learn how to integrate spiritual Routines to uplift your daily life in this free webinar "Ride the conscious wave of life" (in German)
Robert Ehrenbrand is a Yogi, a Business Psychologist, a Coach & Trainer, a fighter and bass guitarist of the world renowned band BOY SETS FIRE. He first got in contact with the Yoga Philosophy at the age of fifteen and since then is following that path and integrates it in all areas of his life. He teaches his “BecomingMe Yoga & Movement”-Classes in Munich at the Studio of Patrick Broome. The essence of his learnings from the martial arts, his life as a yogi and yogateacher as well as his experiences while touring the world with his band you´ll find in his book “The Power of the Search” which will be published on march 19th (in German only) In this episode you´ll gain insights into: • how Robert Ehrenbrand discovered Yoga • how he joined Boy Sets Fire • his inspirations from the Martial Arts • why we all are addicted to the victim role • his motivation to write the Book • about teaching Yoga • how Yogis deal with Anger / Aggression • the Bhagavad Gita • why searching leads to more contentment thand finding • daily rituals • and more... Shownotes:  Robert Ehrenbrand Homepage Robert on Instagram Robert on Facebook Order his Book “Die Kraft des Suchens” Join Robers Online-Classes Join Roberts Online-Class about the Bhagavad Gita Roberts Mantra Project “The Sat Nam Sessions” The Sat Nam Sessions on Instagram The Sat Nam Sesssions on Bandcamp Learn how to integrate spiritual Routines to uplift your daily life in this free webinar "Ride the conscious wave of life" (in German)
John Porcell also known as Paramananda Das is an American Musician and Yogateacher who gained a reputation for his appearence as the guitarist in legendary hardcore bands like Youth of Today, Judge and Shelter, the band that brought Spirituality into the life of thousands of young people and inspired them to live a better life.  When he is not touring the world, he teaches yoga online or in real life and also leads retreats where he passes on the uplifting message of Bhakti Yoga. In this very inspiring episode we talked about subjects like...  – how hardcore (and straight edge) inspired him to follow the path of yoga – Vegetarism – Intoxication and Yoga – the real message of Yoga – the outer vs the inner world – how he found Bhakti as his path – the rerelease of Shelters "When 20 summers pass" – the Govardhan Parikrama – lots of memories about India – the power of Kirtan and Music in general – the evolution of Yoga – his Book recomendations for Yoga beginners and lots of more... You can join Paramanandas daily challenging online classes for 5 Dollars. Just send it via paypal to (with your email) and you´re in!  Shownotes: Paramananda (the HardcoreYogi) on Instagram  Shelter on Instagram Youth of Today on Instagram Supersoul Bhakti Immersion This Podcast-Episode is presented by Jade Yogamats.
Jaimal Yogis is the author of the renowned book "Saltwater Buddha", as well as "All our waves are water" and "The Fear project". The father of three kids is living a life full of surfing, writing and meditation / yoga practice. We had an Instagram Live Chat going on about subjects like:  During the Corona-Quarantine we talked about subjects like: – how he sees the pandemic scenario in terms of transformation and fear – what it felt like growing up in a spiritual family – what people holds into their comfort zone rather following their dreams – his favorite meditation practice – writing advice when being stucked in front of the white paper – advice for multi talented people – and a lot of more interesting subjects... Shownotes:   Jaimal Yogis Webpage Jaimal Yogis on Instagram Jaimal Yogis on Facebook Jaimal Yogis on Twitter Join our Facebook Group: