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GW Integrative Medicine

Author: GW Integrative Medicine

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Welcome to GW Integrative Medicine, a podcast about using an integrative approach to disease prevention and health promotion. We look forward to sharing the latest news and research on Integrative Medicine – where the best practices of conventional medicine and evidence-based complementary medicine meet. This podcast is brought to you by the Office of Integrative Medicine and Health, the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, in collaboration with the university's Integrative Medicine Programs and the IMPACT Initiative.
96 Episodes
Today we’re going to talk about broccoli, sulforaphane, and combating inflammation, as well as the new research and education discipline of microbes and social equity, with Sue Ishaq, PhD, founder of the Microbes and Social Equity Working Group, Principal Investigator at the Ishaq Lab, and assistant professor of Animal and Veterinary Sciences at the University of Maine School of Food and Agriculture. The Ishaq lab investigate solutions for using microorganisms to resolve disordered communities and host health by increasing our understanding of the interactions between animal (or human) hosts and their resident microbiota. Over the years, Dr. Ishaq's research has gone from wild animal gut microbiomes, to soils, to buildings, and back to the gut. Since 2019, her lab in Maine has focused on host-associated microbial communities in animals and humans, and in particular, how host and microbes interact in the gut and can be harnessed to reduce inflammation. She is also the early-career At Large member of the Board of Directors for the American Society for Microbiology, 2024- 2027. ◘ Related Links The Ishaq Lab The Ishaq Lab's Broccoli Project Framing the discussion of microorganisms as a facet of social equity in human health Introducing the Microbes and Social Equity Working Group: Considering the Microbial Components of Social, Environmental, and Health Justice the mSystems special collection on related research The Microbes and Social Equity Working Group ◘ Transcript ◘ This podcast features the song “Follow Your Dreams” (…ur_Dreams_1918) by Scott Holmes, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (01 license. ◘ Disclaimer: The content and information shared in GW Integrative Medicine is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in GW Integrative Medicine represent the opinions of the host(s) and their guest(s). For medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment, please consult a medical professional.
Today on the pod, we talk about nutrition studies and how to understand them with nutrition scientists Danny Lennon, MSc, and Alan Flanagan, PhD, of Sigma Nutrition. Sigma Nutrition provides objective, high-quality, evidence-based information on nutrition. It produces educational content aimed at dietitians, nutritionists, health & fitness professionals, nutrition science academics, and those interested in the details of—and gaining a better understanding of—nutrition science. Danny is the founder of and head of content for Sigma Nutrition and Alan is the company’s research communication officer and founder of Alinea Nutrition. You’ll find both of them on the highly popular Sigma Nutrition Radio podcast. Note: Interested in learning more about nutrition? The George Washignton University School of Medicine & Health Sciences offers a MSHS in Integrative Medicine Nutrition that provides you with the opportunity to gain a foundation in Integrative Medicine practice while taking a deep dive into nutrition.) ◘ Related Links: GW Integrative Medicine Programs Sigma Nutrition Alinea Nutrition Applied Nutrition Literacy Course (Online) ◘ Transcript ◘ Disclaimer: The content and information shared in GW Integrative Medicine is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in GW Integrative Medicine represent the opinions of the host(s) and their guest(s). For medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment, please consult a medical professional.
Today, we talk to the leaders of the GW research team, nutrition scientist Leigh Frame, PhD, MHS, and GW medical student researcher Jacob Hands, who looked at cocoa products in the U.S., lead, and other heavy metal contaminants. Some of the key findings will surprise you. This unique study was conducted by researchers from the Frame-Corr Lab here at GW, the GW Resiliency & Well-being Center, GW Integrative Medicine Programs, and Consumer Labs. Dr. Frame is an associate professor, Department of Clinical Research & Leadership, associate professor, Physician Assistant Studies, program director, Integrative Medicine, executive director, Office of Integrative Medicine and Health, associate director, Resiliency & Well-Being Center, and co-director of the Frame-Corr Lab here at the GW School of Medicine & Health Sciences. Jacob is a medical student at the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences. His research interests include lipid metabolism, glucose, cancer, nutrition and evolutionary biology. His Twitter handle is @jacobmhands. ◘ Related Links A Multi-Year Heavy Metal Analysis of 72 Dark Chocolate and Cocoa Products in the USA GW Press Release Consumer Labs Frame-Corr Lab GW Resiliency & Well-being Center GW Integrative Medicine ◘ Transcript ◘ Disclaimer: The content and information shared in GW Integrative Medicine is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in GW Integrative Medicine represent the opinions of the host(s) and their guest(s). For medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment, please consult a medical professional.
Today, we talk about polyvagal theory, nutrition, sleep, and embodiment for trauma with scientist Catherine Justice, DPT, PT, C-IAYT, E-RYT, CST, FAIHM. Polyvagal theory emphasizes the role the autonomic nervous system, especially the vagus nerve, plays in regulating our health and behavior. An expert in Physical Therapy, Integrative Medicine and wellness, Dr. Justice uses holistic and creative approaches to Physical Therapy and wellness including therapeutic yoga, posture training and somatic education, and craniosacral therapy. Dr. Justice serves as the Program Manager for Integrative Health at Hennepin Healthcare, a safety-net hospital system serving the Minneapolis Metro area. She is also the Associate Editor for the International Journal for Yoga Therapy. ◘ Related Links Dr. Justice's Bio Hennepin Healthcare International Journal of Yoga Therapy (IJYT) ◘ Transcript ◘ This podcast features the song “Follow Your Dreams” (…ur_Dreams_1918) by Scott Holmes, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (01 license. ◘ Disclaimer: The content and information shared in GW Integrative Medicine is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in GW Integrative Medicine represent the opinions of the host(s) and their guest(s). For medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment, please consult a medical professional.
Today on the pod we talk about the science of weight cutting with nutritional scientist Danny Lennon, MSc, founder, CEO, and lead content creator of Sigma Nutrition. He is also the co-author of the recent book, “Making Weight: The Ultimate Science Based Guide to Cutting Weight for Combat Sports.” He is currently a member of the Advisory Board of the Sports Nutrition Association, the global regulatory body responsible for the standardisation of best practice in the sports nutrition profession. Danny has a master’s degree (MSc.) in Nutritional Sciences from University College Cork, during which time he took classes in biochemistry, clinical nutrition, micronutrient interactions and physiology. He has spoken on the science of sports nutrition at conferences and events all over Europe (including London, Dublin, Amsterdam and Vienna), as well as the United States and Australia. He is also the long-time host of Sigma Nutrition Radio. ◘ Related Content Sigma Nutrition Danny Lennon's Bio Sigma Nutrition Radio ◘ Transcript ◘ This podcast features the song “Follow Your Dreams” (…ur_Dreams_1918) by Scott Holmes, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (01 license. ◘ Disclaimer: The content and information shared in GW Integrative Medicine is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in GW Integrative Medicine represent the opinions of the host(s) and their guest(s). For medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment, please consult a medical professional.
PPIs & Dementia Risk

PPIs & Dementia Risk


Proton pump inhibitors, or PPIs, are a class of popular drugs that reduce the amount of acid produced in the stomach. They are often the first-line treatment for conditions related to acid, such as esophagitis, non-erosive reflux disease, and peptic ulcer disease. We talk about PPIs and dementia with Misha Kogan, MD, ABIOM, RCST, medical director of the GW Center of Integrative Medicine and associate professor of Medicine here at GW. Studies show that people who take proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) for more than four years and are 45 or older have a 33% higher risk of developing dementia than those who have never taken PPIs. An expert on neurodegenerative diseases, Dr. Kogan completed the Geriatric Fellowship at GW. He is the chief editor of the first definitive textbook on Integrative Medicine and aging, “Integrative Geriatric Medicine,” part of Andrew Weil Integrative Medicine Library series. Dr. Kogan is also on the faculty of the GW Institute for Brain Health and Dementias; associate director of the Geriatrics Fellowship Program at GW; and founder and director othe George Washington University Integrative Geriatrics Fellowship Track. ◘ Related Content Institute for Brain Health and Dementia Choudhury A, Jena A, Jearth V, et al. Vitamin B12 deficiency and use of proton pump inhibitors: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2023;17(5):479-487. doi:10.1080/17474124.2023.2204229 Gommers LMM, Hoenderop JGJ, de Baaij JHF. Mechanisms of proton pump inhibitor-induced hypomagnesemia. Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2022;235(4):e13846. doi:10.1111/apha.13846 Geng T, Chen JX, Zhou YF, et al. Proton Pump Inhibitor Use and Risks of Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2023;108(6):e216-e222. doi:10.1210/clinem/dgac750 Liu W, Wang J, Wang M, Wang M, Liu M. Association of proton pump inhibitor use with risk of kidney stones: an analysis of cross-sectional data from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2007-2018). BMJ Open. 2023;13(10):e075136. Published 2023 Oct 16. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-075136 Gao S, Song W, Lin T, et al. Prolonged Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors, but Not Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonists, Is Associated With Lower Bone Mineral Density in Males Aged Over 70. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021;8:725359. Published 2021 Aug 23. doi:10.3389/fmed.2021.725359 ◘ Transcript ◘ This podcast features the song “Follow Your Dreams” (…ur_Dreams_1918) by Scott Holmes, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (01 license. ◘ Disclaimer: The content and information shared in GW Integrative Medicine is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in GW Integrative Medicine represent the opinions of the host(s) and their guest(s). For medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment, please consult a medical professional.
Today on the pod we are going to talk about the science behind nutritional neuroscience with Stephen Fleming, PhD. This scientific discipline studies the effects various components of the diet such as minerals, vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, fats, dietary supplements, synthetic hormones, and food additives have on neurochemistry, neurobiology, behavior, and cognition, according to the journal Nutritional Neuroscience. An expert on nutrition and cognitive development, Dr. Fleming is also the co-founder and CEO of Traverse Science, Inc., a company that helps researchers at global nutrition organizations take a visual and evidence-based approach to scientific substantiation. He found his roots first in psychology (B.S) and later as a neuroscientist (PhD) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His mission is to create tools, teams, and frameworks that enable others to cut through misinformation and data overload to understand the science. ◘ Transcript (Coming) ◘ This podcast features the song “Follow Your Dreams” (…ur_Dreams_1918) by Scott Holmes, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (01 license. ◘ Disclaimer: The content and information shared in GW Integrative Medicine is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in GW Integrative Medicine represent the opinions of the host(s) and their guest(s). For medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment, please consult a medical professional.
Cancer Survivorship

Cancer Survivorship


Today on the pod we talk about cancer survivorship with Sanna Ali, MSN, CRNP, an Oncology nurse practitioner (NP), cancer survivorship researcher and advocate, and PhD student at the School of Nursing at George Washington University. She currently practices at the GW Center for Integrative Medicine. In her role as an NP, she saw first-hand the multifaceted, complex issues that burden cancer survivors. She decided to pursue her PhD to develop the research skills needed for knowledge generation and scientific discovery that will improve the quality of life and outcomes for cancer survivors. She has presented her PhD-related work both locally and nationally. She received a Sigma Theta Tau International, Phi Epsilon Chapter Small Grant for 2023-2024 to support her project, “Perspectives and attitudes of oncology professionals related to cancer survivorship: A qualitative case study.” NP Ali is the Maryland State Liaison for the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) where she works to advance and support the NP profession at the state and national levels. She is also a member of the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) Champions program for clinicians and researchers interested in improving care for cancer survivors. ◘ Related Links NP Ali's bio National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship article on NP Ali National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship The National Cancer Institute’s Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine American Society of Clinical Oncology's Integrative Oncology blog posts ◘ Transcript ◘ This podcast features the song “Follow Your Dreams” (…ur_Dreams_1918) by Scott Holmes, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (01 license. ◘ Disclaimer: The content and information shared in GW Integrative Medicine is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in GW Integrative Medicine represent the opinions of the host(s) and their guest(s). For medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment, please consult a medical professional.
Today on the pod we talk about C-15:0 Essential Fatty Acid with Dr. Stephanie Venn-WatsonDVM, MPH. Dr. Venn-Watson is the CEO and co-founder of Seraphina Therapeutics, Inc. in San Diego, California. She and her husband, Eric Venn-Watson, MD, made the groundbreaking discovery of C15:0. Also known as pentadecanoic acid, C15:0 is an essential fatty acid that has largely disappeared from the modern Western diet. Certain kinds of fatty acids can actually slow aging-related breakdown in our cells. And C15:0 is one of them. The Drs. Venn-Watson are bringing it to the market as a food fortifier and nutritional supplement called fatty15. ◘ Related Links Discover C15: A Nutritional Discovery 90 Years in the Making Fatty15 Dr. Venn-Watson’s TEDx Talk: Save the dolphins. Save the world Broader and safer clinically-relevant activities of pentadecanoic acid compared to omega-3: Evaluation of an emerging essential fatty acid across twelve primary human cell-based disease systems Pentadecanoylcarnitine is a newly discovered endocannabinoid with pleiotropic activities relevant to supporting physical and mental health Dairy Fat Intake, Plasma C15:0 and Plasma Iso-C17:0 are inversely associated with Liver Fat in Children ◘ Transcript ◘ This podcast features the song “Follow Your Dreams” (…ur_Dreams_1918) by Scott Holmes, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (01 license. ◘ Disclaimer: The content and information shared in GW Integrative Medicine is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in GW Integrative Medicine represent the opinions of the host(s) and their guest(s). For medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment, please consult a medical professional.
We get sciency with the GW School of Medicine & Health Sciences' Anil Bajnath, MD, MBA, IFMCP, ABAARM, MIFHI, an expert on Precision Medicine, aka Personalized Medicine. (Sciency is a word—it's in the OED.) This episode was originally published May 31, 2020. Dr. Bajnath is the CEO and Founder of The Institute for Human Optimization Precision Medicine Research Group and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the GW Integrative Medicine Programs at the university. The NIH describes Precision Medicine as "an emerging approach for disease treatment and prevention that takes into account individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle for each person." Dr. Bajnath is board-certified in Family Medicine and Integrative Medicine. Throughout the span of a decade, he has cultivated extensive first-hand experience in Precision, Integrative, Functional and Genomic Medicine. He is also the author of "The Longevity Equation: The Step-By-Step Blueprint to Hack Your Genes, Optimize Your Health, And Master the Art of Existence." ◘ Related Content Dr. Bajnath's website Dr. Bajnath's book: "The Longevity Equation: The Step-By-Step Blueprint to Hack Your Genes, Optimize Your Health, And Master the Art of Existence" NIH: The Promise of Precision Medicine Sung Symposium: Next Generation Health…&feature=emb_logo CDC: Precision health: Improving health for each of us and all of us Who Will Benefit From Precision Medicine ◘ Transcript…lth/?published=t ◘ This podcast features the song “Follow Your Dreams” (…ur_Dreams_1918) by Scott Holmes, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (01 license. ◘ Disclaimer: The content and information shared in GW Integrative Medicine is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in GW Integrative Medicine represent the opinions of the host(s) and their guest(s). For medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment, please consult a medical professional.
Today we discuss evidence-based approaches that use food and the gut microbiome to promote health and treat disease with Christopher Damman, MD, MA, a board-certified gastroenterologist and internist at the Digestive Health Center at the University of Washington Medical Center and CMO, Scientific Medical & Scientific Officer at Uplifting Results Labs. Dr. Damman is a physician scientist with a particular interest in the microbiome and functional foods. Earlier in 2023, he gave a talk on the clinical application of the evidence base for dietary and microbial interventions to support well-being at our 6th Annual Sung Symposium: The Gut, Microbes, & Well-being. Dr. Damman has a particular interest in the microbiome & functional foods, and he explores these themes as Editor-In-Chief at Gut Bites MD. He’s also a clinical associate professor of Medicine at the University of Washington and entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience across the private, philanthropic, and academic sectors. ◘ Related Links Dr. Dammen's Bio & Research Page Gut Bites MD Hangry bacteria in your gut microbiome are linked to chronic disease—feeding them these nutrients could lead to a healthier body VIDEOS | 2023 Sung Symposium: The Gut, Microbes, & Well-being Uplifting Results Labs ◘ Transcript ◘ This podcast features the song “Follow Your Dreams” (…ur_Dreams_1918) by Scott Holmes, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (01 license. ◘ Disclaimer: The content and information shared in GW Integrative Medicine is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in GW Integrative Medicine represent the opinions of the host(s) and their guest(s). For medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment, please consult a medical professional.
Today, we talk about kuli kuli, or Moringa oleifera, with Dr. Jed Fahey, former director of the Cullman Chemoprotection Center at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and Lisa Curtis, founder and CEO of Kuli Kuli Foods. A nutritional biochemist and leader in chemoprotection, Dr. Fahey has broad training and extensive background in plant physiology, human nutrition, phytochemistry and nutritional biochemistry. Many of these studies deal with cruciferous vegetables and the Moringa oleifera. Lisa is a social entrepreneur whose company Kuli Kuli Foods, includes a team of entrepreneurs, product developers, and change makers who are improving lives through sustainable nutrition and livelihood for women and farmers in the developing world using the moringa plant. Kuli Kuli Foods created a discount code for 20% off any order. Use this link to enable the discount code to be automatically applied ◘ Related Links Cullman Chemoprotection Center Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Kuli Kuli Foods Moringa oleifera: An Updated Comprehensive Review of Its Pharmacological Activities, Ethnomedicinal, Phytopharmaceutical Formulation, Clinical, Phytochemical, and Toxicological Aspects Moringa oleifera: A Review of the Medical Evidence for Its Nutritional, Therapeutic, and Prophylactic Properties. Part 1. Johns Hopkins University Magazine: "Is Moringa the Next Superfood?" Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center's Moringa page ◘ Transcript ◘ This podcast features the song “Follow Your Dreams” (…ur_Dreams_1918) by Scott Holmes, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (01 license. ◘ Disclaimer: The content and information shared in GW Integrative Medicine is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in GW Integrative Medicine represent the opinions of the host(s) and their guest(s). For medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment, please consult a medical professional.
Physician-scientist Sunil K. Aggarwal, MD, PhD, FAAPMR, co-founder and co-director of the Advanced Integrative Medical Science Institute (AIMS), is among the leading researchers giving lectures at the GW Medicinal Fungi Conference from 9 am to 4:20 pm ET on Friday, September 22, 2023. It's not too late to register for this online conference. Dr. Aggarwal’s primary clinical and research work is in Palliative Care, Rehabilitation Medicine, medical cannabis care integration, and Psychedelic Integrative Medicine. Board-certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Hospice and Palliative Medicine, he has served as the Chair of the Integrative Medicine Special Interest Group at the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Dr. Aggarwal is a Clinical Instructor at the University of Washington School of Medicine, an Affiliate Assistant Professor of Geography at the University of Washington, and a Faculty Member of the National Family Medicine Residency. He is an Associate Member of the New York Academy of Medicine and the Humboldt Institute for Interdisciplinary Marijuana Research. He serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of the National Cancer Institute’s PDQ Cancer CAM information summary on cannabis and cannabinoids. ◘ Related content Psychedelics for Brain Injury: A Mini-Review…a-mini-review/ AIMS Co-Director Dr. Sunil Aggarwal Featured on the show The Edge on The Bluntness…the-bluntness/ Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research…research.html ◘ Transcript…-of/?published=t ◘ This podcast features the song “Follow Your Dreams” (…ur_Dreams_1918) by Scott Holmes, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (01 license. ◘ Disclaimer: The content and information shared in GW Integrative Medicine is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in GW Integrative Medicine represent the opinions of the host(s) and their guest(s). For medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment, please consult a medical professional.
Today, we talk to Peter Grinspoon, MD, about cannabis myths and his new book “Seeing through the Smoke: A Cannabis Specialist Untangles the Truth about Marijuana.” Dr. Grinspoon is a primary care physician and cannabis specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital and an Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School. A certified Health and Wellness Coach, he has provided medical cannabis care for patients for two decades. A widely recognized expert on cannabis science and drug policy, he is a board member of the advocacy group Doctors for Cannabis Regulation. He regularly appears as an expert on national television and radio programs, including NPR’s All Things Considered, NBC Nightly News, C-SPAN’s Washington Journal, Fox News and The New York Times. ◘ Related Links Dr. Grinspoon's website "Seeing through the Smoke: A Cannabis Specialist Untangles the Truth about Marijuana" ◘ Transcript (Coming) ◘ This podcast features the song “Follow Your Dreams” (…ur_Dreams_1918) by Scott Holmes, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (01 license. ◘ Disclaimer: The content and information shared in GW Integrative Medicine is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in GW Integrative Medicine represent the opinions of the host(s) and their guest(s). For medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment, please consult a medical professional.
Today on the pod we talk about the gut microbiome and pancreatic health and disease with researcher and clinician Mark Haupt, MD, Chief Medical Officer of IFF Health & Biosciences. IFF Health & Biosciences is a company that conducts extensive R&D activities in the fields of food science, microbiology and molecular biology. For five years prior to IFF, he joined an early-stage complex genomics and bioinformatics company focused on precision medicine with an initial focus in pancreatic disease. Dr. Haupt is a pediatric pulmonologist who has dedicated his career to helping patients with pancreatic disease through his work in academia and the pharmaceutical industry. His scholarly activities focused on improving nutritional outcomes in children with cystic fibrosis via pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy. He ultimately transitioned to the pharma/biotech industry where he continued to focus on complex inflammatory syndromes of the digestive tract. He is passionate about improving health through nutrition, personalized medicine and data. ◘ Transcript (Coming) ◘ This podcast features the song “Follow Your Dreams” (…ur_Dreams_1918) by Scott Holmes, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (01 license. ◘ Disclaimer: The content and information shared in GW Integrative Medicine is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in GW Integrative Medicine represent the opinions of the host(s) and their guest(s). For medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment, please consult a medical professional.
Today, we talk to Christine Teal, MD, the Chief of Breast Surgery at The George Washington University Hospital, and Rachel Brem, MD, vice chair of Radiology and director of the Breast Imaging & Intervention Center. They are the authors of “No Longer Radical: Understanding Mastectomies and Choosing the Breast Cancer Care That's Right For You.” Published in May 2023, it’s a life-saving and empowering guide to understanding breast cancer detection, prevention, and treatment options. Dr. Teal and her colleagues have developed a cutting-edge, holistic, patient-focused Breast Care Center that integrates complementary medicine with the latest technology and surgical innovations. Dr. Brem is an internationally known breast cancer expert who has been instrumental in developing and implementing new technologies to improve breast cancer detection. She is also deeply motivated to eliminate health care disparities. ◘ Related Content: No Longer Radical: Understanding Mastectomies and Choosing the Breast Cancer Care That's Right For You ◘ Transcript: ◘ This podcast features the song “Follow Your Dreams” (…ur_Dreams_1918) by Scott Holmes, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (01 license. ◘ Disclaimer: The content and information shared in GW Integrative Medicine is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in GW Integrative Medicine represent the opinions of the host(s) and their guest(s). For medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment, please consult a medical professional.
Finding Empathy

Finding Empathy


We talk about empathy, chronic conditions, and more with Meghan L Beier, PhD, MA, a Health and Rehabilitation Psychologist at the Rowan Center for Behavioral Medicine in Burbank, Calif, and founder of Find Empathy, an online directory and educational platform that helps connect people with challenging medical conditions to therapists who understand their diagnosis. Dr. Beier specializes in cognitive rehabilitation, neuropsychological assessment and intervention, and multiple sclerosis. She helps individuals improve memory and emotional symptoms through psychotherapy interventions. Prior to joining Rowan Center, Dr. Beier held a faculty appointment at the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation faculty at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. While at Johns Hopkins, Dr. Beier started the Multiple Sclerosis Rehabilitation Research Program and established the Multiple Sclerosis Rehabilitation Psychology Clinic. ◘ Related Content Dr. Beier's faculty profile Dr. Beier's Research and Publications Find Empathy ◘ Transcript ◘ This podcast features the song “Follow Your Dreams” (…ur_Dreams_1918) by Scott Holmes, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (01 license. ◘ Disclaimer: The content and information shared in GW Integrative Medicine is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in GW Integrative Medicine represent the opinions of the host(s) and their guest(s). For medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment, please consult a medical professional.
When Doctors Grieve

When Doctors Grieve


Today, we talk about death, dying, and when doctors grieve with Delia Chiaramonte, MD, Founder and CEO of the Institute for Integrative Palliative Medicine and host of the Integrative Palliative Podcast. As a thought leader in the field of integrative palliative medicine, Dr. Chiaramonte specializes in whole-person care for families facing serious illness, using all the tools that work. She is an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, and she has been voted repeatedly as a 'Top Doc' by her physician peers. Integrative Palliative Medicine (IPM) provides whole person care for people with serious illness, using all the tools that work. From medications to meditation, from injections to acupuncture, IPM clinicians use an evidence-supported, comprehensive treatment approach. ◘ Related Content Integrative Palliative Institute ◘ Transcript ◘ This podcast features the song “Follow Your Dreams” (…ur_Dreams_1918) by Scott Holmes, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (01 license. ◘ Disclaimer: The content and information shared in GW Integrative Medicine is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in GW Integrative Medicine represent the opinions of the host(s) and their guest(s). For medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment, please consult a medical professional.
Today, we have with us J.D. Talasek, Director of Cultural Programs of the National Academy of Sciences or CPNAS, which explores the relationships among culture, science, engineering, and medicine. J.D. is also the creator and moderator for a monthly salon called DASER (DC Art Science Evening Rendezvous) held at the National Academy of Sciences as part of the LASER network. He has served on the faculty at Johns Hopkins University in the Museum Studies Master’s Program. And he served on the Contemporary Art and Science Committee (CASC) at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History. He is the art advisor for Issues in Science and Technology Magazine, and a former board member of Leonardo/ International Society for Art Science and Technology, where he was chair of the LASER committee that coordinated 50+ art/sci salons around the world. ◘ Related Content Cultural Programs of the National Academy of Sciences (CPNAS) ◘ Transcript (Coming) ◘ This podcast features the song “Follow Your Dreams” (…ur_Dreams_1918) by Scott Holmes, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (01 license. ◘ Disclaimer: The content and information shared in GW Integrative Medicine is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in GW Integrative Medicine represent the opinions of the host(s) and their guest(s). For medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment, please consult a medical professional.
Today we’re talking about sleep deprivation and glymphatics with Vivek Jain, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine at GW and Director of GW Center for Sleep Disorders. The glymphatic system is a network of vessels that clear waste from the central nervous system, brain, and spinal cord, mostly during sleep. Once thought not to exist, this lymphatic system may be disrupted in and contribute to some diseases of the brain. Dr. Jain is a graduate for the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi, India. He did his residency in Internal Medicine and fellowship in Pulmonology and Critical Care Medicine at the University of Missouri Hospital & Clinics, Columbia, Missouri. Dr. Jain’s research on various aspects of sleep disorders has been published in more than dozens or peer-reviewed scholarly journals and numerous books. He lectures nationally and internationally on the topics of obstructive sleep apnea and heart disease. ◘ Related Content GW Center for Sleep Disorders ◘ Transcript ◘ This podcast features the song “Follow Your Dreams” (…ur_Dreams_1918) by Scott Holmes, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial (01 license. ◘ Disclaimer: The content and information shared in GW Integrative Medicine is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed in GW Integrative Medicine represent the opinions of the host(s) and their guest(s). For medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment, please consult a medical professional.