Gym therapy is presented by two professional Great British gymnasts: Gaius & Brinn. Created to catch up with friends & share stories, keep up with the busy training & traveling lifestyle & just to chat some sh**. Join us on our journey as we feature special guests and talk about: past, present & future adventures of our lives. Lay back, relax, and enjoy Gaius & Brinn’s Gym Therapy.

6. Are Gymnasts More Susceptible To Addiction? The Hormonal Effects Of Exercise

In this episode of Gym Therapy we talk about whether athletes are more likely to have the addiction gene, how we feel about our own traits on this matter & if we are addicted to social media & the dopamine hit from the platforms. We also go through how exercise effects our hormones. Sit back  & enjoy this weeks instalment of Gym Therapy. 


5. What Do Brinns Tattoos Mean? How To Care Less About Other Peoples Opinions!

In this episode of Gym Therapy Brinn & I Talk about the meaning of all his tattoos, what was the inspiration & are they really as addictive as everyone says?! We also go over the mindset of not giving a sh*t and how putting yourself outside of your comfort zone can really help with this. Sit back relax & enjoy!


3. The Journey Of Mental Health & Why It’s So Important to TALK. How Do YOU Measure YOUR Success?!

In this episode of GYM THERAPY we talk about how British Gymnastics have taken the disability gymnastics out of the British championships. Our journey of mental health, talking to people and grounding techniques for anxiety attacks. Brinn talks about the darker side of the Olympics for himself & the struggles from it.


2. Why You NEED To Plan For A Life After Sport!

In this episode of Gym Therapy we talk about life after sport and how it is crucial to set something up in place to be ready for the real world!


We Are Back!?

What’s up podcast! In this episode Gaius and Brinn catch up for the first time since October 2018..... hoping to bring back some regular content! Enjoy!


#5 Time To Talk - Nile Wilson

In this episode we talk with our friend & teammate Nile Wilson about our journey as a team, group of friends, his online success and hitting 1 million subscribers. Enjoy


Name change!? | London open 18 - Ep4

We have taken a while to sort our artwork out but we finally come up with the name. In this episode we discuss what we have decided to call the podcast and why, and how our latest competition went. Enjoy!


Ep.3... We Are Finally Getting Somewhere

In this episode we discuss the progress with our podcast name, the British teams and some other updates in our lives! Sit back relax and enjoy the podcast!


Ep. 2 - Still No Name?!

Still looking for a name... also we answer a few of your guys questions


Give Us A Name?!

The very first episode of BrayCast?!


4. Is There EQUALITY In Gymnastics? The Struggles Of Being Inspirational On Social Media

In this episode of gym therapy we talk about the equality between women, men, gay & straight gymnasts and if there are problems within the sport. We go over the struggles of being a beacon of hope for aspiring athletes and the pressures that come with social media. Sit back relax, we hope you enjoy this instalment of Gym Therapy.


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