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When a semi-sentient starship's crew dies, it must find a new one in a hurry. Earth is the closest planet with sentient life and the ship, which is rapidly losing its intelligence, picks five humans as the new crew.

Unfortunately, the five humans come from the Appalachian Mountains and while they are sentient, there's no guarantee that they're intelligent. What affect will these humans have on an unsuspecting galaxy?
20 Episodes
GalaxyBillies 20

GalaxyBillies 20


Well folks, this is the end. Now we all have a chance to find out what happens to Earth, Greklor, Grokmar, MegaDan and, of course, the humans themselves.
GalaxyBillies 19

GalaxyBillies 19


The fleets face each other and the battle begins. Is this the final battle? Will Greklor get his or will he get away?
GalaxyBillies 18

GalaxyBillies 18


The battle lines have been drawn and a new gang of toughs enter the picture. Vice Chancellor Greklor’s true colours have been revealed to the entire galaxy and there is no turning back.
GalaxyBillies 17

GalaxyBillies 17


The final battle is setting up to be a doozy. There seems to be a lot of excitement and neither side appears ready to back off.
GalaxyBillies 16

GalaxyBillies 16


he Galactic Extermination Fleet is getting ever closer to Earth and our ultimate destruction. But wait, what’s that? A droid army has turned up on the home planet of Galactic News. Are they for Earth or agin it? MegaDan continues his rallying cry and Sheanna’Ree’s father makes a decision about the humans.
GalaxyBillies 15

GalaxyBillies 15


Gumbo Feet makes his move and MegaDan Scholes discovers a crewman on the starship Turdination. Said crewman could really mess up his plans.
GalaxyBillies 14

GalaxyBillies 14


The Galactic Council Fleet finds Earth, MegaDan makes plans, a relationship develops and The Corporation gets involved in things. Several new characters in this episode.
GalaxyBillies 13

GalaxyBillies 13


Things are heating up. A bounty hunter is after the humans not to mention Vice Chancellor Greklor searches for Earth with the intention of exterminating all of humanity. And what of MegaDan Scholes, Voice of the Galaxy? What part will he play in all this?
GalaxyBillies 12

GalaxyBillies 12


More questions are raised in this episode (like there weren’t enough already). Does Sheanna’Ree really know someone who can help Jim Bob? And even more importantly, will he? What the heck has happened to Bobby John? Is the Galactic Counsel still searching for Earth? Believe it or not, there will be some answers. Jim Bob also goes a little crazy. And just what is going on with MegaDan?
GalaxyBillies 11

GalaxyBillies 11


The humans decide whether to help Sheanna’Ree or not, Vice-Chancellor Greklor acts like a crazed animal and there is a good chance the Earth has been found. And just what has happened to Bobby John?
GalaxyBillies 10

GalaxyBillies 10


Once again we get to see more of Zeke. We also are introduced to a brand new character who seems to be in some trouble. What kind of trouble is hard to say but it has got to be bad if she is looking for help from the humans. It also looks like the Galactic Counsel led by Vice-Chancellor Greklor is gearing up for a war against humanity. Things look pretty grim.
GalaxyBillies 09

GalaxyBillies 09


Zeke is the hero and main POV character in this episode and you know that can’t be good. We also see that the Galaxy is taking a greater and more menacing interest in the humans.
GalaxyBillies 08

GalaxyBillies 08


The GalaxyBillies are on the planet Cornucopia or “The Reserve” as it is known. They have come to this planet to acquire food, something they didn’t have time for after the debacle on Sin Station. They aren’t on the planet very long before they discover that they may not be alone.
GalaxyBillies 07

GalaxyBillies 07


The humans finally get off Sin Station (or do they?). We also find that the galaxy at large is starting to notice them. For better of worse, they are out there.
GalaxyBillies 06

GalaxyBillies 06


In this episode we finally find out what has become of Jim Bob and we learn a bit more about Bobby John. We also have a new character show up to make things interesting.
GalaxyBillies 05

GalaxyBillies 05


Things didn’t go so well for Zeke in the last episode but what about the other humans? Jim Bob seemed to just fall off the face of the station when Zeke ran out and who knows what trouble Betty Sue, Carol Anne and Bobby John can get into?
GalaxyBillies 04

GalaxyBillies 04


The humans finally have a chance to stretch their legs. They have been cooped up way too long since being kidnapped by the Grokmar and they are all going a bit stir-crazy. They all decide to split up to do their own things. Betty Sue, Carol Anne and Bobby John go shopping while Jim Bob and Zeke go looking for a night on the town. Five humans who have never left the mountains loose on an alien space station. What could possibly go wrong?
GalaxyBillies 03

GalaxyBillies 03


We begin to see some of the plotting that is going on among the hillbillies. They are only hours away from arriving at SinStation where they hope to get supplies and some much needed time away from the Grokmar.
GalaxyBillies 02

GalaxyBillies 02


The Earthlings learn a little more about their home on the Grokmar. They come to realize that the ship really doesn’t understand them at all. They threaten a hunger strike and the ship reluctantly gives in to their demands: proper food and a place to sleep. The ship adamantly refuses to return them to Earth. It maintains its claim to need them in order to continue its mission… except, it doesn’t remember what its mission is.
GalaxyBillies 01

GalaxyBillies 01


The starship Grokmar kidnaps five humans from the Appalachian Mountains to serve as its new crew.