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Game of Loans: 2017 Celebrity Commencement Speeches

Game of Loans: 2017 Celebrity Commencement Speeches

Author: Tipping Point

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Interest is coming...let 2017’s motivational commencement speeches melt away your post-college stresses.
26 Episodes
“As inspired as you might be by a single idea or way of looking at the world, I suggest that you entertain many different ways of thinking and consider various points of view,” Salovey said at the annual Opening Assembly in Woolsey Hall. “Try them all on. See what fits you best.”
“when you keep people at the center of what you do, it can have enormous impact. … That responsibility is immense, but so is the opportunity. … As you go forward today, use your minds and hands — and hearts — to build something bigger than yourselves.”
When things go really, really wrong — and then when it rains on top of everything else — I ask you to choose to keep your heads up and come together, to connect, and to rally around one another, especially those who need it the most. It is likely to uplift you all.
“You are graduating into a tragic, dumbass comedy. My advice is to lock the [university’s] Van Wickle Gates and stay here. “But if you do leave, work for the change. Work to stop the insanity. Start now so the class of 2018 will graduate into a better world.”
“Today, I stand in front of you giving the commencement speech at one of the top universities in America, if not the world,” said Jobrani, whose family fled Iran during that country’s 1978 revolution. “I am the American dream.”
"That free men and women will volunteer to fight, ethically and fiercely, to defend our experiment that you and I call, simply, 'America.”
“Light comes from truth, which leads to virtue.”
“Nobody is paying attention to your failure. The world is full of people failing. People are failing all around you. Failure is boring. Your failure will not be so spectacular that people will write articles about your failure or even remember your failure.”
The only rational choice we have, the only real response we can make is to stand up and to fight back, reclaim American democracy, and create a government that works for all of us, not just the one percent
Be the generation that embodies real tolerance, genuine inquiry and authentic open-mindedness.
You’re the most engaged, tolerant, talented generation in our history. But none of that will matter if you don’t get engaged in the public affairs of this nation.
There is nothing more powerful than you using your personality to serve the calling of yourself.
“10 years can do a lot, but the next 10 will do much much more than the last 10. Why? Because, the next decade will be the Age of Artificial Intelligence, or AI.”
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
“ I believe with all my heart that the future of America—indeed, the future of the world—depends on brave, thoughtful people like you insisting on truth and integrity, right now, every day. ”
“You could have gone to school anywhere you wanted -- and with very, very few responsibilities by comparison. Instead, you chose the path of service. You chose hard work, high standards, and a very noble mission -- to save lives, defend the homeland, and protect America’s interests around the world. You chose the Coast Guard. Good choice. ”
“As long as we believe our common humanity is most important, as long as we understand that diverse groups make better decisions than homogeneous ones or lone geniuses, as long as we realize the great thing about life is not final victories and the great tragedy is not final defeats—there aren’t any final victories or final defeats…but a life of permanent possibility”
I experience now, the same rush of chasing after dreams, of racing around a day, of moving from there to there, but I realized a simple lesson the older I get, that how we live our days, is how we live our lives.
“Our country needs you now more than ever before,” Lewis said. “When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have a moral obligation, a mandate to stand up, speak up and speak out.”
"Ideas don't come out fully formed. They only become clear as you work on them. You just have to get started. If I had to know everything about connecting people before I got started, I never would have built Facebook."
Comments (41)


Hi i love sex my contact) here

Mar 16th

Valerie Marie Torres

rrr trrcde 🦍🐈🍐crrcr🍐o rrcde rr

Sep 25th

Valerie Marie Torres

rrr trrcde 🦍🐈🍐crrcr🍐o rrcde rr

Sep 25th

Serena Gray

Very Inspiring, listened at least 2 times to each episode!

Sep 22nd
Reply (1)


cool ooo

Jun 5th
Reply (1)

Lai Wei

Awesome speech!Purpose is that sense that we are part of something bigger than ourselves, that we are needed, that we have something better ahead to work for. Purpose is what creates true happiness.

Jun 3rd

Linchen Guo

Very Inspiring

Jun 3rd

Jingjing Pan

Mark zuckerbergs speech was very inspirational for me. It can often be tough to be selfless when there are so many things going on in your personal life, but remembering to appreciate what you have without complaining or giving blame is crucial to not only bettering yourself, but also positively influencing those around you. Overall a very straightforward but touching speech!

Jun 3rd

Vivian Zhao

Awesome speech! Pursue the purpose 🤔

Jun 3rd

Gavin Smith

Sense of purpose really matters.

Jun 3rd

Chen Chen

What touched me most, was that he knew exactly what he wanted to do, and did it consistently and unswervingly. No matter what the external impact, will not shake his determination.

Jun 3rd


purpose is that feeling that you are part of something bigger than yourself and you are needed and you have something better ahead to work for. Purpose is what create true happiness.

Jun 3rd

Brendon Burns


Jun 3rd

Na Xun

Ideas don't come out fully formed they only become clear as you work on them. You just have to get started.

Jun 3rd


What stuck to me the most about Mark’s speech was his point on connection. I think that although all of his other points were highly important, what ties everything together is the underlying need for connection. Without feeling connected, it can often be hard to have a sense of purpose, as it doesn’t allow you to think outside of yourself. I believe that staying connected and being active in a community has a lot to do with mindfulness and empathy. Being aware of your core values, what makes you who you are, is the first step to connecting with others. Without this sense, I feel that connections that are built can often be shallow and not as purposeful. I think Mark made a good point in stating that you shouldn’t feel sorry for yourself. When you do, you can get too caught up with what the world owes you or how the world has wronged you, when instead you can be focused on how to improve upon yourself, and only through bettering yourself can you begin to help and connect to those aroun

Jun 3rd


"First, let's take on big meaningful projects." Now I am on CastBox

Jun 2nd

Xiaobao Tang

I'm always moved that Mark puts family first. Even as a busy CEO, whenever he mentions his wife and family, I can feel the love he has for them. In the end, family and relationships are what matter the most. thank you Mark Zuckerberg.

Jun 2nd


Though poor in English, I was pushed to listen to the whole speech by the desire for success. Now that the failures of others contribute to my success, I'm afraid Zuckerberg's speech may make no sense to me.

Jun 2nd


Thanks Zuckerberg for the inspiring speech! "We all get meaning from our communities. Whether our communities are houses or sports teams, churches or music groups, they give us that sense we are part of something bigger, that we are not alone; they give us the strength to expand our horizons. " Great to learn and worth to share!

Jun 2nd

Yang Jiang

Young guy builds a world class company, I appreciate Mark. --Ideas don't come out fully formed. They only become clear as you work on them. You just have to get started. So just do it!

Jun 2nd