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Gather in Growth

Author: Emily Reuschel

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Where can I connect with fellow rural women who aren’t afraid to dream big dreams? How do I create and sustain daily habits that help me reach my personal and professional goals? Am I the only one that absolutely loves living in the middle of nowhere but wants to understand the world beyond my backyard? What should I do about the unshakable feeling that there’s more to life than just showing up? How do I break free from other people’s opinions and confidently live as my authentic self?

Welcome to Gather in Growth, a show created for passionate, growth-focused rural women like you. From mindset work and building strong habits to nerding out over personal growth books through the lens of life on a backroad, this is a show to leave you feeling joyful, inspired, ready to take action, and a little less alone.

Tune in for honest and heart-felt conversations with host, Emily Reuschel, and fellow thought leaders, to talk about personal growth and thriving as a rural woman. Here you’ll gain tactical strategies to bring your dreams to reality, real talk about the ups and downs of tackling goals, meaningful insight from fresh perspectives, and the confidence to step into the calling that’s been laid on your heart for a reason. If you crave to feel seen in a small town, you’re in the right place.

Whether you’re currently running on a backroad, shuffling kids to town, hopping along for a tractor ride, or three loads deep into folding laundry… we’re in this together. Absolutely anything is possible and I’m so grateful to be on this journey with YOU!

Grab you iced coffee and let’s dive in!

Be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss the latest episode! Reviews help us reach more rockstar rural women, and are always greatly appreciated!

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Connect with Emily (and other incredible like-minded women in our community) on Instagram @emilyreuschel + Facebook!
101 Episodes
Not only are we celebrating the 100th episode of Gather in Growth, but I’m also joined by the love of my life - my husband, Andrew! I polled my IG community for questions they wanted to ask Andrew, and I have plenty of my own topics that we dig into as well, so you better believe this will be fun, and one you do NOT want to miss.   In this episode, we cover: How Andrew and I met + how our (initial) long distance relationship positively impacted us Andrew’s change of heart when it came to pursuing farming + navigating challenges that typically come with intergenerational dynamics in farming and ag  Andrew’s expectations with fatherhood + our intentionality with parenting and choosing to do things ‘differently’ from the beginning The importance of ‘putting yourself in your spouse’s shoes’ to really see what they’re going through in their day to day life What it was like for Andrew as I began my personal growth journey + what eventually ‘clicked’ for him to pursue it for himself Why me quitting my job to pursue entrepreneurship was the massive change we absolutely needed in our lives + what this transition was like for our family The growth, healing, and peace that has resulted for both Andrew and I since starting my business + the significant role therapy has played in the process Knowing that there will ALWAYS be hard things, but what truly matters is how you choose to work through them together Understanding that the way you and your partner process things will be different + why a high level of trust with each other is necessary Building resiliency as you work through roadblocks in entrepreneurship (or anything else in life) + why you’ll never have ’it all’ figured out    Resources & Links: Gather in Growth Sponsorship Inquiry More info on the Ignite + Grow Micromind Join the Ignite + Grow Micromind waitlist Learn more about my speaking Get your YouDoYou32 tracker! (82’s little sister!) Get your #YouDoYou82 tracker and join the Facebook community! Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting   Connect with Emily: Follow on Instagram and Facebook Join my email list Check out my website Connect with on LinkedIn Be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss the latest episode! Find the complete show notes here:
This impulse family trip was eye-opening (in the best ways possible), and really brought up SO many things for me. It reminded me to deeply think about how I’m spending time with my loved ones, parenting my kids, treating my body, planning and prioritizing, and even, how I’m showing up in community with others in this world (no matter their ideas or perspectives). I hope there’s a little nugget (or two) that you’re able to take from these lessons and apply to your own life, too!   In this episode, we cover: The extra frustration and overwhelm that comes with ‘chaos planning’ and simply ‘winging it’ vs. ACTUALLY having a plan and setting yourself up for success Why you HAVE to be willing to give up what feels ‘easy’ for what you really want Being more intentional with being outside and spending time in nature this summer Our recent experience with multiple flat tires on my car + why this was such an important reminder that how we handle stress matters Consistently modeling behaviors and emotions that positively support our kids + the difficult and triggering work that comes from (re)parenting ourselves in the process Getting super clear on your priorities + making the time and space to plan for those things so they actually DO happen Stepping out of your comfort zone and choosing to be in community with other people who have different ideas, perspectives, upbringings, etc.   Resources & Links: Gather in Growth Sponsorship Inquiry More info on the Ignite + Grow Micromind Join the Ignite + Grow Micromind waitlist Learn more about my speaking Get your YouDoYou32 tracker! (82’s little sister!) Get your #YouDoYou82 tracker and join the Facebook community! Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting   Connect with Emily: Follow on Instagram and Facebook Join my email list Check out my website Connect with on LinkedIn   Related Episodes: Episode 079 | Sh*t Happens, Mindset Matters   Be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss the latest episode! Find the complete show notes here:
Taking the path to work on yourself and really dig into the hard stuff feels like HELL when you’re in it - it’s far from easy. The soul freedom and liberation that follows though, along with the expansion and acceptance of others is beautiful - it’s all connected, and it all matters. We were created to be in community with others, and we really can learn SO much from other people and their differences. Whether you’re on your own journey of faith expansion, or striving to live a life filled with authenticity, purpose, and peace, I know this episode will inspire you to keep going! Stephanie Simmons is a light capturer, story weaver, and loves telling tales through cinematography and photography. Stephanie is a witness to healing, a space holder, a creator, and time turner. Combining music with images, she creates films that take you on a journey. Stephanie transports her clients back in time to sacred moments, to assist with integration and bring back precious memories. Her films sprinkle the planet with light and invite others to join the journey of healing and remembering. Stephanie is passionate about using her hands with pure intention to create films that touch the heart, stir emotion, and shine a light on the sacred work of healing.   In this episode, we will cover: Steph’s story of ‘checking all the boxes’ in her life while growing up, to eventually, deconstructing her faith and fully stepping into her most authentic, beautiful self Steph’s journey with finding videography + how she ‘flipped the switch’ and experienced a powerful awakening in 2020 Living authentically + the idea of self-confidence vs. self-worth  The significant role Stephanie’s husband has played in her healing journey What it can look like to slow down and embody a ‘softer’ feminine energy, instead of the fast-paced masculine culture our society runs on The beautiful expansion and acceptance that comes when we’re not afraid of other people and their differences Continually pursuing curiosity and honesty within yourself   Resources & Links: Gather in Growth Sponsorship Inquiry More info on the Ignite + Grow Micromind Join the Ignite + Grow Micromind waitlist Get your Monthly Mileage Tracker here Learn more about my speaking Get your YouDoYou32 tracker! (82’s little sister!) Get your #YouDoYou82 tracker and join the Facebook community! Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting   Connect with Stephanie: Follow on Instagram Check out her work on YouTube   Connect with Emily: Follow on Instagram and Facebook Join my email list Check out my website Connect with on LinkedIn   Be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss the latest episode! Find the complete show notes here:
In today’s episode, I want to talk about the importance of knowing your own red flags - specifically, within your body. Not that long ago when I was working outside of the home, I was burning the candle at both ends and juggling ALL.THE.THINGS. I was trying to be everything for everyone, and at the time, I thought that was completely normal - I had adjusted to that way of living. I’ve put in a LOT of effort to get to a place that doesn’t feel like that anymore, but right now, things just feel sort of..hard. My body (primarily my nervous system) has been letting me know it’s feeling all of the chaos and overwhelm and exhaustion, and these feelings are completely clashing with the alignment and peace that it craves (and is now used to).   In this episode, we cover: Understanding that the pursuit of growth, healing, and alignment may feel REALLY hard in the moment, but is totally worth it too The powerful awareness that happens when you feel centered and at peace in your life, but have to choose hard things that directly clash against those feelings My recent period from hell paired with a launch week that led to even MORE dysregulation for me Gaining awareness around what alignment actually feels like in your body + finding gratitude for the work you’ve already done to heal and understand yourself better   Resources & Links: Gather in Growth Sponsorship Inquiry More info on the Ignite + Grow Micromind Join the Ignite + Grow Micromind waitlist Get your Monthly Mileage Tracker here Learn more about my speaking Get your YouDoYou32 tracker! (82’s little sister!) Get your #YouDoYou82 tracker and join the Facebook community! Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting   Connect with Emily: Follow on Instagram and Facebook Join my email list Check out my website Connect with on LinkedIn   Be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss the latest episode! Find the complete show notes here:
The work that I’ve been doing the last few years has pushed me to help others step outside of their comfort zones, challenge expectations, and break through limiting beliefs. I’ve LOVED getting to do this, but I’ve also come to the realization that I’m still holding myself back when it comes to questioning, and going against the norm. Maybe you can relate to this in some way; if you can, I want you to give yourself permission to dream, and do, and simply just approach things in a fresh, and different way.   In this episode, we cover: Why our society as a whole has lost the ability to think critically, and simply just ‘be’ in conversation with others who have differing beliefs and opinions Agreeing with others because it feels easier, instead of asking questions and sharing a different perspective in fear of ‘rocking the boat’ Why people are a LOT more similar than we may think + understanding how vital community and connection is for all of us My recent realization that I’ve been holding myself back from asking better questions, all for the illusion of peace + why I’m no longer doing this going forward   Resources & Links: Gather in Growth Sponsorship Inquiry EVOLVE Developing Entrepreneur Mastermind EVOLVE Scaling Entrepreneur Mastermind Get your Monthly Mileage Tracker here Learn more about my speaking Get your YouDoYou32 tracker! (82’s little sister!) Get your #YouDoYou82 tracker and join the Facebook community! Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting   Connect with Emily: Follow on Instagram and Facebook Join my email list Check out my website Connect with on LinkedIn   Related Episodes: Episode 095 | The Adventure Begins! Episode 093 | From Frustration to Function: Seeking Alternative Healthcare to Feel Your Best with Jena Ochsner   Be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss the latest episode! Find the complete show notes here:
My original plan for this episode was to do more of a ‘vlog’ style, because I recently traveled to a retreat I invested in for myself; I thought it would be fun to share what was happening as I was going through everything! I didn’t end up going that route (mainly because my brain kind of felt like mush every night when I planned to record, due to the fun-filled days and super late nights). I felt surprisingly calm going into this retreat experience, because I put little expectations and stress on myself. I chose to go into this with an open mind, and BOY, now that I’m on the other side and back home with my family, I feel like the next evolution of my business is just bubbling inside of me, waiting to come out in entirely new ways!   In this episode, we cover: The crazy magic that happens when you step outside of your comfort zone and surround yourself with others who are doing big, incredible things Finding true alignment with your priorities + the deep realization that you’ll never sacrifice what matters most to you again, simply to achieve a certain result The healing and empowering energy that comes from being in a growth space with others Why your definition of success doesn’t have to be all of the super sexy, ‘flashy’ stuff Understanding that money can be an amplifier for GOOD, and it’s not selfish or greedy to desire more financial resources for you and your family Why growth is something I care SO deeply about + continues to be the underlying theme in my messaging for my podcast, business, and life   Resources & Links: Gather in Growth Sponsorship Inquiry EVOLVE Developing Entrepreneur Mastermind EVOLVE Scaling Entrepreneur Mastermind Get your Monthly Mileage Tracker here Learn more about my speaking Get your YouDoYou32 tracker! (82’s little sister!) Get your #YouDoYou82 tracker and join the Facebook community! Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting   Connect with Emily: Follow on Instagram and Facebook Join my email list Check out my website Connect with on LinkedIn   Be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss the latest episode! Find the complete show notes here:
Ashlea and I talk more about what it can look like to ‘simplify to amplify’ in all aspects of our life. Growing up in a generation that’s big on ‘quitters don’t win, and winners don’t quit’, we think that chasing (and achieving) the next big thing will FINALLY make us feel like we’re enough, and prove our worth. Unfortunately, this is why soooo many of us are frazzled, overwhelmed, and pretty much drowning in the day to day. Instead of trying to do ALL.THE.THINGS, what if we chose to focus on one specific thing that we were lit up about, and actually made sense in our current season of life?  Ashlea Stricker is a farm wife, mom of 3 boys, and hairstylist living in a rural town in central Iowa. When she’s not chasing her boys or helping out on the farm, you can find her reading her favorite book, or watching Gilmore Girls (with a coffee in hand, and of course, avoiding laundry at all costs). Ashlea is a big dreamer and she loves cheering others on - she is a self-proclaimed cheerleader and your biggest hype girl!   In this episode, we cover: What Ashlea’s journey of ‘simplifying’ has looked like Why so many of us are frazzled, overwhelmed, and exhausted all the time Prioritizing one main thing, instead of thinking you need to be doing #allthethings Digging deep into the ‘mental weight’ that you’re holding onto regarding expectations and limiting beliefs + how to shift to more empowering thoughts Showing others that it’s actually okay to QUIT something when it’s just not the best fit for you anymore Adjusting our level of expectation for the season of life we’re in + letting go of the ‘perfectionism’ tendencies that plague so many of us Focusing on what you truly want in the season of life you’re in + giving yourself permission to grow and evolve along the way   Resources & Links: Gather in Growth Sponsorship Inquiry EVOLVE Developing Entrepreneur Mastermind EVOLVE Scaling Entrepreneur Mastermind Get your Monthly Mileage Tracker here Learn more about my speaking Get your YouDoYou32 tracker! (82’s little sister!) Get your #YouDoYou82 tracker and join the Facebook community! Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting   Connect with Ashlea: Follow on Instagram @simply.ashlea   Connect with Emily: Follow on Instagram and Facebook Join my email list Check out my website Connect with on LinkedIn   Be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss the latest episode! Find the complete show notes here:
Jena Ochsner and I are talking more about pursuing alternative healthcare for your family, and why it’s not a bad thing to ‘go against the grain’ in this way. Jena has healed herself from the inside out. She’s passionate about living a healthier, ‘crunchy’ lifestyle, and she continues advocating for herself and her family. You can find hope for healing, and get to a place of thriving and flourishing in your everyday life!   In this episode we will cover: Jena’s wild story of dealing with debilitating headaches & migraines for years with no clear answers from western medicine, to eventually finding functional medicine support and reclaiming her health What MTHFR is + how eliminating folic acid and artificial dyes have greatly impacted Jena’s health  Knowing there are benefits to western medicine (and it IS needed), while also wishing western and functional medicine could work together to truly support people The ‘golden handcuffs’ that is health insurance + other insurance options that can still work for you and your family Really evaluating how certain foods and drinks make your body feel (gluten, dairy, alcohol, etc.), and the dramatic perspective shift that comes from doing so Choosing to invest in your health now, because you’ll either pay for your wellness or pay for your sickness How living a healthier, ‘crunchy’ lifestyle can still exist with current farming and ag practices    Resources & Links: Jena’s health story shared on her podcast, Beyond the Crops Gather in Growth Sponsorship Inquiry EVOLVE Developing Entrepreneur Mastermind EVOLVE Scaling Entrepreneur Mastermind Get your Monthly Mileage Tracker here Learn more about my speaking Get your YouDoYou32 tracker! (82’s little sister!) Get your #YouDoYou82 tracker and join the Facebook community! Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting   Connect with Jena: Follow on Instagram Check out her website Check out Jena’s Podcast: Beyond the Crops   Connect with Emily: Follow on Instagram and Facebook Join my email list Check out my website Connect with on LinkedIn   Be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss the latest episode! Find the complete show notes here:
In today’s episode, I want to talk about why it’s SO hard to ask for help, and even more, why you should be doing so. Women (and especially moms) are praised for being helpers, and putting everyone else first, while their needs are constantly pushed on the backburner. I mean...I myself am a thirty-something millennial mom living rural, who also was ingrained with the high-achieving, ‘do it all’ mentality for most of my life. could say it felt pretty unnatural for me to ask for help with my kids, house, etc., at first!   I know it’s SO hard to ask for help, but at the end of the day, YOU are in charge of building a beautiful life that lights you up. Sometimes that means being vulnerable, and allowing your loved ones to support you where you need it, so you can flourish in this life!   In this episode, we cover: How your micro experiences from childhood shaped you, and what it looks like to bring them into adulthood Why the communication piece is VITAL in helping you not feel like a burden + finding self-awareness around what you really need Getting to the place of understanding you can’t (nor do you want) to do it ALL, and being totally okay with that Effectively tackling the conversation surrounding household division of labor + letting things go, even if they aren’t done ‘exactly’ the way you would do them Accepting the fact that other people are going to do things differently than you, but it doesn’t have to be a bad thing   Resources & Links: Gather in Growth Sponsorship Inquiry Join one of my Masterminds!  Get your Monthly Mileage Tracker here Learn more about my speaking Get your YouDoYou32 tracker! (82’s little sister!) Get your #YouDoYou82 tracker and join the Facebook community! Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting   Connect with Emily: Follow on Instagram and Facebook Join my email list Check out my website Connect with on LinkedIn   Be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss the latest episode! Find the complete show notes here:
In today’s episode, I want to talk about seasons of change, and what happens as we continue piling on more duties, goals, responsibilities, etc., to our (already) overflowing plates. Our plates can be abundantly full of things we love and enjoy, but when we continue adding without removing anything, we start to feel exhausted, drained, and ultimately, like we’re not ‘enough’. So many of us fall into the trap of chasing achievement and praise, and we think that if we choose to shift our priorities and give something up along the way, we’ll be deemed a failure. I’m here to tell you that this is NOT the case.   In this episode, we cover: Taking the time to inventory what’s actually on your ‘plate’, and if it’s something that belongs there (or doesn’t) Focusing on work that really lights you up and serves you well in your current season My recent experience with bringing my 5 month old to the Ascend retreat + my realization surrounding the impact and value I still provided for the women there Getting purposeful about your priorities + honoring your energy during times of chaos and uncertainty Understanding that you have more power over your reality and your circumstances than you may think   Resources & Links: Gather in Growth Sponsorship Inquiry Join one of my Masterminds!  Get your Monthly Mileage Tracker here Learn more about my speaking Get your YouDoYou32 tracker! (82’s little sister!) Get your #YouDoYou82 tracker and join the Facebook community! Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting   Connect with Emily: Follow on Instagram and Facebook Join my email list Check out my website Connect with on LinkedIn   Be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss the latest episode! Find the complete show notes here:
I’m excited to have my amazing friend, Calli Thorne, as today’s podcast guest! Calli and I are talking all about mindset and mental health, and what the work looks like when you’re truly ready to change your mindset. Changing your mindset is a paradigm shift, and you HAVE to be willing to dig into the thoughts and feelings you’re having on a daily basis, if you want to change your circumstances. We’re also discussing what mental health first aid is, why it’s important that we take time to listen and give people a chance to share how they’re (really) doing, how to start having more conversations about mental health with your loved ones (especially when those deep-rooted, intergenerational stigmas are very present), and more.   In this episode, we will cover: How you can begin changing your mindset + the work that actually goes into doing so Where people can begin if they’re ready for therapy, coaching, or any other mental health resources How to start having more conversations about mental health with those closest to you Learning to define what a successful, well-rounded life looks like for YOU The number one thing that affects most people when they struggle and experience life’s challenges Applauding yourself for what you’re doing + choosing to say ‘no’ to those things that aren’t priorities or bring value to your life   Resources & Links: Gather in Growth Sponsorship Inquiry Join one of my Masterminds!  Get your Monthly Mileage Tracker here Learn more about my speaking Get your YouDoYou32 tracker! (82’s little sister!) Get your #YouDoYou82 tracker and join the Facebook community! Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting   Connect with Calli: Follow Instagram and Facebook Connect with on LinkedIn Check out her website   Connect with Emily: Follow on Instagram and Facebook Join my email list Check out my website Connect with on LinkedIn   Be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss the latest episode! Find the complete show notes here:
I’m joined by my wonderful friend, Kaitlin Cox, for today’s episode! Kaitlin and I are talking about loss, healing, and empowerment, and what it looks like to pursue true alignment and purpose. We’re discussing how the power of intentionality and tenacity can support you with no longer fearing failure, leaning into your faith during life’s many ups and downs, not getting ‘bogged down’ with the big picture, Kaitlin’s podcast and her new, upcoming event to inspire and bring more women together in community, and more.   Kaitlin Cox is a multifaceted individual whose life weaves through the landscapes of rural living, the heart of a bustling home, and the creativity of a hairstylist's studio. With a warm heart and a hands-on approach to life, Kaitlin embraces the roles of a farm wife, devoted mother to her energetic boys, passionate hairstylist & educator, and the voice behind her podcast, Emerging as Me.   In this episode, we will cover: Kaitlin’s journey with her first miscarriage, a confirmed PCOS diagnosis, and eventually, the heartbreaking loss of her second baby Kaitlin’s feeling of wanting to leave her dream job to pursue something more, and how the Ascend retreat gave her the nudge to actually do so Making the best decision you can for today, and not getting ‘bogged down’ with the big picture The strength that comes from true self-awareness  Not getting tangled up in fear and doubt when you’re doing something new and unfamiliar   Resources & Links: Gather in Growth Sponsorship Inquiry Join one of my Masterminds!  Get your Monthly Mileage Tracker here Learn more about my speaking Get your YouDoYou32 tracker! (82’s little sister!) Get your #YouDoYou82 tracker and join the Facebook community! Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting   Connect with Kaitlin: Follow on Instagram @kaitlinashleycox, @emergingasme , @hair_by_kaitlin_cox Emerging as Me, A Rural Women's Retreat: Follow/subscribe to her podcast, Emerging as Me Check out her website   Connect with Emily: Follow on Instagram and Facebook Join my email list Check out my website Connect with on LinkedIn   Be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss the latest episode! Find the complete show notes here:
Kari Jo and I are talking all about the power of the pivot, and what it looks like to take riskier pursuits alongside a more ‘safe’ career choice. We’re digging into the importance of gaining clarity and really shifting your perspective when it comes to living your life (without letting other people’s opinions factor into this), how a high achievement-oriented personality can show up for business owners, the whirlwind of emotions that come with going in a completely new direction in business, mindset blocks and limiting beliefs that tend to plague many entrepreneurs, and more. Kari Jo was born and raised in rural West Central Illinois. She grew up with a passion for agriculture and pursued a doctorate of veterinary medicine (DVM) at Oklahoma State University. Less than a year after graduating, she started a side hustle selling t-shirts online to help pay for plane tickets home. Little did she know that this would grow into (mostly) her full-time job. There have been a few twists and turns through the years, but she still loves practicing 2 days a week, and even owns an event venue downtown in her hometown.   In this episode, we will cover: Gaining clarity and shifting your perspective of how you truly want to live YOUR life (no matter what anyone else thinks)  What led Kari Jo to recently rebrand and pivot her business + the many mixed emotions that pop up when you’re making big changes in your business Finding acceptance in knowing that you’re making the best decision and going in the right direction, even when you feel uncertain and uncomfortable Limiting beliefs and mindset challenges that come with being a small business owner in a small town   Resources & Links: Gather in Growth Sponsorship Inquiry Join one of my Masterminds!  Get your Monthly Mileage Tracker here Learn more about my speaking Get your YouDoYou32 tracker! (82’s little sister!) Get your #YouDoYou82 tracker and join the Facebook community! Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting   Connect with Kari Jo: Follow on Instagram @kjokelso@kelsoandcompany and @thesmalltownermacomb Check out her website   Connect with Emily: Follow on Instagram and Facebook Join my email list Check out my website Connect with on LinkedIn Be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss the latest episode! Find the complete show notes here:
In today’s episode, I want to talk about why you should commit to an endurance challenge. Running is such a beautiful example of how you can show up for yourself, and it’s also a powerful lesson in goal setting. While it’s one thing to say you’re going to run or train for a certain event, it’s an entirely different thing to actually commit, and do the dang thing! When you push past the limits of what you think is possible, it unlocks an entirely new capacity for what IS possible in your life.   In this episode, we cover: My journey to never feeling confident or coordinated doing any type of athletics, to a place of loving and honoring my body with running and regular movement Learning to set a goal that you can actually reverse engineer + why running is one of the most powerful lessons in goal setting The moment I vowed to never pass on the ugly diet culture mentality to my children Understanding what your priorities are and being okay with asking for help when you need it Growing the ‘muscles’ of grit and tenacity by doing hard things that you never thought you were capable of, but feel so proud of when you do The fantastic health benefits that come from running (or any type of endurance challenge) What my training plan looks like   Resources & Links: Learn more about ASCEND retreats and get on my email list to get all the updates! Gather in Growth Sponsorship Inquiry Get your Monthly Mileage Tracker here Learn more about my speaking Get your YouDoYou32 tracker! (82’s little sister!) Get your #YouDoYou82 tracker and join the Facebook community! Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting   Connect with Emily: Follow on Instagram and Facebook Join my email list Check out my website Connect with on LinkedIn   Be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss the latest episode! Find the complete show notes here:
Multiple times throughout my life, I’ve learned HOW important it is to lean into my own intuition, instead of playing by other people’s rulebooks. We all have that gut feeling, and little ‘inner knowing’, but so often, we’re afraid to tune into it (or we’ve forgotten how to). I even experienced this with my most recent Ascend retreat event, and the way I went about planning and marketing for it. While I believe it can be helpful to get other people’s perspectives, in the end, you have to be able to trust that you really DO know what’s best, and what will yield the most fruitful outcome.   In this episode, we cover: My recent experience with trying to create a fun and unique gym space in our (newly) renovated home, and my realization that came from this Leaning into your intuition and gut feeling, instead of playing by someone else’s rules and what they think you should do Opening registration and marketing for my Ascend retreat a year in advance, and the results that came from that Choosing to do things my own way with my entrepreneurial journey, the decisions I made as a first time mom, etc.   Resources & Links: Learn more about ASCEND retreats and get on my email list to get all the updates! Gather in Growth Sponsorship Inquiry Get your Monthly Mileage Tracker here Learn more about my speaking Get your YouDoYou32 tracker! (82’s little sister!) Get your #YouDoYou82 tracker and join the Facebook community! Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting   Connect with Emily: Follow on Instagram and Facebook Join my email list Check out my website Connect with on LinkedIn   Be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss the latest episode! Find the complete show notes here:
Jada and I are talking about the divine feminine and mother wounds, and how much masculine versus feminine energy comes into play here. The concept of ‘more’ can be so detrimental, because as women, we are always being told to go and DO more. Even if we are doing all.the.things, we still hear that what we are doing isn’t enough, and this negatively impacts us further. We’re also digging into the very precarious topic of mother wounds, and how this impacts both females and males, and the entire family dynamic. Mother wounds require a LOT of bravery to feel and explore, but it can feel nearly impossible to actually FEEL what is needed. When mother wounds go unnoticed or untreated, the lasting effects can show up completely off-kilter for husbands and wives, feelings of unworthiness become more ingrained in us, and we don’t pay any attention to the beautiful gift that is our intuition.   In this episode, we will cover: What divine femininity is + masculine vs. feminine energy, and how these traits show up for us in our world The concept of ‘more’, and changing the way we think what that really means Where the mother wound actually comes from, and why it’s such a tricky topic Why we ALL need nurturance + acknowledging how we both did (and didn’t) get nurtured when we needed it, and learning to self-nurture Really working on your ability to be able to receive, and finding confidence to ASK for what you need from a trusted person How males are affected by mother and parental wounds The off-kilter dynamic between husbands and wives that often shows up in marriages What you can do to start shifting and improving yourself and your marriage Why self worth is such an ENORMOUS piece of the puzzle + how it shows up in our bodies The detrimental effects that can happen when we lose/don’t tap into our intuition as women  Jada’s role in starting very uncomfortable and also deeply important conversations with women, and the world Being intentional about loving life in this moment, instead of trying to improve and do more   Resources & Links: Gather in Growth Sponsorship Inquiry Learn more about ASCEND retreats and get on my email list to get all the updates! Join one of my Masterminds!  Get your Monthly Mileage Tracker here Learn more about my speaking Get your YouDoYou32 tracker! (82’s little sister!) Get your #YouDoYou82 tracker and join the Facebook community! Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting   Connect with Jada: Follow on Instagram @jadahobeshhealingco and Check out her website   Connect with Emily: Follow on Instagram and Facebook Join my email list Check out my website Connect with on LinkedIn   Be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss the latest episode! Find the complete show notes here:
I’m excited to be joined by my friend, Jada Dobesh, on the podcast today! Jada and I connected in fall 2023, and we both share a passion for educating and inspiring women (especially in rural communities). We want to help women deeply understand and know themselves completely, so they actually can grow, heal, and thrive for years to come! In today's episode, Jada and I are talking about understanding and embracing your cycle, and what each phase of your cycle entails. Jada Dobesh is a Spiritual Healing Facilitator and the creator of Selah Space, a holistic wellness co-op in Sioux Falls. In her work, Jada offers her clients the space and the practices to heal their spirituality, sexuality and self-worth. Jada intentionally honors her client’s spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional well-being in her practice. Jada is delighted to share about the wisdom of the feminine body and its 5th vital sign, the menstrual cycle; womb energy and women’s reproductive health; generational wounds and the healing of mother wounds in women who are “technically fine.” When she’s not cultivating healing within the walls of Selah Space, a place for members and practitioners to come together in one space to help one another become well, Jada is mama to Audrey, age 5 and Marek, age 3, and wife to Witt. Jada’s education includes Bachelor of Arts degrees in Clinical Psychology and Theology/Youth Ministry and graduate degrees in Christian Leadership and Spiritual Direction. She is also certified in Master Level Reiki Healing and Brainspotting. In this episode, we will cover: Really understanding yourself and your cycle + the 4 phases in detail Healthy ways to ‘feel’ your feelings, and release them effectively Why your body’s symptoms are its way of communicating with you Rewriting the narrative around womanhood so we truly CAN understand and trust ourselves What the divine feminine is + how you can truly tap into it What the wounded feminine is + questioning why it’s been ingrained into us for so long   Resources & Links: Woman Code by Alisa Vitti Gather in Growth Sponsorship Inquiry Learn more about ASCEND retreats and get on my email list to get all the updates! Join one of my Masterminds!  Get your Monthly Mileage Tracker here Learn more about my speaking Get your YouDoYou32 tracker! (82’s little sister!) Get your #YouDoYou82 tracker and join the Facebook community! Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting   Connect with Jada: Follow on Instagram @jadahobeshhealingco and Check out her website   Connect with Emily: Follow on Instagram and Facebook Join my email list Check out my website Connect with on LinkedIn   Find the complete show notes here:
In today’s episode, I want to talk more about what happens when it’s been a hard week, and our emotions are allll over the place. For me personally, I’ve been intentional about personal growth and healing for several years now, but my brain will still default to old patterns of negative thinking when I’m feeling burned out, or just plain sad. While I don’t want to stay stuck spiraling into these negative thoughts and beliefs, I’ve learned to get comfortable with them, acknowledge them, and move on. Feeling a full range of emotions is a GOOD thing - I’m constantly working on this with my kids, because crying and releasing pent up emotions is necessary!   In this episode, we cover: Why walking is one of the most underrated tools that will totally improve your mental health Why your brain defaults to old, negative patterns at times, even after you’ve been on a personal growth and healing journey for awhile The importance of feeling a full range of emotions and letting them come out in healthy ways The endless possibilities that can happen when we let go of certain feelings and create space for new ones The rollercoaster of emotions that we experience when we are being intentional and trying new, uncomfortable things   Resources & Links: Learn more about ASCEND retreats and get on my email list to get all the updates! Get your Monthly Mileage Tracker here Learn more about my speaking Get your YouDoYou32 tracker! (82’s little sister!) Get your #YouDoYou82 tracker and join the Facebook community! Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting   Connect with Emily: Follow on Instagram and Facebook Join my email list Check out my website Connect with on LinkedIn   Be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss the latest episode! Find the complete show notes here:
In today’s episode, I want to talk more about the domino effect, and how this shows up so often in our lives. When you choose to move forward with your goals and dreams (however big or small they may be), it’s important to let go of those unnecessary expectations you’ve (more than likely) set for yourself. These decisions, and the action you’re choosing to take in the present, will impact your life, not only 6 months from now, but 6 years from now. Truthfully, your life is a culmination of the decisions you have made up until this point. Not making a decision IS a decision in itself.   In this episode, we cover: Why you don’t need to have every single step figured out before you take action with your goals and dreams The power of taking one step at a time Letting go of unnecessary expectations, and how doing so can positively impact your life in unexpected ways Those special moments that show us just how far we’ve come, learned, grown, etc. on our journey Putting yourself out there when you know it’s time to make a change in your life + the beautiful trajectory that follows Understanding that the all of the decisions you make now and going forward WILL impact your life days, months, and years from now   Resources & Links: House of Colour Kylie Epperson - House of Colour on Instagram Learn more about, and sign up for, Microminds! Learn more about ASCEND retreats and get on my email list to get all the updates! Join one of my Masterminds!  Get your Monthly Mileage Tracker here Learn more about my speaking Get your YouDoYou32 tracker! (82’s little sister!) Get your #YouDoYou82 tracker and join the Facebook community! Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting   Connect with Emily: Follow on Instagram and Facebook Join my email list Check out my website Connect with on LinkedIn   Be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss the latest episode! Find the complete show notes here:
I thought I would be a teacher for the rest of my life - I loved what I did in my teaching career, as well as the non-profit space. But, being able to exceed my teacher salary by SO MUCH, and not have to leave my family to go to a job for a set amount of hours has been indescribable.   I hope this episode not only encourages you, but lights a fire within you to step out, and pursue your passion. Whatever you’re considering doing and working toward, please know that all of it IS possible (and then some). I’m continually inspired by the magic of this community, and the amazing women I get to walk alongside - I’m so forever grateful for every single one of you!   In this episode, we cover: The pressure and expectations we put on ourselves to have everything done and in place before we start something new/put ourselves out in a new way Using one of my favorite prompts ‘wouldn’t it be cool if..’ to really think about and answer your goals and dreams (with no rules attached to it) My ‘lightbulb moment’ that led me to create my first mastermind Getting to a place of enjoying the fruits of my labor in my business, but also knowing I need to continue evolving and mixing things up Figuring out MY specific zone of genius as I prepared for my launch The power in knowing what your audience truly needs + being able to help them solve their problems Why our recent flood was actually one of the best things to happen during my launch   Resources & Links: Jade Boyd Learn more about, and sign up for, Microminds! Learn more about ASCEND retreats and get on my email list to get all the updates! Join one of my Masterminds!  Get your Monthly Mileage Tracker here Learn more about my speaking Get your YouDoYou32 tracker! (82’s little sister!) Get your #YouDoYou82 tracker and join the Facebook community! Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting   Connect with Emily: Follow on Instagram and Facebook Join my email list Check out my website Connect with on LinkedIn   Find the complete show notes here: