GeekBeacon Broadcast

GeekBeacon Broadcast is a podcast featuring members from the GeekBeacon community! GeekBeacon is a community for geeks of all interests and locations to come together and enjoy geek culture and/or making awesome things!

Episode 3 - Thoughts on E3 & Windows 11 is like MacOS?

GeekBeacon Broadcast has returned with Kankuro, Holler, and our new host Bremaine. We talk about various games and even updates from E3 2021, explain how Windows 11 is changing their OS's layout...again, and Holler has a fit about Kankuro's PC case protection tape. Thanks for joining the GeekBeacon Broadcast, follow and talk nerdy with us! Follow us around the web:


Episode 2 - Race for 5G, Stadia Slumbers and Games that Finally Got Good

GeekBuzz back in this - now with 3x the geeks! Google Stadia close their doors, 5G rollout in the US is heading our way faster than we thought. Plus, we chat about formerly horrible video games that have had major improvement over the year(s). Thanks for joining the GeekBeacon Broadcast, follow and talk nerdy with us! Follow us around the web:


Episode 1 - WTF Happened Here - Duck Hearts and Italian Vendettas

The episode to start them all. It only hurts the first time, right? We will be a more formatted story and news channel from now on, but we had to do story time for the first one. From broke as a joke Linux nerd to Silicon Valley Ambassador to China. Pants stealing and duck heart eating. Please visit for the links to the forum and the Discord.


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