Gem Droplet

An unambiguous black woman's deciphering of coded language and hidden agendas. Sharing my consciousness and advice on known or current topics, trends, and cultural phenomenon. I invite you to listen to someone that can empathize and relate to you. I’m also here to correct falsehoods and misconceptions about the stereotypical black female identity by challenging underrated, unaddressed, and often ignored perspectives and ideas relating to black women and girls. My gift to my listeners is to use these gems as talking points when it applies to those who harm, mock, or gaslight black women. Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>

Vetting and identity verification while dating.

Episode:19 Title: Vetting and identity verification while dating. Subtitle: Holding strange men accountable. Final Show Link: In this episode of Gem Droplet... "Keep your dignity, ladies, especially black women. And try to find out as much as you can, because I tend to feel like because people know that black women are in a vulnerable state, in a vulnerable group, they think that we will just accept anything. And this is not just from men outside of the so-called black community, but this is from men within the so-called black community." - Cassundra. Stay vigilant, vet, and verify everyone. If you are a new or returning listener to Gem Droplet and if you enjoy the show, be sure to follow and/or subscribe. Also, leave a review or comment, I personally read each one, so keep it respectful. For any newsworthy topics, you would like me to discuss click this link. Gem Droplet topic form For Business Inquiries please email the show. [] In this episode, I will discuss: - Prompts to get harmful people away from you - Storytime of me getting catfished - Tips to reduce the risk of getting got, vetting men Follow my Podcast Gem Droplet Podcast Follow the Host CasSUNdra on Youtube | Become a supporter Support me | Support my podcast | Explore these Resources In this episode, I mentioned the following resources: Black women and girls, please be safe! Safety Tips Follow this podcast. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates and other content from me. Share. © 2021 Gem Droplet LLC. This podcast is copyrighted subject matter owned by Gem Droplet LLC. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Being MELANATED is enough!

Episode:18 Title: Being MELANATED is enough! Subtitle: I'm mixed with Eumelanin. Final Show Link: In this episode of Gem Droplet... " I'm not mixed with anything else, but melanin, I'm not mixed with anything else, but black. And, you know, being melanated is enough. A lot of times, what I noticed in the so-called black community...A lot of people will say, Oh, well, what are you mixed with? " - Cassundra. If you are a new or returning listener to Gem Droplet and if you enjoy the show, be sure to follow and/or subscribe. Also, leave a review or comment, I personally read each one, so keep it respectful. For any newsworthy topics, you would like me to discuss click this link. Gem Droplet topic form For Business Inquiries please email the show. [] In this episode, I will discuss: - My experience with growing up in the black community - What to say when some asks 'what are you mixed with?' Follow my Podcast Gem Droplet Podcast Follow the Host CasSUNdra on Youtube | Become a supporter Support me | Support my podcast | Explore these Resources In this episode, I mentioned the following resources: Follow this podcast. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates and other content from me. Share. © 2021 Gem Droplet LLC. This podcast is copyrighted subject matter owned by Gem Droplet LLC. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Nothing should be wrong with getting darker!

Episode:16 Title: Nothing should be wrong with getting darker. Subtitle: Black women should sun or tan regularly. Final Show Link: In this episode of Gem Droplet... " A lot of my family members specifically would tell me not to go out in the sun for too long.  There is a lot of miseducation on sun exposure, especially for black women and girls, people with deeper complexions and melanin. The sun is not harmful to most of us who have  Eumelanin and have richer, deeper skin tones. The people who get harmed by the sun are people who have little to no Eumelanin and fair complected people. there's a stigma around being in the sun for too long as a black person in general, specifically black girls.  If we're darker we're associated with being masculine." - Cassundra. If you are a new or returning listener to Gem Droplet and if you enjoy the show, be sure to follow and/or subscribe. Also, leave a review or comment, I personally read each one, so keep it respectful. For any newsworthy topics, you would like me to discuss click this link. Gem Droplet topic form For Business Inquiries please email the show. [] In this episode, I will discuss: - Sharing the benefits of sun exposure - Tips on how to properly protect yourself from overexposure - My experiences with antiblack colorism Follow my Podcast Gem Droplet Podcast Follow the Host CasSUNdra on Youtube | Become a supporter Support me | Support my podcast | Explore these Resources In this episode, I mentioned the following resources: Follow this podcast. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates and other content from me. Share. © 2021 Gem Droplet LLC. This podcast is copyrighted subject matter owned by Gem Droplet LLC. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Street harassment

Episode:15 Title: Street harassment. Subtitle: Black male entitlement. Final Show Link: In this episode of Gem Droplet, I share my disgust and frustration with being provoked and being told to emote on command by strange males on the street. If you are a new or returning listener to Gem Droplet and if you enjoy the show, be sure to follow and/or subscribe. Also, leave a review or comment, I personally read each one, so keep it respectful. For any newsworthy topics, you would like me to discuss click this link. Gem Droplet topic form For Business Inquiries please email the show. [] In this episode, I will discuss: - Storytime - My frustration with black male or male entitlement  - My advice on how to maneuver street harassment Follow my Podcast Gem Droplet Podcast Follow the Host CasSUNdra on Youtube ( ) Explore these Resources In this episode, I mentioned the following resources: 4-year-old's hilarious made-up song, 'Leave Me Alone,' goes viral Responding to being told to “smile” by a stranger? Follow this podcast. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates and other content from me. Share. © 2021 Gem Droplet LLC. This podcast is copyrighted subject matter owned by Gem Droplet LLC. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


FeeMalezzz 👽👽

Episode:14 Title: Calling women, girls, and young ladies 'Female' solely is wrong. Subtitle: Final Show Link: In this episode of Gem Droplet, I explain why calling women and girls 'Females' solely and continuously is wrong. The terminology strips us of our dignity, birthright, and individual full spectrum identities. I explain how cringe-worthy and incel -ISH 'females' sounds. Just because you have serial killer level hatred and bitterness in your heart for women, doesn't mean you have to infect others and spread it! We are not asking for worship but basic level human reference and decency. If you are a new or returning listener to Gem Droplet and if you enjoy the show, be sure to follow and/or subscribe. Also, leave a review or comment, I personally read each one, so keep it respectful. For any newsworthy topics, you would like me to discuss click this link. Gem Droplet topic form For Business Inquiries please email the show. [] In this episode, I will discuss: - Who refers to women and young ladies as 'females' - Reasons why calling women females is wrong - My advice on how to reverse this stigma Follow my Podcast Gem Droplet Podcast Follow the Host CasSUNdra on Youtube ( ) Explore these Resources In this episode, I mentioned the following resources: The Problem with Referring to Women as “Females” Follow this podcast. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates and other content from me. Share. © 2021 Gem Droplet LLC. This podcast is copyrighted subject matter owned by Gem Droplet LLC. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Earth is ghetto, I want to leave...

Episode:13 Title: Earth is ghetto, I want to leave... Subtitle:  Final Show Link: In this episode of Gem Droplet, I give my spin and elaboration on the ' Earth Is Ghetto I Wanna Leave ' song by Aliah Sheffield. This is a like-hearted, dark humor rendition episode. This is not to be taken as everyone's truth. It's gonna depend on what season of life you're in. If this resonates whit you please enjoy it. If you are a new or returning listener to Gem Droplet and if you enjoy the show, be sure to follow and/or subscribe. Also, leave a review or comment, I personally read each one, so keep it respectful. For any newsworthy topics, you would like me to discuss click this link. Gem Droplet topic form For Business Inquiries please email the show. [] In this episode, I will discuss: - Leaving earth - Appreciation of the average human lifespan  - Benefits of leaving earth Follow my Podcast Gem Droplet Podcast Follow the Host CasSUNdra on Youtube ( ) Explore these Resources In this episode, I mentioned the following resources: Earth Is Ghetto I Wanna Leave by Aliah Sheffield *National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish 800-273-8255 Follow this podcast. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates and other content from me. Share. © 2021 Gem Droplet LLC. This podcast is copyrighted subject matter owned by Gem Droplet LLC. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Black love is dead, Literally! | Down with black love.

Episode:12 Title: Black love is dead, Literally! Subtitle: Down with black love. Final Show Link: In this episode of Gem Droplet, I define love, the different forms of love, and break down what black love really means. I have personally felt that black love is an insidious entrapment to keep black women and girls from self-exploration and happiness. Black love is an anchor that drags black women down into the depths of despair and destitution. I want women like myself to know that we have more options outside of blakistan and most importantly to vet all individuals who enter your life (no matter the characteristics). Love is racially anonymous, love is blind but most importantly it's conditional. If you are a new or returning listener to Gem Droplet and if you enjoy the show, be sure to follow and/or subscribe. Also, leave a review or comment, I personally read each one, so keep it respectful. For any newsworthy topics, you would like me to discuss click this link. Gem Droplet topic form For Business Inquiries please email the show. [] In this episode, I will discuss: - The different forms of love - so-called 'Black love' - My advice on how to move away from this form of emotional manipulation Follow my Podcast Gem Droplet Podcast Follow the Host CasSUNdra on Youtube ( ) Explore these Resources In this episode, I mentioned the following resources: Follow this podcast. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates and other content from me. Share. © 2021 Gem Droplet LLC. This podcast is copyrighted subject matter owned by Gem Droplet LLC. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


I think the world needs a little more virtue.

Episode:11 Title: I think the world needs a little more virtue. Subtitle: Final Show Link: In this episode of Gem Droplet, I discuss my confusion on the rejection of virtue and righteousness and the trend of finger-pointing of perceived 'Virtue signaling' mostly on social media.  If you are a new listener to Gem Droplet and if you enjoy the show, be sure to follow and/or subscribe. Also, leave a review or comment, I personally read each one, so keep it respectful. For any newsworthy topics, you would like me to discuss click this link. Gem Droplet topic form For Business Inquiries please email the show. [] In this episode, I will discuss: - Virtue signaling and virtue - Nihilism and extremism - My personal spiritual outlook  Follow my Podcast Gem Droplet Podcast Follow the Host CasSUNdra on Youtube ( ) Explore these Resources In this episode, I mentioned the following resources: Follow this podcast. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates and other content from me. Share. © 2021 Gem Droplet LLC. This podcast is copyrighted subject matter owned by Gem Droplet LLC. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


You are supposed to cry, stop being so unbothered.

Episode:10 Title: You are supposed to cry, stop being so unbothered. Subtitle: Final Show Link: In this episode of Gem Droplet, I discuss why I stopped liking the whole unbothered trope when you are actually hurting. I deep dive into my own experiences with embracing my vulnerability, which can go hand in hand with femininity. And I explain why crying is not automatically associated with weakness and how crying is healing and a superpower. I believe in some cases black women and girls could use this emotional aspect to reclaim their girlhood or womanhood to bring back balance, a birthright that is normally stripped from us at an early age. If you are a new listener to Gem Droplet and if you enjoy the show, be sure to follow and/or subscribe. Also, leave a review or comment, I personally read each one, so keep it respectful. For any newsworthy topics, you would like me to discuss click this link. Gem Droplet topic form For Business Inquiries please email the show. [] In this episode, I will discuss: - Storytime on why I am a pro-Cryer - The aftermath of the Chole Bailey situation  - The benefits of crying  Follow my Podcast Gem Droplet Podcast Follow the Host CasSUNdra on Youtube ( ) Explore these Resources In this episode, I mentioned the following resources: Why isn't it "okay" to cry in public? 9 Ways Crying May Benefit Your Health Follow this podcast. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates and other content from me. Share. © 2021 Gem Droplet LLC. This podcast is copyrighted subject matter owned by Gem Droplet LLC. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


I'm not crazy for talking to myself and neither are you.

Episode:9 Title: I'm not crazy for talking to myself and neither are you. Subtitle: Final Show Link: In this episode of Gem Droplet, I recently came across an article on Character Lab (which has some really great articles, it's becoming my favorite) and It felt like more than a coincidence. I have talked to myself since I was a child. And I personally don't see anything wrong with it. Talking to yourself is a strength, not a weakness. I will share the key benefits of talking to yourself.  If you are a new listener to Gem Droplet and if you enjoy the show, be sure to follow and/or subscribe. Also, leave a review or comment, I personally read each one, so keep it respectful. For any newsworthy topics, you would like me to discuss click this link. Gem Droplet topic form For Business Inquiries please email the show. [] In this episode, I will discuss: - Emotional Intelligence - Benefits of talking to yourself Follow my Podcast Gem Droplet Podcast Follow the Host CasSUNdra on Youtube ( ) Explore these Resources In this episode, I mentioned the following resources: Talking to Yourself You’ve got a friend in you Character Lab article Follow this podcast. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates and other content from me. Share. © 2021 Gem Droplet LLC. This podcast is copyrighted subject matter owned by Gem Droplet LLC. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Black women and girls, please be safe! Safety Tips

Episode:8 Title: Black women and girls, please be safe! Safety Tips Subtitle: Final Show Link: In this episode of Gem Droplet, I'm coming off all the chaos recently with black women and girls being attacked. Men are harming us unprovoked. Especially concerning the incident in Harlem, where a black lady was attacked and bitten for declining a black man to pay for her wine. I am giving safety tips I feel will give us better security and a chance of survival. This world climate that we are in has intensified violence everywhere, we must stay vigilant ladies. If you are a new listener to Gem Droplet and if you enjoy the show, be sure to follow and/or subscribe. Also, leave a review or comment, I personally read each one, so keep it respectful. For any newsworthy topics, you would like me to discuss click this link. Gem Droplet topic form For Business Inquiries please email the show. [] In this episode, I will discuss: - How the current world climate affects vulnerable groups - Black male entitlement over women and our bodies - Safety tips from getting away or avoiding danger Follow my Podcast Gem Droplet Podcast Follow the Host CasSUNdra on Youtube ( ) Explore these Resources In this episode, I mentioned the following resources: Harlem Woman Beaten Up, Bitten And Robbed By Group Of Men After Rejecting Their Advances Violence Against Black Women – Many Types, Far-reaching Effects Safety resources: Noonlight App UrSafe App Women's Safety Tip: Set up a Google Voice Number ASAP TikTokers are creating 'safety calls' to help protect women and kids in dangerous situations Follow this podcast. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates and other content from me. Share. © 2021 Gem Droplet LLC. This podcast is copyrighted subject matter owned by Gem Droplet LLC. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Society's obsession with depravity.

Episode:7 Title: Society's obsession with depravity. Subtitle: Degradation of black women and girls. Final Show Link: In this episode of Gem Droplet, I go into my examples of societal depravity which impacts black women and girls much harsher. I feel like as black women, we get the brunt of violence, humiliation, and degradation. This adds to the negative atmosphere and vibration the earth is currently in. The world will never change if the most vulnerable are being adversely affected. I honestly don't think it matters if the victim invited the trauma upon themselves, it takes two. The inflictor could renounce their depravity and not harm others. If you are a new listener to Gem Droplet and if you enjoy the show, be sure to follow and/or subscribe. Also, leave a review or comment, I personally read each one, so keep it respectful. For any newsworthy topics, you would like me to discuss click this link. Gem Droplet topic form For Business Inquiries please email the show. [] In this episode, I will discuss: - Monetization of pain  - Phone recording culture and viral videos - The dark history of public torture Follow my Podcast Gem Droplet Podcast Follow the Host CasSUNdra on Youtube ( Explore these Resources In this episode, I mentioned the following resources: Ratchet & Respectable on Spotify. Demetria L. Lucas ( Follow this podcast. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates and other content from me. Share. © 2021 Gem Droplet LLC. This podcast is copyrighted subject matter owned by Gem Droplet LLC. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


The 'Good black man' is a spinoff of the 'Nice guy'.

Episode:6 Title: The 'Good black man' is a spinoff of the 'Nice guy'. Subtitle: Final Show Link: In this episode of Gem Droplet, I discuss my outlook on the worn-out inaccuracy that every black man is 'good'. A deceptive label that every black male born into the black community is given without merit. When in reality, not in delusion a lot of these men are not inherently good, to say the least. The good black man trope is insidiously treacherous. It pressures and brainwashes women to stay in positions that lead to exploitation and possibly victimization. Similarly to the 'nice guy' effect. If you are a new listener to Gem Droplet and if you enjoy the show, be sure to follow and/or subscribe. Also, leave a review or comment, I personally read each one, so keep it respectful. For any newsworthy topics, you would like me to discuss click this link. Gem Droplet topic form For Business Inquiries please email the show. [] In this episode, I will discuss: - How genuinely good people behave - The similarity between the nice guy and the good black man  - How I personally view these tropes Follow my Podcast Gem Droplet Podcast Follow the Host CasSUNdra on Youtube ( ) Explore these Resources In this episode, I mentioned the following resources: Follow this podcast. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates and other content from me. Share. © 2021 Gem Droplet LLC. This podcast is copyrighted subject matter owned by Gem Droplet LLC. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Astrology isn't as silly as you think.

Episode:5 Title: Astrology isn't as silly as you think. Subtitle: Final Show Link: In this episode of Gem Droplet, I discuss why I think astrology is relevant and why it serves a purpose in some cases. If you are a new listener to Gem Droplet and if you enjoy the show, be sure to follow and/or subscribe. Also, leave a review or comment, I personally read each one, so keep it respectful. For any newsworthy topics, you would like me to discuss click this link. Gem Droplet topic form For Business Inquiries please email the show. [] In this episode, I will discuss: - The different names for astrology - How astrology relates to spirituality  - How secret societies use it Follow my Podcast Gem Droplet Podcast Follow the Host CasSUNdra on Youtube ( ) Explore these Resources In this episode, I mentioned the following resources: Follow this podcast. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates and other content from me. Share. © 2021 Gem Droplet LLC. This podcast is copyrighted subject matter owned by Gem Droplet LLC. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Black Women-please stay on code!

Episode:3 Title: Black Women-please stay on code! Subtitle: Final Show Link: In this episode of Gem Droplet, I discuss why it is so crucial that black women of like and sound mind, stay on code and be their sisters' keeper. Even if you don't agree with every black woman, silence, and discretion are acceptable.  If you are a new listener to Gem Droplet and if you enjoy the show, be sure to follow and/or subscribe. Also, leave a review or comment, I personally read each one, so keep it respectful. For any newsworthy topics, you would like me to discuss click this link. Gem Droplet topic form For Business Inquiries please email the show. [] In this episode, I will discuss: - Having a united front with other black women - Tips for reminding yourself to stay on code - The Black woman's image Follow my Podcast Gem Droplet Podcast Follow the Host CasSUNdra on Youtube ( ) Explore these Resources In this episode, I mentioned the following resources: Follow this podcast. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates and other content from me. Share. © 2021 Gem Droplet LLC. This podcast is copyrighted subject matter owned by Gem Droplet LLC. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


I'm not F------ Lucy, idk everything all at once.

Episode:4 Title: I'm not F------ Lucy, idk everything all at once. Subtitle: Final Show Link: In this episode of Gem Droplet, I discuss how I don't know everything, no one does. But there is this plaguing expectation that everyone has to be an expert on every subject. When that is simply not true and not me. If you are a new listener to Gem Droplet and if you enjoy the show, be sure to follow and/or subscribe. Also, leave a review or comment, I personally read each one, so keep it respectful. For any newsworthy topics, you would like me to discuss click this link. Gem Droplet topic form For Business Inquiries please email the show. [] In this episode, I will discuss: - My gripe with theatrical people - My experience being called ignorant Follow my Podcast Gem Droplet Podcast Follow the Host CasSUNdra on Youtube ( ) Explore these Resources In this episode, I mentioned the following resources: Follow this podcast. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates and other content from me. Share. © 2021 Gem Droplet LLC. This podcast is copyrighted subject matter owned by Gem Droplet LLC. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Black women should not be shamed for weave and cosmetics.

Episode:2 Title: Black women should not be shamed for weave and cosmetics. Subtitle: Final Show Link: In this episode of Gem Droplet, I discuss how black women are just as much entitled to their beauty regimes and practices as any other woman, after all, we are human females too. If you are a new listener to Gem Droplet and if you enjoy the show, be sure to follow and/or subscribe. Also, leave a review or comment, I personally read each one, so keep it respectful. For any newsworthy topics, you would like me to discuss click this link. Gem Droplet topic form For Business Inquiries please email the show. [] In this episode, I will discuss: - The story of black women's hair  - Black female beauty appropriation  - The autonomy of black women's glamour  Follow my Podcast Gem Droplet Podcast Follow the Host  CasSUNdra on Youtube ( ) Explore these Resources In this episode, I mentioned the following resources: Is NiteCap Creator Who Claims She Invented The Silk Bonnet Guilty Of Whitewashing? ( Follow this podcast. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates and other content from me. Share. © 2021 Gem Droplet LLC. This podcast is copyrighted subject matter owned by Gem Droplet LLC. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Gem Droplet Introduction

Episode: Podcast Introduction Title: Gem Droplet Introduction  Subtitle: Final Show Link: In this episode of Gem Droplet, I will be explaining my purpose for this podcast and the who, what, where, and why. I will disclose a bit of my background and most importantly what's in it for my tribe and listeners. I cover a wide variety of topics but the core of my content is geared toward unambiguous black women and girls, like me. If you are a new listener to Gem Droplet and if you enjoy the show, be sure to follow and/or subscribe. Also, leave a review or comment, I personally read each one, so keep it respectful. For any newsworthy topics, you would like me to discuss click this link. Gem Droplet topic form For Business Inquiries please email the show. [] In this episode, I will discuss: Me, myself, and I Why my opinion is relevant  The direction of my podcast and where to find me Follow my Podcast Gem Droplet Podcast Follow the Host CasSUNdra on Youtube ( ) Explore these Resources In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: Follow this podcast. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates and other content from me. Share. © 2021 Gem Droplet LLC. This podcast is copyrighted subject matter owned by Gem Droplet LLC. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


Who is more likely to die alone?

Episode:1 Title: Who is more likely to die alone? Subtitle: Final Show Link: In this episode of Gem Droplet, I will be echoing my thoughts on what type of person dies alone, based on known knowledge such as, women by in large outliving men (from a health standpoint). If you are a new listener to Gem Droplet and if you enjoy the show, be sure to follow and/or subscribe. Also, leave a review or comment, I personally read each one, so keep it respectful. For any newsworthy topics, you would like me to discuss click this link. Gem Droplet topic form For Business Inquiries please email the show. [] In this episode, I will discuss: Who is most likely to die alone. Why men say women who are 'selective' (for lack of better words) die alone. How words do harm (the spirit, at least). How to overcome a fear of death. Follow my Podcast Gem Droplet Podcast Follow the Host CasSUNdra on Youtube ( ) Explore these Resources In this episode, I mentioned the following resources: Around the Globe, Women Outlive Men – Population Reference Bureau ( ) Follow this podcast. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more updates and other content from me. Share. © 2021 Gem Droplet LLC. This podcast is copyrighted subject matter owned by Gem Droplet LLC. --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:


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