General Conference Review

Review of what the Prophets, Seers, and Revelators of these Last Days have chosen to share at General Conference and how we can better apply those principles of the Gospel into our lives.

Motions of a Hidden Fire by President Jeffrey R. Holland: April 2024

Kevin and Todd tackle President Jeffrey R. Holland’s talk from the Saturday morning session of April 2024 general conference. President Holland testified of and shared gratitude for resolute prayers and we echoed his testimony and shared our own.


All Will Be Well Because of Temple Covenants By President Henry B. Eyring

Todd and Kevin discuss Henry B. Eyring talk from the Saturday morning session of April 2024 general conference. He testified of the importance of temple covenants and urged all to qualify and become eligible to attend the temple. We shared how focusing on the temple covenants within our daily lives can help us through difficult times.


Covenants and Responsibilities By President Dallin H. Oaks: April 2024

Kevin and Todd tackle Dallin H. Oaks talk from the Sunday morning session of April 2024 general conference on covenants and responsibilities.


Rejoice in the Gift of Priesthood Keys By President Russell M. Nelson: April 2024

President Russell M. Nelson spoke during the Sunday afternoon session of April 2024 general conference. Kevin and Todd talk about the incredible personal spiritual privileges available through the gift of priesthood keys and the power of the temple in our lives.


Brothers and Sisters in Christ By Elder Ulisses Soares: October 2023

Kevin and Todd catch up and review Elder Ulisses Soares’ talks from the Saturday evening session of October 2023 general conference. His powerful words encourage all to remove thoughts and actions of prejudice and to value one another’s attributes and gifts.


Love Is Spoken Here By Elder Gerrit W. Gong: October 2023

Todd and Kevin share and discussed parts of Gerrit W. Gong’s talk from the Sunday afternoon session of October 2023 general conference. They expand on Elder Gong’s message on learning the gospel languages of warmth and reverence, service and sacrifice, and covenant belonging.


Jesus Christ Is the Treasure By Elder Dale G. Renlund: October 2023

Todd and Kevin attempt to review Elder Dale G. Renlund’s talk from Sunday afternoon session of October 2023 general conference. Elder Renlund emphasizes to not look beyond the mark, and that Jesus Christ as “the mark” to look to and the treasure to be sought.


Promptings of the Spirit by Elder Gary E. Stevenson: October 2023

Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke during the Saturday afternoon session of October 2023 general conference. He gave four guiding principles to invite and recognize the promptings of the Spirit. Kevin and Todd discuss his talk and the importance that standing in holy places and with holy people, testifying of truths and hearkening to the Spirit is in our lives.


How Great Will Be Your Joy By Elder Ronald A. Rasband: October 2023

Todd and Kevin discuss Elder Ronald A. Rasband’s talk from the Saturday afternoon session of October 2023 general conference. Elder Rasband charged more members to serve senior missions and spoke on the blessings that would follow. We compared this to challenges each of us are asked to overcome, whether missions, callings, or personal sanctification.


Tithing: Opening the Windows of Heaven By Elder Neil L. Andersen: October 2023

Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke during the Saturday afternoon session of October 2023 general conference about the blessings that come into individuals’ lives as they obey the law of tithing. Kevin and Todd share quotes and discuss the important role tithing plays in sacrifice and sanctification in the Lord’s kingdom.


The Sealing Power by Elder D. Todd Christofferson: October 2023

Todd and Kevin discuss Elder D. Todd Christofferson’s talk from the Saturday morning session of October 2023 general conference about the importance of the sealing power, priesthood power and authority, covenants relationships and Family History in the gathering of Israel.


Be Peaceable Followers of Christ By Elder Quentin L. Cook: October 2023

Todd and Kevin review Elder Quentin L. Cook’s talk from the Sunday morning session of October 2023 general conference. Elder Cook encouraged those striving to be “peaceable followers of Christ” to focus on Him amid trials, tribulation and adversities. Kevin and Todd share examples of the importance of putting Christ first in our lives!


In the Path of Their Duty By Elder David A. Bednar: October 2023

Todd and Kevin review and elaborate on David A. Bednar’s talk from the Saturday morning session of October 2023 General Conference. Elder Bednar expressed his love, admiration and gratitude for Latter-day Saints worldwide and described examples of those who are pressing forward “in the path of their duty.” We expound and share personal stories of instance where doing the small things really mattered in our lives and the lives of those around us.


The Prodigal and the Road That Leads Home By Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf: October 2023

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke during the Sunday morning session of October 2023 general conference. He used the parable of the prodigal son to illustrate how God rejoices when His children enter “the road that leads home.” Kevin and Todd review the Parable and Elder Uchtdorf’s take on it.


Praise to the Man By President M. Russell Ballard: October 2023

Todd and Kevin discuss President Ballard’s Testimony and how, when it comes down to it, our testimony of the Living Christ is one of the most important things we have. We also discuss President Ballard’s gratitude for Joseph Smith and the role he played in restoring Gospel truths that we know today.


Our Constant Companion By President Henry B. Eyring: October 2023

President Henry B. Eyring, second counselor in the First Presidency, spoke during the Sunday morning session of October 2023 general conference. He spoke about how to qualify for the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. Kevin and Todd talk about the importance of the Holy Ghost in our lives, what to do when we are struggling to feeling it, and ways to magnify feeling that Spirit.


Kingdoms of Glory by President Dallin H. Oaks: October 2023

President Oaks brings the heat and shares in a very Oaksian way some Gospel Principles that members of the church needed to hear and be reminded of. Kevin and Todd discuss his message and share insights about how we can ensure we are setting our sights on the Celestial Kingdom and then doing the things we need to ensure we are becoming who we need in order to be comfortable there.


Think Celestial! By President Russell M. Nelson: October 2023

Kevin and Todd attempt to review some crucial wisdom from President Nelson’s years of experience. He shares the importance of intentionally living a Celestial life, with the intention of ending up in the Celestial Kingdom. Doing so elevates our lives and helps to ensure that we are doing all we can to end up where we want to be, relying on the Grace and Atonement of Jesus Christ, after all we can do.


The Answer Is Always Jesus Christ by Russell M. Nelson: April 2023

Todd and Kevin discuss President Nelson’s closing remarks. He testifies of the importance of the Holy Ghost in understanding the messages shared. He encourages us to review Holy Week and 3 Nephi. He announced temples and urged us to make Jesus Christ the central focus of our lives.


A Living Prophet for the Latter Days by Allen D. Haynie: April 2023

Kevin and Todd talk about the importance of prophets, as shared by Allen D. Haynie. Elder Haynie spoke of how following God’s chosen prophet leads to safety and strength, especially as the adversary’s influence increases in the latter days.


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