Generational News

We cover national and international news with some personality and sarcasm.

Israeli Palestinian War Daily Update Jan 25th, 2024

Daily news update. We give you the daily news update of the Gaza and Israel war. We discuss any topics that are related to the war in Israel, Gaza, Palestine, and the West Bank. This includes the middle east like Yemen, Iran, and Egypt. 


Daily U.S. News and World News Update May 22nd, 2024

Daily U.S. news updates. Daily world news updates. Today's daily U.S. news updates and daily world news covers these topics. President Biden, Secretary Here are the stories: Two U.S. congressman submitted a bill giving Americans who serve in the Israel Defense Forces the same kind of financial protection. The U.S. temporary pier in Gaza has so far been a disaster. Israel took the Associated Press live feed camera that looks into Gaza. Israeli soldiers and police are tipping off Israeli settlers on the locations of trucks of humanitarian aid headed for Gaza. Kamal Adwan hospital in Gaza is the latest hospital under attack by the IDF. Norway's prime minister said they will arrest Benjamin Netanyahu if he shows up in Norway. Humanitarian food has stopped in some areas due to safety reasons. Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota has been banned from all South Dakota tribal lands.


Daily U.S. News and World News Update May 21st, 2024

Daily news updates for the U.S. Daily news updates for the world. Today's daily U.S. news updates and daily world news updates cover the following topics. Biden, Gaza, Israel, and the West Bank.  


The death of TikTok and the birth of something better

The U.S. government has decided to end TikTok. I think we as the people can create a better TikTok. I envision a new TikTok platform where the people vote on how the app looks and how it operates. Let's not let the billionaires control us anymore. Let's get together and create a better TikTok that doesn't censor us and let's us be critical of our governments.


Daily U.S. News and World News Update May 15th, 2024

Today's U.S. news updates. Today's world news updates. Today's U.S. news updates and world news updates stories include: Entrepreneur Frank McCourt is interested in purchasing TikTok. President Joe Biden and Donald Trump have agreed to two debates. The Biden administration has imposed tariffs on Chinese EVs. Joe Biden is selling more weapons to Israel. The Slovak Prime Minister has survived an assissination attempt.  Hospitals struggle in Gaza as fuel is needed to run their generators. Israel shelled another UNRWA facility. Australia senators says Israel is creating a genocide while another Australian state governmnet has banned the keffiyeh. Today is the day we recognize the 76th anniversary of the Nakba. The UN has launched an investigation into the killing of one in an UN vehicle in Rafah. Ireland says they will recognize Palestine soon.


Daily U.S. News and World News Update May 13th, 2024

Daily U.S. news updates, Daily world news updates. Today's daily U.S. news updates and daily world news stores are: Anthony Blinken admits Israel may not be in accordance with international law for human rights. Senator Bernie Sanders says Israel shouldn't get any more money from the U.S. Senator Lindsay Graham says Israel shouldn't be restricted with what kinds of weapons they get from the U.S. TikTok users have started blocking celebrities and influencers who haven't spoken up about Gaza. Jerry Seinfeid and Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin both received boos and walkouts during their commencement speeches at Duke and VCU, respectively. Donald Trumps former lawyer Michael Cohen will be in court today to speak out against Trump. An United Nations truck has been struck by bullets neaer the Rafah crossing. 360,000 Palestinians have now fled Rafah. The Kuwaiti hospital in Rafah has been told to evacuate by the IDF. The IDF has at least 50 injured the last 24 hours. The IDF has displaced people from six UNRWA schools this weekend. Trinity College Cambridge has divested from Israel's Elbit Systems. The IDF are fighting in Jabalia and Zeitoun again. Egypt has formally joined South Africa for the ICJ court case against Israel. Journalists were detained in Israel for accusations that they were working for Al-Jazeera. 226 buildings in the West Bank have been destroyed in April.


Daily U.S. News and World News Update May 8th, 2024

Daily U.S. news update. Daily world news update. Today's daily U.S. news and daily world news update stories include:  Donald Trump classified court case has been delayed indefinitely. Three high school superintendants are answering questions in front of Congress about aniti-semitism. CNN report shows discrepancies with the death of 13 Marines in Afghanistan during the rapid withdrawal. Biden administration missed the deadline to give a report on Israel's funding for military and police groups humanitarian violations. The George Washington University encampment has been cleared by police.  Another mass grave has been found at al-Shifa hospital in Gaza. More arrests and house demolitions in the West Bank. Israel continues to use artillery against Rafah.  Thank you for listening to today's daily U.S. news update and daily world news update. 


Daily U.S. News and World News Update May 7th, 2024

Today's daily news for the United States and the daily news for the world. Gaza and Rafah are main topics today.


Daily U.S. News and World News Update April 30th, 2024

Daily world news update. Daily U.S. news update. Covering news around the world especially Gaza and Israel. Also covering the college encampments.   


Daily U.S. News and World News Update April 29th, 2024

Today's daily U.S. news update, Today's daily world news update. Today's U.S. news covers a lot of events pertaining to Gaza and Israel. Today's world news events covers a lot of events pertaining to Gaza and Israel too. Today's daily U.S. news updates and daily world news updates cover these stories: Anthony Blinken's state department is divided on Israel's violations of international law. Updates on all the college protests and encampments for Gaza and Palestinians. I go over my experiences of USC and UCLA protests. Updates on the massive amounts of debris and unexploded ammo in Gaza. Anthony Blinken discussing Rafah invasion. More talks about a truce deal for a hostage exchange.  The ICC may have some arrest warrants out in the future for some Israel leadership to include Netanyahu. Israel and the U.S. continue to work on the pier and dock. Protests continue to grow in Israel against Netanyahu and his government. Thank you for listening to today's daily U.S. news update and today's daily world news updates.


Daily U.S. News and World News Update April 22nd, 2024

Daily U.S. news update. Daily world news update. The daily world news update focuses on Israel, Gaza, West Bank, and Palestinians. The daily U.S. news covers major events including politics. Today's daily U.S. news updates and daily world news updates are: Donald Trump is back in the court house where the opening statements begin today in his first of many criminal trials. Columbia University continues their protest hoping to get the college to divest from Israel. U.S. Congress passed several aid bills for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. They also passed a bill banning TikTok. UN reports Israel failed to prove UNRWA has Hamas members. Israeli's were caught with sheeps and goats they were using for a ritual at the Temple Mount. The chief of IDF Intelligence has resigned. Mass graves have been found at a Gaza hospital. Eighteen children were killed by an Israeli airstrike on Saturday night in Rafah. IDF has been picking up their surveillance activity in Rafah. Five rockets were fired at U.S. soldiers in Syria. Israeli settlers in the West Bank have set a barn on fire. An Isaralie poll shows that most Israeli's don't think Netanyahu is one step away from victory. Thanks for listening to the daily U.S. news updates and the daily world news updates.


Daily U.S. News and World News Update April 19th, 2024

Daily U.S. news updates. Daily world news updates. World news coverage currently covers a lot of Israel, Gaza, Palestinian, Iran, and middle east news. U.S. news covers politics and major news events. Today's daily news updates are: The U.S. House of Representatives will vote on bills  related to Taiwan, TikTok, Ukraine, and Israel. Tesla's cybertruck has its first recall. Donald Trump lost a bid to delay another trial. Israel barely attacked Iran last night.  A man threatened to blow up an Iranian consulate in France. The U.S. vetoed Palestine's chance of becoming a full UN member. Over a hundred arrested at Columbia University protests. U.S. gives  embassy in Israel travel restrictions. Israel continues to raid West Bank and destroying infrastructure. Biden is looking to give Israel even more weapons. G7 got togehter and ask for a sutainable ceasefire. Blinken says the U.S. is still not supporting a Rafah invasion. The EU sanctioned some Israeli settlers and groups.  Thanks for listening to the daily U.S. news updates and daily world news updates.


Dirty Anthony Blinken

Today's episode I cover a new story about Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. His own State Department panel called Leahy recommended restrictions to funding of some Israeli military and police units. He has been sitting on this recommendation since December of 2023. He and the Biden administration continue to give Israel special treament while they do horrible crimes.  


Daily U.S. News and World News Update April 18th, 2024

Daily U.S. news updates. Daily world news updates. Today's daily world news updates cover Israel, Gaza, Palestinians, and the West Bank. Today's daily U.S. news updates cover U.S. politics. Today's news stories are: Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has several bills for congress to vote on. Google fired their protesting employees. The NYPD arrested several pro-Palestinian supporters at Columbia University.  UN special rapporteur Francesca Albanese talks about how many tons of bombs were used on Gaza. Over 40 countries have signed a joint statement condemning Iran. The EU has agreed to impose sanctions on Iran. China supports Palestine being recognized as a full member at the UN. The Palestinian Football Association has demanded punishment of the Israel Football Association. Israel Finance Minister Smotrich wants Israel to inflict a disporportionate damage to Iran. Secretary of State Blinken has been ignoring his own State Department panel involving crimes by Israel.  It's looking like Israel may celebrate Passover before attacking Iran. Israel arrested 40 Palestinians in the West Bank the last 24 hours. Nuseirat refugee camp in Gaza has been devasted again by the IDF. Thank you for listening to today's daily U.S. news updates and today's daily world news updates.


Daily U.S. News and World News Update April 17th, 2024

Daily world news update. Daily U.S. news update. Today's news will heavily focus on Israel, Iran, Gaza, West Bank, and Palestinians. Today's daily news stories are: Hezbollah struck northern Israel leading to 18 injured. Crew of MSC Aries are doing fine after Iran took their ship. Today is Palestinian Prisoners Day. Israeli settlers continue to steal land in the West Bank. British Foreign Minister visited Israel.  The IDF has been doing operations in Beit Hanoun. Itamire Ben Gvir is targeting activists. Senator Tom Cotton says more stupid things against Palestinian protestors. Google employees who protested at Google have been arrested.  A circus elephant escaped in Montana. Seven jurors have been chosen so far for Trump's first criminal trial.


Daily U.S. News and World News Update April 16th, 2024

Daily U.S. news updates. Daily world news updates. Today's world news covers Israel, Gaza, Palestinians, West Bank, and Iran. Today's daily U.S. news and daily world news updates cover these stories: Worldwide pro-Palestinian protests happened on Monday. UNRWA is reporting some prisoner abuses of released Palestinians. Israel continues to keep bodies of Palestinians they killed. Unexploded ordinance has been found in Gaza schools. Israel's economy is tanking. The U.S. thinks Israel will attack proxies over a direct attack on Iran. The IDF allegedly has a plan but not a date set. Google employees are protesting their work with Israel. The USC valedictorian will not be allowed to speak at the commencement. Did I mention she's muslim? Coincidence? Trump stock went down lower after they announced  future TV and livestream media.


Daily U.S. News and World News Update April 15th, 2024

Daily U.S. news updates. Daily world news updates. Today's world news covers a lot of Israel, Gaza, Palestinian, and West Bank topics. Today topics are: Mass graves have been discovered at al-Shifa hospital after the IDF left. Two more Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank allegedly by settlers. Hezbollah claims the attack on the Lebanon border of four IDF soldiers. Israel is getting deeper into debt. Itamir Ben-Gvir wants Yoav Gallant fired. The IDF are opening fire on Palestinians trying to go back north. At least nine Iranian missiles landed on Israel air bases. Two IDF reserve brigades have been activated.  Two ambulance workers in Gaza have been released after 50 days of jail. UN Security Council got together on Sunday where the U.S. and Israel condemned Iran. Trump has been posting on social media attacking witnesses in his case. This may cost him money. The Phillipines are not giving more access to bases to the U.S. Mike Johnson is still trying to figure out aid packages to Ukraine, Israel, Gaza and Taiwan. John Fetterman doesn't think the U.S. is doing enough for Israel. Thank you for listening to the daily U.S. news updates and the daily world news updates.


Daily U.S. News and World News Update April 12th, 2024

Daily U.S. news update, Daily world news update. Daily U.S. news today covers topics like Donald Trump, the bird flu, and President Biden. World topics cover Israel, Gaza, West Bank, and other events around the world. Today's topics are: Norway wants to recognize Palestine as a state. ANERA has gone back to feeding people in Gaza. A paramedic in West Bank was beaten up by the Israeli forces. A new crossing is open into Gaza from Israel. Israel is bombing the Nuseirat camp. U.S. has given a warning to U.S. embassy employees to restrict travel in Israel due to Iran. Thanks for listening to today's daily U.S. news and daily world news.


Daily U.S. News and World News Update April 11th, 2024

Daily U.S. News and daily world news updates. We start you off with daily world news. The  daily world news today is about Gaza, Israel, the West Bank, and Vietnam. The daily U.S. news covers some Donald Trump topics among others. The following stories are being covered today: Donald Trump had a 3rd appeal denied. House Speaker Mike Johnson and Donald Trump are getting together to promote a bill that is not necessary. O.J. Simpson died. A vietnemese property develop got the death penalty for fraud of billions. Israel is having trouble getting new female recruits to become surveillance officers. Hamas politcal chief's family was targeted. Israeli settlers continue to harass Palestinians in the West Bank. IDF shot at some UNICEF workers. Ben-Gvir says he going to make prison tougher. A 14 year old girl was arrested in the West Bank while doing photography. Israeli protestors today are upset the IDF haven't destroyed Rafah yet. 


Daily U.S. News and World News Update April 10th, 2024

Daily world news update. Daily U.S. news update. This news update covers a lot of Gaza coverage at the moment. But it also cover daily U.S. news. 


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