
I write about Geopolitics, World Order, Balance of Power, Air and Space, Overthrows, Economics, Transit, and politics. I have created this podcast to discuss the topics by audio for my audience. You can find value information and knowledge here and I strongly suggest you also check my blog at I am Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,

Middle East Economic-Political-Military Union

Middle East Economic-Military-Political Union


Silk road part 3

Silk road


Silk Road

Iran must design and build all cargo trains. Passenger trains are illegal everywhere in the world. Silk Road.


Silk Road Part 1

We touch on silk road project and its importance!


America targeted China by Coronavirus

America targeted China by Coronavirus and is a case of Biological warfare


Middle East Economic Union Step 1

We must establish alliance between Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sudan, and Egypt very fast. This will be stepping stone for creating Middle East Economic Union. We also discuss how events are unfolding and dangers on the horizon.


Responses to possible Annexation of Jordan Valley by Israel

We except nothing short of surrender from Israel before even they embark on annexing Jordan Valley. We are very serious and we have full range of responses against Israel to defeat Israel after annexation of Jordan Valley. We have National Actors and Proxies for total engagement with Israel and if Israel gives us the excuse by annexation of Jordan Valley then we will take back Golan Heights, Palestinian Territories, and Southern Israel. Do you remember the six day war when Israel was victorious? This time we will defeat Israel within five days.


Mind of a Person who is the authority on Geopolitics

This is one the most important lessons I can teach a person pursuing education in geopolitics or those who seek to become an authority on Geopolitics. Listen to this podcast.


Logistics of combating Coronavirus Global Pandemic by Air and Space Industry

Concerning Coronavirus epidemic and testing patience with Coronavirus in nations outside of China there is issue of lack of Laboratories to tests We have certain capabilities and means to use our logistic capabilities to quickly deliver samples or deliver laboratory equipments, whole labs, and experts to prevent pandemic. First method is use of Russia’s Air Force, America’s Air Force, and Qatar Air Cargo Transit industry to rapidly deliver laboratory equipments to the countries lacking the laboratories. We can also propel laboratory equipments and laboratory itself by using missiles and intercontinental missiles and deliver them to locations where there is lack of capability to test the samples of possibility infected people by Coronavirus. Another mean is use of Russia’s Glider, Super Sonics Aircrafts and other super sonic jet developed European UN and US which go from China to US within 20 minutes to deliver samples of infected people from possibly infected patients in countries which may lack the laboratories.


Independence of Commonwealth Introduction

Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and Virginia can get independence from USA.


Hybrid Warfare

Use of Conventional Military, Robotics, Waves, Reptiles, Mass Protests, Electronics Cyber Warfare, Weather Warfare, Biological Warfare, along with economic war is the real hybrid warfare. We believe you must understand them so you understand the level of geopolitics we are discussing here. This is the Podcast on Geopolitics and Applied Capabilities in Geopolitics. This is an episode of podcast enabling you to understand some of the materials discussed here.


Iowa Caucuses

Joe Biden has our support in Iowa Caucuses.


Iowa Cacuses

Joe Biden has our support in Iowa Caucuses.


Geopolitics of Iran and Deep State of Iran part 1

Geopolitics of Iran is discussed and geopolitics of deep state of Iran has been also revealed. We discuss Iran’s and Islamic Republic of Iran Capabilities and global presence. We also talk about Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Black Sea, Caspian Sea, and Persian Gulf as integral part of Geopolitics of Iran. We also discuss Iran’s presence in America’s backyard. We also analyzed outcome of full blown war between Iran and America. There is also Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Egypt are discussed. This is only a short review and I will produce multiple podcasts on it.


Geopolitics of Israel

The geopolitics of Israel and Palestine is discussed. Transit, Holy Land, History, linguistics, military, economy, long term effects, genocides, and other moving parts of Israel-Palestine is discussed along with the depth of Iran-America power struggle.


Geopolitics of Biological Warfare

Biological Warfare is frequently used around the world as mean applied Biological Warfare in Geopolitics, influencing population, food production, and other factors in given region. Biological Warfare has also limits in some nations and cannot be used in certain countries or in other cases they are not allowed to become pandemics. Epidemic of Coronavirus currently in China is case of use of Biological Warfare by United States of America.


Geopolitics of Economic Development

This is considered most important thing you ever need to know about Geopolitics and Humanity. This is the absolute master piece on Geopolitics available to people which you must be thankful for listening to it. This is what we call corner stone of Geopolitics of Planet Earth.


Geopolitics of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

We are developing AI or Artifical Intelligence very rapidly around the World. we also have been working toward robotics as mentioned in Davos. We need rules and regulations on application of Robotics to ensure long term security of humanity for example the case robotic warfare or robotic construction. We also must establish geopolitics and world order for it meaning for example, Iran, Germany, and Japan are allowed to have Robotic Manufacturing powered by Nuclear Power Plants but America must employ people for its manufacturing and use other power sources for production of electric power to ensure America does not endanger global security. Then we also talk about ethics of AI and Robotics. For example, AI used for Facial Recognition must not have profiling against ethnic groups and especially Muslims in their foundemental software. If there is a period requiring screening of specific group then there can be add on on the AI which differentiates between but then the AInitself deletes the add on once the conditions return to normal. Concerning ethics of AI I must also say due series events involving Muslims there has been hate and anger toward Muslims around the world and among those who write the Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence and they may be making Artificial Intelligence biased against specific people. Reviewing Geopolitics of Robotic Manufacturing I must say specific countries can not use Robotics to maniuufacture cars rapidly. Because then they can transform their car manufacturing centers for example to tank manufacturing center using robotics. Then think about a Nation producing millions of robots to millions of tanks. Now the tanks can be manned by humans or the tanks themselves can be Robots. Historically we allow Germany and Specially Japan to use Robotic Manufacturing but we want to add countries in Central Regions such as Iran and maybe in near future Turkey to use Robotic manufacturing. We also touch on Security of Robotics and fire walls needed for Robots to prevent them from being hacked.


Geopolitics of Commercial Aviation

We discuss ultra classified and forever classified material from cold war era up to now. In this podcast we discuss how Boeing and Airbus became supremes of Passenger plane manufacturing and conquered the airs. We also discuss commercial and private Space Industries such RosCosmos and SpaceX. This is Commercial War but it has geopolitical angel to it. Antonov and Tupolev demise has been also discussed.


Geopolitics of Middle East and Indian Subcontinent: Iran-India Natural Gas Pipeline

Iran-Pakistan-India Natural Gas pipe line has been delayed for decades. It is now the time to build this pipe line and ensure energy demands of Pakistan and India are met cheaply.


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