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Get Out of Your Damn Way with Dr. Amy Boyd
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Get Out of Your Damn Way with Dr. Amy Boyd

Author: Dr. Amy Boyd

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Get Out of Your Damn Way is a podcast to help women to silence the inner mean girl and get shit done. Do you have big dreams you are chasing, but when you consider taking action, that inner bitch sits on your shoulder telling you all the reasons why you can’t? Things like, “you don’t have anything meaningful to say”, “you don’t deserve a seat at the table”, or “you aren’t smart enough to do this”, so you just end up complaining to your partner, deciding you’ll just scroll social media instead, or mutter to yourself, “she’s right” as you pour yourself a big-ass glass of wine? 

If you have been wishing you could tell your inner mean girl to sit down and shut up, but you can’t seem to keep her quiet, then Dr. Amy Boyd is here to help. This podcast gets to the root of why you can’t seem to get out of your damn way, and it lies in that beautiful brain of yours… your thoughts.Since 2017 her company “Write the Damn Dissertation” has helped over 10,000 women make progress on their doctoral dissertations, and yet we all have "dissertations" that never get written, painted, performed, created, spoken, or shared. Inspired by coaching conversations with high performing women, we talk about what life looks like chasing dreams and reaching goals while preventing the bitchy inner mean girl from flying the plane. To learn more about the show, download the show notes, and to access her free “Silence the Inner Mean Girl” video course, and more, visit 

10 Episodes
The subject of burnout is popping right now. I'm seeing it within our community especially for women writing to meet a deadline, but I'm sure it can help all of you not writing a dissertation too. We are all juggling multiple competing priorities in life. Burnout first technically coined by Herbert Freudenberger in 1975. He defined "Burnout" was defined by three components: Emotional Exhaustion - the fatigue that comes from caring too much, for too long;Depersonalization - the depletio...
Hang out with Me and my friend Natalie Roush as we discuss the inner critic. We go deep, discussing Where and when each of our inner critics emerged, How we have healed the inner critic, What we've been able to accomplish so far,What the inner critic has cost us, and What we will create with the inner critic sitting in the 5-point harness in the back seat. Join the 'Get Out of Your Damn Way' pod squad here ==>
For anyone sober-curious, I thought I would share some of the ways my life has improved over the past year. 1. I didn't realize it at the time, but not only was I numbing myself from feeling stress and anxiety, but I was numbing myself from being able to experience joy and elation. I didn't know what it was like to feel all the good feels because my baseline was numb. 2. I've up-leveled my entire life. I couldn't imagine getting up at 4:00 am every day to be at the gym by 5:00 am long term. I...
In this episode, I share the resistance I had to disclosing that I have ADHD. Last year, the theme in our alumni membership for the stuck to unstoppable program was Time Management. I had asked all of our alumni to track everything they do in a day. It had been a while since I had done this activity, so of course I did it with them. When I looked at what I had done in a day, my initial feeling was SHAME. Here is a link to that blog post:
One of the things that came up in our discussion, and something I think that single-handedly keeps us from going after what we really want is people-pleasing. We don’t want anyone to feel small or left behind when we go after big goals. When we operate from the people-pleaser identity, we are not being authentic, vulnerable or trustworthy. Because we've created a mask that keeps us safe from others seeing who we really are. We have the need to belong, and when we grow and ...
In order to create new results, you must create a new identity that matches the results that you want. So, how do you change your identity? Step 1: Decide on the type of person you want to be. What's your goal? You get to decide. But in the first step, you need to know who you need to become in order to change your identity. Step 2: Visualize the new you. This is a great example I like to share about Jim Carey. When he was on Oprah, he shared the story that when he was a struggling actor, he ...
I would love to know… what’s the one thing... the big scary goal you've wanted to accomplish? You’ve been talking about doing for so long, but you just can’t seem to actually take action toward making it happen for you? Is it writing a book? Competing in a fitness challenge? Publishing music? Painting a masterpiece? Getting a certification or a degree? Starting your own business? I attract go-getters into my circle, so I know that you may have an entire list of things you want to do but just ...
So here’s a loaded question… What do you want? In this episode, I share my process of having no idea what I truly wanted, discovering what I really wanted, and then believing that it was possible for me to achieve my biggest dreams, even with an ever present inner mean girl trying to run the show. I woke up one day in my 40’s and I had no idea how to answer that question. I did what people expected of me and convinced myself that THAT was what I wanted. Everything I had achieved i...
Hey, I’m Amy. Like you, I have a lot of roles in life. I’m a wife, a mom to two french bulldogs I’m completely obsessed with, and mom to a human teenager, the CEO of a young and successful company, my love language is tequila with chips and salsa, and I have a strong inner-mean girl game. A few years ago, I heard the term “inner mean girl” in a podcast I was listening to while I was working in the lavender fields on our farm. I didn’t realize that those thoughts I had like “you aren’t g...
Hi There, I’m Dr. Amy Boyd! Welcome to Get Out of Your Damn Way, the podcast to help women silence that self-created inner bitch and get shit done. Do you have big dreams you are chasing, but when you consider taking action, that inner mean girl sits on your shoulder telling you all the reasons why you can’t? Things like, “you don’t have anything meaningful to say”, “you don’t deserve a seat at the table”, or “you aren’t smart enough to do this”, so you just end up complaining to...