DiscoverGet Real or Die Trying with Amadon DellErba
Get Real or Die Trying with Amadon DellErba

Get Real or Die Trying with Amadon DellErba

Author: Global Change Media

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A free-form podcast about transformation, growth, and purpose; elevating and expanding the super-conscious mind while honoring the down-to-earth wisdom that keeps us grounded and real.
"Nothing you do matters, unless what you do matters." Amadon DellErba is on a journey of self-mastery. Join him in the exploration of the spiritual, psychological, intellectual, and emotional elements that make up the mortal life.
Equal parts profound and profane; sacred and secular, "Get Real or Die Trying" is a reality check for a world becoming increasingly more unreal.
40 Episodes
In this podcast, Amadon DellErba interviews Lutan Fyah, a revolutionary spirit delivering a message of love, peace, justice, unity and community through hard hitting reggae dancehall rhythms and lyrics, on stages all over the world.   Born and raised in Spanish Town in Kingston, Jamaica Lutan's initial influence of African consciousness was instilled by his grandfather Tamba, and his spiritual identity is rooted in Rastafar-I, Bobo Ashanti. Learn more about Lutan Fyah here: And his music on Spotify. "Nothing You Do Matters, Unless What You Do Matters" Website: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Facebook: X: "Pain is temporary. Victory is eternal."
In this podcast, Amadon DellErba interviews Dr. Wendsler Nosie, former Chairman and Councilman of the San Carlos Apache Tribe and founding member of Apache Stronghold ( Apache Stronghold recently embarked on a cross continent prayer journey beginning in the Lummi Nation, north of Seattle, WA. The journey culminates September 11, 2024 when Apache Stronghold will file an appeal at the US Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. Learn more about this important spiritual battle and follow the prayer journey online: We are in this fight together, as we are one drum, one circle, one prayer. "Nothing You Do Matters, Unless What You Do Matters" Website: Anchor: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Facebook: X: "Fear is temporary. Victory is eternal."
In this podcast, Amadon DellErba interviews Jeff Hays, an award winning filmmaker, author, and television producer. Hays gives a behind the scenes look at his recently completed film "The Real RFK Jr." They also discuss spirituality, society, corporate media censoring and Hays' upcoming film projects. Learn more about Jeff Hays on his website:
In this podcast, Amadon DellErba interviews Shelly Tygielski, founder of the nonprofit Pandemic of Love and author of the book, “Sit Down to       Rise Up: How Radical Self-Care Can Change the World.” Tygielski is an activist, teacher, and global good Samaritan. Together they discuss self-care, compassion, community, and the role of spirituality in creating global change. (GR\DT: 38) Tygielski spent nearly 20 years in corporate America before radically altering the course of her life and following her passion of mindfulness, meditation, and service to humanity. Connect with Shelly Tygielski: Instagram: Facebook Personal: Facebook Professional: Twitter: YouTube: Linked In: "Nothing You Do Matters, Unless What You Do Matters" Connect with Amadon DellErba Website: Anchor: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Google Podcasts: Facebook: Twitter: "Pain is temporary. Victory is eternal."
In this podcast, Amadon DellErba interviews Stefanos Sifandos, a conscious relationship coach and "relational alchemist." Together they discuss human potential and personal growth through resilience, awareness, expansion. (GR\DT: 37) Stefanos encourages people to find clarity in chaos and embrace discomfort and pain through submission, utilizing your personal sovereignty to take greater responsibility, and enlisting other to help support you in your personal journey. Amadon talks about the role of coaches and spiritual elders to guide us in our growth and the importance of rejecting selfishness to adopt a mindset of what Stefanos calls "enlightened self-interest." Other topics include: facades that men often hide behind, healthy competition, confidence, rites of passage, balanced male/female circuitry, the inner child, the 7 Chakras, and true humility.  Stefanos Sifandos is a trained educator, behavioral scientist, and relationships expert with an extensive background in Psychology, Philosophy and Ecology. He is passionate about people pursuing their highest potential, merging Eastern and Western methodologies to promote spiritual balance. 
In this podcast, Amadon DellErba interviews Dr. Bruce Lipton, bestselling author of  “The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles.” Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences. He is regarded as one of the leading voices of the new biology. Dr. Lipton began his scientific career as a cell biologist, receiving his Ph.D. Degree from the University of Virginia at Charlottesville. In 1982, Dr. Lipton began examining the principles of quantum physics and how they might be integrated into his understanding of the cell’s information processing systems. His breakthrough studies on the cell membrane revealed that this outer layer of the cell was an organic homologue of a computer chip, the cell’s equivalent of a brain.  Dr. Lipton’s novel scientific approach transformed his personal life as well. His deepened understanding of cell biology highlighted the mechanisms by which the mind controls bodily functions, and implied the existence of an immortal spirit. He applied this science to his personal biology, and discovered that his physical well-being improved, and the quality and character of his daily life was greatly enhanced.
In this podcast, Amadon DellErba interviews Jerold Limongelli, founder of MVN Movement, a transformational program for men. Together they discuss masculinity, the pursuit to Self-Mastery, and Jerold's transformation from successful entrepreneur to motivator and spiritual gangster. Jerold Limongelli is a former NCAA D1 wrestler, Appalachian Trail thru-hiker, and a 3-time Ironman triathlete.  (GR\DT 35)    MVN Movement: MVN Instagram: Jerold Limongelli Instagram: Jerold spent over a decade working in the nightlife and entertainment industry with some of the largest venues and most influential CEOs in NYC, LA, and Las Vegas.  He explored the fast-paced and rapidly expanding digital advertising industry, recording multi-million dollar revenues. Jerold had the world at his fingertips, so to speak, when he decided to give it all up and embark on a Hero’s Journey, traveling the world for 6 months, studying Yoga in Bali, Vipassana meditation in India, and plant medicines in the Amazon.  Today Jerold's teachings are a direct reflection of his ability to overcome failure and thrive through disappointment.
In this podcast, Amadon DellErba interviews bestselling author & filmmaker Jeffrey Smith about The Magnificent New Normal, a virtual lecture series that shares practical strategies to protect and improve the physical, mental, and spiritual health of our planet. (​) Together they discuss the current state of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), new paradigm thinking during the pandemic, and Ascension-Science, the fusion of science and spirituality. (GR\DT 34)    The Magnificent New Normal series feature some of the planet's foremost thought leaders including Dr. Bruce Lipton,  Lynn Twist, singer-songwriter Jewel, and many more.   Jeffrey Smith is the founder of the Institute for Responsible Technology and the leading consumer advocate promoting healthier non-GMO choices. For more than two decades, his research has exposed how biotech companies mislead policy makers and the public, and put the health of society and environment at risk.
In this podcast, Amadon DellErba talks about the virtue of selflessness over “self-love” and the dangers of #selflove​ becoming selfishness.  In the world of social media today there is tremendous emphasis on self-love and little-to-none on selfless service to our brothers and sisters.  What is lacking in our culture that we have to focus on loving ourselves so much?  Could it be the constant messages from various forms of media implying we are not good enough, smart enough, rich enough, skinny enough, good-looking enough, cool enough, etc.  Drawing on concepts and quotes from The URANTIA Book and the life of The Master, Amadon points to the root problem that we are not living today in a culture of love and acceptance, and that the true nature of this concept of “self-love” is more about the desire to have self-worth and self-esteem.  Our consumer culture tries to supplant this desire with a focus on taking care of one’s self, but the true path to achieving the highest form of “self love” and self respect is the path of selfless service; of being our brother’s and sister’s keeper.  Amadon says, “Unselfishness ennobles the soul and sharpens one’s spiritual intelligence, and most importantly brings peace to the heart, and fills a person with meaning and joy.” 
In this podcast, Amadon DellErba talks about the virtue of meekness. Meekness is not weakness, but it is often misunderstood. Meekness is a way of relating to others. It is a controlled strength. It shouldn’t be relegated to the past as a lost, archaic virtue, but should be upheld as a goal for today’s spiritual seeker. In his exploration of meekness, Amadon pulls from The URANTIA Book, The New Testament, Sir Thomas Browne, and writings from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (GR\DT 32)
In this podcast, Amadon DellErba talks about today’s Cancel Culture / Call-Out Culture and how we can build a more Accountable Culture. In addition to his own thoughts on the subject, Amadon cites Ligaya Mishan’s New York Times article: “The Long and Tortured History of Cancel Culture.” Amadon discusses the importance of confrontation and accountability, and how immature it is to ostracize people on the fringes of society. He also looks at scapegoating and the lack of education, rehabilitation, and compassion in our broken society.
In this podcast, Amadon DellErba talks about Spiritual Maturity, Self-Mastery, & God Consciousness.  The pursuit of spiritual maturity and self-mastery is the path to God consciousness - it’s a life of selfless service, a focus on the inner rather than outer life, a dedication to teamwork and cooperation, and continual truth seeking.  Amadon draws from the powerful teachings presented in The URANTIA Book by the Greek philosopher, Rodan of Alexandria, who taught extensively on the subject.  A key take-away is the importance of elders in our lives - we cannot grow into true spiritual maturity without guidance and correction. (GR\DT 30) “The spiritually mature individual desires the spiritual coach.” ~ Amadon DellErba
In this podcast Amadon DellErba talks about the idiom “Ignorance is Bliss” and people’s inclination to avoid responsibility.
In this podcast, Amadon DellErba discusses flexibility without compromise and the art of spiritual adaptability.  Regardless of our various religious, political, and/or social backgrounds, we have the opportunity to let consciousness unite us. It is a form of spiritual intelligence that unites individuals and builds bridges. "Without consciousness you separate; with consciousness, you connect." Another huge problem in our society is narcissism. This selfish trait fuels the current division in our country. There is strength to be found in adaptation. Through acceptance and grace you can "know thyself" and come into a deeper understanding of who you are. (GR\DT 28)
In this podcast Amadon DellErba discusses anarchy vs. spiritual hierarchy.  In response to the corruption we see in politics and governments today many youth embrace anarchy, but does it work?  Recognizing the need for change, in 2011 and 2012 Amadon and the Global Change Media team attended many of the Occupy protests happening around the US with Gabriel of Urantia's Spiritualution movement.  Amadon shares the story of a protest in Phoenix that went from an angry run-in with an anarchist cell who thought they were cops to marching with and interviewing Reverend Jesse Jackson.
In this podcast Amadon DellErba reflects on patience and perseverance by commenting on a video he shot five years ago on self righteousness vs. righteousness. We humans can so easily adopt a holier-than-thou attitude.  The “reformed smoker” syndrome is real and we can probably all relate to becoming self-righteous about something.  A good reminder that the most effective way to teach and share higher consciousness is by example.  When we change for the better, we naturally want others to do the same.  And if they don’t, we can get frustrated, impatient and/or prideful.  In this episode we are reminded the only way to truly inspire others to change and grow is through patience, kindness and humility.
In this podcast, Amadon DellErba discusses unity without uniformity, a concept from The URANTIA Book. In our world today that is so divided in so many ways, the attainment of unity can feel like an impossible goal; but it isn’t.  What inhibits and what fosters unity among people? An encouraging and inspiring podcast about finding our common spiritual denominator – that we are all created beings who come from the same Creator.  This episode concludes with a real-life story of finding unity without uniformity among 300 men from all walks of like sharing a jail cell after being arrested for protesting at Occupy Wall Street.
In this podcast, Amadon DellErba explores the art of listening as a spiritual practice and the difference between listening vs. hearing. Amadon introduces the concept of triune listening; listening with the heart, mind, and soul. Truly listening to others with a desire to understand and empathize with them is a spiritual principle for soul ascension and healthy, growing relationships.  He also discusses what we should and shouldn't be listening to.  
In this podcast Amadon DellErba interviews Masud Olufani, a multidisciplinary artist, activist, & writer, based in Atlanta, Georgia. He is a follower of the  Bahá'í faith; the host of “America's Most Challenging Issue” a podcast about racism in America; and the co-host of “Retro Report” a PBS prime time investigative news show that looks at news events through the lens of history. Together Amadon and Masud explore art, religion, spirituality, and the parallels between the Baha'i faith and Divine Administration. They discuss the blight of slavery and racism in American, and how it differs subtly in the lives of indigenous and First Nations peoples. A refreshing conversation between two truth seekers who have found a kindred spirit in each other. (GR\DT 23) You can learn more about Masud Olufani at his website: Listen to “America's Most Challenging Issue” podcast here:
In this podcast, Amadon DellErba discusses Ascension Science, the fusion of spirituality and science, and how this way of identifying truth can assist our spiritual growth process. He speaks about the parallels of the practical application of scientific approach to discovery of knowledge to spiritual ascension. He explores the question, “how can we be spiritually intelligent?” The term Ascension Science is found in The Cosmic Family Volumes, the continuing papers of The URANTIA Book, which Amadon quotes from in this episode. More information about The URANTIA Book and The Cosmic Family Volumes can be found at Global Change Tools: Amadon DellErba is a student and instructor at The University of Ascension Science & the Physics of Rebellion in Southern Arizona. Founded in 1989 by spiritual leaders and teachers Gabriel of Urantia & Niánn Emerson Chase, the university is also known as Global Community Communications Schools, the schools of thinking, feeling, and doing. More information can be found below about -The University of Ascension Science & the Physics of Rebellion: -Gabriel of Urantia: -Niann Emerson Chase: