Gewrew to Guru

Ian and Shane bring their humorous and truthful vibe to this scientific and social phenomena that is yoga and within in it, the art of meditation. They have been brought together from two different paths into this inspiring and empowering movement towards spirituality. Both with business backgrounds and a purpose to explore consciousness, this podcast illuminates on several views with featured guests on how yoga helps on living your best life and not just your best lifestyle.

Two Weapons With One Cause - Bec and Jes Johnson Flex Their Consciousness

The Johnson "Sisters Not Twins" make it to the mic in this episode talking about guru tings and expertise in the fitness and nutrition fields. I was on their podcast not too long ago and they stopped by to speak the truth about yoga and how it's helped their lives and their businesses.As stylish as they are, Bec and Jes keep it real and down to earth about their experiences on the mat, empowering others and basically maintaining a connection to discipline, commitment and consistency. These 3 words are are so valuable to me because they have sent me on this trajectory that has transformed my life and inspired others to do so also. Support the show


We're back from holidays and we're going back on holidays!

Ian and Shane are now back from their whirlwind tours of exploring and sharing life.  A slightly intimate talk about what has been happening in business and in yoga for the past 6-7 months. The encounters and experiences that continue to evolve them and  what's coming up that will bring joy and happiness to those around them. They are always keeping it raw and real which for them is the only way to spiritual growth and awareness. "Don't overcook your thoughts, because they will begin to taste like sh*t."Support the show


The Hawken Effect. The Gewrew to Guru to Guru episode

Meet Amber Hawken, she does it and does it well.  Listen to her story.Support the show


How long you been walkin' bro? Taking the path that opens up this journey

Brendan Hill, comes to yoga, transforms his life then decides to walk for charity. Here's his story  that's 100kms longSupport the show


Know that you'll be supported when you yoga. Candice speaks her consciousness

Forget mirror time. Just do the practise without a distorted perception of yourself.  Candice, Shane and Ian chat about gaining knowledge of yourself during a yoga practise without judgement and expectations. Ian asks questions and Candice reflects and diverts (kind of). However, there is no escaping the fact that all that exists in  your yoga practise is the experience from which you could only build a stronger foundation. Just level up and sort yourself out. Giving up and finding an excuse not to go to that edge is not your truth. Ian will bring you to your edge that will potentially find your truth, your SATNAM.Support the show


So we have no guests! Now what? Let's talk about us baby.

Learn a little more about Ian beyond the face of Gewrew.  Create and manifest what you want in life. Get an insight of how your energy shift will promote possibilities that will make you literally laugh while thinking  that this cant be reality. How is this amazing experiencing happening to me? And why is it happening consistently? Enjoy the ride we call life. Support the show


Are you going with the FLOW? Ice baths, yoga and meditation. Like fireworks for your mind

Guilherme one of the masters behind I Am Flow Self speaks from the heart while challenging the mind. He talks about finding that masculine energy which elevates the feminine energy within which was never present in his childhood being raised just by his mum and sister. We experienced a lifechanging event that helped transform our lives towards a more spiritual and conscious life.  Gui elaborates on building a brotherhood on this wild adventure.  gewrew.comFind Guilherme  and his experiences on the show


FOMO. Why we personally can't live without yoga. Strengthen your mental fitness. Episode 7

It's actually episode 7, but who's counting? Your spirit will always attempt find it's truth, no matter what is in it's way. Whether is doubt, lack of self-confidence or second guessing yourself these roadblocks could be overcome by maintaining a consistent drive towards that life purpose. Ben of Roxley Music shares his experience with yoga which he says he cannot live without. By deepening his spiritual connection, Ben has increased his creativity with writing and music  while improving his breathing which is integral and vital for making music. Our life experiences say a lot, but you roll with it and don't stop. Support the show


Ayurveda- Tf does it mean? Increase the knowledge of your life and live beautifully with food in mind. Episode 6

We are all searching for that edge to help in whatever way possible.  If we take a step back and understand what our body is asking for and more importantly let our ego get out of the way, our nourishment will experience contentment and our choices towards greater spirituality  greatly lean towards benefit and  acceptance. Our special guest Seema, a hard core devotee to her practise will illuminate the practise of Ayurveda and its massive correlation  with yoga. Support the show


Possibilities to Reality. Brilliant Ideas come from being conscious. Episode 5

This episode goes into how ideas and ah-ha moments for us come up when we are in the most efficient state of meditating thus creating possibilities from nothingness(emptiness). Do what is required and you'll experience what we're talking about. When you make productive decisions based on clarity and not confidence, you set the vibe and that will assist in  promoting joy and happiness.Entrepreneur and all out business guru Shaneal has his take on the level of meditativeness that is required to level up your life to bring balance whether your creating music for the Fashion House  Gucci, promoting a tech start up that is nationally recognised or opening a gelato shop.  Support the show


Direct, Operate, Manage- How to be a Business Buddha - Episode 4

Running a business is tough, unlike running a consistent and effective yoga practise. However, we manage our spiritual selves with balance which recharges mind and body in such a way that the process isn't one that is tedious, time consuming or overwhelming.  Just like there is a willingness to be on top of things in any aspect of your career or personal life, your integrated spiritual life requires the same effort. Candace Olivier reflects on what is required for her peace of mind to always be levelling up to her spirituality. Support the show


Mental Wellness Onsite-The Tradie Perception Episode 3

Daily consumption of un-wellness will lead to burnout and mental instability over the long term. Jack gives us a brief depiction of a day in the life of a tradie where he has exchanged a tired mind and injured body for a functional and valuable life that makes his construction business an ongoing success. By improving his yoga, the mental health game is now more under his control and is easily managed. Let go of the ego and practise, practise, practise.Support the show


The Pharoah has landed- Episode 2

As humans there is an innate sense towards generosity and how we are involved in being conscious towards the needs of others before ourselves. The Podcast's guest CEO Yas Matbouly shares details about the Australian Registered Charity Serving Our People Inc. ( ) to which Ian is on the Executive team for Community Relations and Shane a volunteer.  This charity, it's powerful corporate sponsors and it's 700+ volunteers are making generosity a highly contagious and rewarding experience ( two of many benefits  from this social entrepreneurship).  Ian and Shane share on  how yoga contributes to developing generosity and improves the quality of life for everyone involved.  It's a natural mood enhancer and helping others has always been a way to connect culturally and socially. Similar to what yoga does on many levels.Support the show


It's Just Yoga

These are two blokes who definitely need an introduction. Ian and Shane come from two different paths of yoga, one of which has practised in many parts of the world and continues to bring clarity to the already confusing world of how to breath and when to breath. And the other who is wondering if he missed a breath somewhere in between. Both are considered experts in their fields of business and yoga to which they are creating content that is authentic, raw and somewhat artistic. This episode sheds light on their yoga beginnings and  transformational experiences on their one pathed journey. Support the show


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