...as we know it? Since 2019, I've been podcasting and trying to bring a little light, encouragement, and inspiration through the Gifts for Glory Podcast, where we celebrate and promote men and women using their gifts for God's glory. All about #OGHG. Well, with my bride and I transitioning into full time ministry as US Missionaries, time and, frankly, desire, have dwindled. Also, resources have dwindled and I need to make personal cuts (no sponsors yet, so all this gloriousness has been out of pocket!) So, one more podcast. Going live Monday night, 6pm Central time. Is this the end? Is this a hiatus? Will there be a rebirth? I'll let God decide that one! This podcast I'll dive in to the amazing year Jesus has had in the box office. Jesus Revolution, Nefarious, Sound of Freedom, and more! I'll also talk about improv, becoming a missionary, and what you, if so led, might be able to do to help Bobbie and I get out there! Important Links: Dave and Bobbie Ebert, Improv Missionaries - facebook.com/improvmissionaries (@improvmissionaries) Films Mentioned: Sound of Freedom - ourrescue.org/sound-of-freedom Nefarious - whoisnefarious.com Come Out in Jesus Name - lockemedia.org/comeoutinjesusname Jesus Revolution - jesusrevolution.com Enemies Within the Church - enemieswithinthechurch.com #Jesus #God #HolySpirit #improv #missions #missionary #comeoutinJesusname #JesusRevolution #enemieswithinthechurch #whoisnefarious #nefariousmovie #soundoffreedom #endtrafficking #endsextrafficking #childsextrafficking #porn #JimCaviezel #OUR #operationundergroundrailroad #TimBallard #SteveDeace #jonathanroumie #kelseygrammar
Donna Carter is one “Mom with a Mission”, this Texas dynamo is passionate and articulate about protecting kids in schools and the law enforcement officers that ensure it. Do more than wonder what would happen if there were an active shooter at your child’s school. Go beyond the topic of gun control and have the conversation that protects kids and communities. We talk about Donna's organization, Going Ballistic, and the inspiration behind it, as we remember the tragedy at the Uvalde School on May 24, 2022. Join this conversation as we talk faith and putting faith in action to better our communities and world. Connect with our guest: Facebook: @goingballistic Donna@goingballistic.org www.goingballistic.org ----------------------- Connect with us: patreon.com/gifts4glory gifts4glory.com FB/IG/Twitter: @gifts4glory wellversedcomedy.com FB/IG/Twitter: @wellversedcmdy Well Versed Comedy Events: events.wellversedcomedy.com #OGHG #faith #testimony #Uvalde #protectourkids #police #training
Dr. James P. Johnston, DO, chose to go small during the pandemic and ensuing mandates. In North Carolina, two of the largest health giants threatened the livelihoods of their professional care-givers if they dared treat the unvaccinated. Dr. Johnston decided it was time to offer an alternative. We'll hear about his telemed services and how he's working to put "family" back in "family practice." Find more at yourhomemedicalcare.com, and read Dr. Johnston's blogs at yourhomemedicalcare.com/blog. Websites: www.YourHomeMedicalCare.com www.TheReliantMovie.com www.TheReliantNovel.com www.DocJohnstonNovels.com ----------------------- Connect with us: patreon.com/gifts4glory gifts4glory.com FB/IG/Twitter: @gifts4glory wellversedcomedy.com FB/IG/Twitter: @wellversedcmdy Well Versed Comedy Events: events.wellversedcomedy.com #OGHG #podcast #testimony #faith #COVID #vaccinemandates #healthcare
Judd Saul is a family man, award-winning documentary filmmaker, including the 2021 film Enemies within the Church, which we highlighted that year with our guest Pastor Cary Gordon, link in the show notes, Judd is also an entrepreneur, and missionary who embarked on a call to action in Nigeria in 2011. He and his wife Sherry have 5 children, all of whom witnessed the vision unfold when Grandfather Duane Wessels invited Judd to join him on a mission trip. The trip changed Judd's life forever. He realized the stark reality, of the risk and sacrifice facing these people, and a burden was placed on his heart for the lost and persecuted Christians in Nigeria. We talk about Equipping the Persecuted and also about the 2021 film, Enemies Within the Church. Connect: www.equippingthepersecuted.org Facebook: @equippingthepersecuted Instagram: @equipping.the.persecuted YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCmSi5hJDnP6kByo8ss_eM3A enemieswithinthechurch.com ----------------------- Connect with us: patreon.com/gifts4glory gifts4glory.com FB/IG/Twitter: @gifts4glory wellversedcomedy.com FB/IG/Twitter: @wellversedcmdy Well Versed Comedy Events: events.wellversedcomedy.com #persecutedchurch #faith #Christian #Jesus #God #HolySpirit #EnemiesWithintheChurch #FullArmorofGod #HandsandFeet #BeCourageous #testimony #fimmaking
Becky Rasmussen Simmons is a victim advocate, TV personality, YouTuber, podcaster and founder of a successful nonprofit - Call to Freedom. She is well known in the Midwest for her advocacy since 2016 for anti-human trafficking. Mary Jackson is a survivor mentor and educator for those victimized by human trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual exploitation. She contributes vital expertise into survivor supportive services, as the Survivor Program Coordinator and serves on the Board of Directors, of Call to Freedom. Call to Freedom brings wholeness to all individuals impacted by sex and labor trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation by navigating a healing path through our continuum of care model. Based out of SD, Call to Freedom not only serves those in the state but the Midwest region. Connect with our guests at: calltofreedom.org www.facebook.com/calltofreedomsd ---------------------------------- Connect: gifts4glory.com FB/IG/Twitter: @gifts4glory wellversedcomedy.com FB/IG/Twitter: @wellversedcmdy Well Versed Comedy Events: events.wellversedcomedy.com #testimony #faith #Jesus #God #HolySpirit #trafficking #endtrafficking
Sherronna Bishop is a TV personality, YouTuber, podcaster, and patriot who became a household name in 2020 after working closely with politicians and campaigns all over the country. Sherronna has a passion for the truth and wants to share with the masses what’s really going on in our country. Her show, America’s Mom had over 10 million viewers last year alone, before the left blacklisted her on all major social media networks. Since then, she has been motivated even more to spread the truth of leftist lies ranging from election integrity to covid-19. Connect with Sherrona: americasmom.net facebook.com/Sherronna ---------------------------------- Connect:gifts4glory.comFB/IG/Twitter: @gifts4glorywellversedcomedy.comFB/IG/Twitter: @wellversedcmdyWell Versed Comedy Events:events.wellversedcomedy.com #testimony #faith #Jesus #God #HolySpirit #election #COVID19 #patriot
On this week's episode, Dave shares his story of how God has redeemed time lost to depression and suicidal ideations. For many years, Dave used comedy and humor to hide what he was battling, but now he uses comedy to point to Jesus. "I used to use comedy to hide who I was, now I use comedy to reveal Who He Is." -Dave Ebert If you or someone you know is wrestling with depression or suicidal ideations, please contact Dave directly at dave@gifts4glory.com. Connect: gifts4glory.com FB/IG/Twitter: @gifts4glory wellversedcomedy.com FB/IG/Twitter: @wellversedcmdy Well Versed Comedy Events: events.wellversedcomedy.com #Salvation #testimony #faith #redemption #Redeemer #God #Jesus #HolySpirit #overcomer #depression #suicide #suicideprevention
Eric Stephens is an ordained Pastor, Elder, Life Coach, Podcast Host, and Founder of Redwood Christian Ministries. His passion is to see people not only come alive in Christ, but also live a life for Him. This week, Eric shares his testimony of addiction, depression, and a suicide attempt and how Jesus delivered him and set him on the path to his work through Redwood. Dave was recently a guest on Eric's podcast, Rooted in Christ. Look for Rooted in Christ on your favorite podcast platform, or listen here: https://anchor.fm/redwood-christian-ministries/episodes/Why-Pastors-Need-Support--Improv--and-the-Fight-Against-Human-Trafficking-with-Dave-Ebert--The-Rooted-in-Christ-Podcast-024-e1u6dmb Connect with Eric and Redwood at all the links on Linktree: linktr.ee/redwoodchristianministries Or directly on... Facebook: www.facebook.com/RedwoodChristianMinistries (@RedwoodChristianMinistries) Instagram: www.instagram.com/redwoodcm Website: redwoodcm.org _____________________________ Connect with us! www.gifts4glory.com Facebook/Twitter/IG: @gifts4glory www.wellversedcomedy.com Facebook/Twitter/IG: @wellversedcmdy Become a Patron at www.patreon.com/gifts4glory #OGHG #prayer #testimony #faith #Jesus #God #HolySpirit
Welcome to February and our tribute to Black History Month. James Alford is an Christian leader, author, and filmmaker. He has been involved in Christian ministry and media for over a decade. He specializes in storytelling and revealing spiritual principles through teaching and media. In this week's show, we'll hear the story of Kingdom Authority Films, his books, and, most importantly, his testimony of how Jesus got ahold of him at a young age and put him on this path. Connect with James at: jamesalford.org kingdomauthorityfilms.com _____________________________ Connect with us! www.gifts4glory.com Facebook/Twitter/IG: @gifts4glory www.wellversedcomedy.com Facebook/Twitter/IG: @wellversedcmdy Become a Patron at www.patreon.com/gifts4glory #OGHG #prayer #testimony #faith #Jesus #God #HolySpirit
Cassidy and Clif Novak come to share their story and the story behind Cassidy's book, I Can I Have I Will: Blooming Through Life's Greatest Tragedies. To outsiders, this beautiful family of seven, including naturally conceived identical triplet girls, has it all and has the perfect life. However, to those that know these amazing people, we know that Clif and Cass have been through major trials in their lives and in their marriage. We'll hear those stories and how God has been faithful to heal and restore. Find Cassidy's new book: Amazon: https://a.co/d/1i2PdMD Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/i-can-i-have-i-will-cassidy-glo-novak/1142852993?ean=9798987381618 Booking Cassidy and Clif for a speaking event: cassidyglonovak@gmail.com _____________________________ Connect with us! www.gifts4glory.com Facebook/Twitter/IG: @gifts4glory www.wellversedcomedy.com Facebook/Twitter/IG: @wellversedcmdy Become a Patron at www.patreon.com/gifts4glory #OGHG #prayer #testimony #faith #Jesus #God #HolySpirit #IcanIhaveIwill
Youth Alive® assists churches to mobilize students to reach other students and to empower churches to connect with their local schools! Billy and Katy Willis are the US Missionaries to Youth Alive Illinois. After serving as Youth Directors for 12 years, they left their job and steady paycheck for the world of missionary service. In this week's episode, we'll hear all about Youth Alive, how it's growing in Illinois, and also hear their stories of how they found Jesus. Support Youth Alive - Illinois: https://giving.ag.org/donate/700001-280060 Connect on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Youth-Alive-Illinois-105713508157693 Find out more about Youth Alive: youth.ag.org/participate/youth-alive ---------------------- Connect with us! www.gifts4glory.com Facebook/Twitter/IG: @gifts4glory www.wellversedcomedy.com Facebook/Twitter/IG: @wellversedcmdy Become a Patron at www.patreon.com/gifts4glory #OGHG #prayer #testimony #faith #Jesus #God #HolySpirit
Reverend Kevin McGary is the founder of Every Black Life Matters, an organization truly committed to fighting real racial issues across the nation. Rev. McGary, and his organization fight for black lives in America while pushing back against the lies that have crippled that segment of the population. His new book, "WokedUp” is an emphasis on the realities of what black America has gone through and helps you identify the real perpetrators behind the egregious lies! He attacks such issues ranging from the 2 largest killers in black America is Abortion and gang violence. Why are most planned parenthood facilities located in predominantly black neighborhoods, why CRT is being pushed so heavily in major cities and why are public school systems are failing our children, predominantly black children and why absent father syndrome has risen in the black community since 1950. All the while bringing reality to the false, scandal ridden organization BLM. Connect: everyblm.com Books: https://www.amazon.com/Books-Kevin-McGary/s?rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3AKevin+McGary YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@yallwokedup8971 Facebook: www.facebook.com/EveryBLM ---------------------- Connect with us! www.gifts4glory.com Facebook/Twitter/IG: @gifts4glory www.wellversedcomedy.com Facebook/Twitter/IG: @wellversedcmdy Become a Patron at www.patreon.com/gifts4glory #OGHG #prayer #testimony #faith #Jesus #God #HolySpirit
Chuck & Wilma Lormis have been involved in missions in some form or fashion for most of their ministry lives. Although they had known each other through ministry venues for more than 20 years, it wasn't until April 2015 that God began to direct their paths together. They officially joined forces September 5, 2015, when they became husband and wife to serve Jesus and make Him known. They both share a passion for missions, believing that missions is not simply a program of the Church, rather, Missio Dei (the mission of God). Therefore the mission of God should be integrated in everything the Church does. Connect: www.chuckwilmalormis.com Missions Cultivators - Chuck & Wilma www.facebook.com/MissionsCultivators ---------------------------- Connect with us! www.gifts4glory.com Gifts for Glory Ministries www.wellversedcomedy.com Well Versed Comedy Become a Patron at www.patreon.com/gifts4glory #OGHG #prayer #testimony #faith #Jesus #God #HolySpirit
Ted Jordan is an author, writer, director, and content producer based in St. Louis. We will be talking about his book, The Restorer: The Power Of Deception, Crossing Jordan Entertainment, faith, and his personal faith journey. Connect with Ted at: crossingjordanentertainment.com www.youtube.com/@CrossingJordanEntertainment ____________________ Connect with us! www.gifts4glory.com www.facebook.com/gifts4glory www.wellversedcomedy.com www.facebook.com/wellversedcmdy Become a Patron at www.patreon.com/gifts4glory #OGHG #prayer #testimony #faith #Jesus #God #HolySpirit
Director, producer, editor Brian Anderson joins us to talk faith, film, and his latest release, East of Middle West. Check out the film at: eastofmiddlewest.com www.facebook.com/eastofmiddlewest www.youtube.com/channel/UCEcKTpFbBxGzi1vmGod3x8A www.instagram.com/eastofmiddlewest www.imdb.com/title/tt10837952 ____________________ Connect with us! www.gifts4glory.com www.facebook.com/gifts4glory www.wellversedcomedy.com www.facebook.com/wellversedcmdy Become a Patron at www.patreon.com/gifts4glory #OGHG #prayer #testimony #faith #Jesus #God #HolySpirit
Seth Holehouse is a TV personality, a YouTuber, Political Pundit and most importantly a Patriot, who made himself a household name with the video he uploaded on YouTube regarding voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election. We’ll talk about some politics, the mid-term elections, and also hear about his faith journey. Connect with our guest at maninamerica.com. See his video, The Plot to Steal America, the viral video that put Seth Holehouse on the map. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXtGItm1bvQ&t=1s Links: maninamerica.com facebook.com/seth.holehouse youtube.com/c/ManInAmerica ____________________ Connect with us! www.gifts4glory.com www.facebook.com/gifts4glory www.wellversedcomedy.com www.facebook.com/wellversedcmdy Become a Patron at www.patreon.com/gifts4glory #OGHG #prayer #testimony #faith #Jesus #God #HolySpirit
Author, speaker, filmmaker, famous political commentator and lecturer, Mr. Trevor Loudon is one of the worlds foremost experts on anti-communism and anti-socialism. The author of 4 books, 3 films and host of “Counterpunch” on the Epoch Times, Mr. Trevor Loudon travels all over the world speaking at numerous engagements, conferences and lectures to promote Christianity, Free Markets, and limited Government. We will be talking about faith and hear his testimony. Connect at: www.facebook.com/TrevorLoudon trevorloudon.com www.theepochtimes.com/c-counterpunch ____________________ Connect with us! www.gifts4glory.com www.facebook.com/gifts4glory www.wellversedcomedy.com www.facebook.com/wellversedcmdy Become a Patron at www.patreon.com/gifts4glory #OGHG #prayer #testimony #faith #Jesus #God #HolySpirit
Steve Warren is a successful business owner from America's Heartland. He created a successful nonprofit that emphasizes coding. He offers in a Christian environment and educational alternative to the university model that some would say is cheaper, better and higher quality. We'll hear the story of his business, his faith, and how he uses his gifts, talents and passions for God's Glory. Connect with Steve: codeflip.academy linkedin.com/in/warrenstephen/ youtube.com/watch?v=6tIWLDzI60g ____________________ Connect with us! www.gifts4glory.com www.facebook.com/gifts4glory www.wellversedcomedy.com www.facebook.com/wellversedcmdy Become a Patron at www.patreon.com/gifts4glory #OGHG #prayer #testimony #faith #Jesus #God #HolySpirit #coding #IT
Jason Farley is an author and screenwriter in Spokane, WA. His popular podcast and blog The Westminster Confession of Funk (crosspolitic.com/jasonfarley) explore the crossroads of poetry and the Christian life. He is the general editor of Jovial Press (jovial-pub.com) and loves helping writers, especially poets, make it to publication. His latest venture is the CCO of the new streaming platform LOOR.TV. Loor is on a mission. Fighting the culture with great storytelling Unfiltered by Hollywood or church ladies, Loor is a crowdfunding platform that enables film makers to build whatever they want without the restrictive woke agenda, and get paid while doing it. Connect: Loor.TV facebook.com/WatchLoor gab.com/watchloor youtube.com/channel/UCNqWtAHnSmeFnE5jfMKW0Fg Jason’s Amazon Page: amazon.com/author/jason_farley ____________________ Connect with us! www.gifts4glory.com www.facebook.com/gifts4glory www.wellversedcomedy.com www.facebook.com/wellversedcmdy Become a Patron at www.patreon.com/gifts4glory #OGHG #streaming #cancelculture #prayer #entertainment #testimony #faith #Jesus #God #HolySpirit
Our guest this week is Tom McElroy, a veteran of local productions in and around Chicago for over twenty years. He’s had parts in many Jeff Award-winning productions as well as Southside with You and The Dark Knight. Over the last two decades, Tom has also brought Christian actors together in a time of weekly prayer for the arts and for the city of Chicago. We’ll talk acting, EMP, and Tom’s story. Connect with Tom on tommcelroy.net and his IMDb page imdb.com/name/nm0568458. Connect: Tommcelroy.net imdb.com/name/nm0568458 If you are a Christian in the world of entertainment and media in Chicagoland and would like more information on how to join our gathering, contact Tom and he will send you all the info! Reach Tom at tom@tommcelroy.net ____________________ Connect with us! www.gifts4glory.com www.facebook.com/gifts4glory www.wellversedcomedy.com www.facebook.com/wellversedcmdy Become a Patron at www.patreon.com/gifts4glory #OGHG #actorslife #acting #prayer #EMP #testimony #faith #Jesus #God #HolySpirit
Frederick Gragg
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