
The official GiggleBytes podcast! Every week Coose, Mowen, Jonny and Josh get together to chop up anything and everything. Served best with a good laugh! Make sure to follow the page to stay up to date with the boys latest weekly releases!

#59 - Our FAVOURITE childhood films (PODCAST POKER edition)

The boys take a trip down memory lane to talk about their favourite childhood films this week. Who doesn't love a good old evening reminiscing on all the old, forgotten movies that gave us so much joy when we were kids? From Mowen having never watched The School of Rock to the boys trying to remember what the little fuzzy guy from Gremlins was called, this one is sure to make you smile. Join us for another episode of the GiggleBytes! (We've got a brand new format we're now playing with. PODCAST POKER! As well as our usual weekly chat, we'll now be hosting our episodes live around the virtual poker table. If you want to watch the gameplay as well as listening to the episode, make sure to head over to Spotify! Follow us on Twitch to watch live and join in the discussion!


#58 - Do we feel SAFE online?! | LIVE PODCAST

This week, the boys talk about the issues surrounding online safety. In an ever-growing environment where more of us are spending time surfing the web, using social media, engaging with apps or playing online games, the lads look into how safe they feel when using the internet. How secure are your details, how easy is it for scammers to get them, and what are big tech companies doing with our information? Find out in another episode of the GiggleBytes! (We're aiming to host at least one live podcast a week on our Twitch channel. Make sure to follow us to watch and join in the discussion!


#57 - What will the FUTURE look like?! | LIVE PODCAST

This week, the boys talk about what the future might look like in years to come. Will we have AI humanoid robots living side by side with humanity, or are they already here? Could we go back to the moon, and will space travel be commercialized? Is it strange how far we've come regarding technology in the last 100 years, and could we have been helped by unknown influences? Find out in another episode of the GiggleBytes! (We're aiming to host at least one live podcast a week on our Twitch channel. Make sure to follow us to watch and join in the discussion!


#56 - Harry Potter Special: Magic Awakened Review | LIVE PODCAST

Tonight we introduce our first episode of a new fortnightly Harry Potter-themed series. Jonny and Mowen are big Harry Potter nerds, and earlier in the year, they stumbled upon a new mobile MMO card collecting game called Harry Potter Magic Awakened. The game easily became a new addiction for the lads, and they were lucky enough to play both closed BETA's that have been released. The second closed BETA has just come to an end, and the boys have been nerding out over the past 3 weeks trying to become legendary duelists. When will the game finally have its global release? Is it worth playing? Did we enjoy it, and will we be returning? Find out all this and more on another episode of The GiggleBytes! (We're aiming to host at least one live podcast a week on our Twitch channel. Make sure to follow us to watch and join in the discussion!


#55 - Do you prefer a full PAID GAME to a FREE GAME with micro transactions?| LIVE PODCAST

This week, the boys get into the messy subject of fully paid games vs free to play games supported with microtransactions. This is a very sensitive subject for the lads, as they have strong feelings towards big game companies preying on their fanbase to make sleazy money. However, could there be a new, morally balanced middle ground when it comes to the free-to-play model? We know that games have to be supported, but what's the best way to do that? Find out in another episode of the GiggleBytes! (We're aiming to host at least one live podcast a week on our Twitch channel. Make sure to follow us to watch and join in the discussion!


#54 - What are our BUCKET LISTS!? | LIVE PODCAST

This week, the boys talk about bucket lists. What are the things they'd each like to do, and why? From skydiving, making albums, creating documentaries and becoming millionaires, find out what the boys have to say in another episode of the GiggleBytes! (We're aiming to host at least one live podcast a week on our Twitch channel. Make sure to follow us to watch and join in the discussion!


#53 - All About Gaming! | LIVE PODCAST

This week, the boys talk gaming in general. From titles they are most anticipating, childhood memories tied to video games and everything in between! What games are you looking forward to, and what games scream childhood? Find out what the boys have to say about it this week in another episode of the GiggleBytes! (We're aiming to host at least one live podcast a week on our Twitch channel. Make sure to follow us to watch and join in the discussion!


#52 - It's All Kicking Off! (UK Politics Rant) | LIVE PODCAST

This week the lads get into the absolute circus that is the current UK political landscape. We've got questions, as in what the flying F is going on? We've got rants that start with petrol and go all the way to the current cost of living. We've got anger at the fact certain politicians can make up laws and do the complete opposite and act like it doesn't matter. Where is the integrity? Where is the trust? Join us as we get into all of this and more in another episode of The Gigglebytes! (We're aiming to host at least one live podcast a week on our Twitch channel. Make sure to follow us to watch and join in the discussion!


#51 - Magna Cum Memoriae (Our BEST high school memories!)

This week Mowen, Jonny and Josh dive into their best school memories. We've loaded everything up in this episode, starting right from secondary school all the way to high school. Did you have any unwritten rules when you were at school? Did your trousers have to be a certain colour, tie a certain length and shirt kept untucked for as long as possible? Was there a specific item, such as the infamously priced Rockport that was a fashion necessity? Did your school have fads, like Pokemon cards, crazy bones and match attacks? Find out what our school life was like in another episode of The Gigglebytes!


#50 - What is your PRICE?? | LIVE PODCAST

This week Coose, Mowen and Jonny ask the super interesting question of 'What is your price?'. How much would it cost for you to completely give up something you absolutely love? We're talking food, games, music, sports....nothing is off-limits. How much would it cost Coose and Mowen to go and live in the Antarctic for 10 years with no internet or transport? Is there a price that would make Jonny give up steak? If Coose had to choose between making music and playing games, which one would it be? Find out all this and more in another hilarious live episode of The Gigglebytes!   (We're aiming to host at least one live podcast a week on our Twitch channel. Make sure to follow us to watch and join in the discussion!


#49 - What would we BUY if we were MILLIONAIRES when we were kids?!

This week, the boys imagine all of the things they would buy if they were millionaires when they were children. The boys show the importance of their 'essentials' if they had unlimited funds to purchase them back in the day. These range from Haro BMX dreams, top-end skateboards, Digimon keyrings, Pokemon Cards, Yu-Gi-Oh cards, Total Nike football trainers, games consoles and just about everything else in between. Will you agree with the boy's super immature theoretical spending spree? Find out on another episode of The Gigglebytes!


#48 - Unpopular Opinions! | LIVE PODCAST

This week, Coose, Mowen, and Jonny get into the very controversial topic of unpopular opinions. The boys have all been tasked with bringing one super triggering opinion to the table with the intent to initiate a debate. Oh, and this was streamed live on Twitch. What could possibly go wrong? This episode has it all, from putting chocolate in the fridge all the way to passively disliking famous actors and scientists for no reason. Will you agree with any of these outrageous statements? Find out in this hilarious episode of The Gigglebytes! (We're aiming to host at least one live podcast a week on our Twitch channel. Make sure to follow us to watch and join in the discussion!


#47 - No Topic, No Rules!

This week, Coose, Mowen, Jonny and Josh are trying something new. No rules, no topics, just a good old chat about anything and everything. Join us for a laid-back, chilled-out talk ranging from the new Pokemon Violet and Scarlet games that are releasing on 18th November this year to how we've found coming out of lockdown and back into some kind of normality post-pandemic. Are you excited about the new Pokemon games? Do you think we've finally come out of the pandemic, and we can start to put the awful past few years behind us? Find out what we think on another episode of The Gigglebytes!


#46 - Would I LIE to you?

This week, Coose, Mowen, Jonny and Josh go head to head in a classic game of Would I Lie To You? The boys are tasked with each bringing two facts to the contest, one that's absolutely true and another that's complete bullshit. The aim of the game is simple, choose which one you think is the truth and which one is a lie. The person with the most points takes all. This episode has everything from jellyfish stings all the way to Nans slipping broken glass into Sunday dinners. Who's the best at telling tales in the group, and who's exceedingly rubbish at making things up? Find out in this hilarious episode of The Gigglebytes!


#45 - What does the AFTERLIFE look like?

This week, Coose, Mowen Jonny and Josh discuss the possibility of an afterlife and what it might look like. Is there more to the universe than we can even begin to comprehend, and could our experience on earth be a small piece of an unfathomable puzzle that's playing out over a never-ending amount of time? Could what is written in the different religious texts across the world hold a glimpse into what might be waiting for each of us once our time on Earth finishes? Or could it be much simpler, and once we die, we cease to exist any longer and that's it. Do you think there's more after we die? Find out what we think about this incredibly interesting topic and more in another episode of The Gigglebytes!


#44 - Disclosure 2022 Part 2

In the second episode of this 4 part series that will span across 2022 quarterly, Coose, Mowen, Jonny and Josh discuss the latest news in the world of alien disclosure. As we move forward into an increasingly more open subject regarding UAP's, backed up by evidence from the USA's secret AAWSAP program, the boys ask the question of reporting a UAP to the mainstream media. If you had a high powered, well-paid job and you saw something in the sky, something that without a doubt confirmed to you that UAPs are real, would you report it? If your manager told you to keep it secret, would you ignore them and leak it to the mainstream media? What could be the negatives of doing something like that, and could it discredit your job role? Find out all this and more on another out of this world episode of The Gigglebytes!


#43 - The PROBLEM with pay to win games!

This week, Coose, Mowen Jonny and Josh get into the controversial topic of pay to win games. Being able to pay your way to the top is a major issue for a lot of players, and it's made even more apparent when the giants of the gaming world feel the need to include cash cow mechanics to IPs that already have large, loyal fanbases. Is it a slimy, joy sucking unnecessary feature that makes the grind completely pointless? Or does it give players who can't commit the same amount of time and energy as other players the boost they need to enjoy end game content? How does it affect the balance of PVP if your opponent is based more on what they can afford to buy, rather than how good they are at the game? Are leaderboards even considered authentic if you can pay your way to victory? Find out all this and more in another episode of The Gigglebytes!


#42 - Would you live for ETERNITY PT 2?

This week, Coose, Mowen Jonny and Josh debate part 2 of the terrifying question surrounding immortality. If you could live for eternity, in your peak physical form, without any negative effects, would you do it and why? Is surviving after everything else has come to an end worth it? Does the universe even have a start and an end, or do we only perceive it to work that way because we can't understand any alternative process? Would you prefer to take the risk and choose to experience an afterlife, or would you play it safe and survive in this reality forever? Find out all this and more in another thought-provoking episode of The Gigglebytes!


#41 - Would you live for ETERNITY PT 1? (ft Jonny)

This week, Coose and Mowen are joined by guest Jonny for the existential-crises triggering question of immortality. If you had the opportunity to LIVE FOREVER, in your peak physical form, without any negative effects, would you do it? Even if it meant you had no actual superpowers, you would just never age and always remain at your apex level game, is it something you'd consider? Would you want to be suspended in pure nothingness (if you could even call it that) when the universe as we know it came to an end? How would it feel to live on after that point in time, when the very fabrics of reality ceased to exist as we know them? Or would you choose the shorter mortal road? Find out all this and more in another thought-provoking episode of The Gigglebytes!


#40 - Would you rather? (ft Josh & Jonny)

This week, Coose and Mowen are joined by guests Josh & Jonny for an age-old classic game of Would You Rather? The boys have each been tasked to bring a deep, philosophical (lol) question to the table, with the aim of throwing each other into a cascading array of meaningful answers. Yea, like that's ever going to happen. Would you try to stop your own murder from happening if you could foresee it? Is going into the future more rewarding than slipping into the past? Could Mowen really defeat a shark underwater, and how has that even entered the conversation? Find out all this and more in another hilarious episode of The Gigglebytes!


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