Girl Hustle Podcast

<p>Join Kristie Barker, Idaho grown hustler, almond butter lover, divorcee, and online fitness biz owner as she embarks on her journey in her thirties! The Girl Hustle Podcast will have you knowing everything you need to succeed is already inside you.</p>

Failure Is Never Fatal, Quitting Is! (Happy 5th Birthday Girl Hustle!)

In this special edition episode, Kristie and Katie talk about why you should never ever give up on your dreams. Happy 5th Birthday Girl Hustle!For the 5 year anniversary, I'm running a special promo on Girl Hustle Trainer!Learn More Here!https://www.girl-hustle.comCoaching & Programs:https://www.kristie-barker.comGirl Hustle Trainer:https://www.girl-hustle.comInstagram:


Let Go...And Let God

How can we make this year our BEST yet?Join Kristie as she talks about the top 3 things you NEED to invest in this year, why every year needs a mantra, why the definition of success is wrong, and how to discover what you really, really want...and get it.LINKS:Mental Health Therapy: & Programs:https://www.kristie-barker.comGirl Hustle Trainer:https://www.girl-hustle.comInstagram:


Kristie & Katie Talk About REST (The True Meaning of Winter)

Today's episode is all about REST and the true meaning of winter! We discuss about how we are personally working on rest and why we struggle so hard with it - if you struggle with rest, this episode is for you!!Coaching & Programs:https://www.kristie-barker.comGirl Hustle Trainer:https://www.girl-hustle.comInstagram:


Kristie & Katie Talk About Holiday Weight Gain & Seasonal Stress

Today's episode is all about the holidays! We are talking about food mentality, weight gain, & our best advice we can give you! Black Friday is live! My biggest sale of the year on my fitness programs are available right now! https://www.kristie-barker.comCoaching & Programs:https://www.kristie-barker.comGirl Hustle Trainer:https://www.girl-hustle.comInstagram:


Kristie & Katie Talk About Life & Updates

Today's episode is unlike any episode I've ever done.Instead of having a theme or topic, after my coaching call, Katie and I started chatting and I decided to just hit record!This episode is an inside look to us discussing life, motivation, and what keeps us reaching for the stars!Coaching & Programs:https://www.kristie-barker.comGirl Hustle Trainer:https://www.girl-hustle.comInstagram:


Fat loss is a phase, NOT a lifestyle!

Raise of hand - who's been dieting all year long? If you have, it's time to take a break!In today's episode Kristie & Katie discuss in depth why fat loss is just a phase and NOT a lifestyle. You do not want to miss this episode!! & Programs:https://www.kristie-barker.comGirl Hustle Trainer:https://www.girl-hustle.comInstagram:


Can You Think Your Way To Success?

Is it REALLY possible to think your way to success? YES! In today's episode, Kristie is going to explain exactly how to think your way to success and amazing results!Coaching & Programs:https://www.kristie-barker.comGirl Hustle Trainer:https://www.girl-hustle.comInstagram:


Is The "Good Enough" Attitude Hurting Your Progress?

Today Kristie is talking about how your best will look different in different seasons of your life, but there is a fine line between letting the "good enough" attitude take over. What's that fine line? Tune in to find out!Apply to work with me! & Programs:https://www.kristie-barker.comGirl Hustle Trainer:https://www.girl-hustle.comInstagram:


Whose Hard Is Harder?

On today's full length episode Katie joins me in discussing the extreme ends of the spectrum: being very over weight and being atheistically ready for competition.We are going to be discussing whose hard was/is harder...being over weight to maintaining fit? or being average to very fit and then maintaining fit? Tune in to this very special discussion and break through your own hard!Coaching & Programs:https://www.kristie-barker.comGirl Hustle Trainer:https://www.girl-hustle.comInstagram:


How To Make The Suck, Suck Less

We all know making changes in our lives is hard at first - it down right sucks.  We WANT to change. We NEED to change. But why is it so painful to change?? ​It's because of the "rule of 10". Tune in today to learn how to make the suck, suck less!Coaching & Programs:https://www.kristie-barker.comGirl Hustle Trainer:https://www.girl-hustle.comInstagram:


What To Do If You're Doing "All The Right Things" & Not Seeing Results...

Have you tried all the things and have done "all the right things" to get results?Listen in today while Kristie breaks down what has most likely gone wrong and how you can correct it without costing you more money by trying the "next best thing"!www.kristie-barker.comCoaching & Programs:https://www.kristie-barker.comGirl Hustle Trainer:https://www.girl-hustle.comInstagram:


Self-Love: Life's Compass, Doing Your Best, & Work vs Reward

What you do everyday will build your life. If you think about: if you did your best every day, how amazing your days and life will be? Your best will change based on how you’re feeling and whats happening, but if you can in your mind tell yourself at the end of everyday that you did your best, that’s all that matters.Join Kristie as she dives into the inner workings of self-love, time, and how to live everyday as your best day ever.Coaching & Programs:https://www.kristie-barker.comGirl Hustle Trainer:https://www.girl-hustle.comInstagram:


Chasing Happiness, The 3 C's & A Christmas Story

Join Kristie as she talks about her overview of 2021, how she will set her goals for 2022, and the most important thing you can do this holiday season!Coaching & Programs:https://www.kristie-barker.comGirl Hustle Trainer:https://www.girl-hustle.comInstagram:


How To Be Successful EVERY Time

If you believe you can, you can.Join Kristie on the 50th episode of the Girl Hustle podcast and learn the simple trick to be successful in everything you do!Coaching & Programs:https://www.kristie-barker.comGirl Hustle Trainer:https://www.girl-hustle.comInstagram:


Don't Lose Your Momentum

When you're at the top, don't stop.Listen in today as Kristie talks about gaining momentum and maintaining momentum, another secret to ultimate success!Coaching & Programs:https://www.kristie-barker.comGirl Hustle Trainer:https://www.girl-hustle.comInstagram:


Grief & "Seeing Green"

A little bit different of an episode today. Kristie talks about grief and accepting "new perspectives". Coaching & Programs:https://www.kristie-barker.comGirl Hustle Trainer:https://www.girl-hustle.comInstagram:


Weekend or Weakend?

This is one of the most important lessons you need to hear.Today Kristie is sharing you the formula of why your weekends need to STOP being your weak-ends - and what it REALLY means when you clock out on Friday and clock back in on Monday. Coaching & Programs:https://www.kristie-barker.comGirl Hustle Trainer:https://www.girl-hustle.comInstagram:


Set Non-Negotiables & Stay On Track

Non-negotiables are the next level of staying on track. These are the habits you take with you everywhere and at anytime, regardless of travel or holidays. Today Kristie is going to share her non-negotiables and easy tips to feeling your very best.www.kristie-barker.comCoaching & Programs:https://www.kristie-barker.comGirl Hustle Trainer:https://www.girl-hustle.comInstagram:


Take The Risk, Sis

What if you DON'T take the risk?A bird turned to its mother as she tried to get him to try his wings and he said, “but what if I fall?” and she said, “but what if you fly?”If you never leave the nest, you’ll never know. If you never step out of your comfort zone you never know what could be waiting for you.Coaching & Programs:https://www.kristie-barker.comGirl Hustle Trainer:https://www.girl-hustle.comInstagram:


They want to see you FAIL...make sure you WIN!

The hard fact that once you choose to make yourself a priority: you are no longer normal. And being "abnormal" scares people, it makes them uncomfortable. So uncomfortable in fact, they are going to say things that will make you want to quit...and that's exactly what they want. They want to see you fail, so let's make sure you WIN. COACHING:www.kristie-barker.comCoaching & Programs:https://www.kristie-barker.comGirl Hustle Trainer:https://www.girl-hustle.comInstagram:


Tasha Fleming

New to your podcast and just purchased the ab workout! who sings your intro song? its UBER motivating and I just want to listen to it on repeat !!

05-29 Reply

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