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Girl Therapy

Author: Nicole Doyon

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Life is hard. Whether you're having sex, not having sex, struggling with dating, dieting, or daily life, we’ve all been there, so let's laugh about it. With Nicole as your host, you're always in good hands. Every week, she invites listeners in on conversations that you can always count on being real, relatable, and unfiltered. In Girl Therapy, you'll learn to embrace the power of vulnerability and being unapologetically yourself.
29 Episodes
In this episode, Nicole delves into the world of self-improvement and personal growth as she explores the essential components of being a good person, showing up for yourself, and staying committed to your routine. This episode offers practical tips and insightful strategies for cultivating a positive mindset, fostering self-discipline, and creating a sustainable routine that works for you. Through candid discussions and real-life examples, you will learn how to prioritize self-care, set achievable goals, and maintain consistency in your daily practices
In this episode, Nicole shares her personal and recent journey of building a relationship with God and the transformative power of faith. She opens up about her experiences and insights on cultivating a deeper connection with the divine, finding solace in times of uncertainty, and embracing the spiritual guidance that faith provides. She also explores the detrimental effects of comparing oneself to others and the importance of honoring one's own unique path.
In this episode, Nicole explores the fascinating world of manifesting your dreams using five powerful quantum tools and the law of assumption. She explores how quantum principles can be harnessed to create the reality you desire, and how the law of assumption plays a crucial role in shaping your beliefs and expectations. She explains how tools such as visualization, affirmations, and setting intentions can help you align with the vibrations of your desired reality and attract your dreams into your life. By understanding and applying these quantum tools, you can shift your mindset and tap into the limitless potential of the universe to manifest your deepest desires.
In this episode, Nicole talks about overcoming hyper independence and embracing a more feminine energy through the practice of stillness, setting priorities, and establishing boundaries. She discusses the importance of allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and connect with our emotions, as well as the power of slowing down and finding balance in our lives. She also explains the importance of setting priorities and boundaries in creating a healthier sense of self and relationships with others. By learning to prioritize our own needs and establish clear boundaries, we can cultivate a sense of inner strength and confidence that allows us to authentically show up in our feminine energy.
In this episode, Nicole dives into the latest updates on the infamous Orlando man phenomenon and explores the psychology behind love bombing and its impact on relationships. She discusses the red flags to look out for when someone is love bombing you, such as excessive flattery, intense affection, and quick declarations of love. She also provides practical tips on how to respond to a love bomber, including setting boundaries and trusting your instincts.
Emergency episode exposing Orlando man, because unfortunately, his room was in fact recgonized by many...I hope the girls involved find closure in this and I hope that this episode helps other girls who have experienced something similar whether it be love bombing, manipulation, lying, or cheating.
In this episode, we're unpacking the wild world of dating and spilling the tea on how the good guy isn't always who he claims to be. Nicole shares a recent dating story that totally blindsided her, showing just how unpredictable it all can be. We chat about the importance of trusting your gut and how your body might just know before your brain does when something's not quite right. And let's not forget the power of sisterhood - we'll talk about how girls should always have each other's backs. Join us as we talk about all things dating, from cautionary tales to the power of intuition and the strength of female friendships in matters of the heart.
In this episode, Nicole dives into the importance of setting standards in relationships and why it's crucial to have a list of non-negotiables. She discusses the common pitfalls of staying in a situationship with someone who isn't meeting your standards and offers reaslistic tips on how to move on from that person based on her experience. From recognizing your worth to prioritizing your needs, we explore the steps to take in order to break free from a relationship that no longer serves you.
In this episode, Nicole discusses the essence of girlhood and the significance of being a true girls' girl. She explores the qualities that define it such as someone who values female friendships, supports and uplifts other women, and creates a sense of empowerment among her female peers. Nicole also talks about the importance of celebrating sisterhood and the positive impact it has on our lives. She shares personal experiences and reflections on individuals who haven't embodied the true spirit of girlhood and the effects of those relationships. Discover why embracing sisterhood and empowering other women can lead to a more fulfilling and rewarding life.
F**k Imposter Syndrome

F**k Imposter Syndrome


In this episode, Nicole dives into the phenomenon of imposter syndrome, a psychological pattern where individuals doubt their accomplishments and have a persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud. She explores why successful women often grapple with these feelings of inadequacy, despite their achievements and capabilities. She uncovers the societal and internal pressures that contribute to imposter syndrome in women, as well as the unique challenges they face in combating it. Nicole shares personal experiences and practical strategies for overcoming imposter syndrome, including techniques to quiet the inner critic and boost self-confidence. From reframing negative thoughts to celebrating achievements, you will learn actionable steps to challenge self-doubt and embrace your true worth.
This week Nicole dives into recent life updates, the mysterious phenomenon of Saturn return, and all things confidence. She'll discuss what Saturn return means and how it can impact your life during your late twenties and early thirties. Nicole shares personal stories on how the cosmic event has impacted her and shown a light on areas she has and needs to improve on including emotional maturity, setting boundaries, and healing her relationship with herself. She'll also explore the topic of confidence and share secrets to feeling confident, whether it's through self-care practices, positive affirmations, or setting boundaries. Listen to discover what real confidence looks like and to learn practical tips on how to build your own confidence.
In this episode, Nicole tackles listener questions and offers unfiltered, unprofessional advice on all things love, life, and personal development. From navigating relationships to finding inner peace, she shares candid thoughts and insights on the challenges and triumphs of everyday life. So, if you're looking for a fresh perspective and a dose of realness, tune in to this episode and ask yourself, "What would Nikki do?"
In this episode, Nicole reflects on the journey of age 28 and the valuable lessons it taught me about friendship, love, work, and life in general. From navigating the complexities of friendships to the challenges of love and relationships, she unpacks into the mistakes made along the way and how they have ultimately helped her grow. She also touches on the ups and downs of work life, the struggles she faced, and the wins she celebrated. From career missteps to moments of clarity and self-discovery, Nicole talks how age 28 was a transformative year that pushed her to reevaluate her priorities and beliefs.Throughout the episode, she explores how she has changed and evolved as a person, drawing on personal experiences to offer insights and wisdom to anyone who may be going through similar struggles.
In this episode, Nicole and best friend, Livi, dive into the slightly uncomfortable world of unlearning toxic dating patterns and embracing new, healthy connections. The two of them share their current dating dilemmas, discuss letting go of hyper-independency, and call each other out for their toxic behaviors. Join your favorite duo as we break toxic cycles, let go of old habits that no longer serve us, and learn to embrace healthy and meaningful relationships.
In this episode, Nicole is joined by Too Hot To Handle's, Isaac Francis, and best friend, Livi where we get inside the mind of a man to understand what they really think about dating, hook ups, and sex. We've invited listeners to submit their burning questions to ask a man, and we dive deep into the male perspective on all things dating, relationships, and intimacy. From decoding their dating behaviors to exploring their approach to hook ups, we cover the taboo sex questions we all have but are too afraid to ask, providing candid insights into the male experience. @IsaacFranciss @Sheislivi
In this episode, Nicole unpacks the complexities of dating in your 20's, exploring the highs and lows of using dating apps, the challenges of turning down good guys, learning from the "bad guys", and the importance of coming to terms with the notion that "if he wanted to, he would." She discusses the joys of embracing single hood and the freedom it brings to focus on self-discovery and personal growth. Throughout the episode, Nicole emphasizes the importance of not settling and not feeling rushed to find a partner, encouraging listeners to prioritize their own happiness and well-being above societal pressures.
In this podcast, Nicole dives deep into the journey of overcoming the paralyzing fears of rejection and abandonment, and shedding the weight of caring too much about what others think. Nicole shares how certain fears got in the way of her social media success and dating life and how she is changing her approach to dating moving forward. She explores strategies for building resilience through exposure therapy, embracing vulnerability, and instilling self-worth. This episode will help you reclaim your power and encourage you to live an authentic and unapologetic life.
Hangry to Happy

Hangry to Happy


In this episode, Nicole gives the skinny on her eating disorder. She dives into the origins of her tumultuous relationship with food and the developments of her eating disorder. From childhood experiences to societal pressures, Nicole explores the various factors that contributed to her unhealthy mindset around eating and body image. She candidly shares the pivotal moments that led her down a path of restriction, obsession, over-exercising, and bulimia. By reflecting on her unhealthy relationship with food and exercise, she aims to provide insight and hope for people who have or are experiencing something similar and that food freedom is possible.
In this episode, Nicole has a candid conversation about catching feelings and wearing your heart on your sleeve. She discusses the power that comes with vulnerability, acceptance, and the lessons learned when we simply let things be and adopt the mindset of "it is what it is.". She briefly reflects on past love connections, abstaining from sex, and why she never entered her "slut phase".
This week, Nicole is answering your questions regarding friendships. She talks about handling jealous friends, making new friends in adulthood, balancing friendships and relationships, as well as many other relatable struggles within friendships.