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Git Tips

Author: Chris Hunt

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Git outta here! I didn't know you could do that. The finest collection of /git(hub)?/ tips on - @chrishunt
24 Episodes
Git bam

Git bam


Stop piling up old branches. Learn the git bam ( command.
Git those hooks

Git those hooks


Git has many useful hooks ( and those hooks belong to you.
Pretty git log

Pretty git log


Tired of that boring, plain git log? Make it --pretty! See my gitconfig ( for an example.
Welcome to the Mojibar

Welcome to the Mojibar


Having a tough time remembering the name of that emoji? Check out the mojibar (
Some of these you may not know about.
It does! You just have to tell to.
Working with documentation or a co-worker that loves to adjust whitespace across the entire project every time they open a PR? You're welcome.
Pull a pull request

Pull a pull request


Sometimes the diff isn't enough and you actually want to play with the code in a pull request. Here's how.
Fixes #80 #24 #16

Fixes #80 #24 #16


How to close issues like a professional when you open a pull request.
AKA: Make it look like you're working when you're not actually working.
How to break up all those changes into smaller commits for the poor soul that has to review your pull request.
Git doesn't want you to create an empty commit, but you can do it anyway.
Git knows where you've been and makes it easy to go there again.
I love GitHub, you love GitHub, but there are some hypothetical situations where it may not be available.
GitHub Explore

GitHub Explore


Ah, Saturday morning and I'm bored. What can I work on?
If you're already writing good commit messages, you already have a good pull request.
You don't need to send all notifications to the same email address.
The git reflog

The git reflog


Oops! Thank goodness git has undo.
Type too fast? Forget to add a file? Fix it later.
Artisanal git commands

Artisanal git commands


Make that thing you do all the time a git command.