Giving up the Ghost

Podcasting LIVE from one of the MOST haunted cities located DEAD center in North America - Winnipeg, MB Canada. Join us as we explore the unknown! Welcome to Giving Up The Ghost <br />Each week we will cover, explore and share our research of unexplained paranormal phenomena in Winnipeg and surrounding areas! Join your AudioCurators Jas and Sherrie as they discover the dark side of local history, Urban legends and their haunting origins as well as everything that goes bump in the night. Are you afraid of the dark? well, you should be. <br /><br />For more information on Sherrie’s Art and Gallery please view her talent at<br />For more information on Jas’s publications and fiction writing, please visit her website and her FB page

SPIRITS WITH SPIRITS - Haunted Manitoba Highways Part 1

SPIRITS WITH SPIRITS - Haunted Manitoba Highways - part 1HUGE THANK YOU TO EVERYONE that came out to our first Spirits with Spirits back on May 30, 2024. Sorry for the delay in getting this episode out in a timely manner. It has been a busy few weeks and on top of that, we had technical difficulties as after we edited tonight's episode, it was a corrupt files - I hate it when that happens. In any regard, we had between 70 to 80 join us last month and share some amazing stories! Those stories will be on Part 2. Huge thank you to Kelly & Ashley  with The Winnipeg Paranormal Group, for Ghost-Hosting with us! At the next Spirits with Spirits - happening this week - June 27, 2024, we will also have Chelsea from Ravens End Books! as unfortunately she had a precommitment last month and was unable to attend. Hope you enjoy the 3 scariest Haunted Highway stories we could find !!! We will have more shorter Haunted Manitoba Highway stories in Part 2 next week, along with Q & A with Kelly & Ashley fron The Winnipeg Paranormal Group. Hope to all see you out at Little Brown Jug at 336 William Ave, Winnipeg,  this week, June 27th for our 2nd Evening for Spirits with Spirits - It is the perfect opportunity to come down and share your ghost experience story !!!Enjoy this week's new episode!Music by Ruesche-Sounds us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok & ReddittIf you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at - or if you just want to say 'Hi'!!!


Mystics, Mediums and Mindfulness Market-March 2024 WPG Part 1

Mystics, Mediums & Mindfulness Market - 2024 - Episode 187Nothing cooler than a psychic fair! On today's episode, Jas is joined by Ashley and a special appearance by Brandon, but with The Winnipeg Paranormal Group. We set up our talble to interact and collect paranormal stories by visitors to the Market. We once again would like to extend our gratitude to the organizer, Amy Potten with Regenisis, for inviting us back and taking in the very cool atmosphere. ***ANNOUNCEMENT*** Spririts with Spirits is happening - the last Thursday of every month at the Little Brown Jug !!! Please come down, the next Spirits with Spirits will be June 27th,  starting May 30 & join us from 7-9 PM, to hear some spine-tingling ghost stories and since it is open mic.....share some ghost stories! Even if you have written something creepy, we want to hear it hUGE shoot out to our partners, Ravens End Books and The Winnipeg Paranormal Group for coming to together on this scary journey!Enjoy this week's new episode!Music by Ruesche-Sounds us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok & ReddittIf you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at - or if you just want to say 'Hi'!!!


Ramblesode Nothern Light Legends

Ramblesode: Northern Lights LegendsWe are back, this week with a ramblesode (we LOVE Ramblesodes) - Back for more with Jas and Sher, Your Audio Curators! Given the cool events that has taken place a couple of weeks back, where most locations around the world were treated to the best light show on the planet - The Northern Lights,. today we are going to unravel ancient stories about them.Typically, you can see Northern Lights, also known as Aurora Borealis, in the Northern hemisphere. These are considered to be lights resulting from solar particles coliding with gases in Earth's Atmospher. But imagine, it's 500 year see this strange, brilliant and mysterious parade of greeens, purples, blues, pinks and reds dancing in the night sky above.....what do you think it is? Are you afraid? But you are definitely captivated. But people back then, as well as today, tend to fear the unknown especially when you can straight off expalin what you see. So you make up a legend which is passed down for generations. This is today's eisode where we explore what some cuttures did to explain these amazing lights. ***ANNOUNCEMENT*** Spririts with Spirits is happening - the last Thursday of every month at the Little Brown Jug !!! Please come down starting May 30 & join us from 7-9 PM, to hear some spine-tingling ghost stories and since it is open mic.....share some ghost stories! Even if you have written something creepy, we want to hear it hUGE shoot out to our partners, Ravens End Books and The Winnipeg Paranormal Group for coming to together on this scary journey!Enjoy this week's new episode!Music by Ruesche-Sounds us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok & ReddittIf you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at - or if you just want to say 'Hi'!!!


Secret Tunnels of Downtown Winnipeg Revisited Part 2

Secret Tunnels of Downtown Winnipeg Revisited Part 2 - Episode 185Back for more with Jas and Sher, Your Audio Curators! - as we continue with - TUNNELS!!!!!!This round, we finish off a few items as discussed on Reddit. Keep it classy Redditt. As well 2 amazing, local winnipeg Blogs that discuss information and history (a few hauntings for the heck of it). We read Excerpts from The Heritage Winnipeg's Blog - thank you to Cindy Tugwell! As well as a Blogger from Winnipeg known as 'A Girl Without Fear'. ***ANNOUNCEMENT*** Spririts with Spirits is happening - the last Thursday of every month at the Little Brown Jug !!! Please come down starting May 30 & join us from 7-9 PM, to hear some spine-tingling ghost stories and since it is open mic.....share some ghost stories! Even if you have written something creepy, we want to hear it hUGE shoot out to our partners, Ravens End Books and The Winnipeg Paranormal Group for coming to together on this scary journey!Enjoy this week's new episode!Music by Ruesche-Sounds us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok & ReddittIf you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at - or if you just want to say 'Hi'!!!


Secret Tunnels of Downtown Winnipeg Revisited

Secret Tunnels of Downtown Winnipeg Revisited  - Episode 185Jas and Sher, Your Audio Curators - are pleased as punch on today's Episode - TUNNELS!!!!!!It's been long over due. Not as much haunted as it is a mystery howeer, it is a hot topic (see what did there - steam tunnels - inside joke) This round, we don't have much more 'New' information, however a few good tidbits and discussed on Reddit. Redditt never disappoints. ***ANNOUNCEMENT*** Spririts with Spirits is happening - the last Thursday of every month at the Little Brown Jug !!! Please come down starting May 30 & join us from 7-9 PM, to hear some spine-tingling ghost stories and since it is open mic.....share some ghost stories! Even if you have written something creepy, we want to hear it hUGE shoot out to our partners, Ravens End Books and The Winnipeg Paranormal Group for coming to together on this scary journey!Enjoy this week's new episode!Music by Ruesche-Sounds us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok & ReddittIf you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at - or if you just want to say 'Hi'!!!


Ramblesode - Mysterious Forest Staircases

Ramblesode - Mysterious Forest StaircasesLet's say you're walking through forest, in the middle of nowhere, miles from any houses or buildings and imagine you see a staircase! Smack dab in the middle of the bush, no signs of life, but there in front of you is a set of steps standing on its own indiependent of any structure. As well, the stairs appear to be clean, not as though its covered with any leaves, or foilage or random debris. Jas and Sher ask: Would you climb it? Probably best if you don't, especially if you don't know the whats and the whys. On today's ramblesode we share some stories of people finding these strange staircases. Some think its a portal to another dimension, other might tell you it will take you to hell (even though its ascending not descending). Others claim if you go on it, you will dissappear into thin air and will never return. What do you think? ***ANNOUNCEMENT*** Spririts with Spirits is happening - the last Thursday of every month at the Little Brown Jug !!! Please come down and join us from 7-9 PM, to hear some spine-tingling ghost stories and since it is open mic.....share some ghost stories! Even if you have written something creepy, we want to hear it hUGE shoot out to our partners, Ravens End Books and The Winnipeg Paranormal Group for coming to together on this scary journey!Enjoy this week's new episode!Music by Ruesche-Sounds us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok & ReddittIf you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at - or if you just want to say 'Hi'!!!


Ghost Investigation at the St. James Museum Part 3

Ghost Investigation St. James Musuem Municipal Hall Part3 - Episode 182On this week's episode, it is a continuation to our St. James Ghost Investigation, and Jas is joined by our favorite third wheel - JENN!!!Much thanks and gratitude to The Winnipeg Paranormal Group who ledthe Ghost Investigation of the infamous and very haunted St. James Museum (we LOVE History and Hauntings)On this GHoul's night out on part 3 of 3, Jas and Jenn finsih their visit the Municipal Hall which houses a cool museum on the main floor. Jas was obsessed with a regal leather recliner that seemed to 'communicate' with the K2 meter. We then moved our investigation to 'The Brown House', the 3rd building, which was built in 1856 in Headingley and moved to Winnipeg. HUGE Thank to Ashley and Mel for leading this investiagion in the building.Let us know if you should hear anything in the recordings, as we did not at edit time. ***ANNOUNCEMENT*** Spririts with Spirits is happening - the last Thursday of every month at the Little Brown Jug !!! Please come down and join us from 7-9 PM, to hear some spine-tingling ghost stories and since it is open mic.....share some ghost stories! Even if you have written something creepy, we want to hear it hUGE shoot out to our partners, Ravens End Books and The Winnipeg Paranormal Group for coming to together on this scary journey!Enjoy this week's new episode!If you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at - or if you just want to say 'Hi'!!!


Ramblesode - The Witches Mark

Ramblesode - The Witch's MarkAlso know as the Devil's Mark, sometimes compared to a third Teet, most notably seen as a raised mark or mole on a 'Witch'es face'.....if you belive in that sort of thing. From childhood you can recall the cartoonish witches categorized by the broom stick, the black hat and of course the thick black moles positioned on the nose, chin, or cheek. On today's episode, Jas and Sher, your Audio Curators get together for a recording session and uncover the horrible ways women in the dark ages were called out for being a 'Witch' becaue they had the mark on their body, often hidden from gazing eyes. Can you imagine having moles or even freckles underneath your clothing, and having someone call you out for it as having the Witch's mark? ***ANNOUNCEMENT*** Spririts with Spirits is happening - the last Thursday of every month at the Little Brown Jug !!! Please come down and join us from 7-9 PM, to hear some spine-tingling ghost stories and since it is open mic.....share some ghost stories! Even if you have written something creepy, we want to hear it hUGE shoot out to our partners, Ravens End Books and The Winnipeg Paranormal Group for coming to together on this scary journey!If you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at - or if you just want to say 'Hi'!!!Music by Ruesche-Sounds us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok & Redditt


The Pineridge Cemetery in Birds Hill Park

The Pineridge Cemetery in Birds Hill Park - Episode 180This is a flashback episode to a recording we forgot we had! we apologize in advance that 1) the wind was really, really bad that day, mind you it was October 2) there were no ghosts to be found or heard on this recording. however if, as always, YOU happen to hear something nefarious or odd, definitely let us know!.Before there was Birds Hill Provincial Park off of Hiwhway 59 in Manitoba, just north of Winnipeg, there was a community called Pineridge. You may be familliar with the restuarnt and the  golf course of the same name, off of Garven Rd, However this was a whole community with homesteads of mostly immigrant famillies that settled the area to start a new life.  Their new life was far from easy. But those families are no longer there once it became a Park, however just the deceased loved ones remain in the cemetery that sits winin th Birds hill Park! Oh, and it happes to be an active burial property as people are still buried there to this day, but it has to be the decendants of the previous inhabitants of the famillies that once lived there. ***ANNOUNCEMENT*** Spririts with Spirits is happening - the last Thursday of every month at the Little Brown Jug !!! Please come down and join us from 7-9 PM, to hear some spine-tingling ghost stories and since it is open mic.....share some ghost stories! Even if you have written something creepy, we want to hear it hUGE shoot out to our partners, Ravens End Books and The Winnipeg Paranormal Group for coming to together on this scary journey!If you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at - or if you just want to say 'Hi'!!!As well......HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT this Saturday, March 23, 2024 watch for our FB page. Music by Ruesche-Sounds us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok & Redditt


In Search of Ghosts - Lower Fort Garry Part 2

In Search of Ghosts - Lower Fort Garry - Episode 179An Episode so nice......we had to split it into 2 Episodes...Here is the conclusion to when we sent out Theressa to take a 'Ghost Walk' Tour at Lower Fort Garry last October, leading up to Halloween. We thank her from the bottom of our haunted hearts for taking the tour and recording it on her phone.The night did not disappoint! They took participants aorund the Fort and told stories of known spirits and hauntings that have happened at Lower Fort Garry over the years. This included the tale of the lady in Purple and a rendition of the Thomas Slack Ghost - very cool and traditional Lower Fort Garry Ghost Story. Listen at At '5:38' Minute Mark, you can hear faint noise as everyone is shuffling from one froom to another and sounds like ' Nurse woulnd't do that or First one to do that'At '17:34' you can hear a litle kid laughing or crying abruptly then stops. This was out side the warehouse building, however i can assure you there were no little kids on the tour as this one sounded to be a toddlerAt '23:14' while in the former jail you can clearly hear 'Thief' ....what do you hear? Jas and Sher, Your Audio Curators will be back soon with some more terrifying Winnipeg and Manitoba Ghost Stories......including Ramblesodes!!! (we love our quirky little scary weird stories from around the world) Turn off the lights and listen to these stories in the dark.....we dare you...double dog dare you cause.......WAIT....TILL YOU HEAR THESE TRUE GHOST STORIES!***Come out to the Mediums, Mystics and Mindfulness Market, wihich will be at the 4-Crown Convention Center on McPhillips St, March 23 & 24, 2024 - 12 to 7 pm, and stop by say 'Hi' and Share your Ghost stories with Jas & Sher!!!If you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at - or if you just want to say 'Hi'!!!As well......HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT this Saturday, March 23, 2024 watch for our FB page. Music by Ruesche-Sounds us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok & Redditt


In Search of Ghosts - Lower Fort Garry

In Search of Ghosts - Lower Fort Garry - Episode 178This time around, we sent out Theressa to take a 'Ghost Walk' Tour at Lower Fort Garry last October, leading up to Halloween. We thank her from the bottom of our haunted hearts for taking the tour and recording it on her phone.The night did not disappoint! There will probably a Part 2 to this as a result.The stories in today's episode were told by one of the volunteer guides. They took participants aorund the Fort and told stories of known spirits and hauntings that have happened at Lower Fort Garry over the years. This included the tale of the lady in Purple and a rendition of the Thomas Slack Ghost - very cool and traditional Lower Fort Garry Ghost Story. Listen at At '8:00' Minute Mark, you can hear and Etheral Faint echoed 'NOW'....what do you hear? Jas and Sher, Your Audio Curators will be back soon with some more terrifying Winnipeg and Manitoba Ghost Stories......including Ramblesodes!!! (we love our quirky little scary weird stories from around the world) Turn off the lights and listen to these stories in the dark.....we dare you...double dog dare you cause.......WAIT....TILL YOU HEAR THESE TRUE GHOST STORIES!***Come out to the Mediums, Mystics and Mindfulness Market, wihich will be at the 4-Crown Convention Center on McPhillips St, March 23 & 24, 2024 - 12 to 7 pm, and stop by say 'Hi' and Share your Ghost stories with Jas & Sher!!!If you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at - or if you just want to say 'Hi'!!!Music by Ruesche-Sounds us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok & Redditt


Digby's ghost at Prairie Sky Books

Digby's Ghost at Prairie Sky Books - Episode 177This week is our last installment of our wonderful time spent at Prairie Sky Books!Again, a HUGE THANK YOU TO Owner Aynsley & her right hand Cass for making us feel so warm and welcome and letting us invade their cozy cool store. It truly is an amazing space and there is so much books and trinkets and everything else that you didn't think you needed in your life. can find it at Prairie Sky Books. It is truly one of Winnipeg's Best kept secretsToday's episode is 3 years in the making as we were scheduled to do this back in April 2020 then the whole world literally shut down, and our appearance was put on hold.But here we are today!Enjoy Part 3 of our visit wherewe are joined by our 'Ghost (co) Host' - Famous Winnipeg TikToke Susan Ainley!!! we engage the 'Magnetic Sphere of Fotune and make contact with 'Digby' the resident ghost who seems to be there to observe his former Pharmacy (did we mentioned he was murdered on site?) However, he DID NOT like us there for some reason? Might have to have Ashley and Kelly from The Winnipeg Paranormal Group come out and find out why??We met Dot who stopped by to tell us that her family geneaology indicated that her Grandmother was Digby's first cousin - a reunion of sorts <3 Did we also meniton that the store has a 'Ghost Cat'....super cool story, btw.Stay tuned.....lots of Creepy Cool Winnipeg Paranormal stuff to come.....Enjoy this week's new episode!If you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at - or if you just want to say 'Hi'!!!Music by Ruesche-Sounds us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok & Redditt


Ghost Stories at Prairie sky books Part 2

Ghost Stories at Prairie Sky Books - Episode 176HUGE THANK YOU TO Owner Aynsley & her right hand Cass for making us feel so warm and welcome and letting us invade their cozy cool store. It truly is an amazing space and there is so much books and trinkets and everything else that you didn't think you needed in your life. can find it at Prairie Sky Books. It is truly one of Winnipeg's Best kept secretsToday's episode is 3 years in the making as we were scheduled to do this back in April 2020 then the whole world literally shut down, and our appearance was put on hold.But here we are today!Enjoy Part 2 of our visit where we talk breifly on this episode with Aynsley about 'Digby' the resident ghost who seems to be there to observe his former Pharmacy (did we mentioned he was murdered on site?)We talk to Cass about graveyard dirt....super cool story, btw. Enjoy this week's new episode!If you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at - or if you just want to say 'Hi'!!!Music by Ruesche-Sounds us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok & Redditt


Ghost Tours at the Lower Fort Garry

Ghost Tours at the Lower Fort Garry - Episode 175Jas and Sher, Your Audio Curators had the opportunity to record at Lower Fort Garry back in October 2023 because Saturday Night is alright for Podcasting.....and Ghost Stories. The night was rather quiet, but did not disappoint. We even sent (or sacrificed to the LFG Spirits) our friend 'T' on one of the walking tours. She .diligently recroded her experience on her cell phone. Those recordings will be part of a later episode, that we still have to edit and give a close listen to, in case we picked up any thing questionable. This round we only acquired 3 stories, the 3rd being a UFO siting from the previous night in Stonewall, MB. We are all about the Paranormal / Cryptid Love. Oh and forgot to mention, we found out that ghosts SLEEP ! who knew? hainting must be exhausting!! One of our new friends, Caity, told us of her 'Snoring' ghost storiy, that she encountered while working at the Historical Park in Ontario. Crazy right? It is a spinetingling episode for sure!Enjoy this week's new episode!If you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at - or if you just want to say 'Hi'!!!Music by Ruesche-Sounds us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok & Redditt


LIVE at the Winnipeg Psychic Fair with Jas & Sher Part 3

LIVE from the Psychic Fair with Jas & Sher Part 3 Episode 174Jas and Sher are back again for the final installment of our recordings during the Mediums, Mystics and Mindfulness Fair aka Psychic Market held this past Oct. 28, 2023.. Primarly on this episode we spoke one of our listeners that come out just to meet and talk with us! Keith, who has been listening to GUTG since October 2020!.Keith shared his one ghost story of what happened when he was a child up in Flin Flon. A HUGE Shout out to Amy Potten, the organizer of , who is also a Medium herself, for having us out to the Mediums, Mystics and Mindfullness Market, we had a blast and hope to do it again this Spring at the Four Crowns Events Center March 23 & 24th (We will be there) !Enjoy this week's new episode!If you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at - or if you just want to say 'Hi'!!! As well we are on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X and Youtube!Music by Ruesche-Sounds


I Don't Believe in Ghosts....BUT.....Haunted Reddit Stories

I Don't Believe in Ghosts....BUT. Haunted Reddit Stories - Episdoe 173As we close out 2023 and bring in 2024 (our 5th Year Anniversary is coming up - btw) We close out the year, with our friends at Winnipeg Paranormal Group, Kelly & Ashley in the Pod Lounge. Back in October 2023, when things were crazy busy for us, we put up a question on Reddit, "What is your Favorite Winnipeg Ghost Story"., well thank you Winnipeggers, as you did not disaapoint! Most responses are exactly as we expected. Jas and Sher, as well as Kelly and Ashley encounter this all the time....."I don't believe in Ghosts......BUT...." Trust us, we are not pointing fingers, when people start their story with the 'But', because no matter how you slice it, EVERYONE has a ghost story. Denial appears for many, many reasons. Maybe it is how you were brought up? Religion seems to play a factor in this as well. Perhaps, unles you have more definitive proof, you refuse to believe in ghosts? Maybe, just maybe your experience didn't scare you enough and that if you don't believe in ghosts, you can try to explain it away, ie, it was the wind, etc.then its not real. Possibly the realization of ghosts being real, scares the living crap out of you. Maybe if you tell your friends or family, they will make fun of you and call you 'Crazy'. We've all been me!Whatever the reason in doubting what you see, or if you believe in ghosts or not, we totally understand the 'But'. Stay tuned as we have sooooo many big projects, appeareances and plans in the work for GUTG and thank you for joining us on this ride, so far!All the best in 2024 from Jas and Sher, Happy New Year to all our Creepy Cool Listeners!If you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at - or if you just want to say 'Hi'!!! As well we are on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X and Youtube!Music by Ruesche-Sounds


Ramblesode Creepy Christmas Traditions

Ramblesode - Creepy Christmas Traditions Episode 172As we draw to a close on another spooktacular year, we couldn't have been more pleased as punch to be joined by our extended ghostly family - Kelly & Ashley with the Winnipeg Paranormal Group, in the PodLounge for another epic Recording session with our mini- Christmas celebration.This week's epsidode, Jas, Sher, Kelly and Ashley talk about the creepy traditions and folklore fables from across the world.....these freaky paranormal beings are even WORSE than Krampus and what is up with their obsession in maming and murdering disobedient children? You thought times were tough in 2023, makes you wonder about children through out the ages being mentally scarred for life with these horrifying beings who were sent to keep them in line.If you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at - or if you just want to say 'Hi'!!! As well we are on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X and Youtube!Music by Ruesche-Sounds


Krampus 2023

Krampus 2023 Episode 171BONUS - 2fFER - Tuesday - 2uesday episode!What a creepy cool night it was December 8, 2023 in the Pod Lounge; To cap off a fantastic year, Jas and Sher were joined by their extended family - Kelly and Ashley from The Winnipeg Paranormal Group! It was great evening of sharing a ghost story or too and to celebrate Krampus Nacht, which was December 5, 2023. Just the same lots of creepy details on the origins of Krampus and collectively we are hoping to make this a reality in Winnipeg in 2024!!! wouldn't it be wonderful to have a Krampus celebration in Winnipeg with a parade of sorts??? That special time of year to hide all your bad little kids lol. If you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at - or if you just want to say 'Hi'!!! As well we are on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X and Youtube!Music by Ruesche-Sounds


LIVE at the Winnipeg Psychic Fair with Jas & Sher Part 2

LIVE from the Psychic Fair with Jas & Sher Part 2 Episode 170Jas and Sher are back again!. We collected more creepy cool stories while we were recording a the Four Crowns and Restaurant for Mediums, Mystics and Mindfullness Market aka Psychic Market held this past Oct. 28, 2023.As soon as we plugged in the Laptop. we had people gravitating to our table to check out our creepy cool tshirts and share a fantastic ghost story or 2!*** sorry for the quiet audio by some of our story tellers***Oh and most importantly it's a 2 fer - 2 for Tuesday!!! Happy Krampus Nacht, since Krampus Nacht ws November 5, 2023, we had o discuss it, during our recording this past Friday night, December 8 and made it a seperate episode and it will be released today as well - 2 for Tuesday. A HUGE Shout out to Amy Potten, the organizer of , who is also a Medium herself, for having us out to the Mediums, Mystics and Mindfullness Market, we had a blast and hope to do it again this Spring or Summer!Enjoy this week's new episode!If you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at - or if you just want to say 'Hi'!!! As well we are on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X and Youtube!Music by Ruesche-Sounds


LIVE at the Winnipeg Psychic Fair with Jas & Sher Part 1

LIVE from the Psychic Fair with Jas & Sher Part 1Finally and episode with both Jas and Sher. We thought we would switch it up a bit and play you the interviews we collected while we were recording a the Four Crowns and Restaurant for Mediums, Mystics and Mindfullness Market aka Psychic Market held this past Oct. 28, 2023. Well, this episode does NOT disappoint. As soon as we plugged in the Laptop. we had people gravitating to our table to check out our creepy cool tshirts and share a fantastic ghost story or 2! Wait til you check out Psychic Fair Part 2, where we meet Keith! our second biggest fan....We think Gavin has some compeitition. Oh and most importantly it's Happy Krampus Nacht! Make sure you hide all the bad little kids in your house tonight so that Krampus doesn't take them away! Jas and Sher will be recording our Christmas episodes this week, and we will discuss Krampus once again! A HUGE Shout out to Amy Potten, the organizer of , who is also a Medium herself, for having us out to the Mediums, Mystics and Mindfullness Market, we had a blast and hope to do it again this Spring or Summer! Enjoy this week's new episode!If you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at - or if you just want to say 'Hi'!!! As well we are on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X and Youtube! Music by Ruesche-Sounds


Roxanna Fields

O negative is not the rarest blood type. The order from rarest to most common, it goes AB, B, A, O for both negative and positive blood groups.

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