Giving Voice to Depression

<p>Depression affects more than 375,000,000 worldwide. So, if you don't have it yourself, you know someone who does. Giving Voice to Depression was founded to start discussions that reduce stigma and promote understanding. We look at depression from many angles. Terry McGuire, a journalist with depression interviews a guest each week about their experience of depression. Some have episodes, others live with the mood disorder chronically. All share things that do and do not help their mental-health management.  After the pre-produced/edited guest's story,  Terry and cohost/licensed therapist Dr.  Anita Sanz comment on the issues presented. The episodes are informative, hopeful and seldom depressing. It's time to shine some light on depression's darkness! Join us.</p>

324_When You're NOT Okay and Need People to Know

If you wrote a song, in the depths of depression -- about your depression-- what would it sound like?Singer/songwriter Demetra Prochaska wrote a hauntingly beautiful song called "i am not okay," that is both a call for help and a musical tribute to the depths of depression's darkness.Demetra shares her experience with depression, which began in her early teens, coinciding with her parents' divorce. She talks about her struggles, including a ten-month stay in a residential treatment center and...


323 “Dude, You’re Depressed!”

This episode of the Giving Voice to Depression podcast, titled "Dude, You're Depressed!" features Ted Perry, a television news anchor from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, sharing his personal experience with depression. Ted initially hesitated to listen to this podcast, fearing it would be depressing. However, after researching it for a story, he began to reflect on his own struggles and the value of sharing our stories. Ted discusses his long battle with depression, which he believes began in his...


NEW-322_PPD From the Partner's Perspective

In this episode of the Giving Voice to Depression podcast, hosts Terry and Dr. Anita Sanz explore the topic of postpartum depression (PPD) from the perspective of a partner, Justin, whose wife Kristen experienced PPD after the births of their two children. The discussion highlights how unrecognized PPD can go untreated, as was the case with Kristen’s first episode. The hosts emphasize that PPD is a common but often unspoken condition that can have severe impacts if not addressed.Justin shares...


321 “Weak? Quite the Opposite!”

A psychiatrist who has treated more than 3,000 people with depression, says it's time to re-frame how we characterize, treat and view people with depression. The current way is not only stigmatizing and potentially dangerous, but flat-out wrong in his experience.In fact, Dr. Tim Cantopher says he views depression as "the curse of the strong!"Cantopher writes: "It's strong people who are most vulnerable to it (depression); people whose standards are high, whose ethics are powerful, who want th...


NEW_320 Inviting the Eeyores

In this episode of the Giving Voice to Depression podcast, co-hosts Terry and Dr. Anita Sanz engage in a meaningful discussion with their guest, Sean, about his experiences with anxiety and depression. Sean shares his journey, starting with being diagnosed as a teenager and growing up in a household that openly acknowledged and addressed mental health issues. His candidness about his mental health struggles, including his use of medication and therapy, sets the stage for a broader conversatio...


319_Get Help Before You're in Crisis

People with heart problems do not wait for a heart attack to address them.People with diabetes do not rely solely on an EpiPen to control their illness. And people with mental health challenges cannot wait until suicidal thoughts necessitate emergency actions. Self-care and depression-management involve tuning in with your changing thoughts/moods, establishing and using a safety plan and personalized tools that work for you.No illness is easier to treat when it's an emergency.https://988lifel...


318_Calling a Crisis Line Saved My Life (remix)

Suicide prevention hotlines are available 24/7, ensuring there is always somewhere and someone you can turn to when in crisis. That does not mean there is no one in your life who would help, though it may mean depression has convinced you that's the case. Corinne Purtill credits the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline with saving her life, and she's speaking up so that we'll know the bottom does not need to mean the end. That line, now called the 988 Lifeline, has changed from its forme...


317_A Unique Way to Get Dark Thoughts Out of Your Head (rerun)

Looking for a new mental-health management tool?How about a creative one that "gets the ugly out" while maintaining your privacy?Our guest, Gina Barry, tells us how she modified the practice of writing "morning pages" into a more-private, freeing and effective way to get the darkness, depression and grief out of her head.Gina says giving your feelings a voice helps them not just sit there, on a repetitive loop. In just 20 minutes, you'll learn a new technique that could help you manage your d...


316: Childhood Trauma and Depression- An Undeniable Link (rerun)

The podcast episode 316 titled "" Childhood Trauma and Depression- An Undeniable Link" features a conversation with Renee, who shares her journey of overcoming depression rooted in early childhood trauma (Adverse Childhood Experiences - ACEs). Renee discusses her difficult past, which included self-harming, risky behaviors, and a lack of effective support from traditional therapy methods. Her turning point came when a judge recognized her underlying issues and directed her to therapy, le...


315- Setting a Time Limit for Depression

In "Setting a Time Limit for Depression," guest Matt Zinman, who has extensive personal experience with depression and other mental illness in his family. Matt shares his strategies for managing and overcoming depression, emphasizing his 3-Day Rule. This rule suggests that while a couple of down days can be manageable, by the third day, "purposeful action" is required to prevent sinking deeper into depression.Matt explains his "mood scale," which helps individuals recognize their emotional st...


314_A Family History of Mental Illness (Matt Zinman-remix)

314-A Family History of Mental Illness (rerun), from Giving Voice to Depression, delves into the intricate relationship between genetics and mental disorders. It looks at how genetic susceptibility and environmental factors interplay in the development of mental health issues.The guest, Matt Zinman, shares his personal story of growing up with a bipolar father and a depressive mother who survived a suicide attempt. His candid reflections highlight the confusion and anger he felt as a ch...


313-Self-Medicating Depression

About a third of all people experiencing mental illnesses and about half of people living with severe mental illnesses also experience substance use disorders. "These statistics are mirrored in the populations of people living with substance use disorders. where about a third of all alcohol abusers and more than half of all drug abusers report experiencing a mental illness," according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. That statistic, like all statistics, is about real peop...


312_Check on Your Friends

In episode 312 of the Giving Voice to Depression podcast, hosts Terry and Dr. Anita Sanz continue their discussion with Jeanie, the mother of Jake Possemato, who died by suicide at 26. They delve into Jake's life, his struggles with mental health from a young age, and his involvement in the car drifting community. Jeanie recounts how Jake's passion for drifting and the tight-knit car community have become integral in raising awareness for mental health and honoring Jake’s memory and caring he...


311-You Can Do Your Absolute Best and Still Lose a Loved One by Suicide

In this episode of the Giving Voice to Depression podcast, hosts Terry and Dr. Anita Sanz talk with Jeanie, a mother who lost her son Jake to suicide. Jeanie recounts Jake's life, highlighting his exceptional intelligence and deep compassion from a young age, contrasted with his struggles with depression, anxiety, and later bipolar disorder. Jake's mental health battles were profound, starting as early as age seven when he expressed feelings of the world being too heavy for him. Jeanie s...


310- When You Don't Feel "Normal" Because of Your Depression

What is "normal"? That can be a tricky question for anyone, since our normal is always different than someone else's and our normal changes, depending on a variety of factors. But depression can make us believe that other people are normal and that we are not. And that belief can make the dark, heavy days when we "just can't" seem like personal failures vs. like sick days, which is what we'd likely think with any other illness that stopped us in our tracks."When You Don’t Feel 'Nor...


309_Unmasking the Pain: An NFL Icon's Fight Against Depression (remix)

If any part of you thinks that people with depression are weak, buckle up.In this powerful episode of Giving Voice to Depression, we hear about the mental health journey of NFL Hall of Famer Brian Dawkins who, despite his success on the field, faced a profound battle with depression. Dawkins' struggles became public when he made the bold and impactful decision to use his Hall of Fame induction speech to share about the dangers of not getting help and support when we're struggle with a mental ...


308_When You Have to Let it Out

In "When You Need to Let it Out," hosts Terry and Anita welcome guest Paula to share her journey with depression. Paula defies the stereotype of someone living with depression, appearing energetic and confident on the surface. However, she opens up about her struggles and how she came to terms with her mental health.Paula shares her experience of growing up in various countries before settling in the US, where she discovered her depression. Despite her outwardly positive demeanor, Paula found...


307 Listening is a Loving Gift We Can All Offer

"Listening is a Loving Gift We Can All Offer" delves into the profound act of listening as a powerful tool in supporting those living with depression. Robert, a trained and experienced "listener," shares insights from years of experience at a crisis hotline where he demonstrated the significance of genuine, empathetic listening. Robert discusses the dual perspective of experiencing depression and anxiety personally while working in mental health, and the lesson he's learned through ...


NEW_306-Supporting Mom After Birth-Postpartum Depression - Pt. 2

This episode delves into the experiences of Natasha, a mother who shares her journey through postpartum depression (PPD). Natasha recounts her initial lack of recognition of PPD symptoms despite prior education on the topic, attributing it to the overwhelming life changes accompanying motherhood. She reflects on her reluctance to acknowledge or share her feelings, viewing them as signs of weakness, and the impact of societal expectations and family upbringing on seeking help.Natasha emphasize...


NEW 305 Postpartum Depression is Not Weakness or Ingratitude

In this episode of Giving Voice to Depression, we delve into the often-misunderstood realm of postpartum depression (PPD), a silent struggle affecting approximately one in 8 new mothers. While the birth of a baby is traditionally associated with joy and excitement, for some, it can trigger unexpected emotions, including anxiety and depression.Hosts Dr Anita Sanz and Terry McGuire explore the nuances between the common "baby blues" experienced by most new mothers and the more profound, endurin...


Shawn Clark

What I don't believe in, is lumping depression in with addiction recovery which sometimes people like to do. That somehow you can alter the Twelve Steps and make "Depression Anonymous." I am not an addict, nor have I ever been, whether its drugs, alcohol, sex, etc. The Twelve Steps were originally created specifically to address alcohol addiction. Having depression doesn't mean you're addicted to a substance. If you were, it's called dual diagnosis.

04-21 Reply

Shawn Clark

I really identified with this guest. It was like listening to myself talk I have the same issue.

04-21 Reply

Shawn Clark

He makes such a good point in reminding us to be KIND to ourselves. Depression sometimes makes us say the most horrible things to ourselves. And they SEEM so real at the time. But they'rere lies. Thank you for doing this podcast.

02-16 Reply

fariba Tahmasebi

it was wrong .we have at least almost 50 melion depressed people in my country

11-01 Reply

Wajda Wajda

Can I have the link of his blog

07-11 Reply




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