Gladness & Hunger with Leanne W. Smith

<p>Author/Professor Leanne W. Smith sits down with key individuals to mine the magic of vocational stories and how personal gladness meets the world's deep hunger. Geared to writers, students, and story lovers, this podcast will inspire those on their own vocational journeys. Smith is an inspirational fiction writer and business professor at Lipscomb University with a heart to teach students how to get jobs and build sustainable careers that actually feed their soul.<br><br><br></p>

Marianne Richmond: “Writing for the Unique Everybody”

Marianne Richmond is a children’s author and illustrator whose books have sold in the millions. Coming out of a painful childhood, Marianne has learned to listen for the commonalities. While we all have vastly different life experiences, the emotions we feel are the same. Marianne’s books strike the resonant chords of those emotions with book titles like The Gift of an Angel, The Gift of a Memory, Be Brave, Little One, and The World is Awaiting You, her latest, releasing this month. Find more...


Dr. Jan Harris: “Contributing a Verse”

I have long admired Dr. Jan Harris, English professor, poet, and Fellow for Faculty Wellbeing on Lipscomb’s campus. When I was paired with her this academic year in a professional development program, I felt like I had won the lottery. In this episode we’ll talk about poetry, writing, the importance of movement, and you’ll get a glimpse into Jan’s skill at being fully present with others.Find Jan's chapbook, Isolating One’s Priorities, at Chapbook Press and on Amazon.Find links to all my podc...


Vivi Radiro: “A Witness of Resilience”

In this episode, it is a special honor to share the story of Vivi Radiro, a young woman who has come to cancer research study as a career goal by way of a rocky start in a dirt-floored hut in Kenya. A line from a book written by Jenny Radler, a missionary who has proven to be a great blessing in Vivi's life, describes her well: “Those who hurt the most are also the ones capable of tapping into the most profound levels of overcoming.” This is one of the most sacred podcast episodes I've ever r...


Dr. Richard Goode: “Pursuing the Life of the Mind”

When a student suggested that Richard Goode visit Death Row, it started a chain reaction that led to Richard launching the LIFE program (Lipscomb Initiative for Education) at the women’s prison in Nashville. His story begins with higher education only a distant dream, then he got the chance to enroll at a school he once deemed magical—the first, but not the last dream that would lead to a beautiful reality.Richard is the author of several books on church history and reconciliation, including ...


Garrett Dickerson: “The Plan & The Purpose”

I first met Garrett Dickerson when he was a student at Lipscomb. Now, several years, a graduate degree, and a number of occupational lanes later, he is laser-focused on bringing his best to a singular vocation: following God’s plan and purpose for his life. As a servant leader who recently added "author" to his vocational tracks, he demonstrates a passion for helping others do the same. Garrett has just released his first book, His Plan, Our Purpose, and Everything Else, available on his webs...


Honoree Corder: “A Marketing Mastermind”

In this episode, Honoree Corder—author, TEDx speaker, and publishing strategist—shares some of her marketing genius. When Mark Victor Hansen told her on a chance encounter at a conference that she needed to write a book, she took his advice and did it! Now she’s on a mission to share the lessons she has learned with others as she encourages writers of all stripes and genres with titles like You Must Write a Book and You Must Market Your Book.Find links to all my podcasts at


Kenneth Robinson: “A Lifelong Learner”

From the time he was a kid, there was something different about Kenneth Robinson. Kenneth is one of four boys who all played college football. Three of them, including Kenneth, went on to play professionally. But what he really loved best was reading quietly at home. His thirst for learning and the chance to mold others through the blessings of his own curiosity would lead him to his current role in education where he has an on-going opportunity to pour wisdom into others.Find links to ...


Season Three: "Sun After Rain"

In this episode, I talk about my personal storms of the past five years. While I love sharing other people’s stories and the wisdoms they’ve learned, I am not at all comfortable sharing my own. But for reasons I cannot explain, I felt called to begin this season stepping into a little more vulnerability. If you’ve had recent storms in your own life, may these words kindle your hope for the possibility that sun will follow rain.Find links to all my podcasts at


Dawn Petchell Luepke: “A Kingdom-Centered Strategist”

Petchell Luepke and I were paired on a service project in the spring of 2022, and it was evident from the get-go this woman had a boatload of passion. But it wasn’t until months later that I realized she had a superpower. As a Gallup certified career coach, Petchell leverages her strengths to offer others clarity into their own. She has taught me, for example, to pair my “maximizer” with “strategic” to achieve my next book publication goal. Listen in and learn how you, too, can leverage your ...


Rob Touchstone: “Turning Coffee into Water”

Rob Touchstone has been busy. In the last decade, he co-founded The Well Coffeehouses, launched a Business as Mission program, and now directs Lipscomb’s Center for Vocational Discovery. Rob’s deep gladness truly has intersected with the world’s deep hunger—and thirst—in more ways than one. Come join us as we talk about insights he has gained on his unique vocational journey.Find links to all my podcasts at


Phil & Melissa Roe: “Stepping Out in Trust”

In a season when most people wind down after reaching the apex of their careers, Phil & Melissa Roe have chosen a different path. They bought a farm just outside of Franklin, TN and transformed it into a spiritual retreat center. Tune in as we talk about trusting God when you feel called to unexpected new ventures.Find links to all my podcasts at


Jennifer Pagel: “To be Seen, Known & Loved”

In this episode it is my honor to talk with Jennifer Pagel, a forever friend of 26 years, who has been on a ministry path all her life. We talk about the healing importance of being fully seen, fully known, and fully loved. She is warmth, wisdom, beauty, and light, and I’m so happy to get to share her with you.Find links to all my podcasts at


Dr. Norma Burgess: “Born to be a Trailblazer”

God was at work for this episode. It went like this: Norma, my beloved mentor who moved to Costa Rica, came into my mind sharply on a Tuesday morning. I texted her. Turned out, she was in Nashville only for a day, and it just so happened (God, I see You) she had only enough time on Wednesday to fill a studio slot that just opened up. As a mentor, Norma has showed me repeatedly the power of seizing the day. Listen in and be inspired.Find links to all my podcasts at


Brooke O’Dell: “Come Gather at the Table”

In this episode I interview Brooke O’Dell, owner of Sugar Drop sweet supply shop. It was a joy to learn how Brooke’s passion for welcoming folks to the table was cultivated in a small Texas town. Brooke’s sense of style and wizardry skills in the kitchen are unparalleled. Listen in, then drive on over to Sugar Drop for a double sweet treat.Find links to all my podcasts at


Ami McConnell: “Standing in the Gap”

Ami McConnell is a book doctor. She is widely known and deeply appreciated in publishing circles. In 2018 she launched WriterFest Nashville, an annual 2-day gathering of creatives of book, song, and film. Ami shares in this episode that words were always her playground and that from an early age she recognized that she could stand in the gap for the author and reader. She’s also the host of the WriterFest with Ami McConnell podcast. Listen in, and you’re sure to be blessed.Find links to ...


Season Two: "Undercurrents"

In this episode, I explore why the fiction I write and the practical truths I teach are the resonate notes in my own lifesong. It seems everyone has at least one theme that runs like an underground stream in their lives—something that strikes a particularly resonant note for them. Talk to anyone long enough, and you may see an undercurrent start to emerge.Find links to all my podcasts at


Aidan Miller: “A Story of Gladness & Hunger”

When I invited Aidan to be a guest on this podcast, I told him, “I love hearing how God works in people's lives, and the joy I imagine He feels in watching us give back to the world the very gifts He has given to each of us.” Though Aidan is still young, it’s already clear how God has been shaping him to make positive waves in the world. His story reflects well the spirit and intent of the G&H podcast, providing a powerful close-out to our first season of conversations.For links to ...


Tom Bancroft: “The Making on an Animator (x2)”

Tom Bancroft, a former Disney animator, is helping put Nashville on the map of the animation business. One of my favorite insights from Tom in this episode is when he discusses the importance of moving past the copying stage to actually creating. Tom’s twin brother, Tony, is also a Disney animator…hence the (x2) in the title…who has recently joined him on the faculty at Lipscomb. Listen to find out the early influences that helped shape the fascinating careers of this one-of-a-kind partnershi...


The Arcadian Wild: “The Invitation of Song”

This episode of G&H holds a special place in my heart, for in it, I have the honor of interviewing Isaac Horn and Lincoln Mick (my son-in-law) of The Arcadian Wild. The musical score of this podcast comes from a song called Spring: Wake by TAW, the first release from their Principium album. Here we explore the themes of invitation and what it means to be an artist partnering with God to lean into the talents He has given to each of us. For links to all my podcasts, visit


Alan Griggs: “A Legacy of Candor”

Having received most of broadcast journalism's top awards including three Peabody awards, two National Headliner awards, a duPont-Columbia citation, and the Robert F. Kennedy award for a year-long investigative effort, Alan Griggs has a storied career. He met U.S. president Jimmy Carter. He hired Robin Roberts, beloved morning show host, early in her career. Despite his numerous accomplishments, Alan remains highly approachable and disarmingly candid at times. He has entered a second career i...


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