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Gleaning and Gathering

Gleaning and Gathering

Author: Eric Himelick

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I love meaningful conversations, and this is probably what it would sound like if we had a chance to have that chat in my home office. It is my effort to process what I'm thinking out loud (and sometimes with friends.) I am a Christian, husband, father, pastor, church planter, community developer, author, and social entrepreneur. I am a mortal on a journey through this beautiful, delightful world God has given us, and I live in wide-eyed, child-like wonder. The name? I am always gleaning life lessons on the farm and beyond, and The Gathering is the congregation with whom I share life. Support this podcast:
75 Episodes
Headmaster Scott Clemens of Heartland Christian has been a personal friend and huge blessing to our family over the past nine years our children have been connected there. I interviewed him him today about education, discipleship, and Heartland's mission of partnering with parents to develop Christ-like leaders. --- Support this podcast:
Have you had the experience of knowing that God put you together with someone? There was a "spark" of connection, and you knew it was more than just common interests. In this episode, we explore that idea and its connection to Spiritual friendship, or guardians of the soul. --- Support this podcast:
Living With HOPE

Living With HOPE


This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent 2023, and this past week I had a conversation with Karissa about this season. "Jesus is coming, and this time is all about getting ready for His return." Her eyes lit up, and she began to jump up and down. "Jesus is coming!! When, when?! I want to see Him!!" Living with hope is to live everyday with that child-like wonder, excitement, and expectation that we see in the lives of Simeon and Anna in Luke 2. We aren't "just waiting;" we are living in hope! --- Support this podcast:
In this wide-ranging conversation with co-host Kaylynn, we talk about all manner of things, but the conversation centers on cultivating a sense of wonder in our children's education and experience. "Why does that happen? How does that work?" If you send them out with wonder, they will find their answers. --- Support this podcast:
On this Thanksgiving, I am thinking about the past... and our future. I am thinking about the yearly rhythms that for us have become the "sound track" of our life as a family. Are we just marching to the drumbeat of culture, or are we cultivating a deeper life as a family through the things we celebrate and the traditions that we repeat year after year? --- Support this podcast:
In this episode I am looking back while looking forward. How did the farm come about? How did NDP begin? And where are we headed next. I share a "history of the future" at Victory Acres. --- Support this podcast:
Sitting down with my daughter, Kaylynn, to discuss the vision of Victory Acres farm was a real treat. I'm excited to see what God is going to continue to do on this former, seven-generation family farm. --- Support this podcast:
Reflections from our lives and some next steps that we are taking. --- Support this podcast:
Power and Weakness

Power and Weakness


This is a recap from my message at the Gathering yesterday on power, weakness, and the tabernacling of God. (Drawing on Marva Dawn's book, Powers, Weakness, and the Tabernacling of God.) I tried to show that we are in danger of being seduced by the world into following it's pattern of power rather than following the way of Jesus in humility and weakness. "Just try to imagine that the Pattern is called a 'Lamb.' That alone is a scandal to the natural mind. Who has any desire to be a lamb?" - Soren Kierkegaard --- Support this podcast:
In the avalanche of ideas and opportunities, how do we discern where we should focus our limited time and energies? This episode explores some of the principles that I have found helpful in the process. --- Support this podcast:



Sooner or later, you will probably face a transition. This episode explores a personal transition and some observations on how to navigate them. --- Support this podcast:
The Winding Road

The Winding Road


Trouble doubles as an opportunity for God's will and wisdom to be revealed. Am I just focusing on the problem at hand, or am I staying open to what opportunities God may be using those problems to uncover. Just some reflections from life and ministry... --- Support this podcast:
Adding Value

Adding Value


"Am I communicating because I like this topic, or am I communicating because I have a clear picture of a life I want to improve?" is the question Ezra Byers asked in a recent Facebook post about writing. It set me to thinking... Where do I add value to other people's lives? That is the topic of this episode. --- Support this podcast:
Are you living out of a paradigm of blessing or cursing? This week I'm reflecting on Psalms 109 and the communities of blessing in my own life. --- Support this podcast:
If you get lost, is there anyone who will come looking for you? Does anyone "claim" you? Are you a part? Do you "belong?" These are some questions that I've been chewing on this past week, and it is the topic of this episode of Gleaning and Gathering. --- Support this podcast:
Sitting down with the leadership trainees of this year's NDP summer training program was a lot of fun! We discussed some of the lessons that they are learning through the program and how it is helping them to develop their individual strengths. See what you think! --- Support this podcast:



Learning the discipline of celebrating well is something that I'm still working on, but this past week our NDP team took a day to celebrate. --- Support this podcast:
Spiritual Friendship

Spiritual Friendship


While most Christians would agree that spiritual friendship is important, many see it as a beautiful luxury for which they don't have time or energy. Seeing spiritual friendship as a spiritual discipline necessary for the development of our spiritual life is not the view that everyone shares. In this episode I explore the concept ,along with excerpts from Spiritual Friendship, the spiritual classic by Aelred of Rievaulx and ideas from A Resilient Life by Gordon MacDonald. My hope is that it will be an encouragement to you on your journey. --- Support this podcast:
June 19, 2023 Rachelle and I celebrate our 24th wedding anniversary. In this episode, we reflect on questions like, "What would you want to tell your 20/21 year old self after 24 years of marriage?" It's a fun, free flowing conversation, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did recording it. --- Support this podcast:
This past week we hosted the Nehemiah Discipleship Program Experience at Victory Acres Farm. 40 young people from 6 different states completed the time of training and discipleship. Our word for the week was "UNITE," and our Scripture engagement passage was Ephesians 4. In a day of division, how are we as Christians to truly unite? That's the topic that I explore in this episode. --- Support this podcast:
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