How do you embody a fallen Valkyrie? Why is invoking poetry so similar to calling magical names and summoning spirits? Jack Grayle (magician, author and playwright) and Klara Wolfe (occult writer, professional embalmer and model) go deep into Jack’s new, fantastic verse-play set 1,200 years ago in heathen Norway, entitled Sigrun & The Mist. ⇓ ⇓ ⇓► ✅ Get your copy of Sigrun & The Mist - ► ✅Sign up for Jack’s class PGM PRAXIS 2: THE KINGDOM (UPDATE: starts March 17) - ► ✅Sign up for Jack’s class GODSONG (Iliad & Odyssey): ► ✅Klara’s Website - ► ✅Klara’s Instagram - ► ✅Photographer of Sigrun &The Mist - Nicola Huffstickler - ✦🔮🔥Become a Glitch Bottle supporter - 🎵 Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)- -
How do you track down hidden esoteric manuscripts? What is the Antipalus Maleficiorum? Who were the powerful noble families who owned books of magic throughout the centuries? Daniel Clark - manuscript detective & researcher, editor and collaborator with Dr. Stephen Skinner - goes deep into manuscript searching tips, Victorian Occultism and so much more! ⇓ ⇓ ⇓► ✅Order the Antipalus Maleficiorum (US) -► ✅Order the Antipalus Maleficiorum (UK) - ►✅Order ‘The Master Key: A Victorian Grimoire’ - ___Manuscript Search Resources___📚Archive Grid - 📚Europeana - ✦🔮🔥Become a Glitch Bottle supporter - 🎵 Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)- - 00:00 Intro and early life9:52 First manuscript13:28 Working with Dr. Skinner17:50 Manuscript Tips & Techniques29:17 Online Resources & Tips39:33 Frederick Hockley42:31 Major Irwin46:20 Walter Moseley49:40 John Somers50:56 Joseph Jekyll53:58 Richard Cosway55:05 George Oakley Fisher55:46 Harry Houdini1:16:21 Bookplates!1:19:25 Bookplate Fisher1:22:55 Bacon Bookplate1:25:24 Antipalus Maleficiorum1:30:52 A Victorian Grimoire1:36:46 Nobility Owners Project
Why did Solomon bind demons in brass vessels? What’s the connection between leather bags, necromancy and the winds? We explore the history of jinn, metals and spirit-containers, and how all these themes flower in the collection of medieval Islamic stories known as the Thousand and One Nights (Arabic: أَلْفُ لَيْلَةٍ وَلَيْلَةٌ, Alf Laylah wa-Laylah), by reading part of ‘The City of Brass’. ⇓ ⇓ ⇓✅► Allegra Iafrate, ‘The Long Life of Magical Objects: A Study in the Solomonic Tradition’ - ✅►Homer’s Odyssey book X - ✅►’Testament of Solomon’ via Joseph H. Peterson -✅►David Rankine’s excellent post ‘Return of the Winds’ - ✅►SUPPORT Joseph H. Peterson with a quick donation to -✅►The Arabian Nights (1909)/The Story of the City of Brass - ✅►The Arabian Nights: Tales of 1,001 Nights: Volume 2 (2010) - ✦🔮🔥Join Glitch Bottle as an exclusive supporter - 🎵 Music **Intro Music - ‘Arabic Sadness’ by Serge Quadrado- **Ancient music ‘Ancient’ by AvapXia - 00:00 Intro Story02:44 Brass in Grimoires06:38 In the Bible10:16 In the Odyssey14:58 Testament of Solomon23:50 Holy Qurʾān28:11 Qurʾānic Commentaries33:19 1,001 Nights3818 ‘The City of Brass’ [excerpt]
What is contemplative mysticism? How does this differ from modern occultism? Contemplative mystic, esoteric cartographer and author David Chaim Smith goes deep into ways to unravel the mind and so much more. ⇓ ⇓ ⇓► ✅David’s excellent sharing on his esoteric cartography - ► ✅ David’s website - ✦🔮🔥Become a Glitch Bottle supporter - 🎵 Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)- -
So, what does Hollywood and media in general get right about its portrayal of magic? Ana Victoria Esquivel is a Hollywood Make-up artist, writer and painter who is credited or involved with dozens of on-screen projects, including Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities and Rings of Power. She gives us a peek behind the veil of how media portrays magic, shares about her devotional practice, answers your Glitch Bottle Patreon listener questions and more! ⇓ ⇓ ⇓✅►Support Ana on her excellent Substack! -✅►Ana’s Professional IG (amazing work!) -✅►Ana’s Personal IG - ✅►Ana’s website - ✦🔮🔥Shhhhhh. Become a super duper cool and iridescent Glitch Bottle supporter - 🎵 Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)- -
What is ‘Solomonic exceptionalism’? How was grimoire magic set apart from witchcraft, fairy magic and prophecy in the time of Shakespeare? What grimoires were available when early modern dramatists like William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Ben Johnson and many others were portraying magicians, evocatory procedures and magical implements on stage? Dr. Rebekah King - scholar and award-winning playwright - takes us behind the curtain to discuss her thesis ‘Solomon on Stage, Representations of Magic and the Occult in Early Modern English Drama’. She also answers your Glitch Bottle Patreon listener questions and more! ⇓ ⇓ ⇓✅►Support Dr. King on her excellent Substack! - ✅►Dr. King’s thesis on Solomonic Exceptionalism on Stage -✅►Dr. King’s website - ✅►Follow Dr. King - ✦🔮🔥Shhhhhh. Become a super duper cool and iridescent Glitch Bottle supporter - 🎵 Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)- -
What is ‘Solomonic exceptionalism’? How was grimoire magic set apart from witchcraft, fairy magic and prophecy in the time of Shakespeare? What grimoires were available when early modern dramatists like William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Ben Johnson and many others were portraying magicians, evocatory procedures and magical implements on stage? Dr. Rebekah King - scholar and award-winning playwright - takes us behind the curtain to discuss her thesis ‘Solomon on Stage, Representations of Magic and the Occult in Early Modern English Drama’. She also answers your Glitch Bottle Patreon listener questions and more! ⇓ ⇓ ⇓✅►Support Dr. King on her excellent Substack! - ✅►Dr. King’s thesis on Solomonic Exceptionalism on Stage -✅►Dr. King’s website - ✅►Follow Dr. King - ✦🔮🔥Shhhhhh. Become a super duper cool and iridescent Glitch Bottle supporter - 🎵 Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)- - 00:00 Early background 6:33 Solomonic Exceptionalism 15:57 Solomon on Stage 21:41 'Sapientia Solomonis' 34:47 The Solomonic Trope 39:54 The Solomonic Moment 47:10 Discoverie of Witchcraft 1:03:43 Theater & Magic 1:24:07 Magic Seeker vs Sorcerer 1:30:26 Queen Elizabeth and King James
In today’s world of #hashtags, shortcuts and life hacks, our attention is sliced finer than the vellum folios of a 900-year-old grimoire. It takes will to cultivate consistent, in-depth practice. To illustrate this, I’d like to invoke the hidden devilish drive of determination in two of among the most famous English poems of all time (and a bonus poem), and why I always read and re-read them when preparing for evocatory procedures.✦🔮🔥This post made possible by my impossibly amazing Patrons. Join us! -
Why is the Mysteriorum Libri Quinque (the Five Books of Mysteries), written by John Dee in the 16th century, one of the most important core texts of occult literature? How were these secret writings about angel magic discovered long after John Dee’s death and remarkably spared from destruction? Scholar and author Joseph H. Peterson shares about his updated edition of Dee’s five books, reflecting 20 years of research, including corrections to the text, new translations of the Latin and other fresh insights! He also answers your Glitch Bottle Patreon listener questions and more! ⇓ ⇓ ⇓✅►Get your copy of Dr. John Dee's Five Books of Mysteries (Red Wheel Weiser) -✅►Get your copy of Dr. John Dee's Five Books of Mysteries (Amazon) - ✅►SUPPORT Joe with a quick donation to -✅►Get Joe’s books and publications -✅►Other ways to support Joe - ✦🔮🔥Shhhhhh. Become a super duper cool and iridescent Glitch Bottle supporter - 🎵 Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)- -
Before any magician summons a spirit listed in a grimoire it’s very important to understand ritual timing. Let’s explore how spirits of the hour, day and season all should be invoked before the aforementioned target beings, whether celestial, terrestrial, sublunar, airy, elemental, gnomish or of the more infernal variety. Thank you to my Glitch Bottle Patreon supporters for making posts like this possible! ⇓ ⇓ ⇓► ✅Techniques of Solomonic Magic ’- ► ✅Elucidation of Necromancy (Joseph H. Peterson) - ► ✅ - ✦🔮Shhhhhh….become a super secret Glitch Bottle supporter! 🔮► ♫ Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)- - 00:00 Intro1:10 T.S. Eliot poem2:32 Dr. Skinner on Timing7:17 Grimoires on Timing (Key of Solomon, Heptameron)14:53 My Timing Template17:44 Autumn example + Reciting
Holy water is *the* most foundational element in the Solomonic magician’s repertoire: without it, you can’t consecrate any of the ritual implements (or yourself) before or during a ritual. But how do you make it? Here is my own step-by-step method.______________STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE______________ 1.) Gather water at sunrise on the day and hour of Mercury (Wednesday) or on the day and hour of Sol (Sunday) in a glass or clay vessel (ideally at dawn, as David Rankine recommends in his upcoming tome from Hadean Press, ‘Claves Intelligentiarum’). As you gather the water, recite this from a French manuscript of the Key of Solomon: ‘O God, who art the truth and the life, deign to sanctify this water, which I need to use in my workings.’ a. Bring the water back and filter the water if needed 2.) Prepare the water (first) and salt (second) using the A-B-C method from the Heptameron: a. (An Exorcism): “I exorcise thee, O thou creature of water/salt, by him by whom all things are made, that forthwith thou cast away every phantasm from thee, that it shall not be able to do any hurt in any thing.” b. (A Blessing): Bless, O Lord, this creature of water/salt, and sanctify it, that it may be blessed to set forth the praise of thy holy name, that no hurt may come to the Exorcisers or Spectators: through our Lord Jesus Christ, &c. c. A Commemoration of the water and/or salt, from the Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy. Use your own poetics, verses from the Bible and other inspired verse to honor the water/salt. 3.) Recite blessing of the salt from the Key of Solomon: TZABAOTH, MESSIACH, EMMANUEL, ELOHIM GIBOR, JEHOVAH. O God, who art the Truth and the Life, deign to bless and sanctify this creature of salt, to serve unto us for help, protection, and assistance in this art, experiment and operation, and may it be a succor unto us. 4.) Add salt to water and mix it, while reciting Psalms 102, 54, 6, and 51 as listed in the Key of Solomon. 5.) Recite a final blessing of both the salt and water once mixed, and store in a large glass vessel for later use as needed. ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ► ✅Order David Rankine's ‘Claves Intelligentiarum’- ► ✅ Key of Solomon hyssop prayer: ► ✅ Exorcism/Blessing formula in the Heptameron: ✦🔮Shhhhhh….become a super secret Glitch Bottle supporter! 🔮► ♫ Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”) - - -
How does an artist confront and transmute the elements of war, death and destruction they encounter in their daily life? How does an artist ‘evoke’ a spiritual entity into their work? Is all art spiritual, or is there a separation? Ukrainian esoteric artist Nightgrowler returns on the podcast from inside Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital city, answers your Patreon listener questions and more!⇓ ⇓ ⇓► ✅ Support Nightgrowler on Patreon! -► ✅ Support Nightgrowler’s Art -► ✅ Follow Nightgrowler on Instagram - ✦🔮🔥Become a Glitch Bottle supporter - ♫ Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)- -
Are spirits conjured by cock, or rather, sealed by cockish potencies? Let's explore the hard truths of these vital roosterian resplendencies in the grimoires and Shakespeare: are these just charming suppositions, a bundle of poppycock, or a powerful tool in conjuring spirits?✦🔮Shhhhhh….become a super secret Glitch Bottle supporter! 🔮►♫ Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)-
How did a silver mining town in Mexico play a vital role in the growth of Santa Muerte veneration? How do Catholics and Luciferians venerate Santa Muerte? Ed Calderon returns on the podcast to share about his exciting historical discoveries and connections surrounding La Santa and answers you Patreon listener questions! Ed has worked in the fields of counter-narcotics, organized crime investigation, and public safety in the northern border region of Mexico for more than a decade. His study into the indigenous Méxican criminal culture, from occult practices to endemic modus operandi have led him to be recognized as one of the world’s preeminent researchers and trainers in the field of personal security that has come out of Mexico.⇓ ⇓ ⇓► ✅Ed Calderon’s website:► 🤝Support Ed’s on Patreon! -► 💀Ed’s Santa Muerte Instagram - ► ✅ Ed’s Main Instagram - ✦🔮Shhhhhh….become a super secret Glitch Bottle supporter! 🔮► ♫ Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)- -
After nearly 700 years, one of the most important Western magical compendiums in history has been fully translated into English for the first time. The Summa Sacre Magice (SSM) is a 200,000 word Latin manuscript written in 1346 by Catalan magician Berengarii Gannellii, and is considered the most in-depth overview of Latin medieval magic ever. In a stunning achievement, scholar, author and Solomonic practitioner Dr. Stephen Skinner, along with co-author and researcher Daniel Clark, is presenting Volume One of their translation of all five books of the SSM into English. We are honored as Dr. Skinner returns on Glitch Bottle to go deep into this incredible work. ⇓ ⇓ ⇓► ✅(Amazon USA) Pre-order ‘Summa Sacre Magice’ - ► ✅(Amazon UK) - Pre-order ‘Summa Sacre Magice ’ ► ✅Golden Hoard Press -✦🔮Shhhhhh….become a super secret Glitch Bottle supporter! 🔮► ♫ Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)- -
You’ve heard of the License to Depart in ritual magic. What about the License to Remain? How do you conjure the Planetary Intelligences? Do you need permission to do a conjuration? David Rankine - author, esoteric researcher and magician - shares about his upcoming from Hadean Press - Claves Intelligentiarum: A Complete Practical Manual of Conjuration of the Planetary Intelligences, answers your Patreon listener questions and much more!⇓ ⇓ ⇓► ✅Pre-order ‘Claves Intelligentiarum’- ► ✅Sign Up for David’s Private class - ► ✅David’s website - ✦🔮Shhhhhh….become a super secret Glitch Bottle supporter! 🔮► ♫ Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)- - 00:00 Planetary Intelligences22:08 Consecration Order & Circle26:07 Crystal Use Inside Circle30:12 Angelic Operation w/ Joseph Lisiewski33:25 Don't Fetishize Equipment43:56 Correcting Agrippa's Sigils48:53 Possible Reason For Agrippa’s Sigils54:45 License To Remain!1:10:28 Conjuration of the Scryer1:12:57 David Recites Conjuration!1:24:08 Artificial Implements1:27:50 Key Takeaways1:40:53 Listener Questions1:50:07 Huge Spirit Feedback1:57:06 David’s Upcoming Class & Projects
How was the Traditional Latin Mass a focal point of a grimoire (attributed to a Pope) to summon the demon Astaroth? Why did another Pope from the 1200s write a fascinating collection of ‘home remedies’ and secret cures for a wide variety of physical ailments? Fr. Robert Nixon, OSB, is a monk of the Abbey of the Most Holy Trinity, New Norcia in Western Australia. He returns on the podcast to discuss his latest Latin esoteric translations from Hadean Press, shares his musical compositions, answers your Glitch Bottle Patreon listener questions and more!⇓ ⇓ ⇓✅►’Grimoire of Pope Pius V’: ✅►’The Secret Pharmacopeia of Pope John XXI’ - 🎵►Listen to Fr Robert’s Etude melancolique’ - ✅►Support Fr Robert’s Monastery - ✅►Monastery Gift Shop! -✅►The Theatre of Cruelty, through Sensus Fidelium Press -✦🔮🔥Become a Glitch Bottle supporter with perks - 🎵 Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)- -
Roman Catholic exorcists in the Middle Ages called on the authority of Lucifer, Beelzebub and Satan to remove lower demons from the body of a possessed person. Magicians also call on these demons, but for very different reasons. This deep dive explores what modern exorcists say about demonic hierarchies, the medieval manuscripts from Catholic exorcists, the grimoire traditions, the Gospel of Matthew and much more. ⇓ ⇓ ⇓►📚‘Medieval Rituals of Catholic Exorcism’ -►📚The Goetia of Dr. Rudd by Dr. Stephen Skinner and David Rankine►📚‘The Devil's Scourge: Exorcism in Renaissance Italy’ -►🤝Joseph H. Peterson’s► 🎙️Fr. Chad Ripperger lecture (2023) -► 🎙️Fr. Vincent Lampert interview -✦🔮🔥Become a Glitch Bottle supporter- 🎵 Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)-
What are Jinn in the Islamic tradition? What is a Jinnic doppelganger, those much-feared beings who were believed to be assigned to each human being throughout their lives? How did one of the greatest minds in Islamic thought from the 12th and 13th centuries, Ibn Arabi, conceptualize about Jinn? Scholar and author Dr. Dunja Rasic goes deep, sharing about her latest (and wonderfully lucid) tome ‘Bedeviled: Jinn Doppelgangers in Islam and Akbarian Sufism’, answers your Patreon supporter questions and so much more!⇓ ⇓ ⇓►📚Get your copy of ‘Bedeviled’(Amazon)-►📚Get your copy of ‘Bedeviled’(SUNY)- ►🔥Check out Dr. Rašic's Academic and Publication Info - ► ✅Dr. Rašic's Facebook - ► 📚Get your copy of Dr. Rašic's ‘Written World of God’ - ✦🔮🔥Become a Glitch Bottle supporter with perks - 🎵 Music by the artist Crowander (track name: “Tornado”)- -
What *actually* is scrying in magic and divination? What are the pitfalls and key tips to interact with spirits? What *is* a spirit? Harper Feist - scryer, esotericist, a scientist, author and historian- goes deep into the relationship between magic and science, shares her vast scrying wisdom, answers your Patreon listener questions and so much more! ⇓ ⇓ ⇓►🤝Harper’s Website - ► 🎙️Listen to ‘Thelema Now!’ podcast - ►🔥Harper’s Instagram - ►🔥Harper’s Facebook - ►📚Get your copy of ‘Hagia Sophia / Sanctum of Kronos’, including Harper’s essay - ► ✅Let Miskatonic Books know to bring back ‘Io Typhon’! -
Kamil Ilcewicz
Amazing interview 👌👌
Tesla369 432
פרק מעולה
MD Lahey
Probably most listeners won't care, nor certainly will Mr. Spadafore, but for many of us raised in the Roman Church, especially those of us with close relatives who have dedicated their lives to the RC faithful, the dismissive expression "novus ordo" is both offensive and deeply painful.
Stephanie Hammond
Modern magick's (is Golden Dawn) rejection of Catholicism iS it's connection to the religion.