<p>Have you ever played a video game and thought, "Hey, games are pretty cool. It's a desolate world out there, but GREAT NEWS! You're not alone. Join Gus, Ashley, Ryan, and friends from the Rooster Teeth crew to discuss the latest games, talk through issues that impact the gaming industry, digest the latest news, respond to your carefully crafted emails, and try to pass themselves off as professionals. No one is convinced, but we let them think we are. Watch the video version Fridays on svod.roosterteeth.com and Saturdays YouTube.com/TheKnow</p>
Jayson Jiang
Rip Glitch Please, it was fun while it lasted.
Logan Smith
holy hell that was a lot of Detroit talk
Amanuel Awoke
These guys introduced me to so many games, I love em
Logan Smith
getting pretty tired of adam. get some new people on.
Amanda Shoemaker
thanks to both this and the patch I have tried alot more games like long live the queen