Global Bob Show

Global Bob who is a cyber security expert and political science hobbyist brings you a show that fuses these topics together to explain in simple terms the interaction between the two. He uses his years of experience in both the government, commercial and private sector to give a unique perspective on these topics.

Episode 25 - I feel the need for Internet Speed!

In this episode your Field Commander Global Bob (Brian Varner) talks about the history of Internet delivery mediums and the speed at which they deliver. He talks about speed as in latency or round trip time and speed with regulars to bandwidth and why you may not need that super charged 1gig or 2 gig connection.Transcripts are automatically generated.


Episode 24 - Zero Trust

In this episode Global Bob (Brian Varner) talks about Zero Trust network architecture methodology and what all it entails. He also introduces the audience to the Signal messaging application.Transcripts are automatically generated.


Episode 23 - Classified Podcast!

In this episode your Field Commander Global Bob (Brian Varner) explains what the difference between the various classifications of data. He gives a real world example of a situation to illustrate what type of information could be classified for a farming operation. All of the information is unclassified and can be found on various accredited sources.Transcripts are automatically generated.


Episode 22 - Ransomware Ready!

In this episode Global Bob (Brian Varner) talks about ransomeware, how you can determine if you are ransomware ready and steps you can take to help reduce your chances of ransomeware.Transcripts are Automatically Generated.


Episode 21 Def Con Hacker Homecoming!

In this episode Commander Bob reflect on all of the connections he made during Def Con 30 and gives advice to anyone attending a event of this type.Transcripts Are Automatically Generated.


Episode 20 - Raise the Alert Level to DEF CON 30!

In this episode Global Bob (Brian Varner) talks about the history of Def Con and some of his favorite talks and villages to attend. He gives an overview of what Def Con is all about for those that have never heard or attended the annual conference in Las Vegas Nevada.Transcripts are automatically generated.


Episode 19 - History of Time Shifting Videos!

In this episode Field Commander Global Bob (Brian Varner) takes you on a journey from the 8mm film days all the way to modern home entertainment servers. This is not legal advice so please check your local laws before you copy any movie. Don’t be a pirate be a good person!Transcripts are automatically generated.


Episode 18 - What is Software and Source Code?

In this episode Global Bob talks about his earliest recollection of using electricity to solve problems which is essentially what a computer does. He gives a real world example of working with his dad (Herbie Varner) in the groves utilizing rudimentary industrial control systems to irrigate and fertilize Citrus Groves.Transcripts are automatically generated. Music is licensed from


Episode 17 - Anti-Virus Companies Do Not Write Viruses!

In this episode your Field Commander Global Bob gives some history of viruses and anti-virus companies. He also gives some very alarming stats on viruses and cyber crime.Transcripts are automatically generated.


Episode 16 - Shortwave Number Stations!

In this episode Commander Bob introduces his audience to Cold War technology that is still in use today. While this technology is simple it is unbreakable if implemented properly. This information is not meant to be exact or academic it is a collection of knowledge that Global Bob has acquired from various news outlets and online research.Transcripts are automatically generated.


Episode 15 - Improving Your Digital Hygiene!

In this episode Global Bob (Brian Varner) talks about why some may not know that they are actually targets in the cyber war that is being waged at this time. He talks about how to secure your online accounts in a effort to lower you victim potential. He uses FaceBook as an example of the setting you should look at changing and the security measures one can deploy. While FaceBook is uses as an example all moderne platforms have the same settings that can be changed.Tran...


Episode 14 - The Hydrogen Car Hoax

In this episode Global Bob (Brian Varner) talks about one of the latest Internet sensations and hoax known as the hydrogen water car. This is not the same as the hydrogen fuel cell. This is a claim that you can run a internal combustion engine on water by using a system that splits the water in to hydrogen and oxygen. He explains the complexities of this in simple terms and at a high level.Transcripts are automatically generated.


Episode 13 - Stuxnet, Trading Bombs and Bullets for Bits and Bytes!

In this episode Global Bob (Brian Varner) tells the general story of what lead up to the development and launch of Stuxnet and how it was used to destroy Iranian centrifuges. The information for this podcast was aggregated from various sources online and the accuracy may vary due to the fact that the actors behind Stuxnet have not publicly acknowledged the existence of Stuxnet or took credit for it.Transcripts are automatically generate.


Episode 12 - Starlink, the ultimate weapon against oppressive regimes!

In this Episode Global Bob (Brian Varner) discusses how effective Starlink can be against fighting oppressive regimes. He also discuss how Starlink works and how it can be used by the modern day war fighter.Transcripts are automatically generated.


Episode 11 - How a Zero Day Exploit is Developed!

In this episode Global Bob (Brian Varner) reflects on hackers that gave their life’s in the service of their country. He also outlines a antimony of a exploit by walking you through how he developed a ZeroDay exploit into a connected power command and control relay system.Transcripts are automatically generated.


Episode 10 - The DOJ Will No Longer Prosecute White Hat Hackers!

Ethical hackers and security researchers rejoice! The US Department of Justice has announced that they will not longer prosecute those that hack in good faith! In this episode Global Bob (Brian Varner) introduces his listeners to why people hack and the different types of hackers. He later gives his opinion on the latest news from the US Department of Justice on not prosecuting good faith hackers.Transcripts are automatically generated.


Episode 9 - BossWare, How Companies Spy on Employees!

In this episode Global Bob (Brian Varner) explains on a high level how companies can use various methods to spy on employees. He also talks about simple ways an employee can increase their privacy while these devices are in their personal spaces.Transcripts are auto generated.


Episode 8 - Down to The Dark Web

In this episode Global Bob talks about the other 90% of the Internet called The Dark Net. While there are may types of dark nets he focuses on The Onion Router (TOR) network, why TOR was developed and how it is currently being used to get information in and out of Russia. are auto generated.


Episode 7 - The Future of the Internet With Web 3.0

In this episode Global Bob (Brian Varner) introduces his audience to Web 3.0. He takes a walk down memory lane explaining the history of the Internet and the progression from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0. While Web 3.0 is yet to be completely defined he talks about Web 3.0 technologies that are already available.FaceBook @globalbobshowTranscripts are auto generated


Episode 6 - Your Digital Exhaust is Gold to Data Brokers

In this episode Global Bob (Brian Varner) explains how your data is collected and traded. He gives real world examples of how much your data is worth to data brokers and some shocking information on how unprotected your data really is.www.globalbobshow.comTranscripts are auto generated.


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