Global South Pole

The world is changing. As we navigate the emerging multipolarity, where power is distributed among multiple actors, the Global South emerges as a key player. Global South Pole is more than just a podcast. It’s a platform dedicated to challenging the mainstream narratives and amplifying the voices of the overlooked communities. It’s time to rewrite the maps to plant the Global South at the center

Sahel Shifting Alliances & US-French Satellite Surveillance

As Western influence in the Sahel declines, a new era of surveillance has begun. The US National Reconnaissance Office and French observation satellites are reportedly monitoring Niger's uranium mines, a move seen as an effort to maintain control over the region's strategic resources.


United African Voice is Much Better Heard, Expert Says

The BRICS Academic Forum, held in Moscow on May 22-24, brought together experts from BRICS-plus nations to discuss pressing issues of global governance, international security, and economic cooperation. The Forum's policy recommendations will be presented at the upcoming BRICS Heads' Summit in Kazan.


Sabotaging Security: How US Law Undermines Nigeria's Counterterrorism

Nigerian Foreign Minister Yusuf Tuggar has called for a re-evaluation of the US Leahy Law, which prohibits the sale of certain kinetic equipment to Nigeria over alleged human rights violations. He denies reports of widespread abuses related to military equipment and argues that the law hinders Nigeria's security efforts.


Africa Day: Celebrating Unity and Progress

Africa Day, celebrated annually on May 25, marks the founding of the Organization of African Unity in 1963, now known as the African Union. This day is a vibrant celebration of Africa's rich cultural diversity, historical achievements, and ongoing efforts towards unity and development.


Powering Africa: Young Inventor's Waste-to-Energy Revolution

As Africa continues its remarkable economic and population growth, the demand for reliable and sustainable sources of electricity has become paramount. On Global South Pole, host Aliyu Bello spoke with a 29-year-old Nigerian inventor who is pioneering innovative solutions by turning waste and other renewable sources into electricity.


Partnership or Proxy Play? African Lion 2024 Explained

The US Africa Command's largest annual joint exercise, code-named African Lion 2024, began in Tunisia on May 1 and will run until May 10. The exercise will then continue through 31 May in three other host nations: Morocco, Ghana and Senegal. On Global South Pole, experts offered insights into the implications of this event.


Unequal Access: Hypocrisy of European Visas

According to a report by Henley and partners, European visa rules are significantly stricter for African travelers compared to their counterparts from other regions. The study also highlights that the continent experienced a 30% refusal rate for Schengen visas in 2022, the highest despite having the lowest application per capita.


No Strings Attached: New Era of Russia-Africa Relations

Russia has firmly positioned itself as a key player in Africa, forging stronger ties through strategic alliances, economic cooperation, and humanitarian and cultural exchange initiatives. This growing partnership signals a shift in the global landscape and facilitates mutual growth and collaboration.


Beyond Borders, Beyond Pandemics: Africa & Russia Forge Health Alliance

A landmark conference in Kampala, Uganda, recently brought together African and Russian health experts for the first time. This critical meeting focused on tackling infectious diseases, a persistent challenge across Africa. The conference signifies a new chapter in Africa-Russia collaboration for a healthier future.


Fading Western Hegemony: A New Era of Africa-Russia Military Ties

Amidst the decline of Western influence in Africa, Russia, which has historically been a partner to African nations since the Soviet era, is making a comeback after a period of setback, seeking to reestablish its presence in the region. On Global South Pole, experts share their insights with Sputnik Africa on the significance of this development.


Wealth for Some, Exploitation for Many: Commonwealth of Nations' Reality

Since its creation in 1931, the Commonwealth of Nations has been facing criticisms for perpetuating exploitation, inequality and overlooking historical injustices. As calls for reform or even dissolution of the association are rising, on Global South Pole, renowned experts shared their insights on the Commonwealth's future.


Tribunal for Transatlantic Slave Trade: Africa & Caribbean Call for Action

At a summit in Ghana last year, the African Union and Caribbean countries discussed the idea of making use of legal means similar to the Nuremberg tribunal for compensation for European slave trade. On Global South Pole, a participant of the summit shared his insights on the issue.


Decolonizing the Pitch: Exposing Western Intrusion in African Sports

The International Olympic Committee is aimed at ensuring fairness and impartiality of sports. Yet, concerns arise over this institution's role in geopolitics, notably regarding its interference in African nations' internal affairs. On "Global South Pole," Professors Fulufhelo Netswera and Laeed Zaghlami examine this issue.


Beyond Sanctions: Zimbabwe Eyes BRICS Bank

The New Development Bank is a BRICS financial institution for financing infrastructure development, economic expansion, and empowerment. With Zimbabwe considering membership, on Global South Pole, our guest, a member of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe monetary policy committee, shared insights regarding his country's aspirations.


Counter-Terrorism or Exploitation in Disguise? Niger Sends US Troops Packing

The Nigerien government on March 17 announced the end of the military agreement with the United States, citing the agreement as "unjust" and against the interests of the Nigerien people. On "Global South Pole," our guests, Professor Abubakar Sadeeque Abba and Dr. Felix Oyosoro, offered insights into the implications of this decision.


Western Attempts to Meddle in Russia's Election Only Caused Surge in Turnout

The Russian presidential election saw Vladimir Putin clinch a landslide victory with 87.28% of the votes cast and a record-breaking 77.49% turnout. Global South Pole host interacted with voters, observers from African countries and the head of Nigerian diaspora in Russia to got more insights on the process and the significance of this election.


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