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Author: Debra Eckerling

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The GoalChat podcast is your go-to destination for all things goal-setting, productivity, and personal and professional development. Whether you're striving to achieve your career goals, enhance your time management skills, or find motivation to pursue your passion, this podcast is for you.

Each week, host Debra Eckerling invites three experts to dive into a special topic. Debra and her panel of thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and creatives share their own experiences, successes, and challenges. They also offer valuable insights and actionable advice to help you stay focused, organized, and inspired.

You can’t reach your goals on your own. You need your community. Whether you're a seasoned goal-setter or just starting out on your path to personal and professional growth, this podcast will empower you to take control of your life and turn your dreams into reality. 

A goal-strategist, speaker, and workshop leader, host Debra Eckerling is the founder of The D*E*B Method system of goal-setting simplified and the author of "Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Planning, Setting and Achieving Your Goals." The GoalChat podcast is the audio version of Debra’s GoalChatLive show, which streams Mondays at 4pm PT on LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube. Learn more at GoalChat is on the Marketing Podcast Network.

202 Episodes
On this episode of GoalChat, host Debra Eckerling discusses living Beyond Type A with KeishaMarie Douglas, Veteran Wingwomen Community; AJ Lauer, Thriving Ibis Leadership Solutions; and Evelyn Pacitti, Measurable Wellness. KeishaMarie, AJ, and Evelyn share their relationship with perfection, what caused them to embrace imperfection, and more. What is Perfectionism? - Evelyn: The vision of what in your head vs what's real .. and the non-stop loop of trying to match them - KeishaMarie: Doing the same thing and trying to get different results - AJ: Having an idea of how you want something to go Goals - AJ: Put something out into the world that is not 100% polished and perfect! - KeishaMarie: Stop holding yourself back - Evelyn: Put doing something imperfect/uncomfortable on your todo list Final Thoughts - KeishaMarie: Enjoy the journey. Laugh as much as possible - Evelyn: There's more flexibility in life than you give it credit for - AJ: Strive for progress over perfection Learn More About: KeishaMarie Douglas: AJ Lauer: Evelyn Pacitti: Debra Eckerling: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On this episode of GoalChat, host Debra Eckerling discusses The Freelance Life with Judy Gruen, Tyler Schmidt, and Keith Spiro. Judy is a freelance writer/columnist/book reviewer, whose books include Bylines and Blessings. Tyler Schmidt's company is Little Big Media; she also does work for FranklinCovey and Gray Miller Agency. Keith Spiro, Keith Spiro Media, is a writer and photographer, as well as business strategist and community builder. The trio talks about their experience and expertise in the freelance realm, including working for many bosses--not just one or two--and client/promo/project development. They also share their takes on boundaries (setting and keeping them) and balance. Goals - Judy: Give yourself permission to work on your passion project for small amounts of time every day - Keith: Say yes and be kind - Ty: Take the time to define your ideal client Final Thoughts - Judy: Look for the blessing in what you are doing; keep having that positive impact - Keith: Don't do it alone. Build your team! - Ty: Put your arms up on the rollercoaster of freelance life. Yes you can! Learn More About  Judy Gruen: Tyler Schmidt: Keith Spiro: Debra Eckerling: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On this episode of GoalChat, host Debra Eckerling has a fun conversation about cooking and tech with Jerome Amos, BFAM Cooking; Debbie Kennedy, The Food Coach Academy; and Faith Kramer, author of 52 Shabbats: Friday Night Dinners from a Global Jewish Kitchen. The trio shares their love of food, cooking backstories, plating tips, and more. Favorite Cooking Toy - Faith: Microwave for defrosting or reheating/pressure cooker, immersion blender - Jerome: Sous vide, smoker, SIS machine (whipper), vitamix - Debbie: Vitamix, cast iron pans What's on Their Foodie Bucket List - Jerome: Timpano pasta (referencing the movie "Big Night") - Debbie: Low country boil - Faith: Southern Indian food, Yemenite breads Goals - Debbie: Find a recipe you like but change it up; experiment with the flavors and make delicious mistakes - Faith: Take a chance on an exotic ingredient - Jerome: Eat local; when traveling, ask the person at the front desk where to eat and what foods the city is known for - Bonus from Jerome: Join a spice of the month club Final Thoughts - Faith: Every recipe tells a story, pay attention, it adds to the enjoyment - Debbie: Don't be afraid to learn how to cook - Jerome: Enjoy butter! Learn More About: Jerome Amos: Debbie Kennedy: Faith Kramer: Debra Eckerling: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On this week's GoalChat, host Debra Eckerling talks about #Reinventing with Howard Brown, Shining Brightly, Christopher Johnson, Calm Clear Media, and Jessie-Sierra Ross, Straight to the Hips, Baby. Howard reinvented himself after surviving stage 4 cancer twice; Christopher went from tech to running virtual events; and Jessie-Sierra reinvented herself from ballerina to food blogger to TV personality to cookbook author.  However you decide to reinvent yourself, it starts with the desire to change. Howard, Christopher, and Jessie-Sierra share their takes on the topic, their reinventing stories, and what's in the center of their Venn diagram, along with tips for soaring through your reinvention journey. Goals - Howard: Give yourself grace. Take an inventory of where you are at, and see where you want to go and don't want to go. - Jessie-Sierra: Give yourself the belief and courage to move forward, celebrate all wins, and build your new life one step at a time - Christopher: Play at the edge of your comfort zone Final Thoughts - Christopher: Find space to play in life as you work toward your goals - Jessie-Sierra: Think about your life in a series of "why nots" - Howard: Howard: Choose to shine brightly and be a force multiplier for positivity Learn About: Howard Brown: Christopher Johnson: Jessie-Sierra Ross: Debra Eckerling: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Trust is all about being real, relatable, and relevant, according to Larry Levine, Selling from the Heart. Larry, Barbara Drady of 360 Visibility, and Jim Fuhs of Fuhsion Marketing joined me for a lively, yet comprehensive #Goalchat on Trust. The trio talked about the evolution of trust, especially as it relates to sales. They also shared insights and tips about developing trust with others and yourself. #Goals - Jim: Record a 2 - 3 minute video of yourself telling what you do and upload it to LinkedIn - Barbara: Look at yourself in the mirror, and be honest: Do you think people will be able to trust you? If not, what do you need to change? - Larry: Ask yourself every day: What do I want to known for? Final Thoughts - Barbara: Make a splash! - Jim: Be real, relatable, and relevant for developing know, like, and trust - Larry: People would rather do business with those who sell from the heart Learn More About Barbara Drady: Jim Fuhs: Larry Levine: Debra Eckerling: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On this episode of Goalchat, host Debra Eckerling talks about fitness and fun with workout warrior Kevin Bailey, human performance expert Dr. Alexander Chriest, and holistic nutritionist Cat Dillon. Do you combine fitness and fun? Do you want to? The trio share their favorite - and least favorite - workout experiences, advice for incorporating fun into fitness, and more.  What Does Fitness Mean to You? Kevin: Being in a good place physically, mentally, and emotionally Alexander: Being open to the evolution Cat: Having the capacity to move through life with energy Goals Cat: Think about what physical activities you loved doing as a child. Use that as a jumping point for finding the fun. Then, join a community group for that type of exercise Kevin: Try out different types of exercise until you find one that gets you excited to work out Alexander: Give yourself permission to take the time for fitness; self care is important    Final Thoughts Cat: We put a lot of pressure on ourselves; give yourself grace. Alexander: Find a small thing you can do consistently for the rest of the year Kevin: Be kind to yourself, life happens, and keep moving forward Learn More About: Kevin Bailey: Alexander Chriest: Cat Dillon: Debra Eckerling: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Personal improvement goes hand-in-hand with professional success. On this episode of GoalChat, host Debra Eckerling speaks with Tammy Alvarez, Kristen Coffield, and Mort Orman about Personal Improvement. Tammy helps high level professionals in Escaping the Career Trap, Kristen is founder of The Culinary Cure, and Dr. Mort helps people through his The Anger Cure. The three guests each address different elements of personal improvement - career, health, and emotions - and are passionate about helping people acknowledge, address, and conquer the things that hold them back. Tammy, Kristen, and Mort share their backstories, as well as their takes on the value of personal development, how to embrace challenge and change, and more.  How to Start Your Personal Development Journey - Tammy: Evaluate what lights you up and figure out how to do more of it - Dr, Mort: Make the decision to change. Decide, "I'm going for it and nothing is going to stop me" - Kristen: What you focus on expands. Throughout your journey, focus on the positive Goals - Kristen: Hydration is linked to everything. Take 1/2 your body weight and drink that in ounces of water over the course of the day. You'll notice a change - Tammy: Congrats. You are now the CEO or your career! Put on your CEO hat on and ask yourself, "If my career were a biz, what would I change?" And then do it. - Dr. Mort: Gamify your personal development goal. Come up with a plan and keep your word to work toward it by doing something small every day Final Thoughts - Dr Mort: As Tony Robbins says, unleash the power within - Kristen: Let go of the outcome. Focus on how you feel - Tammy: It's never too late to be who you might have been. Go after your goals, and have fun while doing it! Learn More About Tammy Alvarez: Kristen Coffield: Dr. Mort Orman: Debra Eckerling: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On this episode of GoalChat, host Debra Eckerling had a fun conversation about Summer Activities with guests Jennifer Ballard, Holly Homer, and Babette Pepaj. Jennifer is Brand Partnerships Strategist at Motivating the Masses and Founder of Joy Scoutz, Holly is Founder of and Co-Founder of Pagewheel, and Babette Pepaj is Founder of Bakespace and Co-Founder of The trio not only appreciate the value of fun, they incorporate elements of it in their personal lives and businesses. Jennifer, Holly, and Babette shared their favorite solo and group activities, suggestions for fun summer adventures, ways to harness magical experiences, and more. Goals - Holly: Endorphin management; look at what makes you feel good and do more of that - Jennifer: Schedule a playdate with someone and have a new adventure - Babette: Smile more; it'll make you feel good and may also make someone's day Final Thoughts - Jennifer: Find fun in every day - Babette: Life is made up of little things; don't get caught up in the big, difficult stuff. Enjoy the fun, little things that matter - Holly: Keep fun photos on your phone; they are great reminders of good times Learn More About: Jennifer Ballard: Holly Homer: Babette Pepaj: Debra Eckerling: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The summer is the perfect time for reconnecting with friends, loved ones, peers, and colleagues. On this episode of GoalChat, host Debra Eckerling discusses reconnecting with Jack Gelley, Senior Marketing Strategist, iHeartMedia; Judy Herman, Relationship Wellness; and Robbie Samuels, Business and Book Launch Strategist. Jack, Judy, and Robbie talked about the benefits of connecting and reconnecting, as well as best practices for staying in touch. They also shared some great reconnecting anecdotes. Goals - Robbie: Wake up your network. Before launching your next offer, look in your existing network to find the champions/research/resources for your next offer - Robbie's Bonus Goal: If you are feeling stuck, do something nice for 5 people - Judy: Make sure you take care of yourself; plan a trip/retreat to replenish your spirit - Jack: Be intentionally more vulnerable. It builds trust Final Thoughts - Judy: You are worth it - Jack: It's just as easy to make stuff up good in your mind than bad stuff; focus on the good. - Robbie: You already met 80% of the people you need to know to be successful. Spend 80 % of your networking time reconnecting and the other 20% meeting new people. Learn More About Jack Gelley: Judy K Herman: Robbie Samuels: Debra Eckerling: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Happy Mid Year 2024! On this episode of GoalChat, Joey Held, Dorien Morin-van Dam, and Jamie Pachino join host Debra Eckerling to celebrate the mid-point of 2024! Joey is a writer and voiceover artist, Dorien is a social media strategist, and Jamie is a screenwriter and playwright. The trio shared their personal and professional wins - and challenges - from the first part of the year, as well as their goals for 2024, part 2! Joey, Dorien, and Jamie also talk about their projects, how they balance the different aspects of their lives, and the things that keep them joyful outside of - and including - work. It was a fun conversation, filled with inspiration, motivation, and solid advice. Goals - Dorien: Reconnect with nature. There's nothing like disconnecting from devices and enjoying the things around you - Joey: Try the Bowflex 5-minute stretch and the Just Dance video - Jamie: Seek out a book or movie that's the opposite of what you are working on, and see how that helps get your creative juices flowing for your projects Final Thoughts - Dorien: Be sure your goals are your own - Jamie: Set big goals. And understand the small parts that you need to work on to reach your big goals ... and do them! - Joey: Worry is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do but it gets you nowhere! Learn More About Joey Held: Dorien Morin-van Dam: Jamie Pachino: Debra Eckerling: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On this episode of GoalChat, host Debra Eckerling talks about food and cooking with Chef Katie Chin, Wok Star Catering; Amy Jurist, Amy's Culinary Adventures; and Beth Lee from OMG! Yummy. All three guests have had other careers prior to rediscovering their love of cooking and jumping into the culinary world. Katie, Amy, and Beth share their backstories, their love of food, and tons of cooking tips.  How to Level Up Your Cooking - Katie: Start small. Get empowered! And remember, when cooking, Google and YouTube are your friends - Amy: Take cooking classes - Beth: Get one new ingredient and experiment with it Goals - Beth: Invite people over to eat - Katie: Choose four ethnic cuisines, write them on slips of paper, put them in a hat, and choose one; find a restaurant with that cuisine to go to for dinner - Amy: Decide what change you can make - little or big - to start living your dream life Final Thoughts - Beth: Have no fear. Just get in the kitchen and cook - Amy: Enjoy the process - Katie: Leap and the net will appear Learn more about: Katie Chin: Amy Jurist: Beth Lee: Debra Eckerling: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On this episode of GoalChat, host Debra Eckerling talks about speaking, analogies, and props with Bobbie Carlton, Innovation Women; John Chen, Engaging Virtual Meetings; and Shelley Goldstein, Remarkable Speaking. Whether you are speaking in person, online, hybrid, or a mixture, you want your speaking to stand out. Bobbie, John, and Shelley share some of their speaking experiences - good and bad - along with tips and goals for captivating the audience on any live or virtual stage. They also talk about their least favorite buzz words, sheep, goats, and more. Goals - Bobbie: Try giving a presentation you've given before a lot and make it fresh by saying things differently; and if you can add an analogy, even better - John: Make people do something, like an interactive activity; it'll help keep them invested and engaged - Shelley: Change up your speeches, get rid of the jargon (or create your own jargon), and be yourself only more so Final Thoughts - Shelley: Captivate your audiences by being very different - John: Disrupt, engage, keep people interested - Bobbie: Try something new. Take that presentation that might be a little bit boring and pump it up, bring it up to the next level; you will enjoy yourself even more than your audience will Learn more: Bobbie Carlton: John Chen: Shelley Goldstein: Debra Eckerling: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On this episode of GoalChat, host Debra Eckerling had a deep and engaging conversation on #Pitching with Dave Bricker (Speakipedia), Paula Rizzo (Listful Living), and Michael Roderick (Small Pond Enterprises). People think of pitching as a business imperative. Yet, it's a skill relevant to all aspects of your life. The trio shared what is pitching ... and what is not. Dave, Paula, and Michael also talked about how to create a pitch, as well as what it takes to stand out and succeed. In essence, a pitch is about the audience, the value you add, and finding engaging - and unique - ways to get your message out there. Goals - Dave: Stop talking about yourself and start talking about the person you are serving - Paula: Make a list of the questions you are always answering; a pitch is not about what you know, it's what others care about - Michael: Step out of the longest line; those are full of the people who do not think they have a shot and getting access. Instead, find innovative ways to do the outreach; you never know the amazing results waiting for you Final Thoughts - Michael: Everybody's a celebrity to somebody, but celebrity is relative to everybody - Paula: Don't be so hard on yourself. Pitching is hard. Keep going. Success is out there - Dave: Enjoy the journey. Stop worrying about where you are not. If you put one foot in front of the other and head in the right direction, the top of the mountain has no choice but to come to you Learn About Dave Bricker: Paula Rizzo: Michael Roderick: Debra Eckerling: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On this episode of GoalChat, host Debra Eckerling talks about Change with Joseph Jaffe, AJ Lauer, EdD, and Regina Roberti. Joseph is an author and host of Joseph Jaffe is Not Famous; AJ is founder of Thriving Ibis Leadership Solutions, and Regina Roberti's company is Life Transformation Services.  The only constant in life is change. When you realize change is good - and can even be fun - it can open up a world of possibilities for a meaningful, happy life. Joseph, AJ, and Regina share their relationships with - and definitions of - change, along with advice and inspiration for stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing change. Goals - Regina: Write down what you are struggling with and then the pros of things changing and also the cons of changing, so you can make a better assessment - Joseph: Ask yourself 5 questions, as you are about to go to sleep: Did I show up for myself today Did I show up for others today? If today was the last day of your life, would it have been worthwhile? If today was the only day of your life, would it have been worthwhile? If today was the best day of your life, would it have been worthwhile? If the answer is no to any of them, then perhaps it's time to change - AJ: Look back at a change you made recently (big or small) and celebrate it! Final Thoughts - Regina: Don't wait to make changes. Don't let your fear get the better of you. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and just leap - Joe: If you didn't change during or because of the pandemic, it's okay; there's still time. remember, love what you do, be true to yourself, and stay the course - AJ: When you are scared about a change, take a deep breath and drink a glass of water. Give your body what it needs to stay centered so that it can handle the change that you are throwing at it. And then when you make it through, celebrate Learn More: Joseph Jaffe: AJ Lauer: Regina Roberti: Debra Eckerling: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On this episode of GoalChat, host Debra Eckerling dives into all things Artificial Intelligence with Hank Eder, PR/Marketing Specialist and Host of The Home Business Success Show; Seth Goldstein, Creative Director and Host of Entrepreneur's Enigma; and Brynne Tillman, CEO of Social Sales Link and Host of Making Sales Social Podcast. Artificial Intelligence can be a helpful addition to your tech toolbox, when trained properly and used correctly. (AI tools include Chat GPT, Gemini (formerly Bard; it's the Google version), Claude by Anthropic, and Perplexity.) The trio shares the genesis of their interest in AI, along with cautionary tales and ways to use AI to enhance your content activities. Tips for Using AI in Business - Brynne: Create custom instructions - Brynne: Train it using your own 3-5 minute transcript and ask it to rewrite it - Seth: Use it as a jumping off point - Seth: Also use it for graphics (MidJourney) - Hank: Use it for research; be sure to verify info and edit the content accordingly - Brynne: If you use AI for intellectual property or data you do not want out there, change your settings; for instance, turn off memory and turn off improve model for everyone Goals - Seth: Go to ChatGPT 4o and play with it - Hank: Sign up for Gemini and ask it to write a nice letter to someone (a friend or coworker) - Brynne: Become a prompt engineer. Learn how to write your own prompts: Context, Role, Inspiration, Scope & Prohibitions - Brynne: Try, an extension for storing prompts Learn More About: Hank Eder: Seth Goldstein: Brynne Tillman: Debra Eckerling: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On this episode of GoalChat, host Debra Eckerling talks about Podcast Guesting with Mike Allton, Head of Strategic Partnerships at Agorapulse; Jackie Lapin, founder of SpeakerTunity, and Anastasia Lipske, founder of Access Speakers. Mike hosts multiple podcasts, while Jackie and Anastasia focus on helping experts find stages ... and microphones. The trio talked about their backstories, along with their thoughts on the benefits of podcast guesting. They also shared tips for finding podcasts to appear on, being a good guest, getting started, and more. Goals Mike: Carve out time to repurpose a clip out of a previous podcast Anastasia: Ask friends and clients what shows they listen to that they think you should be on Jackie: Book 3 hours in your calendar every week to dedicate to podcast guesting activities Final Thoughts Anastasia: Just do it Jackie: Deliver your knowledge consistently Mike: Have a call to action/link to deliver over and over again when you are a podcast guest Learn More About: Mike Allton: Jackie Lapin: Anastasia Lipske: Debra Eckerling: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On this episode of GoalChat, host Debra Eckerling talks about self advocacy and corporate culture with Ed Brill, Desert Ridge Solutions; Jess Dewell, Red Direction; and Mark Herschberg, The Career Toolkit and the Brain Bump app. Whether you are a company founder, team leader, team member, sole practitioner, or side-hustler, better advocacy skills improve everyone's bottom line. Ed, Jess, and Mark shared their thoughts on this topic from leadership, employee, and solopreneur perspectives, as well as what stops people from self-advocacy, how advocate for yourself and others, and more. How to Improve Advocacy Mark: Ask people further along the path you wish to follow Ed: Develop your network; use LinkedIn to share your value as a resource Jess: Find the helpers or be the helpers Mark: Keep a log of what you do, including what you do for others Goals Jess: Go on a Present Retreat for Accountability Ed: Think about the possibilities that are all around you Mark: Make sure you jot down the main points you want to remember from today; paste them into a recurring calendar event, to serve as a reminder of what you want to recall/put into action. You can also check out Mark's Brain Bump app. Learn More About: Ed Brill: Jess Dewell: Mark Herschberg: Debra Eckerling: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On this episode of GoalChat, host Debra Eckerling talks about Imposter Syndrome with Stephanie O'Brien of Coach Client Connection, board-certified hypnotherapist and coach Karen Ross, and Jim Swan of Pinetree Partners. Stephanie, Karen, and Jim share their experiences with imposter syndrome, along with tips for mindset, wellbeing, and striving for success. What is Imposter Syndrome Jim: The knee-jerk desire to compare yourself with others you feel are superior Stephanie: Worrying that you are not as good as you say you are Karen: Self-talk; wondering, 'Who am I to help this person?' Goals Karen: Look in the mirror every day and say, 'I love you!' Stephanie: Make a list of all the things you know what to do that your ideal client does not Jim: Edit an input source; for instance spend less time on Facebook and Instagram (reduce toxic environments and comparisons). Final Thoughts Jim: Be kind Stephanie: Different people have different styles; that's how you find your fit as a coach and in finding new clients Karen: Keep kindness going. It makes a difference Learn more about: Stephanie O’Brien: Karen Ross: KarenRossNow,com Jim Swan: Debra Eckerling: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On this episode of #GoalChat, host Debra Eckerling puts the social back in social media with Holly Homer, Troy Sandidge, and May King Tsang. Holly is co-founder of Pagewheel; Troy is a growth strategist and podcaster, and May King is the original FOMO creator. The panel talks about the evolution and challenges of social media, along with ways to be more authentic, personal, and engaged. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking to spice up your social media game or a consultant seeking ways to connect more authentically with your audience, there's a wealth of knowledge here for you. Goals Troy: Look at your platform of choice, find someone you haven't talked to in a while. Share one of their posts, along with your thoughts. Amazing conversations will happen May King: Brag; shout about your achievements, and include the backstory Holly: Grow your email list Deb's Bonus Goal: Message friends, just to say, "Hi, How are you?" They will be as happy to hear from you as you are to reconnect with them Final Thoughts Holly: Social media is not rocket science. It is one foot in front of the other. Trust your heart. It's telling you where to go May King: Hang out with awesome people like Debra, Holly, Troy, and myself. You can never hang out with enough awesome people. Troy: Grow your social using non-traditional ways. Meet people outside of the social bubble: have conversations, do things, and build that relationship equity outside of social. Then, when you get back on social, you have photos and things to talk about; maybe other things will happen beyond that too. Learn More About: Holly Homer: Troy Sandidge: May King Tsang: Debra Eckerling: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On this episode of GoalChat, host Debra Eckerling discusses Honoring Your Voice with Stacia Crawford from Stay Ready Media; actor, voice over artist, and educator David H Lawrence XVII, Narrate Your Own Book; and screenwriter/author/professor Richard Walter, Deadpan. The trio, who work in various aspects of storytelling (PR, voiceover, and writing), talk about the power of words, owning your voice, and more. Goals - David: Reframe how you look at your voice - Richard: Allow yourself to get distracted - Stacia: Stop worrying about what other people think; your voice, your message, is unique to you Final Thoughts - Richard: Art is important. It's not an add-on or an extra. It is an essential. It's really at the core of the human experience. - Stacia: Keep talking. Keep shining your light, because you are unique, you're different, and you bring massive value to the world. - David: When trying something new, there are three fears that you can overcome. The fear of the unknown. The fear of failure. And the fear of success. Learn More: Stacia Crawford: David H Lawrence XVII: Richard Walter: Debra Eckerling: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit