DiscoverGod In The Ordinary
God In The Ordinary

God In The Ordinary

Author: Gary Dell & Sharon Tedford (Wiseword Radio & 61 Things Co-Production)

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Do you feel too 'ordinary' to impact those around you for Jesus? Isaiah 61 tells us how to reach our communities with the Truth of the Gospel. Regardless of what you do, ordinary Christians are the perfect candidates to serve God. But perhaps you don’t know how to get started?

God In The Ordinary is a twice-monthly interview podcast and it can help you! Through encouraging and engaging stories, be inspired to learn how you can make an eternal difference in your community and beyond! Let’s band together on both sides of the Atlantic as we reveal 'God in the Ordinary'.
79 Episodes
This 'respin' from 2021 gives another chance to hear a compilation edition we put together on reaching the ONE YEAR mark of God In The Ordinary in October 2021! We celebrated by sharing inspiring and insightful clips from lots of editions since we started in October 2020. We had excellent guests from all areas of life so it was a hard job to choose some of the best bits; but we know what we put together will really encourage you. Our guests all have something important to say about how we live our lives, being transparent in how we share the truth of Jesus with others. One of our favourite things about this episode is that we got to record it together in the same room! Sharon lives in Dallas but was on a visit to England so there were rare sightings of Sharon and Gary together! You’ll hear from host Sharon Tedford and co-producer Gary Dell as they share their thoughts on that first year of God In The Ordinary. Don’t miss this edition, and make sure you catch up on previous shows from our library. THANK YOU for joining us on this great podcast adventure. We certainly do appreciate you! Presented by Sharon Tedford. Produced by Gary Dell. Find out more about us at and
The benefits of technology are far-reaching, including the ability to share the Gospel with people all over the world. No matter their language or culture, many people have access to media and can hear the Good News through radio programmes. In this edition Don Shenk, executive director of The Tide ministries, joins us to talk about how important it is for us to reveal God to others, regardless of whether they live on the other side of the world or in our own neighbourhoods. The Tide is an international Christian outreach committed to worldwide evangelism and discipleship. For decades they’ve been sharing the truth of Jesus with people worldwide, introducing them to Jesus, discipling them, developing leaders in-country, church planting, and conducting short-term mission trips. Using Christian radio broadcasts and other forms of technology, they have reached countless people all over the world, teaching them about the Christian faith in their own languages. Not only do we talk about worldwide evangelism, but Don also introduces us to a very simple 3-word question that will open doors for us to share the Good News with those we meet in our daily lives. He invites us to take part in the campaign and to see how God will use us to grow His kingdom in the next 12 months. Listen to this edition to find out how you can join in! Presented by Sharon Tedford. Produced by Gary Dell. Find out more about us at and
Wouldn’t it be great if every aspect of our lives was significant to God? The good news is that God really is interested in our day-to-day rhythms, and He’s attentive to every moment. So here's another chance to hear our guest from 2021, mission champion Mark Greene, inviting us to find ways to walk with God in each moment of our daily lives. Mark reveals how every context is one in which we can live out a faithful and true life, both for and with Jesus; he unpacks what it means to live outside of the “sacred, secular divide”; teaches us six simple but crucial steps to living a fruitful, faith-filled life. We also talk about his book, “Fruitfulness on the Frontline”, and the personal impact it's had on us. Mark’s message will fill you with hope as you're reminded that Jesus wants to get involved in your life – God’s not indifferent! In this episode we also do something that’s totally contrary to the 'podcast host’s commandments' - so listen in and break the rules with us as we take a moment to practice something that Mark teaches us. You won’t be sorry! Presented by Sharon Tedford. Produced by Gary Dell. Find out more about us at and
Have you ever wondered about how many people in the world don’t know what the Bible is? Have you ever met someone who’s never heard of Jesus? Our guest in this edition, Chay Harty, works for the UK's Bible Society. Chay’s working with the Bible Society to ensure people all over the world can find out more about God by reading His word for themselves. Chay passion for the Word of God is clear. He shares the many and varied ways the Bible Society has created for people to engage with Scripture; talks us through their impressive spread of Bibles for different learning styles and age groups; and highlights the many accessible and free resources they have to help local churches engage with the Word of God. Chay tells us about “Festive Fred” - and how this happy little chappy in storybook form - can give you what you need to serve your local community with a fabulous and fun Christmas event. There’s even a free 'Pop up Christmas' resource you can grab to ensure your Christmas season goes off without a hitch. If you dont get to listen in time for this Christmas, then there's lots of ideas for Christmas 2024 - start planning now! Join Sharon Tedford as she chats with Chay; and learn more about how you can support the work of Bible Society through a variety of ways. Presented by Sharon Tedford. Produced by Gary Dell. Find out more about us at and
Do you know the power-packed secret of the melody, Westminster Quarters – or the Westminster Chimes, to give it it’s other name? Perhaps you think you’ve never even heard it before - but you probably have! It’s the chime that rings out from Big Ben, the famous bell that sits in the Elizabeth Tower at the Palace of Westminster. This iconic clock tower is recognised all over the world as a symbol of the city of London - and is also part of our God In The Ordinary logo! The chimes - also known as the Cambridge Quarters or Cambridge Chimes from their place of origin, the Church of St Mary the Great in Cambridge - have been adopted by hundreds of other clocks and clock towers all over the world and resonates with all of us as a well-known bell chime. But what is the secret hidden in the chime that echoes out over towns and cities on the hour, every hour? That tune has lyrics – long-lost words that have been rediscovered! In this edition, our guests, Sarah Belcher and Chip Kendall from the ministry, All Through This Hour, help us discover what those lyrics are; and we learn how this song is a cry for protection and reliance on God for all people. When you hear the lyrics, you’ll be challenged to take up this great proclamation and perhaps even sing it as a prayer over your own community. Once you know, you know! You might even be called into action and Sarah and Chip have a simple yet profound way for you to respond! Don’t miss this inspiring edition as Sharon Tedford unpacks this incredible story. Presented by Sharon Tedford. Produced by Gary Dell. Find out more about us at and
How can we support the persecuted church around the world? Is there anything I can do to support Christians who are oppressed? Today’s edition brings you an encouraging and engaging conversation with Ryan Brown, Chief Executive Officer, Open Doors US. We discuss how to support persecuted Christians, and Ryan helps us consider how we can add a simple, powerful tool to the ordinary rhythms of our day – something that will go to all the places we can’t. He shares ways that will help us to use our faith to engage more completely with those around us and those across the globe; and talks about how comfort has become a hinderance to many, and how living without God leaves us blind to culture’s deepest needs. The Bible is a vital tool in the expansion of the Good News, and Ryan shares the fascinating history of Open Doors and how they came to be a Bible sharing ministry. Many Christians around the world find their livelihoods are threatened when they share the truth of Jesus, and Ryan encourages us to get involved in the work of Open Doors through some diverse but straightforward ways. Our conversation will remind you that the power of God is alive and well all over the planet and will equip you with ways to join the battle against darkness. Presented by Sharon Tedford. Produced by Gary Dell. Find out more about us at and
Is it easy being a military spouse? What kind of difficulties do spouses of those serving in the military face, and how can we help them? This week, Sharon Tedford chats with former military spouse, Kristi Woods, who experienced first-hand what it was like to be separated from her husband for long periods of time before he retired from the Navy. She knows the feeling of moving her whole family all over the country and learned to live through the transient nature of that lifestyle. Making friends and building community isn’t always easy when you get shuffled around, but Kristi found ways to do that. Kristi shares her wisdom with great generosity, including that for families still in the military; and also shares some great and very practical ways that we can all support military wives and husbands, military children and members of the wider family, too. A valuable conversation that will help us to reveal God to this particular section of society, especially at the time of year when remembrance commemorations take place. Presented by Sharon Tedford. Produced by Gary Dell. Find out more about us at and
What do you do when grief becomes your 'ordinary'? How do you find God when you’re suffering in the depths of despair? In this edition of God in The Ordinary, host Sharon Tedford talks with international speaker, writer, and mother of two, Becky Carpenter. Becky shares the story of how her youngest daughter, Skylar, ran into heaven a few years ago, leaving the family desperately searching for hope. It was a tragic accident on school transport that led to the fatality, and Becky had to find a new depth in her faith as she rediscovered the ever-present truth of Jesus. We talk about how God reveals Himself to us in the hard times, and there’s a challenge to live with full obedience to Christ, even if that means moving forward with nervous anticipation; and Becky tells us of how Christ has led her to reveal the hope of God all over the world and how He’s using her story in her book, One Day Closer. Although we learn about the real pain of heartbreak, this edition is jam-packed full of forward focusing perspective. Becky carries a genuine and infectious hope in Jesus that will bring you great joy as you listen. Presented by Sharon Tedford. Produced by Gary Dell. Find out more about us at and
Have you wondered how a humble pipe cleaner could be a helpful tool when working towards inclusion in your church services? Or have you ever felt concerned for people in your own community who couldn’t afford necessary therapies for their children? Our guest today has a solution! Dr Naomi Graham shares her passion for providing professional therapy and help through her charity, Growing Hope. You might be surprised to hear where the clinics are always set up. Maybe you’ll even feel the nudge to get involved in one yourself? In this edition to coincide with World Mental Health Day, Naomi encourages us to think outside of the usual box of Sunday school toys and tells us about how we can improve our welcoming skills when considering children who have additional needs; she shares about a powerful, free, and easily accessible tool that Naomi and all her therapists use when spending time with their clients; and we discuss how this tool is something we can all use with our friends and family as we share our Christian faith in our everyday lives. Whether you have specific skills in therapies for people with additional needs or not, make sure you listen to find out how we can help encourage and love families of children with additional needs, in the name of Jesus. Learn how you can make a difference for people in your own community as we learn how to reveal God through some very ordinary questions. Presented by Sharon Tedford. Produced by Gary Dell. Find out more about us at and
Have you been praying for someone for years? Are you weary and discouraged because you don’t see any change? Our guest today brings a hearty dose of hope. Keith King moved from atheist, unconvinced, paraffin salesman, to a man fully submitted to Jesus. He tells us the story of one of his customers who persevered for years, as she consistently revealed God to him through simple acts of love like cheese sandwiches and a second-hand ash tray; how his new faith led him to train as a pastor, a ministry he’s been in for decades; and, having been in church leadership all over the UK, how he began an international organization that trains other pastors in his ‘retirement’ years. What began as one-to-one mentorship, has developed into a spectacular and impactful global ministry. Part of how God equipped Keith for this role is wrapped up in his profound experience of parenting a son with special needs. This episode will give you great ideas about how to use the ordinary to reach people in ordinary ways, as you continue to learn how to reveal our extraordinary God. Presented by Sharon Tedford. Produced by Gary Dell. Find out more about us at and
You’re never too old or too unwell to serve God; or to find new ways to reveal Him to others! Hazel Hare is our guest today and she shares how God took her from a place of sickness, to a place of service. You'll be encouraged as you learn about how her willingness to obey God in her retirement has taken her all over the world to serve Him. We hear how Hazel was able to use her professional skills as a Physio/Physical Therapist in surprising and impactful ways; she shares about her current work as part of the local Street Pastors team in Taunton, south-west England; and how this work has led to a couple of surprising meetings! (The bonus feature is Hazel’s beautiful Irish accent!). Presented by Sharon Tedford. Produced by Gary Dell. Find out more about us at and
You and I can partner with God to serve the world, no matter our age, ethnicity, or social status. He welcomes us all, including refugees. Our guest, Daniel Yang, knows this first-hand. He’s a second-generation Asian American. His Hmong family bravely fled from war-torn Laos after the 'Secret War' in the 1970’s. Daniel tells us their inspiring journey from refugees to church planters - one that will encourage you to look deeper into your own identity and calling. There truly is a role for each one of us in the Kingdom of God. He shares how he discovered the secret to communicating with others — including those from different cultures — in one simple step (here’s a hint: it will help you share the gospel with anyone, and it’s powerfully achievable); and, as Director of the Send Institute (a think tank for North American church planting out of Wheaton College), how he loves to equip people with the Biblical truth that we’re all made for community. You’ll also enjoy one of his lesser-known talents at the end of the podcast - so stick around because you’re going to love it! Presented by Sharon Tedford. Produced by Gary Dell. Find out more about us at and
Our guest for this edition is Fiona Thomas, a small business owner from near London, UK. Fiona tells of how holding hands with people, both literally and figuratively, has led to deeply impactful, Jesus-filled conversations; shares the very personal story of how she moved from feelings of disillusionment and shame, to finding genuine breakthrough in an authentic relationship with Jesus; and inspires us to allow creativity to be part of our faith journey, as we learn that we're truly cherished by our Creator Father God. Presented by Sharon Tedford. Produced by Gary Dell. Find out more about us at and
What if your love of music could lead to telling people about Jesus at a rock festival? What if wearing a high visibility vest led to leading people to faith? Would you do it? Today our guest is Tim Sudworth, an English Anglican vicar who loves heavy rock and who found himself attending Download Festival not only as a fan but also as an invited chaplain. Tim was surprised at how fluently God moved through his obedience, and all that transpired through him and the team during the event. Tim shares about how this chaplaincy led to another interesting personal invitation to a large festival led by British actor and comedian, Russell Brand. Tim was asked to come to represent Jesus – so he did! Certainly, an unusual request, but once again, as Tim and the team followed where Jesus led, they saw what God does when we submit to His leading. Tim tells us about how his willingness has brought about unexpected outcomes that bring glory to God at every turn, and how we can all find ways to reveal God to everyone we meet. This edition is full of conversation about how God can use us in unusual circumstances, and in unfamiliar places, as we go where He invites us to go. Presented by Sharon Tedford. Produced by Gary Dell. Find out more about us at and
Saving lives isn’t something most of us do all the time, but today’s guest makes a habit of it! She's a Christian Arab who grew up in Nazareth surrounded by people of many faiths. She found her passion when she joined Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel’s national emergency medical service and representative to the International Red Cross. Yasmeen Mazzawi joined MDA in her teenage years and was immediately impacted by the important work this organisation does across the community. Even though she's now living a European country while studying, she still volunteers with MDA every time she returns home. Yasmeen quickly learned that comforting compassion is a dialect that speaks across language barriers, and she's seen the power of Christ’s love reaching others regardless of their faith or mother tongue. Yasmeen knows her very actions can speak gospel truth as she literally binds up the brokenhearted in their moments of greatest need. She helps us understand how we can reach others who don’t share our Christian faith and helps us see how God can turn even the most difficult of situations into His opportunities. When we meet people with different cultures, languages, and beliefs we can find ways to reveal God to them. Yasmeen helps us understand why and how we can do that through love and compassion. Presented by Sharon Tedford. Produced by Gary Dell. Find out more about us at and
Have you ever been in a situation where there’s a clear need? Have you prayed about that, asking God to meet the need, only to be surprised when God asks you to be the one to provide the solution?! On this week’s edition we meet Jenni and Ben Tice, founders of Lily Pad Inc. There's a shortage of foster homes in the USA, and it’s difficult to place children quickly. Often children and youth must stay overnight in the offices of their care workers, while waiting for placement in a foster home. Image how that feels – already traumatised and now having to sleep on a blow-up bed or under a desk in a strange office. Case managers do their very best; but Jenni and Ben, experienced foster parents themselves, realised there could be a better way. They knew God was calling them to do something about this issue, and Lily Pad was born. With the help of volunteers, Lily Pad (a donation-funded charity) reveals God by establishing and maintaining a safe space for young people entering the foster care system. They create comfortable, secure, and familiar rooms where children and youth can have a soft place to land before they are placed into a foster home. This organisation is revealing God in extraordinary ways, using very ordinary means. As you listen to our conversation you'll be encouraged to allow God to use you in your ordinary, wherever that may be. There are no excuses – when God calls, we answer. Are you willing? Presented by Sharon Tedford. Produced by Gary Dell. Find out more about us at and
Have you had your heart broken by the things that break God's heart? Have you felt the Holy Spirit leading you to do something in reponse to that? Have you answered that call? That's the story behind how - and where - this week's guest has been serving God for over 20 years. Peter Thomas serves with international mission agency YWAM (Youth With A Mission) as Director of their ministry in Fortaleza, Brasil. But Peter's story started when he was just 13, when his heart was broken by a 'God encounter' in Mexico. Peter shares his journey from then to how he serves God now; tells us about his early work in Brasil with street kids - and of the heartbreak that accompanied that at times. Also known as JOCUM Fortaleza, Peter talks of the work they do now and its focus on mobilizing and training missionaries and its goal to reach families, communities and unprivileged groups. Using a fishing analogy, Peter shares some practical tips about 'cause and effect' - if we constantly meet similarly effected people, perhaps we shoud look 'upstream' as to what is causing that effect, and work to reveal God into those places and situations to bring about change. He has also just published his first book, To Climb A Mountain (River Birch Press), with two more books due soon. Peter's emotional response to the situations he's encountered, and how his heart can be affected by the Holy Spirit, is clear to hear. Some of his experiences of serving God in Brasil over the years have been painful and the situations traumatic. This might be upsetting to some, so listener discretion is advised. Presented by Sharon Tedford. Produced by Gary Dell. Find out more about us at and
Have you ever wondered if there’s a Christian service that provides help to people in physical and emotional need within the community? Is there a way for nurses to use their hard-earned skills outside of a hospital or doctor’s surgery? For this week’s edition, host Sharon Tedford chats with Barbara Griffiths, a regional nurse coordinator with Parish Nursing Ministries UK. Barbara shares with us how she’s using her nursing prowess within her own neighbourhood and beyond; helps us to think about how we can share the gospel by noticing the needs of people around us, and engaging with them in the way Jesus would have. This important ministry serves people in a myriad of ways. From people suffering with depression or anxiety, to those who’ve received a cancer diagnosis, or maybe even members of the community who desperately need grief support. Parish Nurses work to improve the lives of people in the UK through whole person health care. And they’re making sure that churches and Christian organisations in every region of the UK are supported to host high quality, sustainable, accredited nursing services that facilitate wholistic health and wellbeing for local people. If you work in a medical field, you’ll find this conversation enlightening and hope filled. If you’re not, you’ll get lots of simple, actionable tips on how to care for those around you in genuinely helpful ways. There’s something here for everyone! Presented by Sharon Tedford. Produced by Gary Dell. Find out more about us at and
Have you ever searched for happiness in something specific only to find it doesn’t make you happy after all? Perhaps you’ve found comfort in solitude in the past, but now it feels toxic to you. On this edition of God In The Ordinary we speak with Tina Yeager, an award-winning author, speaker, Flourish-Meant podcast host, and certified life coach. Tina helps us to think about how we can move from solitude to meaningful relationships, and how we can invite others to join us as we build connections with those around us; we discuss competitiveness and how Christians can live within that realm in a Godly and Christ-honouring way; and she helps us think about the importance of humility and how that can invade all areas of our lives as we intentionally live in ways that reveal God to others. You’ll hear a fresh perspective on the fact that Jesus promises to make all things new as Tina reminds us of where we, as Christians, stand in Christ. She also shares about her new book, Upcycled: Crafted for a Purpose, and some of the ways we can use creativity to solidify the truths of Jesus. This edition will help you pinpoint where you might have 'unhealthy' mind habits and enable you to recognise how deep your attach to Jesus is, as we remember that He is the Source of our strength. Presented by Sharon Tedford. Produced by Gary Dell. Find out more about us at and
Is it really possible to help the most vulnerable and abused people in the world? Christians are called by Jesus to pursue His instructions and to care for the broken - but how do we do that well? In this edition of God In The Ordinary, Sharon Tedford talks with Jacob Sims, International Justice Mission’s Country Director for Cambodia, who helps us think more deeply about what it looks like to truly come alongside people who are in need. Jake shares about how sometimes we don’t have to say a word about our Christian faith, and instead simply act in the way that Jesus would have (that’s evangelism!); he talks about how releasing control of our own desires, and letting go of the strong grip we sometimes have on how we want our future to unfold, can enable us to walk in true freedom for ourselves and others. The need to get beyond where we feel comfortable is a surprising lesson Jake learned from a hobby and something we can all be encouraged to lean into. This edition will help you think about how caring for others can stretch into every area of your day; and how living a life, where Christ is the Hero of the story, will bring amazing results for us and those we interact with. Presented by Sharon Tedford. Produced by Gary Dell. Find out more about us at and
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