DiscoverGoing Underground Hosted by Afshin Rattansi
Going Underground Hosted by Afshin Rattansi
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Going Underground Hosted by Afshin Rattansi

Author: Going Underground

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We ask the questions mainstream media avoid. Current affairs and geopolitics. Produced independently from Dubai, UAE. Hosted by award-winning journalist Afshin Rattansi.
135 Episodes
FOLLOW US ON ALL OF OUR PLATFORMS: On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to John Mearsheimer, Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago. He discusses Israel’s bombing of the Iranian Embassy in Damascus and Israel’s attempts to drag the US into a war with Iran, how US protection allows Israel to ‘get away with anything’ in international politics, how the Gaza genocide is paving the way for a Donald Trump victory in November, the Israel lobby’s grip on US foreign policy, the deliberate failure of the Minsk Agreements in Ukraine leading to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to launch the Special Military Operation, why the US and Europe have lost the proxy war against Russia and the risk of direct conflict between NATO and Russia, and much more.
FOLLOW ALL OF OUR PLATFORMS: On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Israel’s former Justice Minister Yossi Beilin. In a heated exchange, Afshin Rattansi challenges him on Gaza’s mass-slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, the parallels between Palestinian resistance and Nelson Mandela’s ANC resistance, dubious evidence surrounding October 7th and evidence of Israeli friendly fire, and Israel’s support for jihadists in Syria. Furious at the direction of the interview, Yossi Beilin would abruptly end the interview. Finally, in tribute to the award-winning writer, poet, and celebrated anti-racist and anti-colonial trailblazer Benjamin Zephaniah who passed away this Thursday, we play for our audience our last interview with Benjamin Zephaniah which first aired on the 27th of May 2019.
FOLLOW US ON ALL PLATFORMS: On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Mitchell Plitnick, the President of ReThinking Foreign Policy and co-author of ‘Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics’. He discusses anti-Palestinian Senator John Fetterman’s visit to Israel and his rightward shift since becoming elected, how the Gaza genocide has exposed a complete mismatch between the American public and their politicians, Blinken’s and Biden’s outright lies that Hamas is the only party blocking a ceasefire, why US politicians’ support for Israel is built on a combination of pro-Israel lobbying, racism and Zionist belief, Israel’s planned war against Hezbollah in Lebanon and the far-right government’s thinking behind launching a seemingly disastrous war against Lebanon, the potential for regional escalation with Iran involved in a major war with Israel, the political cowardice of the Biden Administration as all-out regional war could break out in the Middle East, the decline of what was left of the US’ prestige around the world following the Gaza genocide, why Israel is unlikely to use nuclear weapons either in Lebanon or in Gaza, the role of groups such as the Anti-Defamation League in supporting the genocide domestically in the US and smearing activists as anti-Semites, and much more.
FOLLOW US ON ALL PLATFORMS: On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Brian J. Cavanaugh, a former Special Assistant to President Donald Trump and a former member of Donald Trump and President Joe Biden’s National Security Council. He discusses the deteriorating international security situation under Biden, Julian Assange finally being freed and reaching a deal with the Biden Administration to plead guilty under the Espionage Act, the decline of the US’ image as a democratic ‘shining city on the hill’ given the domestic political turmoil, Julian Assange’s revelations that the US was on the side of Al-Qaeda in Syria and that the US created ISIS, Donald Trump’s foreign policy in his first term and the merits of his approach, what has gone wrong with Joe Biden’s foreign policy concerning the Ukraine proxy war and the Afghanistan withdrawal, the growing alliance between Russia, China, North Korea and Iran, Biden’s and Blinken’s assertion that the Ukraine proxy war is good for the US economy, the failure of neoliberalism and globalism in international trade and supply chains, the recent event of the Russian warships docking in Cuba and ‘Russia’s willingness to bring limited nuclear conflict to the US’ doorstep’, and much more.
FOLLOW US ON ALL OF OUR PLATFORMS: On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Former NATO Analyst and Former Officer of the Swiss Strategic Intelligence Service Col. Jacques Baud, author of ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood: The Defeat of the Vanquisher’. He discusses the ‘Ukraine peace conference’ that took place in Switzerland and why Switzerland has become a party to the conflict against Russia, why Switzerland is beginning to abandon its tradition of neutrality amid the Russia-NATO proxy conflict in Ukraine, the US’ ‘you’re either with us or against us’ approach to neutral countries, the inability of the West to understand the Palestinian resistance amid Israel’s genocidal onslaught in Gaza, how Gaza and Ukraine have exposed the increasing split between the Western world and the rest of the world, Israel’s failures in Gaza and why its strategy goes against all the rules of counter-insurgency, why Israel’s goal isn’t to solve the problem of Palestinian insurgency but rather to just eliminate the Palestinian population, and much more.
FOLLOW US ON ALL OF OUR PLATFORMS: On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Max Blumenthal, Editor in Chief of The Grayzone. He discusses the Washington Post’s latest hit piece against The Grayzone in an attempt to get its employees investigated by the federal government or arrested for exposing Israel’s propaganda to justify its genocide in Gaza, the lies and fabrications in the Washington Post article trying to tie The Grayzone to being affiliated with the Russian and Iranian government, why he believes the motive for the latest attack on The Grayzone is for exposing Israel’s lies and propaganda surrounding the events of October 7th, the targeting of Editor Wyatt Reed and attempt to tie him to Iran, why the Washington Post is nothing but a laundromat for Israeli and US intelligence agencies in its reporting, the exposed October 7th propaganda concerning ‘Hamas mass rape’ and other pieces of atrocity propaganda, Israel’s own atrocities including torture, sexual assault against Palestinians and violations of the Geneva convention, and much more.
FOLLOW US ON ALL PLATFORMS: On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to the Ali Abunimah, the Founder and Director of The Electronic Intifada. He discusses the Nuseirat massacre committed by Israel in Gaza, the ongoing rhetoric and propaganda from the Biden Administration and Benjamin Netanyahu's government on ceasefire negotiations and their blaming of Hamas for no breakthrough, how the Palestinian resistance is imposing a defeat against Israel, the mainstream media’s role in propagating Israeli and US propaganda regarding Gaza, the disastrous Russia-NATO proxy war in Ukraine, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s direct role in the genocide in Gaza, evidence of Israel killing its own civilians on October 7th and the propaganda to manufacture consent for the Gaza genocide, the glee of Israeli soldiers and Israeli society over the genocide in Gaza, Israel’s torture program and the similarities between it and the US’ torture program in Iraq, and much more.
FOLLOW US ON ALL PLATFORMS: On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Former Special Advisor to UN Secretaries-General. He discusses why he is never brought on mainstream media to discuss the Ukraine proxy war and the lies of Western media, the G7’s growing arrogance resulting in multiple dangerous crises in Gaza, Ukraine and Taiwan, NATO nation’s governments and media continuously using the term ‘unprovoked invasion’ when discussing the Russia-NATO proxy war in Ukraine, how the Ukraine proxy war could have easily been avoided and the consequences of NATO expansion and adventurism, the ‘Ukraine peace conference’ in Switzerland, why nothing will change after the November 2024 US Presidential election regardless of if Biden or Trump wins, the increasing failure of the US’ sanctions and the rise of BRICS, why he believes a two-state solution is the only solution to Israel’s occupation of Palestine, the 100 years of manipulation of the Arab world by colonial powers, the US giving the green light for Ukraine to strike inside of Russia, and much more.
FOLLOW US ON ALL OF OUR PLATFORMS: On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Prof. Brahma Chellaney, a former advisor to India’s National Security Council. He engages in a debate with Afshin Rattansi on the reduced vote share that India’s population gave Narendra Modi’s BJP after 10 years of his rule, why the INDIA opposition alliance was still unable to topple the rule of the BJP and its allies, the poverty alleviation and inequality in India compared to neighbouring communist China, Modi’s Hindu-Muslim culture wars as economic problems persist for the poor and working classes, the increased concentrated ownership of India’s media outlets by oligarchs, India’s pro-Israel turn under Narendra Modi and deepening ties with the West, India’s independent stance on the Ukraine proxy war and continued good relations with Russia, and much more.
FOLLOW US ON ALL PLATFORMS: On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Mouin Rabbani, Co-Editor of Jadaliyya and Non-Resident Fellow at the Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies. He discusses the latest Gaza ceasefire negotiations debacle between the US and Israel and typical blame being placed on Hamas and the US being ‘more pro-Israel than Israel itself’, the paradox of the US trying to avoid regional escalation while driving escalation with full-throttle support to Israel’s Gaza genocide, the increasing ineffectiveness of Israel’s propaganda for international audiences and the shift of Israeli society to the far-right, the mainstream media’s attacks on dissenting pro-Palestinian voices, why Israel is the US’ vassal state rather than the other way around, the slow end of the blind bi-partisan support for Israel, the US’ attempts to attach Israeli normalisation to security pact negotiations with Saudi Arabia, the GCC’s strategic diversification away from solely relying on the US to provide security, the racism of the Western political class, and much more.    
FOLLOW US ON ALL PLATFORMS: On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Miko Peled, grandson of one of the signatories of Israel’s 1948 Declaration of Independence and Founder of the Palestine House of Freedom. He discusses the purpose of Palestine House of Freedom and the goal of shifting the pro-Zionist narratives in Washington, the effect of the mass student protests taking in the US against the genocide in Gaza, the Biden Administration’s continued arming and enabling of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, why the conversation must be shifted to ending Israeli apartheid and demanding a Free Palestine, whether the Gaza genocide marks the beginning of the end of Israel and Zionism, why the two-state solution is realistically impossible and morally wrong, the genocidal state of Israeli society and the political future of Benjamin Netanyahu, why the goal of Israel is the extermination of as many Palestinians as possible and not the defeat of the Palestinian resistance, the absurdity of the ICJ giving Israel time to end the genocide, and much more.
FOLLOW US ON ALL PLATFORMS: On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Colin Powell’s former Chief of Staff Col. Lawrence Wilkerson. He discusses the collapse of the INF Treaty and why its collapse is so dangerous, the ICC finally moving to prosecute Israeli officials after decades of only prosecuting enemies of Washington, Joe Biden and every member of the US government down to the lowest staffer being complicit in the Gaza genocide, Benjamin Netanyahu playing a key role in the assassination of former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the reckless decision to allow Ukraine to strike within Russia and target Russian early warning systems which could trigger nuclear war, the increasing risk of escalation between NATO and Russia as Stoltenberg and Macron continue to flirt with direct conflict with Russia, the attempted colour revolution in Georgia over the ‘Foreign Agents’ law, what could make him support Donald Trump in November, and much more. 
FOLLOW US ON ALL OF OUR PLATFORMS: On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Brett Scott, author of ‘Cloudmoney: Why the War on Cash Endangers Our Freedom’ and the ‘Altered States of Monetary Consciousness Newsletter’. He discusses why cryptocurrencies in their current form are not a rival to the existing monetary system and actually empower the system, the Conservative fixation over the imagined modern history of gold, the decline of ATMs and the growing control of banks over the monetary system, the myth of fintech ‘democratising finance’ and fintech’s alliance with big finance, the war on cash and why big companies are leading efforts to eliminate cash, the rise of central bank digital currencies and why the power really lies with big US and European firms, and much more.
FOLLOW US ON ALL OF OUR PLATFORMS: On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Author of ‘Climate Uncertainty and Risk: Rethinking Our Response’. She discusses how the climate crisis has been massively oversimplified along with its solutions, the so-called ‘scientific consensus’ on climate change and the marginalisation of dissenting scientists, how green colonialism has led to hampering the efforts to get billions of people out of poverty, the politicisation of the science to pursue certain policy agendas, why the focus on global warming has led to the ignoring of inadequate infrastructure and poor water resource management, the IPCC’s selective use of evidence to further their agenda, and much more.
FOLLOW US ON ALL OF OUR PLATFORMS: On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Gerald Celente, Founder and Director of The Trends Research Institute. He discusses the ever-growing power of the military-industrial complex in the US while living standards continue to worsen, why the US’ and Europe’s economic turmoil is much worse than the figures suggest, his prediction of a large banking crisis caused by an office building bust that threatens to cripple the US economy, why a large US war is to come as the US economy faces crisis, China’s move towards economic self-sufficiency in the face of sanctions, increasing global opposition to US hegemony, the risk of escalation in Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza and the Russia-NATO proxy conflict in Ukraine, Joe Biden vs Donald Trump, and much more.
FOLLOW US ON ALL OF OUR PLATFORMS: On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Prof. Peter Shor, the deviser of Shor’s algorithm. He explains the algorithm’s function of factoring large number and how this could be a revolution in quantum computing, what quantum computing is and what differentiates it from regular computing, the current technology of RSA encryption and why it is inefficient and expensive, why Shor’s algorithm can open the door to major advancements in medicine, chemistry, energy production and other major issues humanity faces today, why it is taking so long to mass-produce effective quantum computers, and much more.
    On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to labour journalist Hamilton Nolan, author of ‘The Hammer: Power, Inequality, and the Struggle for the Soul of Labor’. He discusses the soaring popularity of trade unions in the US and why the country may be at a tipping point to reclaim worker power, why US President Joe Biden has been disappointing for workers despite being the ‘most pro-union President in history’, the decades of decline of union power and why US laws incentivise union-busting practices by companies, whether the AFL-CIO should be dismantled and replaced with a new labour federation, the successful drive by Starbucks workers to unionise stores one by one, why Donald Trump and the Republicans are a non-starter for trade unions in the 2024 election race, the relationship between America’s unions and the military-industrial complex, why new union organising may be the only way to bridge the gap of polarisation in the US, and much more.
FOLLOW US ON ALL OF OUR PLATFORMS: On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Professor Roman Yampolskiy, author of ‘AI: Unexplainable, Unpredictable, Uncontrollable’ and Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Louisville. He discusses what differentiates AI and AGI, the ‘AI control problem’ and the high likelihood of Artificial Intelligence becoming out of control, why AI security parameters will not be enough to contain Artificial General Intelligence, why humans cannot even comprehend the kinds of threats AI could pose, the coming danger of AI becoming increasingly a part of warfare, why advanced Artificial Intelligence will pose a threat to humans no matter who builds it, the danger of AI replacing labour and ending economics as we know it, the race by big tech companies to create the ‘best’ AI while they have no concrete plan to control their creation, and much more.
FOLLOW US ON ALL OF OUR PLATFORMS: On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to the Co-Host of Redacted Natali Morris. In the interview she slams US foreign policy as having nothing to do with respect for life and discusses the Ukraine proxy war and continued US support for Zelensky, the US-backed Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, the increasing censorship against alternative news sources such as Redacted as corporate media seeks a total monopoly on narratives, crumbling infrastructure in the United States and much more.
FOLLOW US ON ALL OF OUR PLATFORMS: On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to Award-Winning Foreign Correspondent and author of ‘Soldiers Don’t Go Mad’, Charles Glass. He discusses his new book focussing on soldier poets of World War One such as Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen, who recounted the horror and trauma of war through poetry, whether World War 3 has begun as the Gaza genocide and Ukraine proxy war wage on, the New York Times’ restrictions on reporting on Palestine and their ‘abysmal’ reporting on Gaza, the widespread support for a Palestinian state in the US which is ignored by Congress and the political establishment, why Julian Assange is being persecuted by the USA and UK and why he is the ‘bravest man he has ever met’, his visit to Belmarsh Prison and the state of Julian Assange’s health, his campaign to jointly sue the former Head of the CIA Mike Pompeo for bugging his cellphones when visiting Julian Assange, the failure of Israeli propaganda as their rhetoric contradicted reality on the ground in Gaza, the perilous future for the Middle East with the Gaza genocide still raging and Iran-Israel tensions at an all-time high, President Joe Biden’s hypocrisy on Iran responding to the Damascus embassy bombing by Israel, and much more.